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Pride AMS-AMS with pictures and comments

Emperor Norton

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This is going to be a not so live review of my Baltic AMS-AMS cruise on the Pride. Due to certain technical deficiencies with this site the review will be very broken down (or: the inline image limitation is bad in this day and age).


Before the cruise I had to ward off evil spirits and illness I had a precautionary dose of



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A few days later and I was up before dawn for a relatively quick jaunt over to the Oakland "International" Airport. It's not really a bad airport per-se but most flights have to connect elsewhere and their security can make SFOs look enjoyable. This time around security was mostly a breeze, although since they're using backscatter I'm uncertain why it can't scan shoes like the ones in Europe do. Once past security and some of their work in progress I was confronted with


It was barely after 6am, too early for Chilis. Actually any time is too early for Chilis. I got out to the gate and couldn't see the plane


I knew the plane was going to be small, but not quite that small. Wait a bit, a few minutes later the plane arrived. It was small but it was a Duck transport so what could I expect?


After seeing the plane I had to wonder if our pilot was going to be


Now it was on to PDX where a certain person would interfere with me arriving in Amsterdam in a timely manner.

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So I'm sitting in Portland in the Delta lounge waiting for my flight to leave when I decide to venture out and sample some local concoctions. Rogue River would fit the bill. Their beer would, the food not so much. Who offers up a Wagyu or American style Kobe burger and then limits it to medium well or more leather? The beer was good but I was disappointed seeing food wasted in a such a manner (should've asked if they'd only cook sashimi grade tuna to well done)


After waiting around longer than I was expecting my plane finally arrives


I wonder what caused this delay? It wasn't mechanical or weather related. Perhaps this had something to do with it?


It seems this guy wanted to stop in Portland and play the "let's inconvenience everybody in the area game"


So after a delay of Presidential proportions, we were off, next stop: Amsterdam.

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After clearing passport control (I'd say customs at some point but it seems in Amsterdam they just don't care) I went to pick up my bag and was met with this nice LCD sign. I was hoping gelost wasn't Dutch for "Got Lost"


While wheeling down a hallway I saw this interesting bit of advertising, I have no idea what it was trying to say but I wanted to find out


Deciding not to lug my bags to a train and then pick a tram from Centraal I lazily hopped in the first air conditioned cab I could find (this whole trip aside from the final morning in St. Petersburg had excellent weather if not a bit warm. Supposedly the first time this cruise hasn't been mostly rained upon). I arrived at my hotel

Moevenpick at about 0830 feeling dead tired (I can't sleep on planes, and after the Xanax horror story I hard on Pride I won't try that route). I was told I was far too early for check in but if I wouldn't mind upgrading to a Junior Suite I could not only check in right now, but I could check out late, have a complimentary refilled mini bar and access to a happy hour that doubled as a secluded area for my complimentary breakfast. Of course I took the upgrade. I think the amount of bottled water I consumed covered the cost, let alone happy hour and the breakfast buffet. If you don't mind hoofing/tramming to the center of town and your ship is leaving from the Passenger terminal I'd recommend staying here. Below is the horrid view I had from my suite


I grabbed a tram and a 24hr pass and went into town. I expected the bicycles, but they were a bit ruder than I expected (or on par with the ones we home grow). I saw pedestrians in the pedestrian path get almost taken out by a swerving cyclist only to have the cyclist jump down the pedestrians throat. I wasn't quite sure what to expect for some of the architecture, but it looked nice


The sunset views from my suite weren't too bad either



Next: More Amsterdam

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Hi Baychilla! thanks for the updates and great pictures, especially the Amsterdam pics (where I'm from).

Since I'm Dutch I can translate the sign at Schiphol airport:

"gelost" = the luggage has been off-loaded from the plane.


The poster with the bride is an advertisement for traveler's rights when planes get cancelled or are delayed.


I'm very jealous you are in my home town. Amsterdam is spectacular when the weather is great. The harbor is very interesting and the Sail-Away party should be extra special!

Have a super trip!

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Dinner at Silk Road in the hotel was interesting, it started off with an amusee bouche that was I think Shrimp Loius on a lettuce leaf with either tiny shrimp or an enormous bit of asparagus spear


While waiting for my appetizer to arrive I had a Jenniver martini and took in the view


My appetizer was supposed to be a tataki, but was closer to carpaccio than anything on the cruise


My entree was very disappointing. I'm not sure it'd ever been warm. It was supposed to be veal slices in a mushroom cream sauce over a rosti


My desert was excellent. So much so that I should have asked for more, or some to go. It was Moevenpick Swiss Chocolate Ice Cream (I think owned by Nestle) that I had made into a milk shake. Yum.


While I do not believe the hotel and ice cream maker are related, the hotels restaurant does offer the Moevenpick ice cream. Next: Even more Amsterdam, maybe more food too.

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I tried my first hotel breakfast today and while I was totally underwhelmed with the size of the juice glasses (I ended up using my water glass - hey I like fresh squeezed OJ) the pre-made scrambled eggs were actually pretty good (guessing lots of cream). Something I couldn't figure out however was one of their storage procedures.


They kept their Tabasco on ice, something I've never seen before. After a nice quiet breakfast (I got to use the exec lounge rather than that general dining/mass group tour area) NB: When staying in this hotel there seems to have been a large number of tour groups that use it as a breakfast stop ergo that Jr. Suite with its lounge access allowed me to escape the noise and crowding most days - save the one where the screaming child of the apocalypse was let loose).


I ended up taking a tram into Centraal and then hopping a canal cruise this day, trying to avoid the heat that seems to have arrived with my flight.


The craft looked similar to this:


While cruising I saw some interesting architecture


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And an interesting bit of reproduction


Does anyone know what the letters on the flag represent?


To me the canals felt overcrowded, there were many wait times in excess of 10 minutes, I'm not sure if this is normal, but under the sun with no A/C it's not pleasant. I think this was one of the rarest sites in Amsterdam, an nearly empty bridge!


Traveling a bit further in I was able to see the underside of a bridge. I was rather surprised that there appears to be a multi colored message, but have no idea what it says (NB: the outside seats on the canal boats, which imo starboard side has the best view lack audio).


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A more typical bridge had some people


While your atypical bridge had a lot of people


I have never before heard of Av Wees cola, what's it like?


This looked like a nice way to spend the day


After my canal cruise and wandering around some other colorful places I returned to the hotel for happy hour, some relaxation and air conditioning. The food was rather well bad


And the wines seemed to follow suit


Next: An Indonesian dinner and possibly a few wandering bovines

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I figured that while I'd have a lot of European dining options once on board I wasn't counting on anything close to good for other ethnic options. I took the advice of the concierge and went to an Indonesian restaurant named Long Pura. Now I have no idea if this was the ne plus ultra, good or something only frequented by tourists. I do know that I enjoyed all my dishes, probably over enjoyed the sambal and felt the service was nice but a tad slow on refills.


The appetizers consisted of three satays: shrimp, chicken and lamb, although I think aliens stole my lamb as I don't seem to have a picture of it


On second thought, that chicken satay is half eaten I think we can skip that. I'd ordered what was referred to as their "Rice table" menu which was a large chunk of yellow rice in a banana leaf and a large number of small tasting dishes. It along with the sides looked something like this:


After dinner I was given a nice gift box


What foul sorcery is this? This is no gift box!


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For you Pixar fans out there, I found nemo:


Walking about 20-50' from my hotel I ran across this odd place


Once inside I was greeted by


It appeared that they had some very comfortable seating


As well as some very colorful seating


Sadly, there was no one to play chess against


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I feared for my baggage. Look at the dent in that steel case


Look who has a sign up today


Then I saw this little thing getting some TLC





Want to see what I left out picture wise? Click

Here for more of Amsterdam

Next up: Embarkation, chair hogs, what luxury isn't

Edited by baychilla
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Enjoying your pics.


I was in Amsterdam last December. While it is probably not the best time to visit, it felt dirty and seedy compared to previous visits (and I have been multiple times). Interested in your impressions.

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I'll probably get flamed for this but imo London in a lot of places was cleaner (Marseilles was about as dirty). It seemed to me that everywhere had that "dirty downtown" feeling. Smelling before seeing the rastas didn't help. I realized that the Red light district should be dirty/seedy, I didn't realize that most of the rest of the city would follow suit.


Before slaving away on another batch of pictures lets talk about something. Please do not be the ugly American tourist. While in Long Pura I was seated across from a 4 top of Americans. They all had Verizon phones. Care to guess how I knew that? Each one seemed to be power cycling the phone as they couldn't for the life of them figure out how to dial internationally (Id wager the one that finally got through was the one that purchased international calling). For starters - take your phone and its issues outside. Secondly, learn how to operate your equipment BEFORE you go. Thanks.

- the American about a hairs breadth away from yelling at other Americans that THEY were the problem.

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While I do not believe the hotel and ice cream maker are related, the hotels restaurant does offer the Moevenpick ice cream. Next: Even more Amsterdam, maybe more food too.


Actually they are (or were) related at one time.


Common founder...Ueli Prager. At sometime tho they separated (with Nestlé buying the ice cream company).

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Embarkation was in my opinion one of the three times that the experience didn't seem to be all that luxurious. Just getting onto the ship I had a staff member trying to line jump me for luggage drop off and then tried to cut me off to the escalators. That was a great first impression. Just prior to boarding we had to fill out the health questionnaire. Well half of it anyway. They didn't seem too interested in what people wrote. Perhaps next time Ill write down "Bubonic Plague" and see if they notice.


Once on board we were all herded into the Magellan lounge. It did not feel that the A/C was up to snuff. Looking around, I saw the sad dried out looking finger foods, a short line to register and pick a payment type and a whole expanse of wasted space. I've read about chair hogs on the Carnival boards, but aside from some Germans on a Crystal cruise I've never experienced them on a luxury line.


People had pushed the chairs against the benches eliminating a large amount of bench space. What bench space did remain seemed to be covered in carry ons, hats, jackets, and purses. One pair of women who would exhibit more selfish behavior as time went on seemed to have covered about a dozen seats with random bits of clothing, carry ons, jackets and I think I even saw a kitchen sink. Staff didn't seem to be making any effort to get people to re-pack and make space.


I hopped in the "short" line to register, hand over the signed contract and register payment. I was flabbergasted at how many people had lost their passport in the 2 minutes between security and the lounge. Hint: keep your passport/credit card/signed contract hand upon boarding you'll need them sooner rather than later.


After waiting far too long for the disorganized/clueless I came to the conclusion they needed two lines: 1. if you have your contract/passport/payment type and 2. all others. Finally I was done, now all I had to do was hurry up and wait some more. Off to find a seat, this should be fun. I found an empty seat near some other people and waited. I don't think they were happy with my presence on the periphery of their group but they somehow survived.


Eventually they announced that cabins were available and people were being escorted out. It took only 10 minutes until I had an escort and was on my way to my cabin. About 20 steps later and I was there. The design of the hallway was interesting. You have the main hallway but then each pair of suites resides at the top ends of the Y of a mini hallway. There I was left with my welcome bottle of Nick F "champagne" (note to: SilverSea, Seabourn and Regent - please dump this garbage.) and my super fuzzy TV looping the safety info (including the bit about miss the drill = dropped from the cruise).


Eventually my stewardess (or is that cabin attendant?) arrived with a glass of that nasty nick f and some salmon canapes (shore side fail #1 - specifically requested something else, or nothing at all, just please don't waste the salmon on me). My stewardess was named Erika and was from Portugal. She said it was her first time on Seabourn too (she would later contradict that statement claiming it was her second and she could now apply for reception which I guess needed two successful contracts prior to applying?).


More waiting. At this point I would suggest that future cruisers wait as long as possible to board. At least on the little sisters.


The next mandatory activity was the muster drill. I may have gotten there just in time to get the last beer from Nelson before the Skybar had to close. An ice cold beer prior to having to spend about 20 minutes mobbed together in that heat was nice.


For the most part the muster drill went smoothly, there was only one cabin that didn't immediately show so we didn't have to play a long waiting game. However most people might as well not have been there. The number of people just chatting, or more so texting/talking on cells was more than a bit excessive. It's a pity they weren't then counted as having not attended the drill and then disembarked.


After that it was time for sail away.


Seabreeze performed a few songs for sail away


Who knew they were SF Giants fans with their Red/black lettering


Passengers enjoying sail away


Interesting fashion combinations that I've not seen in nature before


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After sail away it was time for dinner. The aft spiral staircase was nearest my suite so I took that down to the restaurant.


I guess if you had to wait and were bored you could play with the globe


Bread, breadsticks and that compound butter. I felt the compound butter went better with the breadsticks.


The shrimp ceviche was a bit disappointing. It was supposed to have cilantro and lime as well as not having a broken American cocktail sauce


Next up was a duo of sirloin and short rib, this was delicious, especially the waffle chip


Dessert was so impressive I didn't even write down what I had


Another attempt at warding off colds and evil spirits, though not nearly as good as you'd get at the Buena Vista


Next up: Ships tour followed by R2

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The standard welcome bottle of nasty stuff


My room for the next 16 or so nights


My mini bar minus fruit plates (I asked to not have them) and the Stoli Elit which would be sourced in Estonia


The TV and annoy-o-phone. As you can see by the curtain watching TV in bed isn't really going to happen


The worlds worst safe. Whats wrong with digital? Key in code once to set it, then only when unlocking it. This archaic pile of junk uses number rollers to set the combo and requires the combo to unlock AND lock the thing. Also I think there was a skosh more closet space on the Regent Voyager


While the stewardess is supposed to keep the clock accurate for time zone changes, somehow the minutes on mine had a tendency for major shifts. My cell phone (when adjusted correctly) was my most reliable time keeper


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