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Pool Chair Saving, RCCL a Joke!!!

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Oh, I know first hand how many chair hogs there are and how inconsiderate they are! I usually get up for an early morning walk (about 6:30). Even then, there are people putting out towels and flip-flops on chairs. Then I see them walking away---I guess to go have a nice breakfast. Unreal!! :cool:

Also, what annoys me are the people in the theatre at night saving whole rows of seats!!!!! I guess they all must think rules don't apply to them!!

Thanks for understanding about my mom!


Catnip, Where in NC do you live. My Sister has a toy store in Apex. We own lake front property on Lake Santeethlah in Robbinsville NC. Beautiful area.

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I live about 90 minutes east of Apex! On Highway 70 going towards the beach. I have a Dr that has an office in Apex! What a small world!! :)


Yep, God is amazing. We were on RCCL Explorer in Feb 2006, and I met a girl who Grew up in a small town in arizona. I graduated from a very small High School in Salome Arizona. We ended up knowing some of the same people. I had to go on a cruise to Cozumel, Costa Maya and Belize to meet someone from My part of the Nation. Small world.


My wife of 17 years and I both lived abroad in 1988 and both came back to the US in June of 1988. We met at Marie Calendars in California and have been together ever since.

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I like the idea of asking a few people around a chair with a towel if it's been awhile since someone was there. Although I cruise with my husband, he's not a sun person so I'm alone when I'm on deck to sun. Therefore, if I get up to grab a drink or dunk in the pool for 5 minutes I'd like to think my stuff would still be on the chair I'm returning to immediately.

I can't even comprehend people who would deliberately put stuff on a chair to "save" it for hours without even using it. Rude, gauche and tacky.

So, if no one's been there for a 1/2 hour...the chair is fair game. Remove the towel, have a seat and if approached make sure you don't speak whatever language you're questioned in if the tacky person has the gall to question you. A puzzled look, a shrug of the shoulders and close your eyes. Of course if you're reading a book in English you may have to resort to the standard..."What towel?"

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I am not going to post on this thread.


I am not going to post on this thread.


I am not going to post on this thread.


I am not going to post on this thread.


If NO ONE "had" a chair EXCEPT when actually in it, there would ALWAYS be chairs available for EVERYONE at the pool.


I am not going to post on this thread.


I am not going to post on this thread.


I am not going to post on this thread.


I am not going to post on this thread.


Truer words were never spoken!

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It is not just the pool chair saving, it is also in the shows. As far as pool chairs goes, I have never seen anyone remove stuff from chairs, 14 cruises on different cruise lines), and quite frankly there is no way to effectively mangage that issue. If the ships get involved, then someone is going to be angry and wait you might drop them down in their ratings. We normally go to the club, head down and change for breakfast, drop our gear off at a chair, eat and return, but I must add this is done before 8am.


It seemed like last week on the mariner 3/5 -3/12 and others that around 9 930 seats (sun seats) fill in, around 10ish the chair lookers begin their patrol, the irony is that there are a bazillion chairs available but not by the pool.


Many of the folks who complain get up at 10 or 11 and expect to walk out to the pool area and find a pristine location, hmm perhaps get up earlier. I did see one section that had at least 10 seats covered with suntan lotion, book, towel, hat that was nutty.


Perhaps like the airlines will be asking for more money for emergency row seats and aisle seats, maybe the cruise line to get even more money will be charging for the seats (just kidding)

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It is not just the pool chair saving, it is also in the shows. ...

Many of the folks who complain get up at 10 or 11 and expect to walk out to the pool area and find a pristine location, hmm perhaps get up earlier.


Hey I completely agree with both of these.


I get more irritated at the shows.... someday the ships will get like Vegas - you are escorted to your seating when your whole group is there...


As for the pool, get ready for flames based on your comment, but I agree there too. C'mon - If someone gets up at 10ish should they really expect a 'poolside' seat? Most modern ships have adequate seating - usually you can find a seat somewhere where there is sun. Dont get me wrong - I disagree with the "one shoe on a chair then away until noon" mindset... however I do go poolside early and stay all day, dining in 'shifts' with my family so we can enjoy the water, the poolside activities, and the sounds of fun at the pool.

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It's one thing if it's you and your husband and he is there while you run and get some food or dip in the pool. No one should have to worry about losing their chair while they swim. That's insane. It's the people that go and change and eat in the dining room or take a nap or run off for Bingo that make this a pain for everyone. If people didn't save them for hours on end without sitting in them then someone who takes a swim would have no problems.


If you are not activly using the thing just take you junk and take your chances. I cannot believe the lengths people will go to so they can justify their rude behavior. Imagine, it's OK that people not get a chair because they had the utter gall to sleep in till 10 on their vacation! Every hog is right, they have no right to a chair because they had the nerve to relax! Sheesh.

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I am one of those that rises early every day and hits the gym the minute the door is unlocked. I observe people coming to the pools and saving their blockn of chairs for the day. It is obvious from their attire they have no intention of sunbathing at that moment or even anytime soon.


If I see an empty chair with stuff on it, I will first look around to see it the person occupying it is in the pool (people will often let you know when they are just in the pool for a dip) or will ask the person occupying the chair next to the one I am checking out. I have no qualms about moving stuff from chairs occupied only with someone's stuff.


If there is an issue later, I refer them to the staff member at the pool and then ignore the nasty looks and comments.


It is they who are being rude, not me.

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I appreciate all the input. I do plan to be a little bolder on our upcoming cruise. However the Bottom Line is:


If you get up at 6am to get a seat, you should be in that seat.

This is a vacation, nobody should have to worry about getting a seat outside during their cruise. There are seats up top and all around the ship. These seats are adequate, however, if there is a chair by the pool that is where most people want to sit. So sit. I don't sleep in, I'm usually on deck by 8am. I eat Bfast and go workout then go to the pool. If all seats are full, fine I will go up a level. But if there is no one in a seat, that seat should be available for anyone. Getting up at 6am or noon. You cannot save seats. It's a vacation who wants to get up at 6am?


If you plan to keep a seat all day then leave your partner in their seat and go get your food, drinks whatever for both of you. But don't expect to save 10 seats while everyone else goes to lunch. That is just wrong!!! Seats are for sitting, not saving. Kids don't usually sit at all, let them share with you. Be courteous, not a jerk.


I think we need to come up with more adequate names for chair Hogs and the specific situation. Suggestions:


Chair Hog (a person who saves multiple chairs)

Lounge Jerk (for those who place flip flops on the chair while they go eat)

Lounge Lush (people who place their drinks, novels, towels etc while gone)

Lounge **** (Person who paces and guards multiple seats)

Chair Creep (You sit in an empty seat and he yells at you "it's Taken")

Sinister Seat (that seat that is flipped or folded over)

Saturated Seat (the seat covered in towels/shirts/shoes)

Lounge Loser (the guy who lays across several seats to save them)

Lounge Loser 2 (the guy put in his place by an attendant (never happen)

Lounge Junky (the guy who grabs multiple towels at 6am to save seats)

Seat Satan (the person who will cuss you out over a vacant seat)

Jolly Lounger (Happy to tell you that you are in 1 of his 10 seats)

Lucky Lounger (the person who doesn't care that it's raining buckets)

Seat Sucker (the guy who gets up to swim and doesn't reserve his seat)

Pool Attendant (spinless, weakling, that needs to be thrown overboard)





cruise on...

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The chair saving on the Explorer last week was truly out of control (I was out at 9:15 one morning and the people saving the 4 chairs beside me showed up at 12:40) and the pool attendants weren't doing anything. I even saw one couple complaining to one of the attendants and all he did was take them up to the top deck and help them look for chairs. I understand why they don't want to do anything - they don't want to risk pissing people off - but if that's what they're supposed to be there for, they should do their jobs. I think Desertbelle hit it on the nose - people need to stop complaining about it and acually do something about it instead. I confess that I'm as guilty as anyone - I just went on my merry way and found a chair 100 miles from the pool rather than causing a scene. Next time, I'll move the stuff myself and risk the confrontation.


You lot should go on European Holidays where the Germans get up at 2 am and hog allthe chairs round the pool. If anyone dared to take off their towels world war 3 would begin. Saw one fight begin in Tenerife over a towel on a sunbed beside a pool that ended in the police being called!

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I'm sailing on RCL this year, but last year it was the Galaxy. I was by the pool early one sea day, reading and having coffee while DH slept in. I watched a woman make two trips with towels and reserve 18 chairs by the pool. I was the only other one at the pool, and when she walked past me she asked me to watch her chairs while she ate breakfast. She said "I'm afraid some nervy person will come by and use these chairs.." I told her No. I don't believe in saving chairs, as I consider it to be very rude.


I was back at the pool later in the afternoon and noticed she was there with ONE other person still saving the other 16 chairs with towels, books, etc. The entire side of one pool was saved all day!

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I was back at the pool later in the afternoon and noticed she was there with ONE other person still saving the other 16 chairs with towels, books, etc. The entire side of one pool was saved all day!


This woman should have been made to walk the plank. That is one of the rudest things I have ever heard of :eek: . I would more easily forgive picking ones nose in public. Seriously this was appalling behavior. I can think of not one justification in the world for it, but I bet someone here will try. :p

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I'm sailing on RCL this year, but last year it was the Galaxy. I was by the pool early one sea day, reading and having coffee while DH slept in. I watched a woman make two trips with towels and reserve 18 chairs by the pool. I was the only other one at the pool, and when she walked past me she asked me to watch her chairs while she ate breakfast. She said "I'm afraid some nervy person will come by and use these chairs.." I told her No. I don't believe in saving chairs, as I consider it to be very rude.


I was back at the pool later in the afternoon and noticed she was there with ONE other person still saving the other 16 chairs with towels, books, etc. The entire side of one pool was saved all day!


That's very Lame. Maybe she should be "Lounge Lame" another name for chair hogs.

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Chair Creep (the guy who saves seats all day and nobody else shows up)

Seat Slug (the guy who hovers from seat to seat trying to snag a few more chairs for his nonexistent friends)

Lounge Friend (the person who kindly gives up one of his 20 saved seats to keep from causing a scene)




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Two years ago, on the Splendour, I had gotten a lounge chair early in the morning with my travelling companion (a fellow nurse). 3 hours later, here comes a 30-something guy complaining we took his chair, "didn't we see his towel?!!!!!" Of course we never saw his towel since we had obtained the lounge from a "stack". Well, he kept up, shouting and swearing at me, until other people started heckling him back. One older gentleman (a retired marine) got up out of his seat and gave him a really ugly look. He finally walked off complaining of Texas b****es (he was from either NY or Connecticut, learned later). It was an upsetting situation, since I was on a trip after a family tragedy. To those of you who even THINK of being mean on a vacation - shame on you! To the rest of you who just want to relax and have a good time and be mannerly - a salute to you!

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Two years ago, on the Splendour, I had gotten a lounge chair early in the morning with my travelling companion (a fellow nurse). 3 hours later, here comes a 30-something guy complaining we took his chair, "didn't we see his towel?!!!!!" Of course we never saw his towel since we had obtained the lounge from a "stack". Well, he kept up, shouting and swearing at me, until other people started heckling him back. One older gentleman (a retired marine) got up out of his seat and gave him a really ugly look. He finally walked off complaining of Texas b****es (he was from either NY or Connecticut, learned later). It was an upsetting situation, since I was on a trip after a family tragedy. To those of you who even THINK of being mean on a vacation - shame on you! To the rest of you who just want to relax and have a good time and be mannerly - a salute to you!


Good One. Lounge Wimp (the guy who is tough when dealing with someone he is not intimidated by then gives up the fight when someone else steps in) Wimp!!!

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How about:


Lounge Lazy (the guy who places all of his used Lunch dishes and glasses on the chair next to him)

Chair Crazy (The lady who takes off everything but her size 18 one piece to save as many seats as she can) sorry I'm Bad, pray for me!!!

Seat Suicidal (won't go there)

Samari Seat Saver (seen that too, too much bar activity)



Come on, we need more input.....

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Trash Stash (the lady who piles up trashy paperbacks on the chair)

Soggy Saver (the wet towel piler)

Flip-flop flopped (sandals on the chair)

Half flip-flop flopped (ONE sandal onthe chair)

Visor vat (crummy hat on lounge)

Sun-blocker seat (tanning lotion - some in bottle, some on lounge)


ok, YOUR turn

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Diaper Hyper the parent who drops the swim diaper on the chair while "Poopsie" spends hours assaulting the pool with fecal matter.


Booze Bruiser: The guy who, "just went to get a beer" according to the woman in the seat next to him who is holding it for hours because she thinks he's hot.


"Oh dear Diety, suits Too Tighty in the Seaty" for the guy with the smallest Speedo in the place. He's in the hottub and people will warn you from sitting there because the suits so tight he might as well be nekid.


"I'll do anything for my Honey" the woman who saves the seats while her husband chats up someone in the Windjammer for an hour.

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This woman should have been made to walk the plank. That is one of the rudest things I have ever heard of :eek: . I would more easily forgive picking ones nose in public. Seriously this was appalling behavior. I can think of not one justification in the world for it, but I bet someone here will try. :p


:eek: What?? You're not supposed to pick your nose in public. Dang it, I wondered why no one wanted to sit next to me at dinner!:D On a serious note, keel hauling is much more fun than making them walk the plank. You get to see what happened to them after it's all said and done.



What about

Lounge Lizard--the cruiser type, who thinks he's sexy sunning in his Speedo, even though he's over 35, mostly bald but what hair he has is pulled into a pony tail about the size of a pencil, and hasn't exercised in at least a decade.

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