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Reporting Live From The Explorer of the Seas - A Review

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Hello everyone!


I'm reporting Live From the amazing explorer of the seas and absolutly loving it! I've been keeping a diary review which I will keep updating the thread with. Currently I get free Internet on shore and I have wifi for the sea day tomorrow so will hopefully get some photos uploaded for you as well as the text. Here goes:


Day 1 - Depart Southampton


After a sleepless night in Southampton we went down and had our breakfast at our hotel (Holiday Inn Express). I wasn't mega hungry so just had some beans, toast and a couple of sausages, it was tasty and definatly filled a gap! We were finished quite early and the port wasn't open yet so we had an hour or so to kill in the hotel room watching day time tv.

We set off from our hotel at about 10:15, with the port being only 15 minutes away.

The port was well signposted and we easily found ourselves with a lovley first glimpse of the ship. We did however take a wrong turn and end up nearly going in to the wrong car park! Lucky enough the attendants were helpful and pointed us in the right direction. Once we had parked we unloaded our luggage and the attendants took then away to be loaded on board. We kept a couple of bags with us with valuables in. We entered the port going through the gold entrance as I have sailed before and went to the security area where our paperwork was checked and bags scanned. We then we're escorted to a check in desk for gold members and we're asked to sign a health declaration and we're given our sepass cards. It was then a case of walking up the stairs and following the corridor. We had our photo taken with a backdrop of the ship and then followed the corridor around and walked straight on board. We timed it from walking through the port entrance and stepping onto the ship and it was 15 minutes, so stress free! Once on board we headed straight for the Windjammer as our bags were heavy and we just needed to wait for our room to be ready. There were loads of seats in the Windjammer and we even bagged ourselves one by the window to take in the albeit industrial scenery of Southampton. We went up to see what food was on offer and I had some lovley bread, some cold meat and a bit of salad, it was delicious. One thing that struck us was how friendly and happy all the staff were, everyone made an effort to say hello to us. We did have a rather odd couple sat next to us on the Windjammer though, she gave us a very dirty look and then moved to the next table, she then clicked her fingers for the waiter to take her plates, where I'm from this is very rude, perhaps they have different expectations to us?

Anyway bang on 1pm our room was ready so we unloaded our heavy bags which was a relief. A couple of our bags were already waiting in our room, it was just the big suitcases we were waiting for.

Our cabin was beautiful, lots of space, All the decor matched and you could see the carpets and curtains were new.

The balcony had a bit of trouble with its drainage but this was soon sorted when our stateroom attendant came and introduced himself. We needed an extra pillow and he sorted that for us as well, he was so lovley and nothing was too much trouble for him.

Once unloaded and refreshed we then set off for a wander around the ship, the weather was lovley, a gorgeous summers day, we wandered around the ship and ended up sitting near the flow rider watching a man on that, looks great fun! Thoughout the ship we noticed how fresh it looks, I travelled on Adventure of the Seas last year and it didn't look as fresh as the explorer.

We wandered around the ship for an hour or so and explored the promenade which wasn't open yet as we were still docked. We then went back to our stateroom where the rest of our bags were waiting for us, so we then spent the next half hour or so unpacking. Then we went down to the Windjammer, we didn't think there was as much choice as what there was at lunch, but then when we walked out we noticed there was another area that we hadn't look at which had steaks, pork chops and breaded salmon, Mmm!

At 7:45 we went to see the welcome aboard show which featured a comedy magician. I found it to be more comedy than magic though as he only did one trick. He was funny though and had some good one liners. They also did a brief song and dance act to introduce some of the entertainment crew. After we saw the show we had some time to kill before the parade on the promenade at 10:15 so we went and explored the promenade now that the shops were open. We bought the compulsory seapass neck straps and Mum bought a bag and some other goodies. We then went to cafe promenade to see what was on offer there. There wasn't much in the way of food at this time, but there were tea and coffee making facilities so that was good.

The parade at 10:15 was amazing, so many colours and lights, you wouldn't think you were on a ship, it was more like a parade going down the street! The ship has a really good vibe to it, lots going on and staff can't be happier. I love the man outside the Windjammer who gets people with his hand wash and says "no washy washy no eaty eaty!". All in all a fantastic first day, but was soon tired and ready to retire to bed.


Day 2 - At Sea


Slept like an absolute baby, being gently rocked to sleep by the waves.

Woke up and refreshed myself with a shower, the water pressure is the same as at home which you wouldn't think being on a ship.

We started the day with a stroll to the Windjammer for some breakfast, I went for a couple of sausages, some beans, breakfast potatoes and bacon, oh and some toast. Didn't find the mushrooms till after though, gutted!

The weather is stunning though a bit breezy as we were moving. We secured a nice spot for our sunbeds, prior to sailing we read reviews saying that in all public areas there was nowhere to sit, we have not found that and we're sailing at full capacity. After a while it clouded over so we returned to our room and I took myself off for a half hour blast at the gym. The gym is well equipped and was actually really busy, but still could use all the equipment I wanted to. I guess on Sea days the gym will be busier. When I returned the sun was back out and we sat out on the balcony which was lovley and warm and sunny and not windy. My mum went to the Windjammer and I ordered room service as was quite enjoying myself on the balcony, I ordered a bistro burger and a cheese cake for dessert. Mmmm. I liked the fact that with the burger you could specify what you wanted, I always end up throwing away tomatoes!

Once we had both returned from lunch we went down to the promenade for another walk around the shops, I visited a jewellery store and bought two rings which were on the clearance stand, only $9 so was quite happy with that! Once we were finished on the promenade we went outside to watch the poolside movie which was "Jupiter Ascending", a fairly new movie which is good compared to the explorer which was showing black and white movies most days around the pool. Unfortunately it was quite a dark movie so was a bit difficult to see what was happening, and the reggae band that was playing over ran so we missed the first five minutes or so, but what we did see we enjoyed, we think it would be better to have played it at night when it was dark though as it would be easier to see. Once we finished the movie we headed back to our room as we were freezing, one addition I do like to this ship is the fleecy blankets that hand out around the pool for when it's chilly. Once defrosted we headed down to the Windjammer as it was a formal dinner night, we didn't realise though that it was formal all around the ship and not just the dining room so we felt a bit out place! Whilst in the Windjammer we spotted a pod of dolphins following us so there was a mad rush to our side of the room for people to get a glimpse. We headed to the Star Lounge and attempted a quiz and didnt do too badly, but did feel a little out of place as 90% of the room were in suits and dresses! Quite a few miserable looking folk as well, cheer up you're on your holibobs!! After the quiz (8/15 - not too shabby!) we headed up to the Viking Lounge to admire the view for half an hour or so. It was very relaxing sitting up there and facing the same way as what the ship was heading. Once cocktails were finished we nipped to the Windjammer for some snacks to bring back to our room but completely forgot that the main show was on oops! But it was OK as there was a later showing. Whilst passing the time on the balcony we were treated to a fantastic show by a pod of porpoises, we got some amazing photos and videos! We headed back to the room where the new edition of the compass was waiting for us so we planned what we were going to do the next day.

We dressed up on some nicer clothes as we had to walk down the promenade to get to the theatre and set ourselves down for the show, we've been arriving about 15 minutes before and managing to bag a seat easily. The show was a one woman show called "Tell me on a Sunday", the singing was superb but the story was a bit annoying and repetitive, it was about a woman unlucky in love and I was just willing her to get the right man, but alas she didn't. After the show we headed back to our stateroom for some shut eye, a great first full day at sea was had.


Day 3 - At Sea


Woke up to the most gorgeous weather, such an improvement on last year when it rained the first three days. We ordered breakfast for our room and after a nice refreshing shower it arrived, perfect timing! The breakfast was lovley, we ordered the usual English breakfast along with the pastry selection for later. The food was hot and tasted lovley, we couldn't fault it. Once wed had our breakfast we headed to deck 12 where we found some sunbeds, plenty of space and availability even though the ship was sailing at full capacity. We spent a few hours sunbathing and relaxing, I went for a walk around the ship half way through and watched people on the flow rider. I also found my way out onto the very front of the ship which was lovley. We grabbed a bite to eat in the Windjammer for lunch (salad and cold meats for me) and returned back outside for another couple of hours. We then headed down to the Schooner Bar where we did the movie quotes quiz, 8-15 not too bad but room for improvement! After the quiz we returned to the room and had a pastry each, very yummy! Before heading back to the Schooner bar for a Disney quiz where we scored 25/28, were definitely better, bring on the quiz at 8pm!

Unfortunately I felt a little Ill later on in the afternoon, so I went back to the room for a few hours and perked up after having a snooze and taking some pills. I missed the evening quiz and didnt feel like venturing to the Windjammer so ordered some room service, I ordered a salmon ciabatta roll, mmmmmmm. Whilst on the balcony I was lucky enough to see a whale! Well I saw a couple of spurts of water from its breathing hole, all this nature and only day 3!! I felt a little better after eating so made my way down to the theatre and stood at the back to watch the rest of the show, what a show! It was a tribute act to Queen and it was just like the real thing, lucky enough I arrived just in time for the classics, Bohemian Rhapsody, we will Rock you, radio gaga, we are the champions to name but a few. Once the show was over we went to watch the 70s disco Street party on the promenade, the singing wasn't all that to be honest though so we didn't stay for long. We returned to our room and watched a bit of TV (I've never been been so up to date with world news), before retiring to bed.

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Day 4 - Gibraltar


Woke up to an extremely angry looking sea and high winds! Such a difference to yesterday! It looks like the sun is trying to break through up ahead though so fingers crossed for some nice weather when we get to Gibraltar. We've got a dolphin excursion booked so we're both really looking forward to that. I hope it's sunny so I can get some good photos! We started the day as usual at the Windjammer, I had cereal for breakfast today, full English gets a little boring after a while. I also bought some cereal back to the room for tomorrow, as I have an early excursion to Malaga to see the caves. We docked in Gibraltar early, Im guessing because of the wind speed, we had to meet for our excursion in the theatre at 1:15pm so we went to the Windjammer beforehand for a snack to keep us going. In between breakfast and lunch, because the weather was bad we stayed in our room and watched the TV, lucky enough Top Gear was on so we had a good laugh at that. After lunch we went to the theatre to meet for our excursion, all very organised, we were given a number for our excursion and as the number was called all the groups set off so there wasn't a mad rush all at once. We headed to our bus which was to take us to the dolphin boat. The boat was running late so the driver gave us a tour of the island which was a great surprise, we learnt some interesting facts and also saw an ape on someone's balcony!! We arrived at the pier where the dolphin boat was waiting for us, and we climbed aboard. I managed to secure a good place at the front and we sailed out into the bay. This boat was a lot more rocky than the Explorer! We finally came across a pod of dolphins and we stopped the boat and I got some great photos, they wernt in a performing mood though so no jumping :-( once we had photographed that pod we then moved onto a different location. We soon spotted another pod and one even jumped up near the boat! I was too late for a photo though :-( once we had seen and photographed this pod the boat headed back to the pier, and en route we had a great view of the Explorer so I got some nice photos of that. From the pier we walked into town and onto the main street. I dont find the shopping all that amazing in Gibraltar, unless of course you want to buy electronics, fags or booze! Once we reached the top of the main street we turned back on ourselves and headed back to the bus station where we got a bus for £2 back to the ship. We were both pretty hungry when we got back on board and I fancied a Johnny Rockets, so I went there, the food was great but far too much of it! I really struggled with the compulsory onion rings and chips as well as the burger, eek! Was tasty though :-) once I'd finished up in Johnny Rockets I went for a walk around the decks, well more a waddle! We were due to leave port pretty soon so I stayed outside to watch the ship leave, I watched from deck 4 and got a great view. Once we had left I headed back up to the room and got changed as I wanted to nip down to the promenade. I took some money I won in the casino last year and used that to top up my on board account, really glad I could do this as I had $80 worth! Me and mum met back up by chance on the deck and we went to the cafe promenade to pass some time before the show at 9pm, unfortunately we had just missed the start of the quiz at 8pm as otherwise we would have gone to that. We went to the show and as usual found it easy to get a seat. The show tonight was featuring the RC singers and dancers, and it was called "Fast Forward", great show, singing was great, and dancing was good, really enjoying the shows so far and the theatre atmosphere is great. After the show we returned to our room as I was due to be up early in the morning for the Nerja Caves excursion, I took a shower, recharged the camera and emptied the memory stick and off to the land of sleep I went. Next year in Gibraltar I would like to skip shopping and see the apes instead.

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Looking forward to reading more as I will be on the Explorer in August.


The suggested dress code is indeed for the Main Dining Room so it doesn't really apply for the whole ship such as promenade or theatre but of course those who have dressed up will be roaming around the ship all evening. I do find those cruising out of Southampton/Med takes formal nights more seriously than Caribbean cruise.

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We did feel a bit awkward walking round so underdressed, I know some people have the attitude of wearing what they want when they want but I think I felt more embarrassed more than anything with everyone in suits and dresses and me in a hoody and three quarter sports trousers :-S at least we know for next formal night.


Is it dangerous my Mum has booked an appointment in the next cruise office for tomorrow!? It's only our fifth day, omg!!

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We did however take a wrong turn and end up nearly going in to the wrong car park! Lucky enough the attendants were helpful and pointed us in the right direction. Once we had parked we unloaded our luggage and the attendants took then away to be loaded on board.


When I last visited Southampton, the luggage was unloaded from the car to the porter before parking. How does this work now if you parked up first, you have to take the luggage to the terminal for the porters?

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Enjoying reading your review, thanks for taking the time. I am on the same cruise, sailing on 26th July, Glad you are enjoying yours selves, good to see some good reviews coming through now, I sure some people just have to find something to complain about.

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Yup, room service is order via the TV, Im not sure if you can do it by phone or not. I'm certainly impressed by the quality and do have some pics so I will upload later when I'm on my laptop :-)



Yes you can order room service by phone on Explorer- we were on at the beginning of May.



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When I last visited Southampton, the luggage was unloaded from the car to the porter before parking. How does this work now if you parked up first, you have to take the luggage to the terminal for the porters?



The porters approach each car as it parks with a van and load luggage straight from the car into the van- very efficient service.



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When I last visited Southampton, the luggage was unloaded from the car to the porter before parking. How does this work now if you parked up first, you have to take the luggage to the terminal for the porters?


We were in the disabled car park and so when we parked some guys came and took our luggage and loaded it into a van :-)

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The porters approach each car as it parks with a van and load luggage straight from the car into the van- very efficient service.



We were in the disabled car park and so when we parked some guys came and took our luggage and loaded it into a van :-)



Thanks, sounds like the same either way. It does sound like it has improved and more efficient than my last time where we had to queue in rows then drive forward to have luggage unloaded as the porters can only unload 10 cars at a time then parking the car.

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The omboard wifi is pants to be honest and I can't find out how to log off on my phone so I can use my laptop, I have to leave it for two hours to automatically do it, so that's two hours I can't use it, then when I use my laptop and then want to use my phone I have to leave that for another two hours :-/ wifi also verrryyy slowwww

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