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Dumb black eye for NCL Breakaway 10/18


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We had a creaking noise from our ceiling when underway at night. The night we headed back to NY ahead of the hurricane was pretty annoying. I just put my ear plugs in.

Some people can just go with the flow, some, not so much. I never even thought to call about it. :)

Always bring earplugs!

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They put the propeller back on?



Actually it didn't fall off but they had some kind of problem with the shaft.

It was a cruise out of NYC. We embarked a day late and did not set sail till the next day. It ended up being a short cruise. Long story short, the information NCL was initially providing was very poor. The credit being offered was also very poor. But in the end NCL did the right thing for all the passengers. I posted a fair and positive review after that.

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We had a creaking noise from our ceiling when underway at night. The night we headed back to NY ahead of the hurricane was pretty annoying. I just put my ear plugs in.


Some people can just go with the flow, some, not so much. I never even thought to call about it. :)


Always bring earplugs!



Creaking noises do not bother me. As a matter of fact I am a pretty sound sleeper. Takes a pretty loud and consistent noise to wake me. So maybe the flow was a bit excessive.

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Congrats and now you'll have the opportunity to do it all over again as this sounds like it's your standard operating procedure. [emoji57]



I demanded nothing from NCL. They reviewed the case and information with the ship and determined what to offer. I felt what they offered was fair and came on to advise that in the end NCL did the right thing.


Yes that's my operating procedure. Being opinionated and judgmental is not.

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Just curious - what was the resolution? Glad you are happy with outcome.



I received a note advising that they had reviewed the case and apologized for the fact that it wasn't handled in a manner satisfactory to me. In the end they provided what I feel is a generous credit. Again since I didn't ask or demanded anything I am happy with their actions. The only negative I can say is that it took so long to resolve and that they kept moving out the time required to reply.

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Glad you are happy too, but are you not allowed to tell us what was given in the resolution?



I'm allowed, but prefer not to as it will probably create another fire storm! I will get the either all of that for just this! Or that's why companies do so poorly.


All I can say is if you have what you feel is a legitimate complaint. Go ahead and voice it.

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Thanks for sharing. I'm one who writes both complimentary and negative mails to companies who either surpass my expectations or don't come close to meeting expectations, so I totally get what you did.

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I find it hilarious that so many posts here are from people that are angry at you for voicing your concern! Everyone has there own opinion and if you feel that the situation was handled in a way that had a negative effect on your vacation, you have every right to voice that, even if that means being judged and receiving ignorant replies on this forum. I respect the fact that you knew something was handled poorly and wanted it addressed. This is good for NCL and the customers, they use these situations to point out where they have fallen short in assuring the customer has an enjoyable cruise and make changes to make sure it is handled better in the future. Blowing off a customers concern may be easy but it is not beneficial to anyone.

I have recently had a bad experience with Norwegian and will post a thread expecting the same forum members to flame me for having a opinion and taking action.

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I have recently had a bad experience with Norwegian and will post a thread expecting the same forum members to flame me for having a opinion and taking action.


Will your bad experience affect any of us?


I'm actually on the fence here. I know OP and others, now you, have, can, do, and will come here to voice their 'issues' with NCL. However, part of me understands the frustration one has and the need to 'share' or 'vent' here.


On the other hand I can't see the real reason why? If one has an issue then by all means, contact NCL, do whatever needs to be done, such as the OP did. Buy why is it any of our business. OP would have had the same conclusion to his/her/their story had they simply took care of it on their own without bringing all of us into the picture.


Sometimes I just think people share too much and what is shared simply does not need to be shared.


Feel free to contact NCL - but do you really need to share your 'problem' with us? Will your problem really have any impact on our cruise?


Just some morning thoughts.....



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I am really sorry that NCL caved in on this one.


I am too. The really telling thing is they responded in less than 30 days after the completion of the cruise. That's a very quick response time, but one of OP's talking points here was how long it was taking to get a response.


I don't doubt there was noise. I wasn't in his cabin, so don't know how loud it was. I'm still amazed that he said he would have been satisfied after they fixed it if they had gone the extra step to apologize again and to tell him he had been right all along. They had already apologized, had offered him other sleeping arrangements, and had already asked him if there was anything else they could do. Sounds to me like the onboard staff did everything they could to handle things properly on the ship.


It concerns me anytime I hear that someone is given a credit for a complaint like this. We all end up paying for credits like this through rising prices.

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It concerns me anytime I hear that someone is given a credit for a complaint like this. We all end up paying for credits like this through rising prices.

I've said before, that I think cruise lines are too easily pay passengers off for little things (not saying the OP's is a little thing) and I wish they would just say they are sorry, fix the issue and everyone goes on with their cruise, instead of giving a bottle of wine, a specialty restaurant dinner or future cruise credit for every little thing.


I was on the Pearl and had a little issue with one of the specialty restaurants. I put a note in the "tell the HD" and got a call from him right away. He apologized and then said, what can I do to make it better. I told him I really didn't want anything, just to let them know, so it wouldn't happen to another. He asked again, what can I do for you. Finally I said, it wasn't that big a deal and I really didn't need or want anything, his calling was enough. He seemed quite surprised that I didn't want anything.

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Will your bad experience affect any of us?


I'm actually on the fence here. I know OP and others, now you, have, can, do, and will come here to voice their 'issues' with NCL. However, part of me understands the frustration one has and the need to 'share' or 'vent' here.


On the other hand I can't see the real reason why? If one has an issue then by all means, contact NCL, do whatever needs to be done, such as the OP did. Buy why is it any of our business. OP would have had the same conclusion to his/her/their story had they simply took care of it on their own without bringing all of us into the picture.


Sometimes I just think people share too much and what is shared simply does not need to be shared.


Feel free to contact NCL - but do you really need to share your 'problem' with us? Will your problem really have any impact on our cruise?


Just some morning thoughts.....




I believe it does affect us. First, the noise situation has been rectified so subsequent passengers won't experience the same problem. Second, this is cruise critic. By being critical we attempt to raise the standard for the benefit of all passengers. By making NCL aware of the poor standard of care we are alerting staff to be more diligent thereby improving the experience for future cruisers.


It is important to share because although a single incident may seem insignificant to many, repeated reports of the same problem alert us and NCL to the situation.


This is not bashing, this is quality control. NCL should be thanking people for constructive criticism because it helps to improve their product and alert them to issues.

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Feel free to contact NCL - but do you really need to share your 'problem' with us? Will your problem really have any impact on our cruise?









So basically what your saying is only post good things. Don't post anything negative.

Maybe I should say the same about the negative comments. But people come on here and some decide what cruise line to book based on comments / critiques.


I believe the name of this site is Cruise Critic. I believe that one of the purposes is to critique a cruise experience in order that others can make a decision on whether or not it's an experience they can live with.


Some see my posts and case as a way for monetary gain. That may be your own perspective and an opinion your entitled to. But I didn't come on here and trash the food. I didn't come one here and trash the entertainment. I didn't come on here and trash NCL for people smoking in the casino or on the balconies. I didn't come one here and trash the ship for a lack of cleanliness.

I came on here and filed a case because of the poor means of how my specific situation was handled. Had they attended to the problem in the first place and not just disregarded it, we would not be here. Had they made an attempt to fix the problem and not been able to, it would have been very reasonable effort. Instead they put it off over and over and in one instance just left, leaving me waiting without any information.


So while you may judge my actions and my post as purely an attempt for personal gain it was merely a means of making sure they noted this was handled in a poor manner. And while the value of their credit is welcomed and exceeded my expectations, I've had bar tabs bigger than that!


For some of the readers it will encourage them to voice their objections if they legitimately feel they have been wronged. There is no reason to accept things without standing up for yourself in what ever manner you can.


Let me remind everyone that at no point in time did I demand or ask NCL for anything. I submitted a case of what transpired on the ship at my TA's recommendation. NCL told me they would reply in 10 days, and they didn't, then said allow 5 more days and again they didn't. Etc. Had they said allow 30 days I would have waited 30 days. But that's not what they committed to. That may be an acceptable practice to some, then that's ok for you. But in my business practice my customers would tolerate that.


Again to those that these practices are acceptable to that's all well and good. Skip over it and move on. Just like when I read a review and someone complains about allowing smoking on the ships. I don't care one way or the other so I move on. I don't bash them for their stand pro or against. I don't care it doesn't affect me so I move on.


So yes I posted a negative critique and now that NCL had done the right thing in my opinion I will post my overall critique of the Breakaway at some point.


For those not happy that NCL took my complaint seriously. Good luck next time you feel wronged some where.

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You've done it before, and I'm sure will do it again.





If you took the time to do real due diligence you will find that the situation I referenced before was not specifically towards me. But to all of the guests on that cruise. You took one post an re-quoted it out of context in order to attempt to discredit me and prove a point. But that doesn't surprise me.


The post you quoted was with regards to a ship wide refund and credit given by NCL when they couldn't leave port on time and had to cut a cruise short for mechanical reasons. Their initial offer to all of the cruisers was ridiculous. When most of their cruisers started opting to cancel out, they changed their offer. Again the power of the Internet. And again when they did the right thing I posted the kudos.


Did NCL take my complaint seriously? Well per my conversations with guest relations they did actually confirm the situation on the ship. They even had the logs on the times I placed the call to guest services and the 3 hours it took for someone to come up to the cabin. So they took it seriously enough to investigate.


Yes I will complain every time I feel I have not been given the service I feel is warranted. And if they do the right thing by me, I will let everyone know as well. In the end I gave them an opportunity to make things right by me. If my intent were to get even I could of just written a nasty review not specific to my issue and hurt them that way. But that was never my intent.


Thank you for your congratulations. Very much appreciated.

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I believe it does affect us. First, the noise situation has been rectified so subsequent passengers won't experience the same problem.


However, the problem was fixed, therefore won't affect us at all in the future since ultimately, it was fixed while OP was on board.


Second, this is cruise critic. By being critical we attempt to raise the standard for the benefit of all passengers. By making NCL aware of the poor standard of care we are alerting staff to be more diligent thereby improving the experience for future cruisers.


OP (and I say OP but mean anyone, actually) did make NCL aware of the problem on board. In addition they also contacted NCL once the cruise was over so both NCL onboard and NCL Main Office is aware that there was a problem and it was fixed.


It is important to share because although a single incident may seem insignificant to many, repeated reports of the same problem alert us and NCL to the situation.


This is not bashing, this is quality control. NCL should be thanking people for constructive criticism because it helps to improve their product and alert them to issues.


NCL is getting the constructive criticism, on the ship and then again afterwards in their main office. Again, just my thoughts.....there actually is no right or wrong. Just how one perceives things.



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I never said you wanted 'anything' from NCL.


Me? I had a problem on my Pearl cruise. I reported while on board. I wasn't that thrilled with how they handled it. I send a message to the Main office so they would be aware of it. I didn't see the need to come here first. But....that's just me. Everyone is different. If you'll notice I didn't 'bash' you for posting or even comment on your post one way or the other until just today and that was with my 'thoughts' on how to handle something. I'm not saying I'm right and you're wrong by coming here and posting. I'm not saying you're right and I'm wrong. There is no right or wrong. We all deal with things differently. I'm just stating how **I** handled things. That's all.




So basically what your saying is only post good things. Don't post anything negative.

Maybe I should say the same about the negative comments. But people come on here and some decide what cruise line to book based on comments / critiques.


I believe the name of this site is Cruise Critic. I believe that one of the purposes is to critique a cruise experience in order that others can make a decision on whether or not it's an experience they can live with.


Some see my posts and case as a way for monetary gain. That may be your own perspective and an opinion your entitled to. But I didn't come on here and trash the food. I didn't come one here and trash the entertainment. I didn't come on here and trash NCL for people smoking in the casino or on the balconies. I didn't come one here and trash the ship for a lack of cleanliness.

I came on here and filed a case because of the poor means of how my specific situation was handled. Had they attended to the problem in the first place and not just disregarded it, we would not be here. Had they made an attempt to fix the problem and not been able to, it would have been very reasonable effort. Instead they put it off over and over and in one instance just left, leaving me waiting without any information.


So while you may judge my actions and my post as purely an attempt for personal gain it was merely a means of making sure they noted this was handled in a poor manner. And while the value of their credit is welcomed and exceeded my expectations, I've had bar tabs bigger than that!


For some of the readers it will encourage them to voice their objections if they legitimately feel they have been wronged. There is no reason to accept things without standing up for yourself in what ever manner you can.


Let me remind everyone that at no point in time did I demand or ask NCL for anything. I submitted a case of what transpired on the ship at my TA's recommendation. NCL told me they would reply in 10 days, and they didn't, then said allow 5 more days and again they didn't. Etc. Had they said allow 30 days I would have waited 30 days. But that's not what they committed to. That may be an acceptable practice to some, then that's ok for you. But in my business practice my customers would tolerate that.


Again to those that these practices are acceptable to that's all well and good. Skip over it and move on. Just like when I read a review and someone complains about allowing smoking on the ships. I don't care one way or the other so I move on. I don't bash them for their stand pro or against. I don't care it doesn't affect me so I move on.


So yes I posted a negative critique and now that NCL had done the right thing in my opinion I will post my overall critique of the Breakaway at some point.


For those not happy that NCL took my complaint seriously. Good luck next time you feel wronged some where.

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Glad that you finally got this issue resolved and good for you to be persistent and not demanding, it certainly makes a difference.

I've been following the progress with interest to see how it would be resolved, have also been reading the posts regarding your issue and have found it hilarious at some of the responses.

I'm always amazed how we humans read only what we want to or perceive what we think the real truth is to suit their arguments. I applaud your patience in your replies and your ability to stay on course, I doubt I would be able to do the same lol.

Keep on cruising. ! !


cheers...the Ump...:D

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Glad that you finally got this issue resolved and good for you to be persistent and not demanding, it certainly makes a difference.

I've been following the progress with interest to see how it would be resolved, have also been reading the posts regarding your issue and have found it hilarious at some of the responses.

I'm always amazed how we humans read only what we want to or perceive what we think the real truth is to suit their arguments. I applaud your patience in your replies and your ability to stay on course, I doubt I would be able to do the same lol.

Keep on cruising. ! !


cheers...the Ump...:D



Thanks!! I believe both the positive and negative remarks play a role. It is very well known that most corporations these days, NCL included, monitor social media.

The positive as well as the negative remarks kept this thread at the top. No corporate entity wants to find themselves in the middle of a discussion on their customer service practices. So maybe just maybe this thread helped move the case along.


As per losing my patience. I try to keep my zen and look at the entire experience from the noise to this thread as a learning lesson.


Either way in the end NCL did right by me.


Happy Thanksgiving to all!!!



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Thanks!! I believe both the positive and negative remarks play a role. It is very well known that most corporations these days, NCL included, monitor social media.

The positive as well as the negative remarks kept this thread at the top. No corporate entity wants to find themselves in the middle of a discussion on their customer service practices. So maybe just maybe this thread helped move the case along.


As per losing my patience. I try to keep my zen and look at the entire experience from the noise to this thread as a learning lesson.


Either way in the end NCL did right by me.


Happy Thanksgiving to all!!!




OP == Thank you for your persistence and for reporting this incident and the results.


You helped all cruisers, whether some will admit it or not.

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