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Toned Arms & Shoulders....


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Since I'm the "Mom" that Anita Latte has used for reference in several of her comments, I thought I'd chime in... especially since your above post rang a bell deep within me.


First, let me tell you that I've got 10 yrs on your age, so I can relate in a very big way to not only your sentiments about exercise but also about spaghetti strap dresses!


The bit about having the "Problem" of the exercise location being 20 minutes away... let me speak to that! When I was involved with only strength training, (and I did a very challenging, rigorous routine for a number of years that I credit for taking me away from the brink of an approaching obesity due to a thyroid condition... so I'm grateful for the time I spent in the gym doing that!)... anyway... when I HAD to go to strength training, I literally had to "turn off my mind." Literally. I couldn't even allow the tiniest little thought to enter my mind about whether or not I really wanted to go to the gym. Because the truth of the matter is that I didn't want to go to the gym, and if I allowed myself to THINK ABOUT IT, then I would come up with an excuse to NOT GO! I think the reason is that my feelings were that I HAD to go.


Now, fast forward to being introduced to Zumba. I'm not going to lie and tell you that I loved Zumba from the first moment that my sneakers hit the floor, from the first note that was played. No way. When I started Zumba, I thought that I was going to pass out. Even though I would endure strength training on the machines, I positively hate (and would never endure) any form of cardio equipment: treadmill, bike, elliptical... hate them all. So, my cardio fitness was something that I just allowed to be taken care of with leisurely walking! Needless to say, I wasn't cardio "fit."


Here's an aside: like Anita said, I wear a heart rate monitor. I had to go through some serious research about maximum heart rates during cardio because my heart rate monitor wouldn't register my calorie burn properly... my "max" heart rate was above what the HRM would "allow" so it malfunctioned. If you decide to get a HRM, be sure to get one that relies on your own, individual pulse rates... NOT your birthday! Moving on....


The reason that I continued to go to Zumba was because of love for my daughter. She was on a fitness/health path that I didn't want her to get off of because of a visit from me! I so wanted her to continue with weight loss and I know how HARD it is to motivate yourself to exercise. I didn't want to be the convenient excuse for her to stop and then try to restart, so I went to Zumba with her every time she said she wanted to go. What I didn't know was going to happen is that I got myself to the point where I wasn't continually gasping for air... and I found that I WANTED to go to Zumba when I got home.


Long story. The end result is that my exercise mindset has changed from: I HAVE to go to the gym... to... I WANT to go to Zumba. I will drive 30 minutes to go to a Zumba instructor's class that I love!


I think the truth kernel in this is to find something that you really want to do. If you would LOVE to see your friend, then just go with that mindset until you figure out whether Zumba is right for you or you need to keep looking.


(P.S. If you want me to tell you how to turn Zumba into a more toning experience, then I can do that for you. But, I've finished my coffee and I think I've talked too much already!).



Thank you so much for chiming in with your story! Both you and your daughter have so much to be proud of. I don't know if Zumba will be my ultimate 'answer' but I intend to find out. If it doesn't work, I'll continue to seek out something that does. The reality is at almost 50 I need a regular exercise regime to keep the fat and gravity at bay!


I can't help but wish I hadn't gotten so lazy and allowed myself to get into this shape in the first place! <SIGH!>

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Now if only someone could tell me how to LOVE exercise


I never really got into watching tv while working out. For me, I need music. Loud, bass pumping, get into it, music. :D If you're interested, they have great workout music here. The CDs are usually 60 minutes, of non-stop evenly paced music. There are a lot of different genres too. Broadway, disco, oldies, Top 40 etc. Great stuff. :)


Speaking of the tricep push up and arm circles, I use a fitness ball. Put the ball on the wall about shoulder height and place palms flat on the surface with arms straight out from the shoulders. Feet should be slightly back so you are leaning forward. Bend the arms, keeping your elbows right along side your body. Works triceps, but also works other muscles for stabilization.


The ball is also good for arm circles. Use one arm at a time, lean into the ball with a straight arm, and make small circles with the fitness ball. Thiis works the deltoids more, which helps in making definition for those sleeveless dresses. :)

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hello all,

teacher 91, I too have almost 10 years on you. The best I can say is find something you can tolerate and stick with it. I wish I had done that when I was your age but it took me until I was in my mid 50's and I saw a Christmas picture if me and couldn't believe my size!

A couple of weeks after that I went with DH to the pool and saw an aqua fit class and said I can do that.....2 days later I was in the pool and have been 3 evenings a week for almost 4 years now.

I take breaks for cruises and other trips but otherwise I won't cancel my aqua fit for anything. I also walk and count calories.

This week I started a body sculpting class and the following day I could barely move but it is something I am thinking...I can do this. So it is hell for leather on this too until the next cruise in April in the hopes I can tighten my tummy tush and arms a bit.

Here are before and after pics. Before was Christmas 2007 and after was going on my first cruise September 2009. 18 month of slow going but to say I loath exercise and love desert and wine I don't think I did too bad and I have managed to keep all but 2lb off.

Sorry I have butted in and rambled on but I wanted to give you an "if I can do it just about anyone can" example.

cheers Heather



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hello all,

teacher 91, I too have almost 10 years on you. The best I can say is find something you can tolerate and stick with it. I wish I had done that when I was your age but it took me until I was in my mid 50's and I saw a Christmas picture if me and couldn't believe my size!

A couple of weeks after that I went with DH to the pool and saw an aqua fit class and said I can do that.....2 days later I was in the pool and have been 3 evenings a week for almost 4 years now.

I take breaks for cruises and other trips but otherwise I won't cancel my aqua fit for anything. I also walk and count calories.

This week I started a body sculpting class and the following day I could barely move but it is something I am thinking...I can do this. So it is hell for leather on this too until the next cruise in April in the hopes I can tighten my tummy tush and arms a bit.

Here are before and after pics. Before was Christmas 2007 and after was going on my first cruise September 2009. 18 month of slow going but to say I loath exercise and love desert and wine I don't think I did too bad and I have managed to keep all but 2lb off.

Sorry I have butted in and rambled on but I wanted to give you an "if I can do it just about anyone can" example.

cheers Heather



Giirrrrrrrrrrl, you didn't 'butt in'. Stories like yours inspires me! You look amazing!! Thanks for taking the time to share your wisdom and encouragement. I try to remind myself 'slow & steady' win the race. :D So, I keep on going even when I don't want to (which is a lot of days!) I did indulge in 'a book reading in my jammies, eat anything that didn't eat me first' on Saturday day, and it seemed to do me good. I was back out 'hitting the road' on Sunday. Right now I'm trying to weigh myself less and just concentrate on counting calories, walking my 5 miles, and doing my arm/shoulder toning exercises. I don't want to get all bogged down in the number on the scale. (We all know that sometimes that is a huge let down even when we are doing our best!) If my clothes fit & look better (and I'm down a size) then that's what I think is the most important. I'd like to be down one more by my birthday, but if that doesn't happen, then hopefully by cruise time! Thanks for taking the time to share your story! I'm sure others will be equally as motivated and inspired! :)

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Good heavens! this could end up being a nice little inspiration thread for those of us that are trying to keep things under control (wobbley arms etc) but wern't born to exercise.


I am going to my 2nd body sculpt class tonight and am already dreading it. If I ache a little less than last week I am going to try to add a yoga class on thursday (mon wed & fri are aquafit), I don't think I could do 2 body sculpts a week.


Teacher 91 thank you for your kind words. I think the slow and steady path is the right one especially when you allow a book feast in now and then. I have been known to curl up for the best past of a week and devour an author and a whole lot of wine and desert.


As for scales, hurumph, I can add 2 lb overnight for no known reason so I only believe them when I register the same weight for 2 weeks solid. You are so right; how I feel, and how my clothes fit is the real indicator of how I am doing.


Now, if only you could tell me what to do with my hair!


:D h.

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I am a little confused on your arm exercises. Are you using one of those huge balls to do them? If so do you have a version of the exercise that doesn't include balls?

I don't really think 3 months of work will get rid of the wobbley bits but any little thing may help.

As an aside, being in my late(ish) 50's my skin doesn't bounce back the way it may have in my earlier years but I have noticed that since I managed to get the extra weight off (2.5 yr ago) the skin on my bat wings has slowly tightened up and doesn't look as bad as when I first lost the weight.

:D h.

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Batwings or bingo arms are caused by excess fat and/or skin in your upper arms. When you raise your arms, gravity lets all the excess everything sag. Unfortunately, you can't spot train and pick where your body will reduce it's fat stores...and even if you have lost weight, depending on the elasticity of your skin, it can take a while for your skin to tighten up to your current shape. Mom read that it can take up to 2 years for your skin to catch up to your weight loss.


To truly deal with your arms and shoulders, you need to reduce your overall body fat percentage to reveal your underlying muscles AND strengthen these muscles to give your arms and shoulders some definition.


I LOVE Zumba! It has been the biggest help for me in losing fat AND also in working out my muscles. For a while, I also did Pilates and this really helped me to wake up my muscles, become more accustomed to using them, and this in turn helped me to better activate them during certain moves in my Zumba classes. I don't do the Pilates right now, but the benefit from doing it remains.


Good Pilates positions to wake up the arm muscles were from the "Table Top" position, which is being on your hands and knees. We did multiple different exercises involving moving one arm and the opposite leg. You'd think that the moving arm was the one that was working out...not so...it's the arm that is supporting all your upper body weight and trying to keep your body steady and still while you move the two limbs that is really getting the work out.


Plank position and reverse plank were also great at waking up the arms/shoulders.


Zumba can use a lot of arm movement and when you focus on purposefully moving your arms and not just swinging them around...you can incorporate some non-resistance strength training into your cardio workout.


This is how you really make a difference. The picture in the following post is pretty old now...but it shows good progress and results:





You look absolutely great! Thank you very much or your post and the link back to the Zumba discussion. I couldn't remember where I had seen it previously. You've inspired me.

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I am a little confused on your arm exercises. Are you using one of those huge balls to do them? If so do you have a version of the exercise that doesn't include balls?

I don't really think 3 months of work will get rid of the wobbley bits but any little thing may help.

As an aside, being in my late(ish) 50's my skin doesn't bounce back the way it may have in my earlier years but I have noticed that since I managed to get the extra weight off (2.5 yr ago) the skin on my bat wings has slowly tightened up and doesn't look as bad as when I first lost the weight.

:D h.


Heather, thank you so much for posting your personal experience with the skin tightening! I am currently doing a bit of a battle finding out ways to help the skin with tightening, because I've had an unexpected weight loss due to Zumba. I did read that it can take as long as 2 years for the skin to tighten, and I was so glad to read that it did for you! Gives me hope!

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Hello Ladies!

We've spent a lot of time talking about and looking at each other's dresses. Many of these are either 'strapless' 'one shouldered' or 'spaghetti strap' styled dresses.


I'd like your BEST tip for getting your arms and shoulders toned and cocktail/formal dress ready.... :D


My vote is for Boot Camp...it incorporates everything into one...and time goes by at the speed of sound when you're in a class. I go to Fit Body Boot Camp and it has changed my attitude about exercise. I've always been active but tend to get bored easily so when I found Boot Camp it was a blessing. Can't get bored if you're doing a different workout every day and none of the exercises lasts longer than a minute. I will say that the first few weeks were brutal...I'm 54 years old and some of those muscles hadn't been pushed that hard in years. :eek: But now I look forward to going and the group dynamic is a definite plus too!

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You look absolutely great! Thank you very much or your post and the link back to the Zumba discussion. I couldn't remember where I had seen it previously. You've inspired me.


Thank YOU! My mindset when I got started doing Zumba was that I needed to stop treating exercise like a short term solution...kind of like a diet mentality, where you think you are going to make a short term change and then somehow maintain with a "maintenance plan" that differs from what you did to make the change in the first place.


I decided that I needed to find something that I could in essence do for the rest of my life. This isn't to say that I'll do Zumba til I die...BUT...this was my mindset. DH's family is full of tennis players...DH included...they LOVE it...it's active...it's something they look forward to doing...make time to do...and I knew I needed to find my OWN tennis...because I don't really like tennis.


Zumba is that for me...it's the thing that I do because I know I need to do something active...and when it's time to do something active...it's definitely what I want to and enjoy doing. It will be a part of my lifestyle. And this is what I know I needed to do...because my short term solutions in the past never amounted to any lasting change.


I'm glad you're inspired. There are great stories on this thread. Somewhere on the Zumba thread is a link to "exercise personality" tests. I remember for one that I am an "Exercise Socialite" and thrive off the company of others when I exercise. I think doing things like that to really help find what your pick to click is can really help to incorporate what needs doing in the everyday.

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ouch ouch ouch!

I did my 2nd Body Sculpt class last night and woke this morning feeling the same as I did last wednesday.....sore all over. The good thing is everyone in the class, and they all have been doing it years it seams, is very encouraging so I guess I will be back next week for more torture. It will get easier...honest.

Cookingchick I think you will remember this feeling from when you started Boot Camp

Member123, It is a slow process, the skin shrinking, but it does get tighter.

Cruisinnancy, I have a couple of Pilates DVD's but find I don't have the will power to do it daily on my own.I have been looking for a class but haven't found one at the right time yet.

It is funny how people treat their bat wings; my sister has the top of her arms covered to hide them,

me, I wear spaghetti straps or strapless with the hope that having no cloth around them they don't attract attention.

You can see the wobbly bits on the far side arm in the pic.

:D h


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hello all,

teacher 91, I too have almost 10 years on you. The best I can say is find something you can tolerate and stick with it. I wish I had done that when I was your age but it took me until I was in my mid 50's and I saw a Christmas picture if me and couldn't believe my size!

A couple of weeks after that I went with DH to the pool and saw an aqua fit class and said I can do that.....2 days later I was in the pool and have been 3 evenings a week for almost 4 years now.

I take breaks for cruises and other trips but otherwise I won't cancel my aqua fit for anything. I also walk and count calories.

This week I started a body sculpting class and the following day I could barely move but it is something I am thinking...I can do this. So it is hell for leather on this too until the next cruise in April in the hopes I can tighten my tummy tush and arms a bit.

Here are before and after pics. Before was Christmas 2007 and after was going on my first cruise September 2009. 18 month of slow going but to say I loath exercise and love desert and wine I don't think I did too bad and I have managed to keep all but 2lb off.

Sorry I have butted in and rambled on but I wanted to give you an "if I can do it just about anyone can" example.

cheers Heather



Awesome. You give me hope. My batwings are turkey wings. I am 61 and am quasi-active. My tummy and arms are my areas of major discontent. Seeing your pictures makes me feel like I can do it. Thank you.


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ouch ouch ouch!

I did my 2nd Body Sculpt class last night and woke this morning feeling the same as I did last wednesday.....sore all over. The good thing is everyone in the class, and they all have been doing it years it seams, is very encouraging so I guess I will be back next week for more torture. It will get easier...honest.

Cookingchick I think you will remember this feeling from when you started Boot Camp

Member123, It is a slow process, the skin shrinking, but it does get tighter.

Cruisinnancy, I have a couple of Pilates DVD's but find I don't have the will power to do it daily on my own.I have been looking for a class but haven't found one at the right time yet.

It is funny how people treat their bat wings; my sister has the top of her arms covered to hide them,

me, I wear spaghetti straps or strapless with the hope that having no cloth around them they don't attract attention.

You can see the wobbly bits on the far side arm in the pic.

:D h


I think you may be on to something. I love SAY YES TO THE DRESS on TLC. Sometimes they run the 'Big Bliss' editions. The Plus Size Gals often look best in strapless dresses. :rolleyes:

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I think you may be on to something. I love SAY YES TO THE DRESS on TLC. Sometimes they run the 'Big Bliss' editions. The Plus Size Gals often look best in strapless dresses. :rolleyes:


I also find personally that I would rather buy the next size up then squish into the smaller one. In the smaller size, I just squish out over the top! :eek:

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Oh tomko2 I spent the first 55 years of my life as a couch potato so I am finding this such hard work.

Stick with it everyone we can beat the bat wings from hell! (and their evil partner the jiggley tummy)

I love this!! Thanks for the laugh I needed it!:p
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I too live about 20 minutes from any kind of gym, so I know what you are talking about.


And, even though I am retired and supposedly have 'plenty' of time, when I do 'go to town', I have lots of other things to do; errands, shopping, helping my elderly mom who no longer drives with her appointments and shopping, etc.


So, adding another hour or so for exercise to my day in town is just tough, especially since most classes are early morning or late afternoon, which doesn't work well for me. Also, I often need to pick up grand kids at school or the bus stop.


So much of it comes down to will power. I have a dedicated exercise room at home and still don't exercise when I should--but I am getting back to it. A few years ago I absolutely never missed exercise 6 days a week, and my weight and shape showed it.


Because of a relatively minor illness (now taken care of) that made exercise difficult, I got out of the exercise habit and have had a hard time getting back to it regularly.


So, I'm trying to get back to a routine, mostly using exercise tapes and walking and I do weights while watching tv as well. Good luck, you can do it.

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Hey teacher91, I was just reading the 'must haves' thread and you mentioned your cruise (your very 1st cruise) is to Alaska so I looked it up and guess what you are stopping where I live....Victoria BC. Hee hee, it always tickles me that it is a destination city.

You will be a long way from Texas giiiirl.:)

Oh and yes a good fit or a little loose is good, otherwise we would have to start worrying about the back rolls tooooo!

We do all realize that on a cruise no one cares what we look like but ourself's...that's important enough for me.


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I found a pilates class for this evening so I will be off there shortly, thanks for the inspiration.

Oops, cancel that. I just spotted a belly fit class so I am off to that instead.

here is the description:



Fusion of movements from fitness, belly dance,

Bollywood, Bhangara, African Dance and more.

Pilates inspired core work and Yoga inspired


Glutton for punishment...thats me ....I eat too much so I have to exercise. Gives that phrase a whole new meaning!

Still sore from tuesday, :eek: h.

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After I retired I started gaining weight so I started Aqua aerobics and then Zumba ( I also love Zumba ) . I've lost 23 lbs. and feel great . I don't wear strapless but living in Florida I wear tons of sleeveless .I'm 65 and for formal nights I have amassed a collection of silk sundresses that I bling up and add a stole if needed .

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Anita, I looked at your before and after pics, and you definitely know what you are talking about. Great arms!! You go girl!!



I think the key is to allow enough time to pass while keeping after it...it can be hard to not be discouraged along the way, because there can be so much time that can pass where it seems like NOTHING is happening...and then BAM...sudden change...


I was fortunate that we booked the cruise next month back in August 2010...it has been serving as my long term goal to keep after it...I tried very hard to not use that as an excuse to procrastinate but instead to give myself permission to actually try to average the one pound per week loss that is recommended. In the past, that didn't seem like it was "good enough" for me...and I would try to do more than that...and ultimately fail...but the fact is, when you have 70 pounds to lose...you just have to resign yourself to the marathon rather than the sprint. :D

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I think the key is to allow enough time to pass while keeping after it...it can be hard to not be discouraged along the way, because there can be so much time that can pass where it seems like NOTHING is happening...and then BAM...sudden change...


I was fortunate that we booked the cruise next month back in August 2010...it has been serving as my long term goal to keep after it...I tried very hard to not use that as an excuse to procrastinate but instead to give myself permission to actually try to average the one pound per week loss that is recommended. In the past, that didn't seem like it was "good enough" for me...and I would try to do more than that...and ultimately fail...but the fact is, when you have 70 pounds to lose...you just have to resign yourself to the marathon rather than the sprint. :D



If you've been waiting for your cruise since August 2010, I bet you are almost beside yourself with excitement! It's almost time!!

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