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Pet Peeves


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I agree with most other's peeves. Now for mine. My peeves include the above mentioned but the biggest is those who judge other people. The most important thing here is if you feel like you look your best in clean clothes, clean hair and polished shoes that is ok with me.




Does that include the John Deere baseball cap at dinner on formal night as long as it's clean? ;)

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T-Shirts are lazy? Really? I have never heard of something like that. I am a t-shirt and jeans kinda girl on the weekends after wearing combat boots all week.


I find t-shirts and jeans can be dressy. The pet peeve I have is people who think t-shirts and jeans are low end items when mine cost over $100 for the jeans and some of my t-shirts also come close to that price. People who think their under $30 "dress shorts" are nicer than my $100 designer denim shorts. Trust me, people can tell cheap brands over expensive brands.


Now my question is for the non t-shirt wearer is what do you where when you exercise? Garden? (Oh you said your husband cuts the grass in his one t-shirt.) People who exercise frequently own and wear t-shirts, athletic shirts to be more precise but are still t-shirts. I wear under armour v-deck athletic t-shirts all the time and in the gym. In fact, I am wearing one right now.


In my opinion, just because something is expensive, it doesn't mean that it's appropriate for certain situations. I was recently eating in an upscale restaurant with a dress code and a prospective patron came in under-dressed. They would not seat him. He made a huge stink and loudly proclaimed, "These jeans are dress jeans, they cost $500!" Uh huh. And they are still jeans which are specifically stated as not allowed in that restaurant.


I agree that often people can tell poorly made over high quality clothing, but the price tag doesn't always indicate one or the other. I've seen very expensive designer clothing that was very poorly made.

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Maybe. LoL. And perhaps I came off too harsh when I did not mean to. I just don't feel t-shirts are lazy or sloppy in itself. I see people in non t-shirts who look lazy and sloppy. It is all about presentation and how you carry yourself. I also don't agree you can not tell male from female in t-shirts. If you can't tell, there are bigger issues than what clothes they have own (with either the person wearing the tshirt or the person judging them).


My family you can tell male from female.


There are different types of "t-shirts."


I agree that the boxy cotton shirts sold in souvenir shops do tend to look sloppy. But there are other types. I wear a lot of plain cotton shirts that have no collar and short sleeves. But the fabric is lighter weight, the neckline scoops, and the shirt is slightly fitted. Still a t-shirt, but not "sloppy." I've also got some silk knit shirts in both long and short sleeves in that style. Certainly not "sloppy."


I think the person who originally mentioned the "t-shirt" was talking about the boxy heavy cotton style that usually has some sort of large design on the front and/or back. And if this is the case, I agree with them, although I do have a handful of them and have been known to go grocery shopping in one now and then. :)

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Please, for the love of all that is holy don't send them to Vickie's. Send them to a corsetry shop. Some place like Mi-Lady or Lady Grace, staffed by two women that are older than Moses' toes and wear the firmest shapewear you ever saw. They call you "Dearie" and take you to a changing room, measure you, and then bring bras to you. And the numbers on the bras don't match the numbers on the tape and they tell you it doesn't matter because "The one that fits is the size you wear". And when you finally step out of the dressing room, after four bras or forty, and the girls are sitting up proud on your chest and the underwire doesn't dig and you wonder WHAT TOOK SO LONG. And then they ring you up and it's $235 for three bras (if you're lucky!).


THAT is where they need to go.


Eh, it depends. Some of VS's bras aren't the best unless you're under 25 and gravity hasn't set in yet, but others are fantastic. The key is being able to look at yourself in the mirror objectively and tell when something isn't right for you. The VS IPEX bra fits me better and looks much better under clothing (on me) than the bras I got from the specialty bra store--yes, with the ladies older than Moses. It gives me the look of a 25 year old as far as my chest is concerned.


The key when buying bras is to put the bra on, then put your shirt on, then move around. Bend, squat wiggle, reach, jump, run in place, then look again. If things aren't where they were when you first put the bra on, it's not the right bra for you.

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See, I knew it!


I just see these threads or pics of butt ugly dresses (to me) and how so many people fawn over them. I do hold back my negative thoughts there! But this thread isn't about the positive, so I feel I can make those comments here.


I may not like them and I realize my choices may not be the next persons favorites either, that's fine. There are so many times I wish I could really express how I perceive a dress pic posted, I want to say things like it looks old fashioned, or matronly or sleazy or too young for the person, but I don't. On the other hand I will state when I think an article of clothing, shoes, etc... looks good (to me).


Why can't you?? I'm sure there's a way you can give your opinion without coming off rude :)


I personally don't comment on most dresses b/c I realized there's a serious age gap lol..and I'm still in the stage of those tight fitting, body hugging dresses.

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Why can't you?? I'm sure there's a way you can give your opinion without coming off rude :)


I personally don't comment on most dresses b/c I realized there's a serious age gap lol..and I'm still in the stage of those tight fitting, body hugging dresses.


Hi:) I know Kathy (in real life:D) and she is terrific:)...and I do agree

with her assessment. There are many dresses I don't give an opinion

about either. The internet is a great thing but it cannot give

"tone"....and hurting someone's feelings is the last thing I would ever

want to do to anyone.....so I just don't reply to many things these


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Question. How do you politely tell someone they need a more supportive bra? I know a couple coworkers I would like to tell this to but don't know how. Our friends going on the cruise with us works part-time as a VS bra specialist (she also works full-time and just does VS for fun and a little extra income). I don't have the outgoing personality to bring it off in a joking but serious tone. Most people can not tell when I am joking. I don't want to hurt feelings but it would make them look so much better if they had a better bra.

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Hi:) I know Kathy (in real life:D) and she is terrific:)...and I do agree

with her assessment. There are many dresses I don't give an opinion

about either. The internet is a great thing but it cannot give

"tone"....and hurting someone's feelings is the last thing I would ever

want to do to anyone.....so I just don't reply to many things these



You're right, and you are always fair and balanced in your comments with others from what I've read. But there are a few who seem to allow their passive aggressive side come out more often than not. It is easy to sit behind a computer and give it to someone and say, "well honestly that's how I feel."


This is a good thread and has the OP asked there are somethings that we will need to agree to disagree on, but I can't help feeling that it might be used to as a means to throw direct darts at others.


Just my observation.

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Question. How do you politely tell someone they need a more supportive bra? I know a couple coworkers I would like to tell this to but don't know how. Our friends going on the cruise with us works part-time as a VS bra specialist (she also works full-time and just does VS for fun and a little extra income). I don't have the outgoing personality to bring it off in a joking but serious tone. Most people can not tell when I am joking. I don't want to hurt feelings but it would make them look so much better if they had a better bra.


Maybe mention that you and your friend were talking about how women should get refitted for bras every seven years and that you're going to VS on such-and-such a date because there's a sale and you want to get refitted (even if you don't need to) and ask if they'd like to join you.


Unfortunately there's not much you can do if people can't look objectively in the mirror.


I definitely wouldn't tell them directly. I had a former so worker who was the same way, she had a good figure but her bra was a train wreck and left her boobs someplace around her naval... And she was only a "B" cup. :eek:

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Eh, it depends. Some of VS's bras aren't the best unless you're under 25 and gravity hasn't set in yet, but others are fantastic. The key is being able to look at yourself in the mirror objectively and tell when something isn't right for you. The VS IPEX bra fits me better and looks much better under clothing (on me) than the bras I got from the specialty bra store--yes, with the ladies older than Moses. It gives me the look of a 25 year old as far as my chest is concerned.


The key when buying bras is to put the bra on, then put your shirt on, then move around. Bend, squat wiggle, reach, jump, run in place, then look again. If things aren't where they were when you first put the bra on, it's not the right bra for you.


I just know so many women who were mis-fitted at VS. People go there expecting "expert help", and are dissatisfied with the result. Also, their biggest bra goes up to 38DDD (38F), I started high school at 42D. I was already sized out of their system. Lane Bryant now says they have bras up to 48G, but none show up on their search. I could only wear a 48G if I was sister-sizing.


I agree that each bra needs an endurance trial, but most women don't know to do that. They put the bra on, look in the mirror, twist a few times, and then call it good. By the time they've worn it the third time, the strap is riding way up between their shoulder blades.

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You are so right on that...I buy my bras at Nordstrom's or ..gasp...Fredericks of Hollywood (the store)..those are the only two places I've ever found that truly had salesclerks who knew how to measure properly. On the business card of the Nordstroms girl it even say "Bra fitting specialist" and she told me about training she had to have!


A bra in one of these types of places or what you mentioned may be costly but worth it...I have bras I bought at Fredericks that have lasted me 15 years..no kidding..if you wash and care for them properly. They are sewn well, use better quality materials, and when you see how good you look and feel it's worth it. I'd rather spend $200 on 5 bras and have them fit and look well and last years.


Please, for the love of all that is holy don't send them to Vickie's. Send them to a corsetry shop. Some place like Mi-Lady or Lady Grace, staffed by two women that are older than Moses' toes and wear the firmest shapewear you ever saw. They call you "Dearie" and take you to a changing room, measure you, and then bring bras to you. And the numbers on the bras don't match the numbers on the tape and they tell you it doesn't matter because "The one that fits is the size you wear". And when you finally step out of the dressing room, after four bras or forty, and the girls are sitting up proud on your chest and the underwire doesn't dig and you wonder WHAT TOOK SO LONG. And then they ring you up and it's $235 for three bras (if you're lucky!).


THAT is where they need to go.

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Couples who look like they're going to different functions - for instance, women in ballgowns with men wearing khakis and a tropical shirt. :eek:


Oh I feel you! You see these young couples in places like Vegas all the time and I just don't understand them :rolleyes:


One thing I really find horrible is girls wearing a nice LBD or a cocktail dress and sneakers with it. Seriously?!! :eek:

That's one trend I wouldn't be caught dead wearing. Ever. Aaarggghh.

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I just know so many women who were mis-fitted at VS. People go there expecting "expert help", and are dissatisfied with the result. Also, their biggest bra goes up to 38DDD (38F), I started high school at 42D. I was already sized out of their system. Lane Bryant now says they have bras up to 48G, but none show up on their search. I could only wear a 48G if I was sister-sizing.


I agree that each bra needs an endurance trial, but most women don't know to do that. They put the bra on, look in the mirror, twist a few times, and then call it good. By the time they've worn it the third time, the strap is riding way up between their shoulder blades.


I think you are the minority for bra sizing though. The average woman doesn't need the sizing and support that you do, and can do just fine at VS. And frankly, even if you are measured wrong, if you have the ability to objectively look in the mirror, it's not difficult to figure out what works/fits and what doesn't work/fit.


I haven't been measured in years, but I've changed sizes and styles as needed by taking a handful of different styles and sizes into a fitting room and spending an hour trying them on until I find the right bra for me--the one that fits, supports, offers a shape I like, and stays in place.

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What about people who spout off on the first night in the MDR about how people are dressed - without knowing that half the guests on the ship didn't receive their luggage before 8:00pm? People who pass judgement for the sake of hearing themselves talk is a huge pet peeve.

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What about people who spout off on the first night in the MDR about how people are dressed - without knowing that half the guests on the ship didn't receive their luggage before 8:00pm? People who pass judgement for the sake of hearing themselves talk is a huge pet peeve.


That's one of the reasons we always wear decent clothing to board--chinos and polos for my husband and slacks and a cute top for me. That way if the luggage doesn't arrive, we're all set anyhow. We also usually pack a day bag with a change of clothing, bathing suits, and anything else we need for the first 24 hours and carry it on.


I do agree that generally on the first night it is what it is--although I'm still going to raise an eyebrow at the guy in the dirty tank top and baseball cap.

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That's one of the reasons we always wear decent clothing to board--chinos and polos for my husband and slacks and a cute top for me. That way if the luggage doesn't arrive, we're all set anyhow. We also usually pack a day bag with a change of clothing, bathing suits, and anything else we need for the first 24 hours and carry it on.


I do agree that generally on the first night it is what it is--although I'm still going to raise an eyebrow at the guy in the dirty tank top and baseball cap.


If there's a guy in the MDR with a dirty tank top and a baseball cap, that's another issue. My point is, people will often pass judgement and vocalize over situations that they know nothing about.

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I think you are the minority for bra sizing though. The average woman doesn't need the sizing and support that you do, and can do just fine at VS. And frankly, even if you are measured wrong, if you have the ability to objectively look in the mirror, it's not difficult to figure out what works/fits and what doesn't work/fit.


I haven't been measured in years, but I've changed sizes and styles as needed by taking a handful of different styles and sizes into a fitting room and spending an hour trying them on until I find the right bra for me--the one that fits, supports, offers a shape I like, and stays in place.


That is absolutely the best bra for you then. I was told at Lady Grace "The bra that fits you is the size you wear". The numbers just get them into the ballpark.


Most women don't know to (or don't want to) take a bunch of bras into the dressing room and give them an endurance trial.


The average size of a North American woman is size 14. The current average bra size is size 36C, but this is the size most women are WEARING. A majority of women in North America are mis-fitted for their bras. If you've ever seen "What not to wear", most people don't look objectively when they look in the mirror at the dressing room. They don't know that the skirt that looks good in the front makes their butt look flat, or that the pretty bra that has a nice design and looks good for the minute it takes to try it on and take it back off is going to dig into their shoulders or cause slippage when they bend over.


I admit I am definitely above the average scale when it comes to bra sizing. I think professional measurements and fittings help.

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About telling people the truth, this works better in person than on a board like this because of the importance of facial expression and tone of voice. Anyway, 2 years ago I went shopping with my sister to get a dress for her for my son's wedding. I wouldn't let her shop alone because she shops entirely by price - if its on the bargain rack it goes home with her no matter what it looks like or even the size. I wasn't going to let her show up looking like a bag lady. Background: my sister is over 65, tall and thin, and has enough money to buy nice things. Anyway, we're in Dillards and she tells me she's willing to spend the money to buy something nice. Then she proceeds to head over to the Women's section because she spots a clearance rack. She shows me a floral 2X dress and says "How about this?" I said "No way, you'll look like you're wearing a couch cover" (And to all the 2X gals, it was a pretty dress and probably would have looked great on you. The problem was how it would have looked on my skinny sister). She said "You're not supposed to say that" but I told her she was my sister and needed to be saved from herself! Anyway, we found something on sale that fit her and she looked lovely (except from time to time she crabs about how much she paid).

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I try hard not to judge people by the way they look. I do find that it takes work to find the right things for your body. I am heavier than what I used to be, and it's taken a lot of trial and error.


My biggest pet peeve is what I call penguin pants. Not only do they hang down so low we get to see what we don't want to, but the crotch section is near the knees and makes the guy walk funny. Nuff said.


Hats at all in the dining room.


Clothing that is too small.


As to the back and forth about bras and their sizing, I am one of those people who is struggling. at a size 40D, I do not need gel push up and all that jazz. I need a bra that supports and looks good, with a light lining and no seams. If you need to go braless, please choose a dress with a built in bra, and make sure you aren't my size, lol.

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If I can smell their cologne five minutes after they've left the room, they are wearing too much. In fact if I can smell it without leaning into them, they are wearing too much.


LOL no doubt!! and if I can smell it on me 10 minutes after a hug!

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Also, their biggest bra goes up to 38DDD (38F),

They might sell sizes that big, but they never carry them in the store, so it's useless for a larger busted woman to try to get a fitting there. That's my experience in VS stores in at least 4 different states over a 20 yr period, pre-breast reduction, post-breast reduction, and now fat/big again:rolleyes: And no matter the size, I've never found the price/quality = value to be good enough for me.


As for the co-worker with the poorly fitting bras- don't say anything. She's your co-worker. It's not appropriate.


Now, if she's also a friend - a good friend - maybe you can say something. But just an acquaintance you work with? No. HR departments do seminars against this sort of thing;)

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Does that include the John Deere baseball cap at dinner on formal night as long as it's clean? ;)

If I saw this in the main dining room on formal night I wouldn't let it spoil the evening. I would not discuss it with others at our table or away from the table. I am just glad I raised my two sons to know hats iside are not proper especially at the dinner table. Another thing I didn't allow my sons to do was sit at the table, breakfast, lunch, or dinner without a shirt. It saddens me that parents don't take the time to train their children proper manners.



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Another two pet peeves not addressed here.


1. Blowing your nose at the table.


2. Picking or flossing your teeth at the table.


These two are ones that would have me request another table. This happened to my duaghter and me on our cruise to Alaska. The old, and I am not young, man at our table starting picking and flossing at our table the first night. We just requested another table and joined the most fantastic groupe for the rest of cruise.



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Judee - That's disgusting about the guy flossing at the table. I'm glad you got another table instead of putting up with that.


Its not cruise related, but I thought of another pet peeve - people who wear pajama bottoms to the store, especially people who are old enough to know better. I thought that only happened on "People of Walmart" but then I saw someone at my grocery store wearing them.

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