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Weight Watchers Point System anyone?

cruising mickey

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Way to go with the wings Kerri. I don't know if I would have the willpower to stop after 2 so I don't even try them.

I have been busy getting ready for a formal tea party tomorrow. I baked on Sunday, and put together sandwich fillings this afternoon. Most are low fat, and because they all get cut into quarters, they won't do too much damage if I only partake of a couple of the sandwiches and limit myself to 1 or 2 of the sweets. I am looking forward to this and so are the invitees. This is a fun way to get together, have a chat, eat a bit and not blow a healthy eating plan. And it is after my WI.


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Way to go with the wings Kerri. I don't know if I would have the willpower to stop after 2 so I don't even try them.

I have been busy getting ready for a formal tea party tomorrow. I baked on Sunday, and put together sandwich fillings this afternoon. Most are low fat, and because they all get cut into quarters, they won't do too much damage if I only partake of a couple of the sandwiches and limit myself to 1 or 2 of the sweets. I am looking forward to this and so are the invitees. This is a fun way to get together, have a chat, eat a bit and not blow a healthy eating plan. And it is after my WI.


Your party sounds like fun. Have a great time.

I think the best sandwiches are the ones someone else has made. I love the old fashioned ham salad or cream cheese ones at wedding showers.

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Way to go with the wings Kerri. I don't know if I would have the willpower to stop after 2 so I don't even try them.

I have been busy getting ready for a formal tea party tomorrow. I baked on Sunday, and put together sandwich fillings this afternoon. Most are low fat, and because they all get cut into quarters, they won't do too much damage if I only partake of a couple of the sandwiches and limit myself to 1 or 2 of the sweets. I am looking forward to this and so are the invitees. This is a fun way to get together, have a chat, eat a bit and not blow a healthy eating plan. And it is after my WI.





A tea party! What a wonderful idea! What did you fill your sandwiches with? I'm always looking out for new ways for food.


OTHER, I missed my weigh in yesterday as I was driving my daughters car back from the university (10 hours). Now she is over in Argentina for a couple of weeks while I try and work off the B-que chips and three frosted doughnuts I had during my ride. This gives me a week to work off the damage I did!





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Hi Laura,:) I went to the WW store and my team leader was there

and she said it doesn't have to be water...that 6 glasses a day

of Crystal Light would be fine. We talked for a few minutes.

I also bought a scale and a spiral notebook....


Hi Lois,


Just wondering how your first week went on WW, hope your doing well with the program:)

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Hi Lois,


Just wondering how your first week went on WW, hope your doing well with the program:)


Hi Laura....not even a pound......:rolleyes:...so I would say not too well.

I had my meeting last night. She said she wants everyone to lose 2

pounds by next meeting.....not sure if that is going to happen or not:eek:

(She, meaning the team leader)......

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Hi Laura....not even a pound......:rolleyes:...so I would say not too well.

I had my meeting last night. She said she wants everyone to lose 2

pounds by next meeting.....not sure if that is going to happen or not:eek:

(She, meaning the team leader)......


Oh, no Lois:( did you follow the plan? maybe next weigh in will better, still rooting for you:) Did you drink your crystal light? remember you have to drink enough fluids, especially water. I know any diet plan is not easy but I know you can do this!! Check in again soon:)

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Oh, no Lois:( did you follow the plan? maybe next weigh in will better, still rooting for you:) Did you drink your crystal light? remember you have to drink enough fluids, especially water. I know any diet plan is not easy but I know you can do this!! Check in again soon:)


Hi Laura, I followed it as much as I can....I guess if I don't get to 26

every day it won't work:rolleyes:.....yes, I have been drinking. I forgot we

have Ice Cold water at work (from a machine) and that tastes

ok.....I bought a 20 ounce glass (plastic) and have been drinking

during the day....figure 4 or 5 of those are alot. But, no have not

lost much of anything:(


Thanks for the support.

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Hi Laura, I followed it as much as I can....I guess if I don't get to 26

every day it won't work:rolleyes:.....yes, I have been drinking. I forgot we

have Ice Cold water at work (from a machine) and that tastes

ok.....I bought a 20 ounce glass (plastic) and have been drinking

during the day....figure 4 or 5 of those are alot. But, no have not

lost much of anything:(


Thanks for the support.


Sometimes the weight loss does not happen right away for some people, give it a chance and see how it goes next week, and try to get those 26 points in, even if it is 25 points I would think you would still lose the weight. Whatever please do not give up, it will work:) don't get discouraged. I betcha you lose something next meeting.


Have a good evening:)

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DH had his men's golf league this evening. So I had the first of my 3 ladies tea parties. We had a salad with greens, mandarin orange slices, toasted almonds and coconut, and dried cherries with a sesame oil dressing. Finger sandwiches- salmon pinwheels, curried chicken, egg salad, roast beef w horseradish, cucumber rounds and cream cheese with kaluha. Sweets consisted of brownie bites, apricot balls, lemon tarts and chocolate chip and coconut scones. I also made chocolate dipped strawberries. The tea was almond -coconut-macaroon. It was delicious! After we devoured the food and the tea, we finished off a pitcher of white sangria. What lot of prep, but it was fun! I have 2 more scheduled before the end of June.

I counted my points and with my green smoothie this morning, I had 29 points today. So 3 already for my weekly allowance. I





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I made goal today!!!!!:D:D:D



Congratulations!!!!!! I am picturing lots of floating balloons, cheering from all on this thread and reward stickers everywhere. Way to go!!!!


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Up 2.3 at WI this morning. I'm not surprised, I had problems with peanut butter all week, and was out to dinner with friends last night. My food wasn't great, and I had 2 Cosmos. I really needed to blow off some steam, and that's the result. It is what it is, and I'm moving on, back to program. I know this can happen, and I just need to recover from it an get back on track.

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Up 2.3 at WI this morning. I'm not surprised, I had problems with peanut butter all week, and was out to dinner with friends last night. My food wasn't great, and I had 2 Cosmos. I really needed to blow off some steam, and that's the result. It is what it is, and I'm moving on, back to program. I know this can happen, and I just need to recover from it an get back on track.


Hang in there. One day at a time. We have all been up by 2lbs at some point. It will come off. Just get moving! That's what I do when I've over indulged. Fight back at it!

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Good attitude about what has happened, Tracey. As long as we don't let the old way slide back in, another week or so to reach goal is not going to make a difference in the long run. And we are all in this for the long run. I am sure that there will be a gain for me next WI as well. However, that just will make me more determined to fight back for the next one.


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Is it OK if I join in? I've browsed over the posts since the end of April. Ya'll are such a great encouragement to each other.


I'll tell you about myself. My name is Kelly. I've struggled with my weight since jr. high. I've joined WW on and off since 1993, never reaching my goal. In the summer of 2008 I decided I needed to get a grip and get healthy, but was embarrassed to go back to WW for the 5th time, and decided I could do it on my own. I spent 7 months trying, and did lost about 14 lbs.


My husband joined WW in Jan. '09, and in Feb. '09 I joined him and spent 2 years and 8 months on my journey to goal, and lost an additional 86 lbs. So I've lost about 100 lbs. And now I'm a leader for WW. It's been almost 2 years since I started working there.


I've found staying at goal is just as much work as getting there was. I'm still learning all kinds of things about myself and am in it for life. We are going on an 11 night cruise in November, and I'm working hard to lose a few "cushion pounds" for that trip. Ideally I'd like to lose 8; realistically I'm hoping for 4 or 5. I have 167 days to do that :)


Anyway....that's me in a nutshell. I look forward to getting to know you ladies, too.

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Is it OK if I join in? I've browsed over the posts since the end of April. Ya'll are such a great encouragement to each other.


I'll tell you about myself. My name is Kelly. I've struggled with my weight since jr. high. I've joined WW on and off since 1993, never reaching my goal. In the summer of 2008 I decided I needed to get a grip and get healthy, but was embarrassed to go back to WW for the 5th time, and decided I could do it on my own. I spent 7 months trying, and did lost about 14 lbs.


My husband joined WW in Jan. '09, and in Feb. '09 I joined him and spent 2 years and 8 months on my journey to goal, and lost an additional 86 lbs. So I've lost about 100 lbs. And now I'm a leader for WW. It's been almost 2 years since I started working there.


I've found staying at goal is just as much work as getting there was. I'm still learning all kinds of things about myself and am in it for life. We are going on an 11 night cruise in November, and I'm working hard to lose a few "cushion pounds" for that trip. Ideally I'd like to lose 8; realistically I'm hoping for 4 or 5. I have 167 days to do that :)


Anyway....that's me in a nutshell. I look forward to getting to know you ladies, too.


Hi Kelly:)....you had replied to one of my posts over on the fashion


I want to ask you something.....so, every day, you write down

everything you eat, weigh every piece of food and if the points

don't show on the outside of whatever you are eating, you use the

point calculator for every item?

Or since you are a longtime member, you know all this stuff without

doing any of the above items?

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Hi Kelly:)....you had replied to one of my posts over on the fashion


I want to ask you something.....so, every day, you write down

everything you eat, weigh every piece of food and if the points

don't show on the outside of whatever you are eating, you use the

point calculator for every item?

Or since you are a longtime member, you know all this stuff without

doing any of the above items?


Hi Lois,


Yes, I track and measure portions every day. Mostly I measure my portions on the WW food scale since it measures food in points values.


I know what happens when I quit doing those things....I regain weight plus some because they bring friends with them to party when they come back :rolleyes: So this time I went into the journey knowing I wouldn't do anything while losing that I wasn't willing to do for life. So I track.


It really isn't as tedious as when I first joined 4+ years ago. It's now just part of what I do. And it's worth it to me to maintain my weight...or right now try to lose. On those days I don't feel like doing it, I tell myself, "You only have to track on the days you want to lose or maintain your loss." Well, that's every day, so I track lol. I track in the 3 month journal and eTools. The journal lives on my counter, and when I get on the computer, I just put the stuff in there. Most things are either in my favorites or recently added or the recipe builder, so it's easy to just drag and drop. I love eTools to do the math for me when I have more than 1 servings, but I'm a paper/pen kind of girl at heart. I also eat all of the 49 every single week, and did that right from the start. I knew I wouldn't be happy on the minimum points for the rest of my life, so used the points allowance from the start and still use them to this day (at that time it was a different program and the minimum was 18). I think the 49 WPA is what makes this plan livable for me because I don't want to give up half and half in my coffee, or wine, or mixed drinks or ice cream or or or lol.


Many lifetime members don't. They've learned how to live and can do it without the boundaries of tracking. Me, I don't do well without those boundaries. So everybody is different.


I also still attend a meeting every Thursday morning as a member. I take my weight record and get weighed in and sit in the meeting and participate like a member, even though I work there, too. I'm the only one of my co-workers that still attend meetings on a regular basis.

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Is it OK if I join in? I've browsed over the posts since the end of April. Ya'll are such a great encouragement to each other.


I'll tell you about myself. My name is Kelly. I've struggled with my weight since jr. high. I've joined WW on and off since 1993, never reaching my goal. In the summer of 2008 I decided I needed to get a grip and get healthy, but was embarrassed to go back to WW for the 5th time, and decided I could do it on my own. I spent 7 months trying, and did lost about 14 lbs.


My husband joined WW in Jan. '09, and in Feb. '09 I joined him and spent 2 years and 8 months on my journey to goal, and lost an additional 86 lbs. So I've lost about 100 lbs. And now I'm a leader for WW. It's been almost 2 years since I started working there.


I've found staying at goal is just as much work as getting there was. I'm still learning all kinds of things about myself and am in it for life. We are going on an 11 night cruise in November, and I'm working hard to lose a few "cushion pounds" for that trip. Ideally I'd like to lose 8; realistically I'm hoping for 4 or 5. I have 167 days to do that :)


Anyway....that's me in a nutshell. I look forward to getting to know you ladies, too.


The part about staying at goal being as hard as getting there IS SO TRUE. Got to goal the third time in May 2004 and decided that my journey was NOT over that time. Started working for WW as a receptionist that fall and put in a great eight years not for the money but to keep myself in line.


Now fully retired in 13 and still attending my weekly meeting on Sunday at 7:45 AM and STILL tracking, using AL for activity and AT GOAL


Thanks for sharing your inspiring success story



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Welcome, Kelly. I am also one who must track everything if I expect the plan to work for me. I am unable to use much of the weekly allowance while I am trying to lose. It seems to be too much for my body to handle and there is a gain if I use only a small portion of it. My hope is that after I reach goal and maintain long enough to become Lifetime, that I will be able to use more of the 49 points. I am going to need that if I intend to stay at my healthy weight for the rest of my life. It is unrealistic to expect to give up wine, cake, ice cream or cheese forever. I can do that in the short term but it will not happen in the long term.

Congrats on losing that weight! You must be feeling so much better now.


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