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1-10-19 Thursday Weigh-In...What Makes You Go Off Plan?


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What makes you go off plan

Either on sea or land


We all have different plans to get healthy and lose weight

Portion control, WW, Low Carb, exercise, sometimes hard to keep straight


What makes you go off..holiday's, family, boredom, laziness or stress

Sadness, depression, lonely or can't get in a shirt or dress


Love your sweets to much to give up, life won't be the same

Or potato's, rice, pasta  or bread & butter calls your name


What do you do to not go off your plan everyday

Do you say I won't let it all get in my way


If you get off plan do you get right back on or need a few days to get it right

Do you say ok I didn't do well today but I'll get right back on tonight


This is the problem we have trying to lose our weight everyday in our life

Doesn't matter if we're single or have a husband or wife


We have to figure our triggers and try to get on top of them right away

New Year to get it right and try to have a loss each weigh in day (at least stay the same)


Question for you...What is your trigger? What are you doing about it? Making a plan?

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Belle thanks for the poem.  I have so many triggers that can make it difficult to "stay the course".  It is so much easier just to say forget this  ... I have lost and gained and then gained more.  I am an emotional eater, and a person who loves the taste of food, and a person who associates good times with family & friends with food.  


I am also an ex-smoker who was (is) very addicted (It was my drug of choice) ... some can quit and have no problems ... I have struggled for the past 18 years 10 months and 13 days ... to this day there are times that my skin crawls with the desire/need for nicotine .... but, I also know that if I hadn't quit, I wouldn't be around today.  


Unfortunately, I used food as a crutch and a reward ... now I am learning how to enjoy food differently!!


I weighed myself this morning ... twice .... then took a shower and weighed myself again ... there was a almost 2# difference between the 1st weight and the 2nd weight ... so decided to take the highest weight number ...  I am down 1.2# for a total of 13.2# ... slow going ... but I have a plan to just keep plugging along.  


Bought new batteries for the scale yesterday, and am thinking about looking into a new one ... very odd when it isn't always consistent on weight from minute to minute.


Hope everyone had a good week.  Jan

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Belle, thanks for the "food" for thought. Many good questions and things to ponder. Letting go of carbs is hard for me. Bread, pasta, I love it. Try to eat less of it. 


I lost 1lb. Yeah. So that's a total of 4 since the end of October. 4 more to go to get to weight before our Sept./October cruise.


Jan, great loss and congrats for how many years you have been nicotine free. 


Hope eveyone else did well. 



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Well, down #2.6 this time around.  


Triggers are something I know well from my recovery program.  They are better phrased as reservations " I wont break my diet unless ( insert excuse here ) happens". Once we identify what those reservations are its easier to resist the temptations. That can be a very tricky thing.


Nice poem and topic Belle and congrats Jan on your loss.

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Thanks for starting us off again this week, Belle 🙂 


I'm down .8# - not as much as I'd hope but not too bad especially since we had a late holiday dinner last night with husband's work.


Jan, you wrote much of my triggers too.  I quit smoking over 20 years ago, but still occasionally get the urge.  Knowing how much it would hurt my husband if I started again is probably the biggest thing keeping me nicotine free (plus when I get gas and see how expensive they are today 😱)  I'm an emotional eater too, and really enjoy the taste of good food.  I think I have some FOMO about food too when I'm at buffet type situations.  Being a picky eater helps some, but there are getting to be more and more foods I will try.


I did well this week with tracking food (except last night, small plates of catered food so hard to judge), and have been increasing my step count each day (my Fitbit recorded about 30 minutes activity from the dancing last night 😄)  I only got one run of 1.4 miles this past week, so need to start hitting the pavement or treadmill more if I'm to reach my goal of 500 for the year.


Hope everyone has a great week!

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You all did better than I did this week. I stayed the same. CONGRATS to you , Dave, Jan and

Pacruise for beating your addictions. Great Job! I don't smoke and don't drink much but know

they are Things that are hard to quit Some people can't. Your all rock stars!

Now if I could beat my food addictions. SWEETS!


This Time of my Life I have quite a few triggers that were listed above. (younger years not to many)

I'm really trying. I'll get it soon.  I want weight loss.


Rose where are you? Know Jo , shootr and shellbelle will come in but WHERE IS EVERYONE ELSE?

Come all back, don't care if have gains.  Miss you all. More of a group the more we can help each other.

WE need to talk more.


Alright the 4 of you lost this week. What did you do to make it happen? Food wise and exercise wise?

pacruise said she tracked her food and increasing her steps. What did you do?

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Has anyone heard from Mike/MDavis (I think that was the name or something close)?  I don't think he's been back since the upgrade.


I got another mile+ in last night before our strength training - slow but steady 🙂 We are getting a lot of work done at our house so I got a lot of steps in yesterday clearing out our bed room for the painters.  Today I cleared out my spice cabinet and made a batch of cookies for the construction crew - get my winter baking fix but not have the temptation laying around 😉 


This afternoon I need to make a good grocery list to go with my hardware/construction list.  Tomorrow might be rough since I'll be going formal dress shopping (2 hours away) with my daughter and will be eating out at least one meal.  I have what I thought would be a good meal planned for tonight, but the calorie count really surprised me when I entered it all - around 800 calories.  I'm doing a "pantry clean-out" and making a one-pot dish of rice with taco seasoning, kielbasa (smoked sausage), corn, and black beans.  Pineapple for fruit/dessert and a jar of home canned tomatoes for an extra vegetable for hubby.  I made a protein shake with frozen blueberries for lunch to help keep calories down.


Hope everyone has a great weekend!


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Pacruise, I too noticed Mike hasn't been around. I hope he is ok. 


Good that you lost. 


I recently put a step counter on my phone and surprised how much I walk around our house. Just doing laundry and walking outside and doing some yardwork I walked 20 minutes. Cool. Of course I do serious walking at the gym, etc. 


Belle, you know one thing that I think helped me this week? I think it was Dave that said drink lots if water. For me, it's easy in summer but not in winter. So the past several days I'm forcing myself to drink water, 24 oz. 


Have a good evening everyone,





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Didn't Mike have a cruise in Dec.?  Come back Mike even if gained on cruise.

Did you have Fun?

Rose was taking care of a sick person I think..husband? Come in and tell us

how's it going.

ALL you others (can't remember all your names) here in and out at different times.



Pac..sounds like your getting your food and exercise down pat. Your doing what I need to do,

getting things done in my house.

Diana..sounds like your getting good exercise too. I like you need to drink more water too.

Winter it's harder.

Dave..you have good loss's each week, doing good. Beside water weren't you doing a

special diet or am I wrong? (one of the few times I'm wrong'):classic_laugh:

Jan..it seems good or bad scale our weight changes in the minutes we're on it.

Main thing you loss.


Enjoy your weekend everyone!

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My DH (Ken) decided to go on a diet with me on NY's day ... as he is the highest he has ever been and is having a problem with a knee that he had surgery on a few years ago (torn meniscus).  Today he weighed himself 11# gone ... I'm so proud of him, and also so envious of so much weight gone in such a short time.  He does know that a lot is water weight, but it's still good!  He has always lost weight quick once he gives up dessert (sigh ... wish it would work the same for me!!). 


Dave - do you eat the veggies cooked or raw?  I love fresh vegetables (can't wait for summer). 


Hope everyone has a great week.  Jan 

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HI all!


Belle ~ nice ditty to start with. I'm late to posting but usually read.

I am down 0.2 but heck, still a loss, little as it is.


Jan ~ you're doing great! I was a smoker too but quit over 30 years ago so don't crave one. It's funny how cigarettes become part of one's routine tho' like reaching for one when the phone rings, with tea after supper etc. I stopped smoking when it didn't make me lose weight like it had before. I put on 18 lbs the 1st time I quit smoking, way back when I was 105 so up to 123 wasn't bad. 'll never see that again!!


Now my biggest problem still is buying things I shouldn't have around the house like the corn chips the other day.

DH has After Eights in the fridge & it's so easy to just take one when I feel like it. OTOH I'm back doing a little Wii Fit so trying to balance out the calories in & out.


Have a nice weekend & see you next week.


~ Jo ~ 😊


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1 hour ago, Jan_In_Maine said:

My DH (Ken) decided to go on a diet with me on NY's day ... as he is the highest he has ever been and is having a problem with a knee that he had surgery on a few years ago (torn meniscus).  Today he weighed himself 11# gone ... I'm so proud of him, and also so envious of so much weight gone in such a short time.  He does know that a lot is water weight, but it's still good!  He has always lost weight quick once he gives up dessert (sigh ... wish it would work the same for me!!). 


Dave - do you eat the veggies cooked or raw?  I love fresh vegetables (can't wait for summer). 


Hope everyone has a great week.  Jan 


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Hi Belle and everyone else trying to lose before you cruise. I think the last time I was on this forum was at least a year and a half ago if not more.. Two years ago with lots of effort and help was able to get down to my desired weight.  I did great and was watching what I ate as well as exercised regularly . Unfortunately last year in February I got side tracked when my best friend got sick a few days after his 63rd b day. He passed  10 days later from the flu. I stopped going to the gym as I was helping his 87yo father adjust to living on his own and we went out to eat at least twice a week  up until last week. I didn't really matter so ate what I wanted and put on the 25lbs I lost the year before. Now its time to get back to it and get in shape again.. I am down over 6lbs as I did weigh myself Thursday but have been busy and will try and check in every Thursday.. I have now switched my morning coffee with cream and several sugars, to a cup of tea, usually have a few a day and drinking lots of water. First day back to the gym which if I visit 50 times in 6 months my health insurance sends me a check for 200$ which I will use for my cruises... Looking forward to getting to know all of you and helping each other reach our goals take care all, Rob

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Dave..Are you still eating meat and just eating more veggies? Or giving up meat?

How much water do you drink in a day?


Jan..Nice your husband eating less with you. Remember and I don't think it's

fair but men lose faster than us plus they can eat more doing it. Really glad he's

losing and hope his knee gets better.


Jo..I have that problem to, buying things I shouldn't for good reasons that weren't.

I wanted them!:classic_rolleyes: Glad that all of you that smoked gave it up, good for you. Glad I

didn't smoke know it was hard to give up for you all.


Hi Rob..Good to see you and so nice you helped the father of your friend. Had to be

a hard time for him. Good job so far on eating plan, you lost, 6 lbs already.  Your insurance

gives you money for going to the gym. Nice when you want to go already. Yes see

you on Thursday.


Everyone enjoy your Sunday.

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Hello from SW Nebraska - glad to see one other Husker on here. I have just a tad over a year until my upcoming cruise. I have a lap band but had the fluid taken out about 6 months or so ago and in February I will go back in and have fluid replaced but I have to start somewhere and get myself back out there. Having the band does not take the work out of it for me by any stretch of the imagination. I have to account for the calories I am consuming at an even greater level because I have to fill my nutritional needs before I do anything. Meaning protein, then veggies. No room at all for empty calories.

Currently I am wanting to lose 80# :( Such a long way to go but I will be successful today!

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Jo, at least you lost something.


Rob, welcome back. You are off to a good start. Good deeds you did. 


Fischy, welcome. Big goal but know you can do it. 


Belle, nice that you check in on us. 


I got 3.5 additional hours of exercise on Saturday....weeding one section of our backyard and part of our front yard. Oh boy my body hurts. We sprayed weed killer but the weeds just laughed at us. Figured I better go pull them by hand otherwise they will get out of control.


Hope that helps me on the scale this Thursday.



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Hello ALL.  Hope your all having a good week. 

How's everyone's weather? Hope your all safe and staying warm.

I'm not a winter person, I want it over now.


Are you having a hard/easy time not eating to much comfort food?

For me hard to get my water in when it's cold. You?

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It's cold here but the roads are decent and the sun has been shining 🙂 


Our house is so dry in the winter that I actually do pretty well drinking water so my throat isn't too dry.  With the work being done at the house we haven't been running our humidifier (since we are running the dehumidifier to speed drying) and I can really tell the difference.


I'm trying to change what comfort food means to me.  Instead of cheesy carbs (hello mac n' cheese), opting for a hearty warm soup loaded with veggies and just a little bread or crackers to go with.  Oatmeal that I control the toppings rather than a batch of oatmeal cookies 😉 


Hubby is part of a volleyball league Monday evenings through March, and I made myself get on the treadmill last night while he was there and I was talking to my sister.  Not great cardio since it was a slow walk, but better than just sitting.

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On ‎1‎/‎13‎/‎2019 at 1:09 AM, Belle said:

Dave..Are you still eating meat and just eating more veggies? Or giving up meat?

How much water do you drink in a day?


Jan..Nice your husband eating less with you. Remember and I don't think it's

fair but men lose faster than us plus they can eat more doing it. Really glad he's

losing and hope his knee gets better.


Jo..I have that problem to, buying things I shouldn't for good reasons that weren't.

I wanted them!:classic_rolleyes: Glad that all of you that smoked gave it up, good for you. Glad I

didn't smoke know it was hard to give up for you all.


Hi Rob..Good to see you and so nice you helped the father of your friend. Had to be

a hard time for him. Good job so far on eating plan, you lost, 6 lbs already.  Your insurance

gives you money for going to the gym. Nice when you want to go already. Yes see

you on Thursday.


Everyone enjoy your Sunday.

Belle, still eating lean meat drinking 2 liters of water and unsweet tea/coffee. Its all about portion control.....

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Belle! You are still here and poeting. This is awesome. It has been a long time since I even ventured here. Probably don't remember me. Great to see you around. Not checking in as I have lost all control and weigh more than ever. Just wanted to say hello and Hope you have a Fantabulous Day!

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Indiana remember the name just need a few hints to to remember you.

Come back in and start again, Rob just came back in. We can never give up

no matter how many times we have to start over.


Hope to see you on Thursdays.

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