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Weight Watchers Point System anyone?

cruising mickey

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I am not counselling disaster or bad habits Tracey. But don't feel like you cannot ever eat out. Just choose carefully and plan ahead. Be aware that the weight is easier to lose when you have more than a few pounds to go. Once our bodies get close to goal the body doesn't want to see any more of it leave and the process gets a little more difficult. You may be the same as me- using any weekly points is not what my body wants. If I go into the allowance, I usually gain. And that is only using a few. I know that exercise is the key and I must get back to it again, but keep finding excuses.


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You're right Nikki, it's supposed to be a plan for living, not dieting. The 2 times I've eaten out on WW I planned ahead and stuck to the plan, but felt like I was missing out. I need to change my perception of eating out, it doesn't have to mean pigging out. And remind myself that not every meal is going to be fantastic. It's just food, just a way to refuel my body. That dessert isn't going to make me feel better. Losing the weight will. But if I plan the dessert into my points, that's fine. Sorry, I feel like I'm all over the place in my thinking! lol

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I am not counselling disaster or bad habits Tracey. But don't feel like you cannot ever eat out. Just choose carefully and plan ahead. Be aware that the weight is easier to lose when you have more than a few pounds to go. Once our bodies get close to goal the body doesn't want to see any more of it leave and the process gets a little more difficult. You may be the same as me- using any weekly points is not what my body wants. If I go into the allowance, I usually gain. And that is only using a few. I know that exercise is the key and I must get back to it again, but keep finding excuses.




If ActiveLink is available to you I strongly recommend it to you. It is a constant reminder to move more. I pooh poohed it at first. But now I think of it as BIG BROTHER.. always on duty, always watching. I find myself...when I've spent any significant time lying on my butt saying.

Ivegot to get up and walk or stationary bike or something because that damn thing is there recording my inactivity. It's expensive but well worth it to get your activity points rolling

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If ActiveLink is available to you I strongly recommend it to you. It is a constant reminder to move more. I pooh poohed it at first. But now I think of it as BIG BROTHER.. always on duty, always watching. I find myself...when I've spent any significant time lying on my butt saying.

Ivegot to get up and walk or stationary bike or something because that damn thing is there recording my inactivity. It's expensive but well worth it to get your activity points rolling



That Big Brother is definitely the way to go and just what I need. However, I only need to lose another 12 pounds and I already know it will be slow going. I cannot afford this tool right now and must rely on my body saying that I must keep up the exercise. For the past week, I have been out in the yard, raking, lugging stones and moving furniture. This week our firewood will need to be piled and I will go and walk the golf course with DH. By then my bike should be repaired and I can take a ride very day or walk the treadmill on rainy days. I am going to ask DH to be my ActiveLink and gently remind me to get moving. Need to save money for another cruise.



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Had a great WI this morning. I tracked everything, used only 9 of my weekly points, raked the lawn on 2 separate days, walked on the treadmill for 35 minutes twice, and lost 3.6 pounds. I did leave 3 or 4 points unused one day but decided that doing that occasionally will not do too much harm. I lost 3.6 pounds. Not only that but that put me over my 5 % loss and only 1 pound to make a total of 10 pounds. Next goal is getting that pound and then I am on to the 10% loss. That puts me within 3 pounds of my goal. I know I can do this. Just need to track and exercise. It will be so worth it!!! I am determined to reach lifetime by mid-summer. The next pounds will be harder but I know they will come off.


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Had a great WI this morning. I tracked everything, used only 9 of my weekly points, raked the lawn on 2 separate days, walked on the treadmill for 35 minutes twice, and lost 3.6 pounds. I did leave 3 or 4 points unused one day but decided that doing that occasionally will not do too much harm. I lost 3.6 pounds. Not only that but that put me over my 5 % loss and only 1 pound to make a total of 10 pounds. Next goal is getting that pound and then I am on to the 10% loss. That puts me within 3 pounds of my goal. I know I can do this. Just need to track and exercise. It will be so worth it!!! I am determined to reach lifetime by mid-summer. The next pounds will be harder but I know they will come off.



What a great accomplishment!!! I really believe the less you use of those weekly points the better the chances if a loss (along with activity). Keep up the good work, then you won't feel as guilty rewarding yourself with a special treat because you definitely deserved it! . My WI was yesterday and I was down another 1.6 making my total loss since Jan 8th, 23.6 lbs.

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What a great accomplishment!!! I really believe the less you use of those weekly points the better the chances if a loss (along with activity). Keep up the good work, then you won't feel as guilty rewarding yourself with a special treat because you definitely deserved it! . My WI was yesterday and I was down another 1.6 making my total loss since Jan 8th, 23.6 lbs.


24 pounds is fantastic! Do you realize that is the size of a turkey that you are no longer carrying on your body? You must be 2 sizes smaller. What a great feeling when you go shopping now!


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I never thought of it in those terms before, that's a great visual, thanks!! I haven't been shopping yet, trying to hold off until we get closer to our cruise, only 34 more days. I've been doing boot camp workouts and I know my body will change. I've decided I'll go shopping in about 25 days. Unfortunately I'll still be in larges or x-lg for shirts. Where everybody told me I would lose it first, I didn't!! Yes, my clothes feel, look and are big but right now it's reassurance that WW and exercise does work.

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Hi everyone

I've been lurking on the boards for a few weeks now. We went on a cruise and returned on March 3rd...I had it all figured out....If I lost 1 lb a week over those next 35 weeks I would be very happy when we take our back to back in November. Well we have been home for 8 and 1/2 weeks and right now I am up 4 lbs and should be down 8.5 so I'm already 12.5 lbs behind. Every day I start out with good intentions and just seem to blow it by the middle of the afternoon.


I have been a lifetime weight watcher's member for about 25 years and right now I would just love to get down to.....what I said I would never get up to......My previous goal weight is so far out of reach that I can't even think about it. I've been doing the online weight watchers (or put it this way...have signed up) but I can't seem to get with it. I'm hoping that now since I am putting myself out there that this will kick me into gear.


I look forward to sharing with everyone and looking to all of you for advice. So, if you will have me I will change from a lurker to a participant.



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Hi Cyndee. Welcome and I am sure that you will find lots of encouragement here. I think of this as quitting smoking or drinking or gambling. Step one is to recognize there is a problem and vow to do something about it. The first step is always the hardest and you have done that already. Set some small goal for yourself that is achievable. It may only be tracking everything that you eat for a single day. Once you do that, set another small goal. Perhaps something like losing 3-5 pounds. When you have accomplished that, maybe you can decide to walk partway around a block. I am sure you get the idea. You did not put the weight on in a single month and won't lose it that fast either. Try not to get discouraged. Discouragement means more pounds. We are here for you and will try to help.

I am thankful that I lost last week because I finally got around to doing my measurements. Let me tell you- it was a real shock! It allowed me to understand what I am up against and now I have 2 calculations that I can set my progress against. I am not going to measure again until I have lost another 5 pounds. I hope that that sets my mind at ease. If not then I will measure again after the next 5 pounds. As I have said this is a lifetime program. I heard a saying the other day that seems to fit this program perfectly, and it will become my mantra from now on.



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Hi Cyndee, welcome. Glad you came out of lurkdom. I think you'll definitely find support here. I agree with Nikki, start with just tracking everything you eat, not necessarily trying to lose weight. You'll get an idea of when you're eating and what you need to work on. Then the tracking is like a game, how do I most want to spend my points? Don't get down on yourself because you're behind where you want to be, it just makes it worse. Try to think of being the healthiest you can be for your B2B, not setting yourself up for failure by insisting that you weigh a certain amount at that time.

I hope you can feel better about yourself and stop being so hard on yourself. Hang in there!


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Thanks Nikki and Tracy. Tomorrow I am all about starting my day fresh and maybe just stopping to think first before I react to my surroundings. I will check in and see where everyone is at later in the weekend.


Looking forward to making it a positive day...one at a time.

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Looking forward to making it a positive day...one at a time.



That is the attitude that will get you started and allow you to carry on. Good Luck, we are pulling for your success! Remember this is all about the journey not the destination.


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Hey Cyndee!! Welcome and thanks for sharing your story! I'm fairly new to this thread myself and even though I may not comment all the time I'm secretly hoping that everyone has a success story. Tracy and Nikki are right, tracking is the key!!! Tracy stated it best as this is like any other addiction whereas support is very important! I've quit caffeine and smoking and by far losing weight has been the toughest and longest one! I'm there in the zone and know that between tracking and working out the weight does come off.


Nikki, you are so on target when you said this is a journey not a destination! I've learned not only about food, nutrition and health, but something more deeper and personal about myself, which is why I know I will be successful in meeting my goal weight!


Happy Friday!

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Keep that positive attitude Cyndee! You'll find lots of support here. And lmags, loved your post.


Up .4 at WI this morning. I really didn't expect good news after the crazy big loss last week, so am not surprised. I'm keeping my attitude up and staying on plan. Average it out, and it's a 2.5 loss for each of the last 2 weeks. I'll take it!

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Hi everyone! My friend and I just went back to WW. I am lifetime but unfortunately far from my goal :(. Menopause hit and it's been ugly. I lost 6.6 my first week so I'm on my way! I realize I have a lot to lose but I have to take it a day at a time. I want to be healthier and feel better!

Edited by rlkubi
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Hi Everyone!


Is it cheating that I have changed my goal weight? I started out with a goal weight of what I use to weigh 10 years ago. I have lost 30 lbs and feel great! I don't think I need to lose 20 more lbs. I'm pretty happy where I am now. Sure, more would be great. But I'll take the 30lbs. My pants are too baggy and I need to go shopping this weekend.


So I adjusted my goal weight to be at the top of what is a healthy weight for me. Now I only have 3 lbs to go! It's not cheating, right?

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Hi Everyone!


Is it cheating that I have changed my goal weight? I started out with a goal weight of what I use to weigh 10 years ago. I have lost 30 lbs and feel great! I don't think I need to lose 20 more lbs. I'm pretty happy where I am now. Sure, more would be great. But I'll take the 30lbs. My pants are too baggy and I need to go shopping this weekend.


So I adjusted my goal weight to be at the top of what is a healthy weight for me. Now I only have 3 lbs to go! It's not cheating, right?



Whatever goal weigh you set is what you know will be your best weight health and appearance wise. You are in charge of this and know what is best for you. I have a bit of a problem with the weights that WW sets because it seems to be solely based on BMI. Everyone is different, but BMI does not take into consideration how much muscle that you may have converted doing exercise. Muscle weighs twice as much as fat and allows your weight to be higher while still maintaining a good appearance and more importantly, good health. Nothing is cheating and you know when you feel your best. Also 10 years added to your age is another consideration. You have done an awesome job and your clothing proves it.

Welcome to rlkubi. Over 6 pound loss is great, and more importantly, you have the right attitude.


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Boy leave you girls alone for a couple of days and everyone comes out of the woodwork....I am going to love this board. Tracy Nikki and Imags......you really know how to encourage. I so look forward to your posts. It has been a tough weekend as we had several unexpected things pop up and I am not strong enough yet to resist. On that note I think I am going to go and actually join weight watchers here locally today. I need that accountability I believe at this point in my journey.


rlkubi - changing your goal weight is actually very smart as you and your body are not the same person you were 10 years ago. It has been twenty five plus years since I became a lifetime member and, if you can believe it, I only had 12 lbs to lose when I became a lifetime. Then I got married, for the 2nd time (20 lbs after 5 years) and quit smoking along the way after 15 years (40 lbs) and now just throw in a few more lbs for kicks and you have my life. If I ever get close to that goal weight again I will definitely be changing it to something that is way more realistic for my age. I've been close one time but just didn't seem to make it. I believe that you can change it once as long as it is still in your range.


Have a fabulous week everyone and stay as close to plan as you can. Life happens every day...I just have to realize that I don't need to react and to stay strong. Let's have a great week and all be proud to report in later on this week.



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Happy Monday all. For the first time in ages, I didn't use a single one of my weekly allowance points. I also worked in the yard and we took the peddle boat out on the lake for a half hour last night. There better be encouraging numbers on the scale this week.


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Happy Monday all. For the first time in ages, I didn't use a single one of my weekly allowance points. I also worked in the yard and we took the peddle boat out on the lake for a half hour last night. There better be encouraging numbers on the scale this week.





I so wish you lots of luck this week! It can be frustrating when you do the right thing only to not see it in the numbers.

So, I am down 2.4 this week! This boot camp workout is a killer. But, I'm feeling stronger (more sore) and more important, thinner!!! Fight the good fight everybody! Get that energy level up and you'll keep seeing the weight come off.

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