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All Things EARTH... part 2


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Im so happy about your test results, Margaret. Maybe you csn plsn out snother lityle getaway that doesn't include s Monday?


Yes, I love Skechers. The heel is really nothing. The wedge really helps to make it even more comfy, and then that memory foam...


I'm feeling very ready for vacation!! I think we all feel that way right now, don't we?


So I had ordered 2 dresses from Macy's and 2 from JCP. Two had sleeves, but they didn't work out. Maybe. Sparkles ended up being way too cool. The other ended up being kind of cool in color, and being light, it really washed me out. The style wasn't quite right for me either.


The other two were sleeveless. One was a desperate attempt to replace my purple dress. The one I say thst gives ne a shape? The color was too cool. I needed a size larger and then taking it in to fit in certain places. My husband said that he didn't think it was the right purple, and it wasn't.


The last was ivory, with s gold brocade pattern. Very pretty, but too big. I'm going to try a size down. It will be versatile - out of office functions and cruise dinners.


This isn't unusual for me. Online shopping is iffy but there is do much more available. I take advantage of sales and free shipping, and make sure I can either bring it back to the mall or there are free returns.


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Happy birthday, Sally and Melody.


Good news on the skin biopsies. I've had several basal cell spots removed, thankfully, nothing worse. It's the price you pay for being lilly white :(


Anita, your Alaska trip sounds lovely! It's on my "list" of places to go to. I can't wait to hear all about it.


Laurie, I love to see all of your buys, it's fun to live vicariously through them :)


Debbie and I along with our DH's leave for our adventure on February 1. I'll try to get a photo of Debbie and me each night and day for a pictodiary. I think you're going to see some of the outfits we've worn on previous trips. I'm getting down to having to wear over lots of stuff. I buy classic stuff (at least in my mind) and wear it forever it seems. I just can't throw out things that are still wearable I guess. I'm too thrifty! We have some fun excursions planned. I am taking along your skirt, Margaret--it's so cute!


I love reading along but, really haven't had anything to add to the conversations.

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Happy birthday, Sally and Melody.


Thanks Jody ,It was really great to hear from you . I have been wondering how the fire people are . I also leave in Feb. for a cruise to Key West and Cuba .Most of my wardrobe for this trip is also from my closet..I hate end of seasons since everything seems picked over and they do not have summer clothes out yet so I am going with what I have .

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That is perfect for you, Melody! I see the fireplace going in the background. How is your weather there? We have been. In the low 40s for two days now. It's like a heatwave.


I got to the mall yesterday. I'll fill you in tomorrow when I have a regular keyboard to type on.


Pretty shirt,margaret. It looks really earthy.


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Snowing like crazy! Low 20s & going down. First real storm for us. About 7” so far with blizzard conditions. Schools already closed for tomorrow



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Melody, I'm sorry you're getting lousy weather. I'm really happy to be getting a break from it, even if it is only for a few days.


Saturday, I worked half a day. After I got home, my husband I went to the mall. I returned all the dresses as planned. I decided not to re-order the one dress, after giving it some thought. For the price, it wasn't really the kind of fabric you would expect. It was still a very pretty dress, and I did get a decent deal, but I just didn't love it.


So we started with the returns to JC Penney. While there, wandered to their work clothes area. There were no earth pants at all. They had this burgundy color that I thought might be warm, but there were none in my size. I picked up a pair of gray and a pair of navy. They both fit good, especially the navy, which was a different style for me. However, they will be returned for a few reasons. One, the navy is very dark, and outside the store, looks close to black. They just wouldn't go with anything I currently have.


When I went to Macy's, I decided to wander into the dress area. I was surprised - it was one of the busiest parts of the store, and people were focused on formal wear. I don't know if was for weddings, cruises or what, but there were a lot of people looking at long dresses and short formal dresses.


I wasn't readily finding anything, but my husband found and ivory full length dress. I liked it a lot, but didn't feel I "needed" it. Yes, I do want to be able to rotate dresses, but I was looking to find a short formal dress. I kept looking, and then my husband found a short lace dress by the same company as the long one. The color was different, and the style was slightly different. I decided it might be good to try. My husband thought they would both be good to try. I could always take back what I decided not to keep. The short dress is a beige type color. It is warm, earthy.


Here is the link the the long dress. On my computer, is looks white. it is a nice ivory with gold sequins to it.




This is the short dress:




I tried them on quickly when I got home, but then put them aside. You know how if you are tired and all, and you know you just don't feel up to it? Well, I wasn't feeling like trying on dresses. So yesterday, during the day, I decided to try them on again. Oh my gosh, I just love both of them. They're me. I had a 25% off coupon, so I felt they were priced decently.


I told my husband that I really wanted to keep both, and he thought it was a good idea. They are great dresses.


In between while at the mall, i stopped in Chicos. Now, if you go online and enter my zip code, the store at the mall doesn't come up. It is quite small, and I was wondering if it is really just an outlet? They had quite a few brown pants, but they were not dress pants for work. They were pull on stretch twill, for the most half. A few of them were really cute, just not work attire. So I am planning on trying the ones I found online and seeing how they work out.


I stopped in New York and Company, and found a better pair of navy pants, and a blue gray color. I just couldn't find earth pants!


While walking by Jos. A. Bank, my husband wanted to stop in. Before the holidays, there was an outfit in the window that he liked so much, he took a picture of it. He would like the ability to have some smart casual outfits and perhaps a few pieces that could do double duty. I don't often think about men dressing an outfit up or down, but this is what my husband had in mind.


The picture he took was of a warm tweed sports coat. (he is air!) It was paired with a nice air gray vest over a plaid shirt that picked up both the gray and warmer tweed. In the window, it was paired with jeans. My husband like the idea of wearing it with nicer jeans and also with khakis. I was hesitant about the color combination, but for starters, it's his wardrobe. I don't pick his clothes - he really likes choosing styles he likes. Secondly, I thought the outfit did a pretty nice job of bringing earth and air colors together. I would say he is a true air so brownish tones aren't his best. But overall, I thought this outfit worked fairly well.


The lady in the store was great, tracking everything done for him and finding the right sizes. I guess waiting was a good thing, because the shirt and vest were on clearance. The vest they had didn't fit that well, but they ordered it with free three day shipping for him. I thought that was pretty neat.


Believe it or not, we really didn't go in too many other stores. The mall is big and as it works out, there are big distances between the stores. I hope to go back again soon with one of my daughters to shop a bit more.


So long story short, I got a short dress, a long dress, and a few pairs of pants that are the wrong color, lol.


The funny thing is that I really wanted a dress with some sort of sleeve. But a little wine, a little dancing, and I should be warm enough at the event we're attending. If I come across anything with sleeves I will give it a go, but I feel like I have two dresses that I can choose from with a cap sleeve, at least. It's so funny - they are both lace and very similar styles. Very different colors though, and the new one fits so much better. The other one was a size 16 and most of my current dresses are an 8. So when you take in things like that, they just don't look the same. The proportions are off.


By the way, I think that is an earth purple you are wearing in the birthday photo, Melody! I've been trying to find a dress that color for quite some time now. With dresses, at least, the purples tend to be cooler.


One place I didn't check was Lord and Taylor. They tend to really mark things down a lot there. I just forget to check there because the regular prices are so expensive.

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Laurie, I really like that necklace with the burgundy dress. I think that sweater is earth as well. It’s from Chicos & the color is mulberry, the sweater is dolman sleeves & I got it for $19. The scarf is JJill but blends well. I have a hot pink Spyder jacket that I wore with it


That long dress also comes in red...just saying [emoji6]. I like both of them. Melody



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Melody, I didn't know about the red dress until I checked it out online. They didn't have the red in the store. I probably would have went right for the red one instinctively. The ivory is quite beautiful though.


My dilemma now is which dresses to bring. The teal lace dress has been a definite all along. I'm leaning towards the burgundy for the second night but I love the ivory dress on. I told my husband that I guess we need to book another cruise then. [emoji2][emoji2]


We haven't picked an excursion for Grand Cayman yet. In all my cruises, the excursion that stands above all others has been swimming withthe stingrays through Captain Marvin. We are talking about doing that again but we haven't booked. I think it's time to pick something. We really need to learn to snorkel!


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Laurie, that necklace/dress combo is stunning. Those two lace dresses are perfect for you.


I agree with Sally, a beach snorkel is a great way to start. DH has a prescription mask and he practiced with it at the beach before our first deep water snorkel. I always make sure my hair is off my face, even a little bit stuck inside will affect the seal of your mask.


Watching stingrays swim underwater is different from watching from above. It really is beautiful. It is so quiet and peaceful underwater.

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Thank you. I really like the necklace and dress together a lot. Even though an iridescent (aurora borealis?) stone may see cool, I find that it does a good job of picking up different tones. The metal is actually rose gold.


I really need to try snorkeling. I have always wanted to learn. My nephew has a good friend who teaches scuba, and he has told me that if I contact him, he would teach me snorkeling basics. Of course, our climate means this isn't the best time for that, lol. I imagine he uses a pool in the summer for his classes.




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Laurie, if you can war contacts snorkeling will be great for you. I know hen w we’re on woodwind snorkel in Bonaire they had several different prescription masks that people could use. Do try either in a pool or from shore first. It is so peaceful



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Anyone else losing sleep watching the Aus Open?


Laurie...your new dresses are beautiful. I really like the coloring of the short one. That richer colored neutral lace is really lovely. Beautiful necklace coloring with the burgundy dress. I have a necklace with aurora borealis and I think that the rose gold is really nice with that...mine is on string and there is no noticeable metal, so the effect is more cool, I think...yours shows much warmer. Very pretty.


I like that purple on you Melody. Very nice. I could see that paired with the hot pink and that scarf. Would be a very fun combo.


I think everyone gets that I just like to learn. I like to research...at least topics that I'm interested in, of course. So, there is another guy, I think his name is David Zoya? or something similar, and he has a formula for figuring out very specific colors:


Your Black...the darkest color that forms the ring around the iris of your eye

Your Energy Color...the darkest color in the iris of your eye

Your Tranquil Color...the lightest color in the iris of your eye

Your Romantic Color...the red color your skin is when you are flushed

Your Dramatic Color...the blue (or more green or purple) color that shows on your inner wrist

Your Semi Formal Neutral...the darkest color in your hair

Your Casual Neutral...the lightest color in your hair


So...I've spent some of my free time trying to take photos of my eyes and hair, etc...to try to capture what these colors are. Just for fun. Something to do when I'm taking a break from whatever... It's very difficult to do. Shadows will play havoc with the colors...ANY shadow...so if you have blinds on your window...the shade cast by those blinds with affect the color in the photos. The sunlight in the evening, indirect sunlight, etc., the white shine from the sun, it will all have an effect. Today, in full direct sunlight, I was able to capture a photo that I think is a good representation of my eyes, at least:




What is interesting to me...is how neutral my eyes are...I had a really hard time with my hair and trying to capture the lightest and darkest colors. There are too many shades of brown in my hair...I can grab a very red brown and a very ashy brown...both look very odd next to my hair...neither blending very well, which I think is one reason why I have such a hard time with brown. I don't wear much brown...even when it is supposed to be such a great neutral for Earth. I much prefer gray...or olive...or even burgundy. And that all makes sense to me now.


Since I couldn't grab great browns in my hair, what I found interesting was to grab the golden color in my eyes...and this is what my eyes are:




The first two golden colors are the dark and light gold accents in my eyes. The dark and light green (gray/green) and the majority of my iris. The darker warm gray is "my black"...the dark ring around my eyes.


I was able to find my romance color, my red...I rearranged my colors...putting my black first...keeping the lighter golden eye color and adding my red:




I don't know how good everyone's memory is...but I have a tank top in that first darker golden color...back when we were doing the color themes...and I couldn't take a bad picture in that color.


I've been having fun looking at photos and figuring out these colors. It was impossible to grab the blue in the wrist from a photo...that would have to be with a paint swatch in a store I think. If anyone is curious...I have a Mac and there's a utility called Digital Color Meter that will pick out the composition of any color that the cursor is focused on on the screen. I used a website called Coolors.co to generate the colors into a palette.


The other topic I've uncovered is about contrast...both in terms of value (how your darkest color compares to your lightest color in your coloring, including skin, eyes, and hair) and also in terms of how colorful a person you are. So, I'm pretty sure that I'm a medium to low value contrast (tends to change with seasons...paler skin and darker hair in winter (more medium)...more skin color and lighter highlights in summer (lower))...and low color contrast (I think I'm pretty neutral in color).


So, I think, for instance, that Margaret is a more colorful and more contrasting person. More colorful hair and eyes...and more contrasting between hair and skin. And I wonder how Melody's changing coloring has altered her colorfulness and value contrast so that is what has influenced what colors look better on her now versus what did in the past. This topic is covered in the this blog:




I get all into these things. Partly because I like to think that such things can be helpful for wardrobe planning and/or pairing down and/or filling in gaps. This is an interesting application of how this information can be useful:




The link shows examples of situations for when to wear the different colors...just makes for interesting reading...

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Thanks for the links Anita, that looks interesting, I’ll definitely check it out. I definitely wore more subdued colors when my hair was dark red, my colors lightened as I lightened my hair to a brighter golden red & then stopped coloring. My colors definitely brightened with the silver hair (I still have a few swatches of the dark Red especially in the back of my head). I found that I looked tired & drab with the more subdued colors, jewel & neon colors work best for me now


I have pre op testing today & surgery first thing tomorrow. I’ll be admitted after the surgery for a couple of days, not sure if I’ll have anything but my phone (& I won’t have that tomorrow at all)





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Melody, I was just trying to remember when your surgery was, I knew it was coming up. Sending happy and healthy thoughts for tomorrow, and looking forward to hearing how you're doing.


Anita, you read my mind. I was ready for some new websites and ideas to explore. It is plain to see that the darkest dark and lightest light in my eyes are much farther apart than what you have, and I have everything from warm chestnut brown to cool very light blue. If I made a palette like yours it wouldn't read as closely EARTH as yours is.

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Prayerful thoughts for your surgery Melody...I hope it all goes well and you recover quickly.


Margaret, I was actually very surprised by the colors in my eyes. When I see them straight up in the mirror my ring around the iris looks more gray blue...much cooler than the actual color ended up being.And even though I see blue IRL, there isn't any. If you sent me a good photo, daylight and no shade or shadows (so difficult!), I'll grab the colors the way I did mine.


I've found that it is really interesting to use the color palette as a reference for online shopping. He king out Soft Surroundings and armed with my color palette, I've been able to evaluate options and see many things that could work so much easier...same for ruling out colors. Of course, it's all based on the accuracy of their photos too...

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