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Royal Caribbean Fights Back!


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Dr Lee was on Good Morning America this morning and talked about doing three tests when he had originally wanted to do five tests.

The host pushed him as to why he didn't do all the tests and he stated that it was a dispute among the attorneys (not anything RCI did).

He also stated on his own with no prompting that he wanted to thank the cruise ship for giving them the freedom to do whatever tests they wanted to do.

He was also asked if they could gather any worthwhile information after all this time and all the cleaning, etc.

He stated that he had solved 36 year old cases through testing and that it shouldn't be a problem in this case.

Draw your own conclusions but IMHO it sounds like he was saying RCI is cooperating fully, that any tests denied were not denied by RCI but by the attorneys in the case and that RCI, acting on the advice of the FBI, did not destroy pertinent evidence.

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I believe it has been stated that the assist casino manager went to the disco with them from the casino. All reports seem to agree that she left the disco alone after the fight and do not conflict with RCI's camera apparently catching her getting on and off the elevator.


Aw shucks rd - between corona and I we must have the jobs that require details details details.


On the one hand I'm disappointed RCI won't let them do the dummy testing but I guess it would be extremely distracting to watch a dummy flung off as you are waiting to board. Imagine that there are actually people out there not paying attention to this case and a dummy goes flying by. Which brings us to the other hand, RCI has tried to keep this from turning into a circus freak sideshow to no avail. Can you imagine the tabloid photos of the flying dummy?

I watched rira cosby last night.She seems to have dialed down her attack on rci after dr.lee's visit.As For a freak show,can you imagine the smith family with the passinger list? The sister would be badgering all those poor people.

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I watched rira cosby last night.She seems to have dialed down her attack on rci after dr.lee's visit.As For a freak show,can you imagine the smith family with the passinger list? The sister would be badgering all those poor people.


She'd be quoting every one of their statements without any proof of accuracy. What a side show.

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Was Clete's cabin to the left or right (facing in from the balcony) of the Smith's?


Moto's team was measuring the divider between the left cabin and the Smith's.


I'm sticking with the "thud" with the "reverb" was something striking the balcony divider, since he seems to be the only one to have heard this noise (so far) which leads me to believe he was the closest person to the "noise".


For those who have been in a balcony cabin, think back to what noises you have heard eminating from other balconies when while the ship is "at sea". or even in port? Have you ever heard anything coming from that far away? How much did you notice the lifeboats being lowered at tender ports? I'm sure they make alot more noise than GH's body could have. The media houndogs havn't found ANYONE ELSE that heard the "thud" in any other cabin? No way.

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I had a few more thoughts about the cameras, tapes and the balcony and the canopy...


I thought I saw soem very good links to the the views from the cameras when carona posted them the other day. There were several good views. So, I am not beginning to think, that it is very possible for the cruiseline to have turned over tapes to the FBI which might very well show something. Granted it was 'dark', but I feel that there may be some informtion that will be helpful on those tapes.


Now one of the things with cameras and tapes is the expectation that most people have that there is a trained eye watching the monitor 24/7, and it doesn't really work like that in most instances. If there is somehting on the tapes, then I am sure the Smiths will be all over RCCL that a swat team was not dispacthced the second it occured, and that is something RCCL will have to handle. It usually is somehting to the effect of the cameras are there to record and document in the event something occurs, and to potentially deter somehting, but it cannot prevent it from happening.


I think we will find there is something to be seen at the balcony level, and somehting to be seen at the canopy level based on the angles of carona's links.

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Was Clete's cabin to the left or right (facing in from the balcony) of the Smith's?


Moto's team was measuring the divider between the left cabin and the Smith's.


I'm sticking with the "thud" with the "reverb" was something striking the balcony divider, since he seems to be the only one to have heard this noise (so far) which leads me to believe he was the closest person to the "noise".


For those who have been in a balcony cabin, think back to what noises you have heard eminating from other balconies when while the ship is "at sea". or even in port? Have you ever heard anything coming from that far away? How much did you notice the lifeboats being lowered at tender ports? I'm sure they make alot more noise than GH's body could have. The media houndogs havn't found ANYONE ELSE that heard the "thud" in any other cabin? No way.


If you were standing on the balcony, facing the door, Clete's cabin would have been to the right. Interesting that they were looking to the oposite side, of Clete's balcony. Clete's bed was also on the oposite side of the cabin from the Smith's. That's why I think he was really trying to listen to what was going on next door....I'll check to be sure

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Hello all, I have not weighed in in a while. Have to do a little work now & then.


A few observations that may support the theories by carona, ken, pirate, and so forth. Most of these I have posted before.


Balcony door/curtain - stated to be closed when JHS was returned to room at 4:57 AM. Was reported to be open slightly (enough to see bed had been slept in) by Clete at 7:00 AM. Who opened it & when? This may support the theory that someone (GS?) was on the balcony when JHS returned.


Bed - As above, "was slept in" at 7:00 AM by Clete. Where is JHS? She arrived at spa at 8:30.


3 in, 4 out - There seems to be wide acceptance that 4 men brought GS to the room and Clete only reported 3 leaving. On some other boards, this point is not so clear. There seems to be some strong opinion that only 3 entered with GS the last time. Remember, Josh's story is that they all returned, GS changed shirts (why??) and they left again to search for JHS. Maybe the younger "russian" did not return the second time. This would place GS alone in the room after the 3 were seen leaving.


Turned down bed, room in order - After all of the comotion & noise reported by both sets of neighbors, plus the fact that Josh states that GS was placed into the bed (while Josh used the bathroom), why was the bed perfectly turned down when JHS was returned to the room? Was there no furniture out of place after being "thrown" as some reported hearing?


The search for Jen - The report from Josh is that GS was so intoxicated that the two larger of the "russian" boys more or less carried him back from the disco to the cabin. There, they had more drinks & shots, GS changed shirts, then they were off to the hot tubs to search for Jen. Did the additional shots make GS LESS intoxicated. If he could not walk back to the cabin, how was he able to go out looking for her?


Calm down - We do have the neighbors reporting hearing voices telling someone to "calm down" out in the hallway. Josh does state that GS was pretty PO'd about Jen not being at the room and they were trying to calm him, so that part matches up.


No theories this time.

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Furr, it is noteworthy, that the DW did not find DH being missing of any importance the next AM, but DH was most interrested in where his DW was that evening. This seems to conflict with the speculation about them sleeping apart on the honeymoon....and having a free sort of arrangement.


DH wanted to know where DW was....


Perhaps it is not money driving her to hire her band of bandits, but rather she is trying to obfuscate the FBI...??:confused:

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The search for Jen - The report from Josh is that GS was so intoxicated that the two larger of the "russian" boys more or less carried him back from the disco to the cabin. There, they had more drinks & shots, GS changed shirts, then they were off to the hot tubs to search for Jen. Did the additional shots make GS LESS intoxicated. If he could not walk back to the cabin, how was he able to go out looking for her?



Oohh,,,,good one...;) :)

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Balcony door/curtain - stated to be closed when JHS was returned to room at 4:57 AM. Was reported to be open slightly (enough to see bed had been slept in) by Clete at 7:00 AM. Who opened it & when? This may support the theory that someone (GS?) was on the balcony when JHS returned.


Bed - As above, "was slept in" at 7:00 AM by Clete. Where is JHS? She arrived at spa at 8:30.


Good observation! At 7AM Clete could see the bed was slept in (past tense) but now no Jennifer in bed? Did Jen get out of bed alot earlier than her 8:30 spa visit? Obviously she wasn't freshening up before then.

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If it is true that they had been drinking Absinthe, this would help explain why JS doesn't remember anything. After doing some research, it seems that some of the effects of drinking too much Absinthe are a tendency to be aggressive, hallucogenic episodes and possible lack of consciousness.


If it is true that she and George were arguing and she went off with someone, that would account for the loud voices in the cabin. He was probably yelling because she wasn't in the cabin. He was probably angry when he and the others went looking for her. When he didn't find her he may have been despondent when he returned to the cabin, thinking she was off somewhere with another man. His companions may have thought he was settled down when they left the cabin, but he may have started rummaging around the cabin looking for something. The sounds could have been drawers slamming. It's possible that he was very upset and went out on the balcony and either jumped or fell off the balcony.


It sounds as if they were both very angry with each other so when she woke up in the morning she probably didn't care where he was. They were obviously both irresponsible and living a lifestyle that most of us could never understand. She seems to be someone who is incapable of taking responsibility for her mistakes. She makes light of her newlywed husband sleeping in someone else's cabin on their honeymoon.


As far as blaming RCI, her attitude is childish and selfish. They obviously did what they thought was best at the time. I'm sure it's difficult for her to accept the fact that her actions had a lot to do with what happened to her husband whether it was suicide, an accident or even foul play by the other men involved. It's not going to be easy for her to face up to that so it's much easier to blame others.

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I haven't missed a post (or show) for that matter, but my personal experience is very limited- one balcony once - (Mariner) - looks to be same configuration - you're all comfortable that you COULD see the condition of the next door bed linens that easily? I think you must be; or it would have been questioned before - I'd want to be VERY sure there was no one there before I tried to look - please confirm that it can be done -


anyway a good excuse to take another cruise soon, so I can check that out!

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Has anyone, other than the Widow Smith, said that they had slept apart on their honeymoon? How do we know this happened?


If ya igore her statements, you would have to have her on your short list.


It still feels as if she wanted out of that room, did not want to go back, knew that DH was not going to show up for the spa treatment, mis-directed RCCL when they were trying to find DH, wanted out of Turkey ASAP, and has declared her self both innocent and that she has no memories of the key time period.....fishy to say the least.

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If it is true that they had been drinking Absinthe, this would help explain why JS doesn't remember anything. After doing some research, it seems that some of the effects of drinking too much Absinthe are a tendency to be aggressive, hallucogenic episodes and possible lack of consciousness.


According the the California teen that was hanging out with them, this is what they were drinking - I believe he said that the Russian kids smuggled it onboard. There is a good reason this drink is illegal in many countries. So much for Jennifer's claim that she was drinking but not really intoxicated that night.


It sounds as if they were both very angry with each other so when she woke up in the morning she probably didn't care where he was. They were obviously both irresponsible and living a lifestyle that most of us could never understand. She seems to be someone who is incapable of taking responsibility for her mistakes. She makes light of her newlywed husband sleeping in someone else's cabin on their honeymoon.


Personally, I think she woke up, was still angry with him and p.o.ed that he wasn't in the cabin and decided, "I'll show him! I won't be here when he gets back and so he can just wonder where I am."


Also, the family and JHS are accusing RCI of covering up a murder. Can anyone explain to me what RCI's motivation would be? Maybe I'm being dense but I can't understand how it would benefit RCI one way or the other.

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Has anyone, other than the Widow Smith, said that they had slept apart on their honeymoon? How do we know this happened?


If ya igore her statements, you would have to have her on your short list.


It still feels as if she wanted out of that room, did not want to go back, knew that DH was not going to show up for the spa treatment, mis-directed RCCL when they were trying to find DH, wanted out of Turkey ASAP, and has declared her self both innocent and that she has no memories of the key time period.....fishy to say the least.


That's my question too! How do you know what you DIDN"T do if you have NO memoryY???????

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I've deleted my last 3 comments that I've almost posted about the Smith's on Rita last night. Words like clueless and delusional come to mind.


Was it just me or is the tone on these shows a lot more level now that RCI's timeline seems to be unimpeached (except by accusations by Bree and the parents but they have zero credibility with me now). Even Walker and Rivkind seemed to be backing off on a lot of their inflammatory remarks.


And why are these shows so ready to exploit this family but never question them regarding the relationship between them and JHS. Perhaps their lawyers have advised them that fighting between themselves and JHS will hurt their case against RCI and in turn, affect any monetary gain. It just reeks of manipulation to me.

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I've deleted my last 3 comments that I've almost posted about the Smith's on Rita last night. Words like clueless and delusional come to mind.


Was it just me or is the tone on these shows a lot more level now that RCI's timeline seems to be unimpeached (except by accusations by Bree and the parents but they have zero credibility with me now). Even Walker and Rivkind seemed to be backing off on a lot of their inflammatory remarks.


And why are these shows so ready to exploit this family but never question them regarding the relationship between them and JHS. Perhaps their lawyers have advised them that fighting between themselves and JHS will hurt their case against RCI and in turn, affect any monetary gain. It just reeks of manipulation to me.


I think that people are finally taking a step back and using a little logic in this case. Also, I think it helps that RCI came forward to tell their side of the story.


As far as the shows unwilling to ask hard questions, many time when a guest is booked on a talk show, they have a contract that forbids the interviewer from asking certain questions. Because the shows want these people on, they agree to it. I believe that they are probably saying that if they are asked about the relationship, that the interview will immediately end.

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