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Hahahahahaha Good one! :D


Kathy............hmmm the name rings a bell.

Do we know one another ?

Aaaaahh yes Hum remembers now.

It's been a while darling.

Always galavanting tween Montreal and West Indies.

Hum heard another joke the other day from a SD chum.

Hum will post it on a slow day.

It's really good.


Hoping all is good.


PS that pist was weeks ago !

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Looky here chums,

Hum has something to admit.

You know Hum has been historically dismissive of the "Raw Food" on SD.

Considering it panders to the self absorbed, "my body is my temple", smug, "holier than thou", skinny, emaciated, "no alcohol for me, why would I want to poison my body", evangelist, smiling, sanctimonious, nauseatingly righteous types from the West Coast, "have a nice day", "join me on a 24 kilometre bike ride over rough terrain ?" types.


Is Hum making himself clear ?


"Dont hold back Hum" !


Well......oh gawd, this is really painful......well Chef Tomasz and Co. have improved it, so as before, it looked and probably tasted like grey, damp, soggy, cardboard (without the taste).

Well now it is.......err quite popular and ......err quite nice.

No, it will never be that appetising to Hum.

But there are a heck of a lot of health freaks out there, who have orgasms over this kind stuff !

No, Hum neither.

So much work, to keep the body beautiful.

The most annoying thing about them is their inane smiling, cheerfulness and enriched positivity.

It just ain't human !


Well the food is looking great and Hum had more salad on the last voyage than ever before.......absolutely delicious it was.

How they keep the vegetables so fresh onboard is amazing.


Still takes too much preparation time though.


Oh the vegetables on SD were so delightful........Hum IS talking about the food not a few fellow guests from.........

Oh, is that the time ?

Gotta go...... bike ride you know, yeah 24 k then hit the gym and back for a soya milk and avocado smoothie.

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"Considering it panders to the self absorbed, "my body is my temple", smug, "holier than thou", skinny, emaciated, "no alcohol for me, why would I want to poison my body", evangelist, smiling, sanctimonious, nauseatingly righteous types from the West Coast, "have a nice day", "join me on a 24 kilometre bike ride over rough terrain ?" types."


Dearest ho-hum, please refrain from disparaging our beautiful West Coast, afterall, we are known for our culinary landmarks:










And a San Clemente favorite:



Edited by Ragnar Danneskjold
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Dearest ho-hum, please refrain from disparaging our beautiful West Coast, afterall, we are known for our culinary landmarks:]


Hook, line and sinker !


A big "Raggy" landed.

The bait worked !

Throw in a little something to rile him and "GULP", he's bitten: a quick jerk and there he is in all his glory !


Great to have you onboard (for however long) very old chum.


Of course Hum is gonna come and visit, you, Cocoyote and of course Jim but Hum has heard the big project (your home extension and refurbishment) is running a little behind and Hum doesn't want to interrupt the work.

So let us know when you are ready for us.

We'll put that wine cellar through it's paces !!


You all live in a beautiful part of the world though Hum does love the cold too and seasons, so no disparaging the West Coast way of life or eateries and certainly not the people.

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Howdy Ragnar. Good to hear from you. Hey Mr. Hum. You want cold? 2 hours north of here it gets real cold. Over 7,000' elevation is cold at night even in summer. Lots of snow in winter. Right up your alley.:eek::D


Sounds good Jim but excuse Hum.......why don't YOU move a little further north to escape that heat ?

Yes Hum knows you'll have to dismantle the tequila still but even so.

Is it any cooler matey ?

It hit 23 here today !

Phew !

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Sounds good Jim but excuse Hum.......why don't YOU move a little further north to escape that heat ?

Yes Hum knows you'll have to dismantle the tequila still but even so.

Is it any cooler matey ?

It hit 23 here today !

Phew !


Yes, only a bit over 40C. Move from all this? I have my "contacts" in the tequila biz all around. Besides, the heat keeps the tourists and relatives away.:eek::D

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SEA DREAM II: 23 July - 3 August, 2016. Rome to Venice


2. Stateroom Appointments: 8.5

toilet paper poor quality; its a waste buying cheap paper, do I Need to really explain ?


10. Ports of Call: 10

fine but the hot weather prevented exploration: will not travel in June and August again


12. Overall Appearance of the Yacht: 9.0

install digital thermometer at TOYB


I have fallen in love with SDII all over again


Dearest hum,

very interesting to read.


As gcmv is not very good in English - please explain the cheap paper-issues, aaargh - better not! :D


What a surprise - it was hot in August in the Med - hum will not travel in June or August - so, better travel in July! ;)


What does hum want to do with a thermometer at TOYB? Check, if the Champagne has the right temperature?:confused:


Enjoyed your comments - SD II is still as nice as it was!

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Dearest hum,

very interesting to read.


As gcmv is not very good in English - please explain the cheap paper-issues, aaargh - better not! :D


What a surprise - it was hot in August in the Med - hum will not travel in June or August - so, better travel in July! ;)


What does hum want to do with a thermometer at TOYB? Check, if the Champagne has the right temperature?:confused:


Enjoyed your comments - SD II is still as nice as it was!


Well Baron von Heidelberg you spotted Hum's "deliberate" mistake (June when it should be July) and a bottle of champagne (Jacquart) has been reserved just for you at the TOYB. Hum has requested it is kept in the chiller.


If Hum knew the temperature at the TOYB, he could then gauge his drink rate of course: an increase of every degree over 30C will mean 1 champagne per 20 minutes.


Glad you enjoyed the Guest Comment review.

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Uh-oh ho-hum, the thought police are soon to run rampant in London. Your constant harranging of Norwegians may land you in the pokey....




Think we'll avoid London from here on out. Too bad, used to be a nice place. Don't want to be accused of wrong-think.

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Brother Hum,


Looks like I found the perfect place to jump start my diet...based on your glowing review of all things healthy!. Seafood, salads and avocado smoothies!

Yum! Oh! But wait!!!...Well be celebrating New Year's Eve on the yacht! Maybe I'll wait till next year! It's the thought that counts! Haha!:D

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PS - In case you are wondering how the USA has gotten into the state it is in, these people are allowed to vote...


So there are West Coast "goof balls" Raggy......... a lot.

Fancy not knowing about Karl Marx !

He was brilliant in "Duck Soup".


"I've had a perfectly wonderful evening.

But this wasn't it"


"I never forget a face.

But in your case, I'll make an exception"


Hum would vote for him.

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Ragnar, not any different than the Brits searching "What is the EU?" on Google after the Brexit vote. It is a sad commentary that many young people get their news from Comedy Central.


Bah !

Your evidence sir !

Balderdash !

Don't rely on Fox News or CNN.......never seen so much mis-reporting on the UK, Europe and the World.

Al Jazeerah is by far more superior.

Edited by ho-hum
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Brother Hum,


Looks like I found the perfect place to jump start my diet...based on your glowing review of all things healthy!. Seafood, salads and avocado smoothies!

Yum! Oh! But wait!!!...Well be celebrating New Year's Eve on the yacht! Maybe I'll wait till next year! It's the thought that counts! Haha!:D


Hi sis, Hum cannot give any comment on dieting because he has never done one nor ever intends to.

Barbaric practice !


If people are seriously over-weight they should have a bag fitted.

No, not in their stomach.

Over their head...... (but with air holes).


Hum's only concession to abstemiousness was dropping the Cuban cigars...........well Hum was smoking three Churchills a day !

For the Yanks, that's equivalent to 20 Obama's (ruddy lightweight compared to the great man).

And he may well start the cigars again when Hum approaches the "home straight".

Aaaahhhh.......the smell of wet, damp earth, the curling smoke, nature's incense, heaven and hell, the simple leaf.......

But as yet Hum is not tempted.

And yet he can smell a "Cuban" from 50 feet away.......beautiful.

One reason for NOT visiting Cuba.

Seeing the leaves wrapped by rolling the carefully assembled leaves on the cocoa coloured thighs of an experienced senorita.......

Hum is only flesh and blood.

And despite The Commander's mendacious rumour mongering, Hum hails from the Greek island of "Hetros": not "Puftas" (next to the sister island of "Lesbos").

Cuban cigars are sexy ....... in a refined way.


Nay Hum's "Achilles heel" is the "grog"!

But a life without good wine is no life at all.

Wine is a celebration for Hum.

Yes everyday.

Even Jeezus had wine at the "Last Supper"

He didn't say "no, I need a clear head for the morning, I've got a big day tomorrow" or "do you know something, I think I should cut down" or "no, not for me, I Have a 25k bike ride in the morning with my Norwegian chums........God but they are sooooo dull".

You take Hum's point.

Wine is part of Western civilisation and they say wine sales are beginning to increase in Trumpland.....who'd a thought ehh ?


And be warned sis, the worst dining companion is the un-expected one that somehow has managed to "wriggle" themselves into Hum's select dining entourage and tells everyone they are on a diet and then prattles on about it as if Hum is remotely interested in their sacrifice to be "perfect".

Hum usually groans audibly on the announcement and proceeds to order bottles of wine, has bread with butter, foie gras, steak with FAT, chips, desert and a digestif or two (whisky) with coffee with sugar and ALL the canapes and chocolate !

Gorging himself "along the way" in orgasms frequently uttering "you really gotta try this" !

And then Hum NEVER eats with them again.

Hum is very fussy about dining companions.

Dining for Hum equals "Communion": it is a darn serious business.

- Food must be excellent

- Wine of course

- Badoit water (preferably)

- Great service

- Great company with chums that have had interesting lives, experience and a sense of humour and who laugh

- Great ambience, setting

- Clean, scrupulously, spotless


No most of Hum's chums have the sense to carry "reserve packs.".

They are always far better fun and company than emaciated, puritanical, tee totalers that are looking for God or even worse...........who have found Him !

Presumably they found him at the salad bar or was it on the bike ride?


Take it from Hum.

If Hum was the "Creator" Hum would want a prayer something along these lines:


"Just wanted to say a big thanks G (yeah we are close, didn't H tell you)

Had a great day.

Had lunch with fabulous chums.

Yes, drank too much.....,,again

But God we laughed.

You should have been there.

You were, of course, you got that Omnipresent app

Well you saw so and so, do such and such.

Yeah it was funny

So thanks.

Great job

Reminded me. Must thank you and being grateful and all

Dont be a stranger now

Love Hum

Oh and please forgive Jim

Dont be too harsh on him

Can Hum watch though

No, from the other place !

But gently

OK, one hard one then stop

Right ?

Now look if Hum cant trust you, its off.


You're the best

What ? The Commander ?

Go for it.....work out some of that aggression."

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Brother Hum,


You have just described the perfect setting!...

All this worry about the perfect waistline, when really! All I want to do is eat pasta, bread and cheese!...haha! Oh! And yes! Wine! There's nothing more comforting than dinner with great friends and having some belly aching laughs along the way!


As for cigars!? I had an uncle (uncle Pat ) lost and eye during the war...whAt a character! Smoked Cubans all the time! Everytime I get a sweet whiff of one, memories come rushing home!

When he would get drunk he'd pop out his glass eye and drop in your drink! And say " now look me in the eye, when I'm speaking to you!" Hahahaha

I loved uncle Pat! Haha...


You remind me of him!...in a small way. Not in the glass eye way! Haha...but in a way that you make people laugh and feel at ease with you.

No doubt, there's been some well managed training by Blondie!? Haha!:D:rolleyes:

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The "thatched roof" was just a natural.....


Now come back here and leave them good people on other forums alone.

What have they ever done to you !.


That's a good one Jim !

Meanwhile ol Hum has a few repostes up his sleeve.

But you'll have to wait a tad.

And sweat it out ......

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Now come back here and leave them good people on other forums alone.

What have they ever done to you !.


That's a good one Jim !

Meanwhile ol Hum has a few repostes up his sleeve.

But you'll have to wait a tad.

And sweat it out ......


Be gentle Mr Hum. You know how sensitive I can be.😱😎

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