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Magic Trans (boy it's a big ocean) Atlantic Review


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The evening of our first night at sea was also the first Formal Night. I must say I was happily surpirsed at the number of fellow floaters who dressed up. Many, like our Table mates and new friends Mike and his Dad Pat looked quite spiffy in their Tuxedos!



Carnival Magic Transatlantic Canon Elf 115 by capndinghy, on Flickr


Formal Night is also (one of many many) an opportunity to get a formal photograph taken. Although Pat and I seldom partake, we decided to have one taken for Posterity. (In other words, so the kids can see us hanging on the wall looking down at them as the spend their inheritance.) So we sprang the (outragious) $22.00 for a formal portrait.

I mean for $22 I could get 2 drinks!



Chuck and Pat Formal Portrait2 by capndinghy, on Flickr


Lobster was the main treat for dinner and I must say that contrary to what other reviews may say, the Lobster was prepared perfectly! It was perhaps the best I have ever eaten. I was amazed at how tender it was. I wonder if these little guys came from South Africa of what?


Carnival Magic Transatlantic Canon Elf 117 by capndinghy, on Flickr


I always enjoy formal nights. Everone is all spruced up and on their best behavior. As you can see my beautiful wife Pat was looking forward to her Lobster!


Carnival Magic Transatlantic Canon Elf 116 by capndinghy, on Flickr



After Dinner everyone retired back to Ron's Piano Bar for more fun. Later on that night about 3 AM we were awaked by a big noise and the whole ship shuddered. I have it on good arthority that we had suffered an engine (generator) failure, very simillar to the failure of Splendor fame. We are very fortunatel that there was no fire. No mention was made, or has been made of this problem. We continued on across the ocean on 3 engine (generators) driving our 2 propulsion units.

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Thanks for a fantastic picture of my lovely wife and I, looking so happy and for your praise and gratitude. What's that Mike doing, eh, with the attention of all those glamorous babes? Keep it coming Chuck, loving it!:)



Tim, your parties were surely the highlight of the cruise. Never have so few (you) done so much for so many (us). :-) As to Mike..you know how that 'kind' is..the girls just flock to them! You can see everyone was having a great time.

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Hi JanBGa -

I am glad you are enjoying my slowly evolving photo journal. I appreciate your comments and yes I agree everyone we met was just great!


Is this the fellow of many hats? (Not the skinny guy in his King Crown)

I could tell that your dining table was the centerof excitement almost every evening. I think I may have to sign up for one of his cruises one of the days myself! :D




Guttersnipes Rock by capndinghy, on Flickr



Yes, that's our Aussie friend from downunder, Storm'n Norman ! You might want to consider JH's Bloggers

cruise on the Magic next March. Should be quite a party, and pretty sure Storm'n Norman will be on-board.

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Just a quick note to tell you that I am truly enjoying reading your posts and love how honest you are about everything...


I knew it was Storm'n Norman as soon as you described him, and as I have never met him, but heard so much about him, how can anyone tell him he is not welcome anywhere???


I am so glad you had a good time and looking forward to the rest of your review as my husband really wants to do the Transatlantic on the Breeze and I am so afraid of 5 straight days at sea... Please do tell/continue.... what do you do with sooooooooo many straight days at sea without going crazy or losing too much money in the casino????


Again, thanks so much for the great review, looking forward to more of your writing...

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Just a quick note to tell you that I am truly enjoying reading your posts and love how honest you are about everything...


I knew it was Storm'n Norman as soon as you described him, and as I have never met him, but heard so much about him, how can anyone tell him he is not welcome anywhere???


Please do tell/continue.... what do you do with sooooooooo many straight days at sea without going crazy or losing too much money in the casino????


Again, thanks so much for the great review, looking forward to more of your writing...


Hi Elaine:

Thank you for your kind words. It turns out Norm is just as friendly in person as his photos suggest. I still do not understand why he was 'banished'.


As to the many sea days and casino. Let me put it this way. I am afraid to ask the wife what the Casino 'Score' was. It is ugly no doubt! ;)


I will be relating sea days in the near future. But if one is basically lazy...it's a snap!

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The following 6 days would slowly take us across the wide expanse of the Atlantic. I am not a experienced nautical person so I hesitate to comment on something I really know nothing about. To me an Atlantic crossing is about 5 hours in my Boeing 767 from Gander to Ireland, and making sure my navigation is exact on the North Atlantic Track System . On a ship I am sure it is a bit different. I did notice we were making an constant 20 knots on our crossing. I suspect this was to make our arrival in Freeport which is about 300 miles further down track than Grand Turk.


Carnival Magic Transatlantic Canon Elf 126 by capndinghy, on Flickr


Since we had changed our course directly to Freeport rather than Grand Turk our Track was about 180 miles further north. We would encounter 'weather' for much of the trip. We never really entered any Storms..but did transverst rain showers, some wind, and at times big swells. I suspect this is all part of Ocean Travel. The ship would constantly roll back and forth. If you look at the photo below you can see how the Horizon is 'tilted' as the ship rolled to the Left.


Carnival Transatlantic Voyage 082 by capndinghy, on Flickr


I never did see anyone sea sick, although there were probably a few folks affected with Mal d Mer. Instead there was another Illness sweeping the ship. Almost everyone had a cough, sore throat, congestion, and generally feeling bad. I would indeed call it a Epidemic. Smart people stayed away from the Clinic..becuase they were quaranteening people. For most part everyon just suffered until it passed in a few days. Some folks discovered that ample amounts of jello shots did wonders!


Carnival Magic Transatlantic Canon Elf 068 by capndinghy, on Flickr


As a result of the 'inclimate' (well maybe not for the Atlantic Ocean) weather very few people were outside taking advatage of the many out door activities available. As a result there was a shortage of seating on the inside along the promenade, at the Ocean Plaza and various seating areas. Also there were a lot of 'senior citizens (at age 63 I guess I qualify) aboard who preferred to be inside. There was a shortage of seating. However once the weather improved I did notice more folks outside and not such a seat shortage. Also, on a regualar Caribbean Run where the Magic will sail, I suspect most guests will be outside soaking up the Rays and competing in the Drunken Hairy Chest Contest!


_DSC0326 by capndinghy, on Flickr

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Just a quick note to tell you that I am truly enjoying reading your posts and love how honest you are about everything...


I knew it was Storm'n Norman as soon as you described him, and as I have never met him, but heard so much about him, how can anyone tell him he is not welcome anywhere???


I am so glad you had a good time and looking forward to the rest of your review as my husband really wants to do the Transatlantic on the Breeze and I am so afraid of 5 straight days at sea... Please do tell/continue.... what do you do with sooooooooo many straight days at sea without going crazy or losing too much money in the casino????


Again, thanks so much for the great review, looking forward to more of your writing...



Is it okay to answer questions from my perspective in your review? I didn't know if that was poor etiquette, but I would love to give my response to what we did every day for 6 days at sea.... we were definitely NOT bored!


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We're booked on a transpacific next yr and I opened this to get an idea of what it's like having ALL those at sea days. Sounds like you had a great time~ and I got the unexpected benefit of seeing photos of Spain and the Canaries.... happy sigh. We were there in March on RCCL (and it is such a beautiful memory to me especially since my son turned 18 during that cruise, it was our last family trip before he left to join the Coast Guard) I'm digressing!! Typical me! Reading your review makes me want to really get to know people before our transpac cruise- how fun to have a big group like that!! I love how you all made the best of things and found so many ways to have fun and be silly!

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Is it okay to answer questions from my perspective in your review? I didn't know if that was poor etiquette, but I would love to give my response to what we did every day for 6 days at sea.... we were definitely NOT bored!



Carie: You are right! I don't think we ever saw you and your "cabana boy" that you two were not having fun!!! Enjoyed being your table mates. Give our best to mom and Duncan too!

Buddy and Dee Ann

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Is it okay to answer questions from my perspective in your review? I didn't know if that was poor etiquette, but I would love to give my response to what we did every day for 6 days at sea.... we were definitely NOT bored!



Hi Carie,

We also enjoyed this TA cruise, the sea days were marvelous, relaxing and soaking up the sun

on deck and of course meeting such wonderful folks like you and Duncan ! Definitely not boring ! :D


Take care.

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I love your review so far, I can't wait for you to finish the rest of it :)

Love how honest that you are with things, keep it up.


Next year I'll be on the transatlantic on the Breeze, so your review excites me about it a little. hehe.

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I love your review so far, I can't wait for you to finish the rest of it :)

Love how honest that you are with things, keep it up.


Next year I'll be on the transatlantic on the Breeze, so your review excites me about it a little. hehe.


Thank you Lauren for your kind words.....sometimes my outspoken honesty gets me in trouble. I have been "taken to task" for speaking my mind instead of being a "lemming".

You will really enjoy your Breeze cruise!

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Is it okay to answer questions from my perspective in your review? I didn't know if that was poor etiquette, but I would love to give my response to what we did every day for 6 days at sea.... we were definitely NOT bored!



Carie (and anyone else who would like to) please feel free to add your perspective to this "massive missive". The more the merrier!

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Terrific review!!


If it truly was a generator failure, Carnival sure is keeping a lid on it.


Bummer on a new ship......thruster problems.... then generator.


Does anyone have a source to follow up on this?


The thruster problem was some debris picked up in port, the 6000 hp fan in the tunnel tore things up pretty good. Not a warranty event.


I heard the same big bang and shake. I was told that sometimes the direction the ship take the swells and the tremors the waves and wind create combine to make a big bang. I asked a senior officer what happened. He said, basically, the ship, she is over 300 meters and is flexible so sometimes she rings like a bell, only is not a bell.


But, who knows? When the ships burn bunker oil, or almost crude, there is more gasoline in it than more carefully fractioned diesel fuel, and there are from time to time crankcase explosions, although I doubt this happened on the Carnival Magic on the TA. The ship was running 20 to 21 knots into a 40-48 knot wind, and it takes all of the generators to do that.

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The thruster problem was some debris picked up in port, the 6000 hp fan in the tunnel tore things up pretty good. Not a warranty event.


I heard the same big bang and shake. I was told that sometimes the direction the ship take the swells and the tremors the waves and wind create combine to make a big bang. I asked a senior officer what happened. He said, basically, the ship, she is over 300 meters and is flexible so sometimes she rings like a bell, only is not a bell.


But, who knows? When the ships burn bunker oil, or almost crude, there is more gasoline in it than more carefully fractioned diesel fuel, and there are from time to time crankcase explosions, although I doubt this happened on the Carnival Magic on the TA. The ship was running 20 to 21 knots into a 40-48 knot wind, and it takes all of the generators to do that.


[size="3"The person who told me about the (generator) failure told me he had been told about it by USCG personnel. I guess we all heard the same bang and shake. So I really don't know Bill. What you say does make sense ie Heavy seas and High Speed.


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One thing I noticed, and was somewhat surprised by, large number of Mobility Scooters on board. I am aware that some people are indeed disabled and these great devices open up the world to them.


Magic Canon Elf Photos 042 by capndinghy, on Flickr


I seemed to me that as time passed there were more and more of Mobiity Scooters zipping past. Then I noticed many were rented; available for rental onboard. That is when I realized that quite a few folks zooming by running over toes, feet, and limbs were simply obese and looked to me just too lazy to walk! I watched one rather large lady park her scooter, get up and dash into the lady's room. I guess she really had to go..becuase she sure could move fast for a cripple!



Magic Canon Elf Photos 042-1 by capndinghy, on Flickr







The Magic is a brand new ship that has only been in service since this summer. Every Elevator had damge on the back wall where Mobility Scooters had Collided at rather high speed with the wall causing dents, cracks, and damage.


Elevator Door by capndinghy, on Flickr


In fact there were replacing the decorative back walls with more “scooter resistant” linings. I would suggest that they use the anti-scooter device I have designed. Also I would suggest some speed limits and perhaps a Scooter Drunk Driving Program as well.


Elevator Door Stop Sign by capndinghy, on Flickr

I will say this. I looked to me like it was a lot easier to drive a scooter around than to walk on the rocking and rolling ship's deck.


One would think that with 6 days at sea one would get bored. Most people I talked with really enjoyed the long stretch of days at sea.


Magic Transatlantic Voyage 035 by capndinghy, on Flickr


Even with the inclimate (I hate to use the word bad, because it really wasn't that bad) weather people found lots of different ways to amuse themselves. Our group would meet every afternoon for a game of chance. This was our little way of thumbing noses at the Casino. We had a great time rolling the dice in Left-Right-Center and cheering. Lets face it, it is fun seeing a big pile of money and dice rolling!



Magic Transatlantic Voyage 028 by capndinghy, on Flickr

I was surprised that “Guido” did not show up insisting he be cut in for a piece of the action!

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