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My first trip to Europe on Freedom of the Seas 9/3/17 with many pictures and video!


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Was the main dining room menu the same as what you would expect in the US. Or was it geared to the region you were in?




It’s definitely a different menu and different, way better in quality and variety



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  • 2 weeks later...

Also-I am so impressed with how much you are able to do in port. I have been wary if booking a Euro cruise thinking that it’s not even barely enough time to see the highlights. (And I know there’s still a lot more to see) but wow, you’ve knocked out a lot!



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Ok, So I am finally back! My sister got married on Oct 14th, and she lives kind of far away from me, so I was gone for a bit for that, and then I got a free cruise courtesy of my past donations to RCI on the Freedom Casino, and then I got the flu sometime between my sister's wedding and the freebie cruise, so it's been an eventful few weeks


So I'll try to start off where I left off, which was at the Coliseum. It was busy when I went, but not nearly as busy as it COULD have been. I didn't pay extra to go down below to tour, but was just satisfied walking around and looking at things. It's pretty chilling, when you think about all that happened in the Coliseum, and now they are using it for some sort of concert hall. Honestly, I wish they wouldn't use it for random events, as the modern equipment kind of takes away from the overall experience, but it is what it is.


Ok, so prepare for some photos










Here's a bad hair day picture of me: REMEMBER TO BRING CONDITIONER....the water is SO hard on the cruise ship, really dries out your hair!




And here's a cute pic of me and my hubby



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Here's some of the modern elements I was talking about. When I asked someone working at the Coliseum about what sort of events they were holding this summer at the Coliseum, they just ignored me and my question, and kept on talking in english amongst themselves. So I wouldn't expect much from them, just google it, haha.






To get the photo below, there is a lookout on the second floor. There was a natural line forming to do this photo. I think it would be much more impressive without all the modern stuff in the shot







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We left the Coliseum around 11am or so, so that we could get a bite to eat outside of the St. Peter's Square and get to the Vatican in time for our timed entry at noon. We had around 1 hr at the Coliseum, and while that might not be enough for an audio guide tour, it was enough for just walking around it and looking at things.





We grabbed a cab to St. Peter's Square. We took cabs throughout the day in Rome via MyTaxi app, and I HIGHLY suggest you do so as well. It was cheap, 10.00 max per ride that we took, and it saves you time and your body from aching the next day!




301ptzs.jpgThe Pope was in Columbia whenever we were visiting, so no chance for a sighting :(





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Also-I am so impressed with how much you are able to do in port. I have been wary if booking a Euro cruise thinking that it’s not even barely enough time to see the highlights. (And I know there’s still a lot more to see) but wow, you’ve knocked out a lot!



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Thanks, I was worried I was packing too much in, but I am really pleased with what I got to see and do! I did go on a land based trip to Montreal and Quebec City this past summer, where I used public transit and the visit a city app, and I feel like it was really good practice for my European cruise :)

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The Vatican Museums/Sistine Chapel




So after the Coliseum, we made our way to St Peter's Square to get a bite to eat and go to the Vatican. As I said before, I prepurchased tickets before my trip, for timed entry. If you were just to arrive at the Vatican, it would be incredibly hard to get tickets and get in before your time in Rome is done. Out of all the lines, this one was the MOST confusing. I thought I had purchased tickets to all of the things that cost money in St. Peter's Square, but I did not. I didn't have tickets to St. Peter's Basilica. When we were looking for the line to the Vatican, someone directing people told me that the tickets were 40.00 USD per person extra to go into St. Peter's Basilica. I paid 20 euros per person online for the tickets, and to pay another 80.00 just didn't appeal to me, no matter who is buried in St. Peter's Basilica, so I declined and we made our way to the line that "Pass the line" patrons go in.




We got into the building easily, but inside, it was a MAD house! The directions on my ticket said to stand in the line to retrieve my "Actual" tickets. This line was kind of long, so I went off to make sure that there wasn't a shorter line somewhere else. Sure enough, I found a Kiosk where you can scan your printed voucher and get tickets without a wait in line!


While I was off finding this kiosk, my husband was keeping an eye on this guy, waiting for him to take a photo with his iPad, but it never happened :(




Here is the kiosk. As you enter the ticketing area, just go straight, kind of to left and you will see it




This is the ACTUAL entry ticket that the kiosk will give you after scanning your voucher



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So before I go into our experience at the Vatican, here is a little info about my religious background. My husband and I are both Catholics...cradle catholics. My parents are devout Catholics and I was raised as such (Almost like a Lane Kim sort of experience, and my Gilmore Girl fans will get this reference) Let's just say EWTN was on A LOT during my childhood, so I knew what the Vatican looked like from the outside and such. A lot of my parent's friends who had went to the Vatican were always going on and on about, being such an incredible experience for one's spiritual life, etc.




That brings me to my experience. Underwhelming. I don't know if I missed anything, but the whole experience was underwhelming. There is SO many things to do in Rome, and I chose the Vatican because being Catholic, you go to the Vatican when in Rome. Maybe going with such expectations to be blown away ruined it for me, I don't know, but both me and my husband were really disappointed in the experience as a whole.


First of all, there was a LOT of people there...a lot of shuffling, and B.O. Yes, Body odor. There's NO AC in the Vatican, no breeze, feels like an oven in there probably with no one in there. With thousands of people milling around, its almost unbearable. There were people standing behind artworks that had windows that had been cracked. Sometimes you lucked out and found a hall like this, but mostly it was one of the most crowded experiences we had in Europe, more so than other attractions and museums.




Second, the maps were confusing. We ended up just following the "Long way" around all the rooms and following the flow of traffic, because going against the flow was not going to happen. When we were finding our way, I just hoped the route we were taking had all the "Important" stuff we needed to see.


Lastly, I guess I was expecting more of a "Catholic/Christian" sort of an experience, instead of just your Museum feel. I thought there would be old things related to the Catholic church, Christianity, etc. Maybe a room full of miters from various Popes throughout the many years, relics, that sort of thing. In all actuality, I only saw a small room filled with stuff like that, the rest was artwork the church as "collected" throughout it's history. Don't get me wrong, I am a huge art lover and enjoyed seeing all of the art here, it just wasn't what I was expecting to see. Also, remember the reason why their are leaves over private parts is because the Catholic church put them over them when they were aquired, the artists didn't make the statues with them originally..gotta love censorship ;p


Ok, now time for some photos and less commentary.





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Pictures taken in the Vatican Museums Continued


Oh look, we found a window, finally some fresh air!




Don't make this guy angry!




I wonder what the full statue was like...this is one BIG toe!




I don't want you thinking we didn't enjoy the Vatican, because we did...it was just we were expecting MUCH different in terms of what sort of things would be in the museum.






and of course, Laocoön



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More Vatican Photos





This one will give you a little bit of an idea of how crowded it was




iPad photographer alert!




Is this the same photographer using her iPad for a different angle or a different person? Not sure, but still funny




And so we enter the Gallery of Maps



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Another iPad photographer










I forgot to mention...if you are going to the Vatican, when you get inside there are two routes you can supposedly take. One is a fast route, that takes you to through a few rooms in the Vatican and then onto the Sistine Chapel. The long route takes you through most, if not all of the museum. We did the long route, in a fast manner. There were certain pieces I took longer to appreciate, but you can certainly do either route in the time constraints of the hours in port. If the Vatican was ALL you did, you could certainly spend enough time in here to look any many artworks in depth if you wanted to.


They do not allow photography in the Sistine Chapel, although many people here were snapping pictures and didn't get arrested for it. There is a guy who very loudly says in 5-6 different languages to BE QUIET, and no photography or videography. We didn't take any photos, as we try to follow the rules and wanted to respect the chapel and the artwork. The Sistine Chapel is just as wonderful as you would imagine it to be, and to see The Creation of Adam was truly awe inspiring.


That being said, the amount of people crammed into the Sistine Chapel was unreal, even compared to the vatican. To me, this Chapel has lost all sense of being a church of any kind and should be regarded as a museum only. To be constantly told to SUSH and be respectful as it is a place of prayer kind of made us want to laugh. To have 1,000 people shoved into such a small place...it was not a prayerful experience. We looked at the artwork here for about 10 minutes before the stench, the heat, and sheer number of people drove us out.


Up next, The Pantheon and Trevi Fountain

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  • 1 month later...

I loved your review; it took me right back to the places we visited on our various Med cruises. We did eat at Al Antico Vinaio, but we beat the crowds by going as soon as we arrived in Florence at 11:00 AM. It was one of the 2 best sandwiches of my life, straight fresh deliciousness! Like you said, though, the food in Europe in general is so good and so fresh. We would try to plan out places to eat from TripAdvisor; sometimes it would work out like with Florence, but other times we did better stumbling upon places. Oh to have some gelato!!! Funny story about the Casino in Monte Carlo...I wore rhinestone and leather flip flops and a dress and was yelled at and turned away while people in blaring white tennis shoes walked in in tourist ware. DH knew that place was my top pick, so we raced by foot, water taxi, and tender back to our ship to change shoes and made it back in time to play slots in the famed casino and catch the second to last tender back to the ship! Hope you come back to finish your review!



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I loved your review; it took me right back to the places we visited on our various Med cruises. We did eat at Al Antico Vinaio, but we beat the crowds by going as soon as we arrived in Florence at 11:00 AM. It was one of the 2 best sandwiches of my life, straight fresh deliciousness! Like you said, though, the food in Europe in general is so good and so fresh. We would try to plan out places to eat from TripAdvisor; sometimes it would work out like with Florence, but other times we did better stumbling upon places. Oh to have some gelato!!! Funny story about the Casino in Monte Carlo...I wore rhinestone and leather flip flops and a dress and was yelled at and turned away while people in blaring white tennis shoes walked in in tourist ware. DH knew that place was my top pick, so we raced by foot, water taxi, and tender back to our ship to change shoes and made it back in time to play slots in the famed casino and catch the second to last tender back to the ship! Hope you come back to finish your review!




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Ack, completely forgot, I've done so many trips since this I forgot somehow! I will try to wrap up the last couple days

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Continuing on from where we last left off (The Vatican) my husband and I took a cab to the Pantheon. It was SO cheap to just take cab rides to and from these sites and I was SO tired of walking. Using MyTaxi app worked out so well and really it was about 6-10.00 USD for each one way trip we took. SO WORTH IT


Here's some obligatory pictures of Trevi Fountain. I have better ones on my camera but figured I'd just show my phone pics so I can wrap up this review






We tossed our coins over our shoulders and left quickly. The crowds around this area are INTENSE, worse than in La Ramblas in Barcelona. Make sure to be aware of your surroundings and belongings here.


Here's a few pictures of the Pantheon, which is right by Trevi Fountain.








Here is my visitacity screenshot of the day I planned. It pretty much went as planned, minus the visit to St. Peter's Basilica, which I could have done if I had been willing to pay 80.00 extra.




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And to end our day in Rome, we found this little gelato place tucked away and stopped there for some, because even in Sept, we were BURNING UP in Rome




I like this photo I snapped of these three friends...so I'll share it




Here is a close up of what is across the street from the gelato place, in case you want to go looking for it. I personally love reviews with pictures of reference points like this, really helps me as I'm wandering around lost...lol






It was delicious, as everything I ate in these countries...so jealous of their food!


So then we headed back to our meeting point and back to the cruise ship we went. This excursion was SO smooth (Luxury express train to Rome by RCI) was worth EVERY penny and that information the tour guide gave me about the Coliseum was GOLD!!! Would highly recommend this tour especially since it gives you the MOST time in Rome without worrying about missing the ship!

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Ok so onto Naples. Here is the tour I booked for Naples. Many people were trying to convince me to wing this on my own or with a local tour guide, but I kept on thinking about how BAD it would be to miss the ship in Naples vs other ports. If you miss the ship in Naples, the next point where you would rejoin the ship would be the end of the cruise in Barcelona, and how would you go about getting your bags, etc. It was just a possibility I couldn't chance, and honestly this Royal Caribbean tour was fairly priced at 130.00 per person. It was hard to find excursions done by locals for this price anyhow.

Amalfi Coast & Pompeii by Land and Sea

· Amalfi:Wander the charming streets of this former maritime superpower; the cathedral’scrypt is said to have St. Andrew’s remains.

· AmalfiCoast: Enjoy breathtaking panoramic views of cliffs and grottos on a 45-minutecruise along Italy’s most famous coastline.

· Pompeii:Uncover lavish temples, villas and more of this once-flourishing Roman city,destroyed in 79 A.D. when Mount Vesuvius erupted.

Lunch and Pompeii tickets included.


Spend the day discovering two UNESCO World Heritage Sites:the iconic Amalfi Coast and the fascinating ruins of Pompeii. Delight inbreathtaking oceanfront scenery as you drive along the picturesque coastline.Visiting the town of Amalfi, take time to explore the charming maritime villageon your own, strolling the narrow streets to the Piazza del Duomo, seeing thestunning 12th-century cathedral and shopping for authentic souvenirs. Then enjoyspectacular coastal views and calming sea breezes on a 45-minute boat rideacross dazzling azure waters along the cliff-lined Amalfi Coast. Savor adelicious authentic Italian lunch with wine and champagne before exploringPompeii, one of the world’s most amazing archaeological wonders. Walking theancient streets, behold a city beautifully preserved in time, which was, forcenturies, covered in 20 feet of volcanic ash and pumice. Discover lavishtemples, villas and more of this once-flourishing Roman city, destroyed in 79A.D. when Mount Vesuvius erupted. NPK4

I was SO glad we took this tour in the end. Manuela, our tour guide, WAS AMAZING and I don't say this lightly. I am a tough critic and she was amazing! I swear she talked non stop for the full 8 hrs, didn't stop for air! And she was SO funny and authentic, even though there was a lot of people on the tour, you didn't mind at all! She had so many amazing stories and kept things lively when she knew we all were exhausted from other ports

It takes about an hour driving from the port to get to the town of Amalfi. At least an hour, maybe I am being generous with the time. It didn't feel like too long in the bus because the scenery was incredible and SCARY! How do they get these buses on these roads is beyond me, but don't look down!


It was nice having the drive for the first hour or so of the tour because it gives you time to wake up. This whole itinerary, you feel like all you do is get up at 6am, shovel some food down, GO GO GO until 6-7pm, then eat dinner and a show, and then repeat. Having some wake up time in the bus improved my mood! Be sure to bring along a coffee for the ride.


They do have scheduled bathroom breaks at decent facilities with modern bathrooms, so be sure to do take them up on these as when you are in Amalfi, it will be a cost to use the restrooms or you will have to buy something in a shop or something. Plus, in the small local places, it can be hard to figure out how to use the toilet :P


Remember, I said don't look down! Make sure you pay attention to the scenery as you pass the little towns as there are some CUTE surprises that the tour guide will point out to you!

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