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QM2 review...My Affair To Remember


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Yes I did get back on the 24th July and I fell totally head over heels in love! most of all I surprised myself by my new found confidence and my time spent dancing around the Queen's room.




This is a heart-warming beautiful post. More so, than I think some of our best. (Sorry Penny) You invested so much in this cruise. You invested yourself. For us it was a love affair, and a marvelous heady one. For you, it seems as though it has given you back some portion of peace and yourself. I think maybe you finally have decided that it is okay to move on. I know that you miss your husband mightily, and I do, so much, know the pain of that personal and that stark a loss. It changes your life, it changes your outlook. It takes away so much of what is you, of what it means for you to live.


I have personally waited with anticipation for you, for this cruise, these tentative first steps you are finally daring to take, almost as though this were the flowering and opening of a new bud for you.

I know that a small voice inside is saying to you that you are being disloyal by takng that tiny step forward to enjoying your life since you lost your husband, But think of this. You loved him. Had you gone first, would you have wanted him to pine away for the rest of his life? After a suitable mourning period, you would want to see him regain happiness. Don't you think that if there is a heaven, or a spirit that lives on, that he is with you even more when you are happy than when you are sad? When you are sad, you miss his presence. In happiness, do you not feel his presence more? I think that you do! I think that he was with you as you were dancing, guiding your feet and your heart.



As the saying goes, Today is the first day of the rest of your life! You deserve it! Thank you for making me smile tonight (even as I had tears streaming down my cheeks thinking of this small but very important victory for you) Although we've never met, I feel like I know you. I feel so proud of you. I know this was hard. And I am so glad that it was everything it has been and remains for you!


Enjoy your sleep (I know it is the middle of the night as I right this, for you)

Tomorrow is the dawn of a new day!



who knows the pain. and understands

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This is a heart-warming beautiful post. More so, than I think some of our best. (Sorry Penny) You invested so much in this cruise. You invested yourself. For us it was a love affair, and a marvelous heady one. For you, it seems as though it has given you back some portion of peace and yourself. I think maybe you finally have decided that it is okay to move on. I know that you miss your husband mightily, and I do, so much, know the pain of that personal and that stark a loss. It changes your life, it changes your outlook. It takes away so much of what is you, of what it means for you to live.


I have personally waited with anticipation for you, for this cruise, these tentative first steps you are finally daring to take, almost as though this were the flowering and opening of a new bud for you.

I know that a small voice inside is saying to you that you are being disloyal by takng that tiny step forward to enjoying your life since you lost your husband, But think of this. You loved him. Had you gone first, would you have wanted him to pine away for the rest of his life? After a suitable mourning period, you would want to see him regain happiness. Don't you think that if there is a heaven, or a spirit that lives on, that he is with you even more when you are happy than when you are sad? When you are sad, you miss his presence. In happiness, do you not feel his presence more? I think that you do! I think that he was with you as you were dancing, guiding your feet and your heart.



As the saying goes, Today is the first day of the rest of your life! You deserve it! Thank you for making me smile tonight (even as I had tears streaming down my cheeks thinking of this small but very important victory for you) Although we've never met, I feel like I know you. I feel so proud of you. I know this was hard. And I am so glad that it was everything it has been and remains for you!


Enjoy your sleep (I know it is the middle of the night as I right this, for you)

Tomorrow is the dawn of a new day!



who knows the pain. and understands




You've been widowed? I didn't know, sorry. It's a tough row to hoe, isn't it? But yet we go on because we're here and so onward we go.


Yay for you, Sue. Sounds as if you had a wonderful trip. Please! Carry on with your great story after you've rested. Heh, vacations/holidays sure can wear one out, yes? :)

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You've been widowed? I didn't know, sorry. It's a tough row to hoe, isn't it? But yet we go on because we're here and so onward we go.


Yay for you, Sue. Sounds as if you had a wonderful trip. Please! Carry on with your great story after you've rested. Heh, vacations/holidays sure can wear one out, yes? :)


Angela, no. I'm sorry I did not mean to confuse. No, I am still deeply grieving the loss of my father last year. I cannot tell you how much he was my life to me. My mother and I had not spoken in over 30 years. Things were not easy for me much of my life. My father kept me going, gave me reason to continue, never abandoned me no matter how tough things got.

There have been times in the past year that I simply did not want to go on. The joy was gone from my life, I lost the job I loved that was almost a lifelong dream at the same time I lost my father (Still employed, but in a job I don't care for, where I don't know what i am doing and feel awful about myself and my contributions whereas before I got constant good feedback that made me feel great and made long hours and hard work a joy and worth every bit of whatever it took! Now I go to work and feel stupid, useless and loathed. And more than anywhere else, My father was my rock. Marc has been an absolute gem, but it is hard for him to understand and sometimes he gets upset with me. I've lost people before. But this has affected me in a way that is like nothing I have ever been through before. Some of the wonderful people on these boards are how I made it through. I couldn't have survived this past year without them.

While I though I could sympathize with people before, and had certainly suffered losses, this was like nothing I had ever been through even through deep clinical depression (That brought me to the northeast to begin with, and it was my father who brought me here to get me help for my depression so many, many years ago) No, this lost touched my very sould and tothe depths of my being in a way that changed everything. and so I believe (I believe!) I know how deeply Sue feels Maybe I am wrong, but I honestly do think I understand.


I'm sorry to have led you astray, I didn't elaborate because many of the people on these boards know what I have gone through, indeed, what I still go through.


I'm sorry. But thank you so much for caring!

It sounds like you have gone through this.

If so, I am very sorry, I am divorced, but it was not a bitter protracted divorce. We were civil. I started dating Marc after my divorce and we have been together ever since (about 18 years)


It's really getting late, I have to go to work tomorrow (up at 5 AM and my heel is killing me.



who apologizes for misleading anyone.

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Hi Sue....Just thrilled to read this post of yours. I have certainly been waiting and hoping it was all we promised you it would be. I'm just delighted that she worked her magic on you....good on you for not missing anything...dancing, extra desserts, getting lost, the Commodore Club...you are my kind of gal Sue!! I'm proud of you!!!


I felt like Beth (Imacruzer) did when she sent me off on the QM2 without her last year...a mother hen worried that her chick wouldn't love summer camp after telling her how great it was!! But you did and I for one couldn't be happier.


So hurry back and tell us all the rest of the glorious details....we are a terribly nosey bunch and just love to live vicariously.


Good girl Sue....I knew you could do it!!! Thank you for coming back to tell us


Cheers, Penny


Penny’s Affair to Remember QM2 Review



November 10,2007...the “Affair” continues....

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Angela, no. I'm sorry I did not mean to confuse. No, I am still deeply grieving the loss of my father last year. I cannot tell you how much he was my life to me. My mother and I had not spoken in over 30 years. Things were not easy for me much of my life. My father kept me going, gave me reason to continue, never abandoned me no matter how tough things got.

There have been times in the past year that I simply did not want to go on. The joy was gone from my life, I lost the job I loved that was almost a lifelong dream at the same time I lost my father (Still employed, but in a job I don't care for, where I don't know what i am doing and feel awful about myself and my contributions whereas before I got constant good feedback that made me feel great and made long hours and hard work a joy and worth every bit of whatever it took! Now I go to work and feel stupid, useless and loathed. And more than anywhere else, My father was my rock. Marc has been an absolute gem, but it is hard for him to understand and sometimes he gets upset with me. I've lost people before. But this has affected me in a way that is like nothing I have ever been through before. Some of the wonderful people on these boards are how I made it through. I couldn't have survived this past year without them.

While I though I could sympathize with people before, and had certainly suffered losses, this was like nothing I had ever been through even through deep clinical depression (That brought me to the northeast to begin with, and it was my father who brought me here to get me help for my depression so many, many years ago) No, this lost touched my very sould and tothe depths of my being in a way that changed everything. and so I believe (I believe!) I know how deeply Sue feels Maybe I am wrong, but I honestly do think I understand.


I'm sorry to have led you astray, I didn't elaborate because many of the people on these boards know what I have gone through, indeed, what I still go through.


I'm sorry. But thank you so much for caring!

It sounds like you have gone through this.

If so, I am very sorry, I am divorced, but it was not a bitter protracted divorce. We were civil. I started dating Marc after my divorce and we have been together ever since (about 18 years)


It's really getting late, I have to go to work tomorrow (up at 5 AM and my heel is killing me.



who apologizes for misleading anyone.


Ahh, got it now. When you said you knew the pain I thought you meant being widowed and I wondered how on earth I could have missed that? You meant losing someone you loved so much, your father. Been there, too, and yes it was very hard and I still wish he was around--he was my only cheerleader, so now I have to cheer for myself. :)


Someone smarter than I said something I follow religiously, which is you just make up your mind to be happy. That's one thing you do have control over. Hang in there, kid, you'll get better!

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Haven't had my best friend, my Dad for 34 years...miss him just as much now as then....we move forward but the loss is always a part of us. We just have to find the ways to not let it overwhelm us. Not easy but essential...


Cheers, Penny

Penny’s Affair to Remember QM2 Review



November 10,2007...the “Affair” continues....

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Ahh, got it now. When you said you knew the pain I thought you meant being widowed and I wondered how on earth I could have missed that? You meant losing someone you loved so much, your father. Been there, too, and yes it was very hard and I still wish he was around--he was my only cheerleader, so now I have to cheer for myself. :)


Someone smarter than I said something I follow religiously, which is you just make up your mind to be happy. That's one thing you do have control over. Hang in there, kid, you'll get better!


Hey! You have more cheerleaders than you know, Angela!

How could I not cheer for someone who calls herself Wadadli!


who is going home! (from work!)

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Before we threadjack too much, I would just like to say this is the second time in my Internet life I've met people in a forum that are so nice, caring, and so much darn fun. The first time (early 90's) was in a forum that really no longer exists, it's still "there", but as one of my best friends from those days said, there's no longer any "there there". So I am grateful and happy to have all of you in my life. And when we meet it's under the most delightful of circumstances, to boot. How great is that! ;)

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Back again! In fact last night I forgot to pull the button on my alarm and I woke with the buzzer letting me know the decorator was at the door!


So what I needed that sleep so badly and today I am still tired and so many things to see to. Decorator is gone until Monday and the Grandchildren have just gone home. OH how I love them and they really are no trouble. They are going to Carlisle to their other Grandparents so this will give me time to prepare for my visitors from Scotland on the 14th!

Still waiting on the Plumber to fit a new toilet. Luckily I have 2 others!


What a lot we are! I have had tears running down my cheeks and Penny you made me laugh. Why have I never ventured into the Ballroom or gone to any room alone in case a man spoke to me. This takes me back to a cruise I took about 10 months after Brian died. In fact it was the weekend that Diana died.

I had been sitting listening to the trio playing in the Champagne bar on Enchantment of the Seas. A man spoke to me and somehow I must have said I was alone and that I had lost my husband. The song they were singing was "Wind beneath my wings" This song had been special to Brian and I and we each claimed that the other was the WIND!


This man asked me if I had met a lot of guys on the cruise. I was so shocked and it was the last thing on my mind He may not have meant it in the way that I took it and so I said very quickly "I'm a one man WOMAN" I then ran away and discovered that I had left my glasses behind but there was no way I was going back for them.

SHEER PANIC and I think this was the start of being scared to go into spaces where I might be thought to be looking for a replacement for my beloved Brian. That fact still stands today I am still a one man WOMAN,


It is now almost 11 years and I have moved on. I love my apartment! I have made several good friends and 4 in particular.All like myself widowed and we go to the cinema,the theater, out to dinner and go to dinner parties in each others house. I have most space and so I have them here more often. I don't know how to cook for ONE person or how to shop for ONE person which is why I always have to give food away. I order it on line from Sainsbury's and so they deliver it. Isn't the net wonderful!!


I know what it is to lose a parent. My Mum died in 1994 My Dad on my birthday in 1995 and you know when you lose your second parent you are no longer a child and this bereavement is so hard. We all long to remain children and was not apparent to me until my Dad died. He died 5 weeks after diagnosis and I had prayed that he would be spared a long lingering end and at first I didn't recognise that my prayer was answered on my BIRTHDAY.

I hardly had any time to grieve when Brian was diagnosed in October of 1995 and then died in 1996. Hard on everyone and especially my children. But this is the only certainty we have in life so here goes pick myself up and get back on that Queen!


Back to our beloved! When I went to my room after lunch I met my Cabin Steward who showed me how to write emails from my room! I am not technical at all as I never needed to be. Daughter practical like her DAD and with a Law Degree has a very sharp mind.

Stephen is a Musician and has the artistic temperament! Would lose his head if it was not stuck on! He cut through his jeans and his thigh with a Stanley knife trying to put a child gate on the stairs!! But he is lovely a real romantic and writes wonderful poetry and is now teaching music mainly for his consistent salary. He is an Oboist and his wife Roisin is also a Musician and plays the Viola. She is an Irish girl and very gentle and so together they are a great pair and wonderful parents. When I feel down I put on Stephen playing something and I can't believe I produced a child who can make this wonderful sound. 35 now


Back to our beloved. I tried out everything and then my baggage was here and I could hear Brian saying "ARE you out of your MIND WOMAN" as I unpacked and believe me I needed every hanger and also some I had brought with me! I laughed at what he would have to say. We women and our dresses shoes more dresses bags dresses etc etc and still more dresses. You see it is just in case!

I then set off on yet another tour and so it was time for the get those life jackets ETC.


I had chosen early seating for this trip the first time ever. 6 pm really is too early but it did give me a long evening to go to the show and of course that DANCING.

It took me several days to go into the Queens.

Now to dinner where we started out as 4 women and 1 man all travelling alone. Mari and I formed a friendship and each evening we would go to the show and then spent afterwards finding a nice space to watch the world go by. She is from OHIO and we found that we were also next door to each other. She had been in Scotland on her CLAN gathering a first for her.

2nd night we were down to 3 Women and 1 Man. Don't know what we did to her. She was from Sweden but we didn't ever see her again. Following night Alan our Male diner got into a little talk with the other woman and somehow the talk turned to Politics I don't do that !! !!

Next night we were down to 3. Poor Waiter who was wonderful must have wondered what was going on. So did we! We wondered who would go next! ie before NY.

We remained 3 until Mari met this(at first thought sweet little old lady)called ALICE she is 80 but she had the style of someone from the 40's Mari had met her at Fire drill on the first day. We had afternoon tea with her and she joined our table. She lives in the town I lived in for 22 years and she lives just opposite the Maternity Hospital where I had worked for 19 years. She became a permanent fixture and we were happy to have her along and she wanted to go to the Ballroom so off we went!!

She was a TEACHER and we all know how bossy they can be BUT I being a Nurse and Midwife can be even BOSSIER! This developed later in the adventure.

On the second day there was get together for people travelling on their own and I dared to do so because it was at AM and not in a bar or club later on in the evening. There I met the Ship's Hostess and the Dance Coaches along with the Gentlemen Dance Hosts. ( June's 18 year old Grandson called them the Lounge Lizards)

Meeting them in this situation gave me time and space to know who they were and something about them. This took away the threat I felt previously. The first dance class was just after this and I DARED to go and learn the CHA CHA which I could do very well in my youth! I loved this and found it enormous fun and so I did the steps alone and those of us women on our own were instructed through the routine by the Dance Hosts.

Did the Waltz the next day and I already could do this but it was so long since I had danced I was glad of the opportunity. I dodged the tango as perhaps being too difficult however I did go along for this on the return journey and it was a lot of fun.

Then to the Ballroom. I was very nervous and Mari and I sat right at the back out of the way. Was asked by a Dance Host to dance and once I was on the floor I never wanted it to stop.

I loved to dance and I didn't know just how much until I on this cruise. The following evening we had Alice as well and she wanted to sit nearer to the front so she could see everything going on. I didn't know until much later that she longed to be asked to dance. Later in the cruise she did and she won the Ascot Hat Competition! She didn't enter in the first week.

On the 2nd afternoon there was an unofficial meeting for those of us on the CC board. I think we were all sitting alone they as couples and not quite knowing what was what. After a little while one couple moved to sit with another and then I saw this CRUISE CRITIC badge. Una and Tom who are great fun had made badges from the CC board. There were I think 9 of us I think attended and we just spend a little time getting to know each other.

Una and Tom were doing the round trip like me. They are the undisputed QUIZ CHAMPS and ran away with the prizes at each session. I didn't go to the quiz and I don't quite know why I was always busy. YES I do I was always getting lost.

I loved the classical concerts held both in the evening and often in the afternoon. I enjoyed also the String Quartet who were from Estonia. I have been in Tallinn on a Baltic cruise some years ago. They had been on the ship and like a lot of the entertainers they will go like the dancers in October to the Victoria.

I first met Ray Rouse in 1997 on Enchantment when he was CC and I did know he was on the QM2. Amanda who had been the Ship Hostess on Summit in 2001 when I cruised on her. I knew she was no longer with X but didn't know just where she was. She is a wonderful lady and I was so glad to see that she was the Asst CD now. She has been with QM2 since the beginning and was promoted to ASST CD a year or so ago.


It is now well past the midnight hour and I am again very tired tonight. I had started this earlier and then I called a friend who wanted to go to Alaska. I received an email from a TA with an offer for the Mercury 28th April 2008 and we have been on the phone for ages. She would like me to go but I am too tired at the moment to think of going anywhere.


Tomorrow no I mean today we are having afternoon tea where I live. Each year a lady who lives here does all the catering and has a few people to help her and we hope that the sun will shine and that we can all be out in the garden. I need a someone waiting on me day as it will be back to the bread and water for me.


Before I go Penny I must tell you that I thought I really needed another you know how we women do LBD. This is a really beautiful little black silk number. I bought it on impulse and the next morning at 7.30am here I was with this dress on trying to decide whether WAS I TOO OLD for it, Slipped on the black evening shoes and had a good look at myself in the mirror and thought what the heck! It looks great the dress not ME I didn't bother to look from the neck up. BARGAIN into the bargain. I won't tell you what a bargain it was just in case I ever end up on our Beloved Queen together. Penny I don't want you saying look at her with that cheap bargain she got. Not cheap because it is a classy little number or even a flirty little black number!


Off to bed to dream. For the moment it is all I can do but what dreams and memories OUR Queen has given me.


To be continued.



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Ahhh Sue...how good you do make me feel!!! I was just heading to bed...probably as tired as you said you were...and had to check our other favorite addiction, CC, one more time. And there you were to make me smile, really smile, and feel really, really good for the joy you obviously had on our ship.


I can't tell you how happy it makes me to have you share your story on my original review thread....it just seems to belong here, you know? I can't help but think that is was someone like you I hoped my review would reach out to, and here you are telling me all about your triumphs. Now that makes me feel terrific. And I know those of us who jumped on here to encourage you to experience all QM2 had to offer, will be just as pleased when they read this story of yours. You're quite the gal Sue...good on you!!!


I'll write more tomorrow when my brain and fingers agree to work together but I just had to tell you how happy I am for you. As to that dress??? You're saying 2 of my favorite words together...black and silk....how could you ever go wrong!! And add the word bargain to it and you are queen of the world. And Sue, we are NEVER too old to look fabulous in black silk!!! Trust me, your silver haired pal on the other side of the pond!!!


Enjoy your tea and please hurry back to finish your story...I want to hear more dancing...more Commodore magic...more everything. Don't you just love a new affair? :D


Cheers, penny

Penny’s Affair to Remember QM2 Review



November 10,2007...the “Affair” continues....

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I have just read all 9 pages and am completely overwhelmed with euphoria. The last time I was on a Cunard ship was the QE2 in 1980. Before that the Sagafjord and my first, the one and only Queen Mary in 1961 at age 6.

The great news is that I am getting ready to book my first cruise on the QM2. It appears it will be the 11/29/08 - 10 day Caribbean cruise rt from Ft. Lauderdale.

Thanks for all of the wonderful "diary" moments that you shared with us.

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Well thank you Steve....what a nice thing to say. I'm so pleased people are still finding this and enjoying it. As you can tell, I had the time of my life and am counting the days til the next time....96 to go


You have good taste in ships....certainly the Cunarders, but also one of my old favorites Sagafjord. The old shipboard memories I referred to in the review are all of Sagafjord's older sisters, the Norwegian America Lines ships, Stavangerfjord and Bergensfjord. I "met" Sagafjord onboard Bergensfjord when she was just lines on paper and about to be built. She was the last ship my Mom sailed, before her death, on a trip back from her childhood home in Norway. I wil always have a special soft spot for Sagafjord. On Monday a friend boards her, now Saga Rose....how wonderful that she is still with us a little longer.


Thank you for your kind words...and thank you for sticking with the whole 9 pages!! Wow..that's fortitude!!


Cheers, Penny

Penny’s Affair to Remember QM2 Review



November 10,2007...the “Affair” continues....

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You don't have to worry. ;) I know I will love her. I have never had a bad cruise, crossing or extended voyage. I have just liked some cruises and ships more than others.

Over the last five years or so I have cruised primarily on Princess or Holland America. But within the last month I have been seeing several opportunities with various friends and/or family and have been booking future cruises like crazy (For me anyway). Usually I say just put me on a ship and I will be happy.

HOWEVER, once I have the QM2 booked and added to my sig line I must admit that I will be looking most forward to that cruise over the others. I am going to treat my Mom in thanks for getting me hooked on ships at a young age. As you said, wonderful memories they are.


PS Steve...we'll just miss each other...2008 looks like it's to be Nov 9th for me...2 sailings before you. But do book...you will LOVE her!! Promise!!


Cheers, Penny

Penny’s Affair to Remember QM2 Review



November 10,2007...the “Affair” continues....

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You don't have to worry. ;)HOWEVER, once I have the QM2 booked and added to my sig line I must admit that I will be looking most forward to that cruise over the others. I am going to treat my Mom in thanks for getting me hooked on ships at a young age. As you said, wonderful memories they are.


Steve, so glad you found Penny's review! Isn't it amazing!!!


You and your Mom will have to look for the reunion of those who sailed on the original Queen Mary in the daily programmes while on board. It usually takes place in the afternoon on a day at sea. I believe they have a reunion on almost every sailing of the QM2. It is so interesting to hear the stories of those who sailed on the original QM.



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I have heard about the "oldsters" getting together and telling of the tales upon the Queen Mary. Even at age 6 I have a great story to add to their collection. I hope to make this QM2 voyage a reality tomorrow if all goes well.


Steve, so glad you found Penny's review! Isn't it amazing!!!


You and your Mom will have to look for the reunion of those who sailed on the original Queen Mary in the daily programmes while on board. It usually takes place in the afternoon on a day at sea. I believe they have a reunion on almost every sailing of the QM2. It is so interesting to hear the stories of those who sailed on the original QM.



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HOWEVER, once I have the QM2 booked and added to my sig line I must admit that I will be looking most forward to that cruise over the others. I am going to treat my Mom in thanks for getting me hooked on ships at a young age. As you said, wonderful memories they are.


Steve...what a lovely thing to do to thank your Mom. Such a special trip that will be. It was my Mom who inadvertantly got me hooked so long ago but back then it was the only way we could go home for the summers and Norwegians went home on a Norwegian ship. She just didn't realize that she fostered an addiction that has resurfaced thanks to the QM2.


Do stop back and let us know what you've booked...how exciting! I know your signature line shows you're certainly a well traveled cruiser but you might just find something special here....I do hope so.


Cheers, Penny

Penny’s Affair to Remember QM2 Review



November 10,2007...the “Affair” continues....

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Hi everyone and yes welcome to you Steve. I do think it is wonderful that Penny your review has stirred so many of us to continue to post on it and to read it.

For me it seemed the most natural place to be just as natural as breathing.

Oh how out of breath I got at some of these dances wish I were there right now.

I have taken 2 days out to recharge my batteries as by the end of last week with the decorators I was just so exhausted. I had my wonderful afternoon tea yesterday and did not much other than to relay to my friends all about our dearly loved QM2! Some of them looked pretty interested BUT I am selfish and I don't want to give up my hold on her just yet! I gest! I would be delighted to have them share her joy. June my friend who is going with me on Century I am working on most of all. She loves the idea of the Ballroom. We were talking on the phone of our youth and she said she laughed so much when I recalled the days when I went to the Local Catholic Saturday/Sunday night dances. My Dad was Irish and very strict and I was only allowed to go there. The PP used to have the people who took the money at the door etc walk around and tap people on the shoulder "NO CHEEK TO CHEEK DANCING HERE" When I think of today no wonder we laughed so much.


On the Ship what I loved most of the sea days on QM was that there was not the interference of PORTS! I could just stray and believe me I did stray many times along her passages. I did just want to see all those beautiful black and white images of days of old. I think I was just born a little too late for some of it but I could dream. Just like the romances I read in my youth and really believed that this was my destiny.

I loved the room service breakfast followed by the Kings Court breakfast and then the late/breakfast brunch as you call it and then those Afternoon Teas and the tea dances.

I finally worked out that by skipping lunch I could devour all those beautiful little fruit tarts and the scones with the jam and cream. For you Penny it was those choc chip cookies! OH I had those also!

Early 6 pm dinner was really too early as I always found myself with about 20-25 minutes to shower dry hair and dress rushed but I made it because I had to. The 2nd week I was asked to join another table of people I had got to know. Una and Tom for CC especially asked me and then we were 9. The other table with the exception of Alice were gone and she turned out to be a little rascal wanted me to do things her way and when she wanted me too. Really getting quite snippy about it all. REALLY BOSSY! so I made the move.

There were a Honeymoon couple from the US a couple from Canada and a couple from St Andrew's as well as Una and Tom who are also Scots.

Una was telling everyone the problems I had in getting some of my dresses fastened. I just got a female room attendant to button me in and the rest I worked out a system with! I didn't want everyone to know but you know SHE holds no secrets.

I didn't want to be late as UNA took me to task and was so funny. Her with the extra chocolates and the sweet /n/low.

I had a lot of fun with them and again a great waiter. I did write to Noel from the first week and had tipped him after the 6 days and on the last evening I once more went to see him. He was a wonderful waiter and didn't want to leave his table but ALICE was just too much. CRANKY I think is the word at 80 maybe she deserves to be! He was my nomination for the White Star award.

I loved the entertainment and especially the afternoon classical concerts. Too much sunshine would have meant that I would have been out there and missed all that was going on. Why can't they make more hours in the day especially as we lost that hour every night except the last! OH HOW TIRED I was.

I found the entertainment the best I have had in all the cruises I have taken and the quality of the dancers mostly from the Eastern European countries had just such a high standard that they left me breathless.

I attended some lectures and enjoyed them and caught up on some in my room.

I watched a few films but not a lot as by the time I got to my room read the followings days newsletters and read a little it was lights out and the end of yet another wonderful day.

I think I may have mentioned earlier that there were 2 Priests on each sector of the voyage and wait for it I even went to CONFESSION! My friend June said well what did you have to confess. She was greatly shocked that this took place in the Illummination and not in what she described as one of those little BOXES. He was a really wonderful Priest and I felt blessed that I had this opportunity. He of course had Irish connections as does half of the US I think? Well maybe not half but a good few.


I used the email system but there was a problem in that it treated all my emails either as SPAM or returned them but Mitch who was the Manager refunded a good number of the attempts and gave me a complimentary package. He was wonderful and I did go to a few classes but there I was itching to be off to pastures new.


Then we had our arrival and departure to the Big Apple. It was a terrible day pouring with rain so I didn't see HER in all her glory but this was the 2nd time I had sailed into NY. but I didn't care all that mattered in NY was that I got those not out yet in the UK Nintendo DS games. They are now since the 27th.


I will end my journey with you and like me live is never without drama as you will read. What would life be like "so dull" if everything went exactly to plan!


Time for the land of nod again or rather time to do a little reading and be ready to WELCOME the workmen back tomorrow!


Love to all of you who have supported me through particularly the preparation for my voyage and now that it is over I do feel like a renewed person. BYE



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I have heard about the "oldsters" getting together and telling of the tales upon the Queen Mary. Even at age 6 I have a great story to add to their collection. I hope to make this QM2 voyage a reality tomorrow if all goes well.


Well, Steve, If we won't ruin the surprise for your fellow passengers when you DO book, would you like to share those stories with us here? I, for one, would be delighted to hear what it was like for e six year old on the QM!


And Sue,

Once again, what a marvelous storyteller you are. So happy once more that this has given you a new outlook! Thank you for sharing! I feel like your victory has been our victory!



working late, with nothing to do!

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Thank you so much for your kind comments re my JOURNEY. You are a wonderful bunch of people on this board!!

Just wish I could get the next QM2 cruise booked. See offers for the Caribbean and I am sorely tempted.

Got my Ireland holiday followed by my X cruise but I need to sort something else out COME ON ADVICE!

Will continue with my story later it has got a very dramatic end but also very humerous! I just keep laughing but if you picture it in your head it sets me off again.

Must clear up the decorator is gone the washing and ironing done and a million other things. All boring and related to cleaning or helping others. This is what happens when you live on your own! BUT it does have its advantages in that I am my own person!! OH how I love all those Cabin Stewards and Waiters meaning that all I have to worry about is which dress or gown as you call it tonight. Or what I am going to eat for dinner? It is a hard life being on the SEA!



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WELL, I did it. I am CONFIRMED for 11/29/08. :eek: ;) :) :D :p !!!!!

Did I say that I am excited?


I have one story to part with.

I am not a gifted story teller like Sue but here it is.


By the time of age 6, I was already a major traveler within North America as my Dad was in the military and we moved three times from my birth to 6. Of course most of the moves I do not remember. HOWEVER, I vividly remember crossing the pond eastbound from NYC to England on the Queen Mary. I was born in the States but my ancestry is 3/4 Scottish with 1/4 Irish thrown in for good measure. (To this day I still fight with myself ;) ).


We had an outside cabin with a porthole. I remember being called "Master" Stephen from the very first step onboard and my Mom being addressed as "Lady" Elizabeth. She is full blooded Scottish and has some "blue blood" in her going back to Mary Queen of Scots. She was named after the great Queens thus her full maiden name Elizabeth Mary Baxter. Well, I digress - sorry.


Some of the items that I remember:

Crossing took 5 days vs. 6 today.

A proper English Nanny gave me a personal tour of the ship.

An Officer's Mate invited me onto the bridge and I remember being amazed by all of the machinery and equipment.

I was "dressed" for dinner each night.

We had assigned steamer chairs with tartan blankets.

Those blankets were used. We had boullion brought to us. They brought me and my Mom little cookies.

My Dad was going to England as special forces to work with in conjunction with the RAF (English Royal Air Force). To the day he died we never knew more than that. He was stationed in England for 1 year.


On the third day at sea the "pond" decided it wanted to play. As the day progressed into night the seas got higher and the ship got lower (In my mind). Her decks seemed so high from the ground and water in New York but the seas were even with promenade deck more and more. Even at my age I marveled at such a sight. The morning of day four it was batton down the hatches and everyone stay below decks and do not venture out unto any unsheltered areas. I remember our porthole being covered with white froth and green water much of the time.

I was getting restless. I was in the game room playing with some other children when I had enough of it. I bolted up and went quickly to one of the heavy doors to go out on the promenade. Before anyone could stop me I had somehow pushed a heavy door opened. As I stepped out onto the teak deck there was a tremendous gust of wind which at first knocked me off my feet and onto the deck. I remember thinking this was great and went to get up. I remember hearing the Nanny screaming but I could barely hear her. As I stood up the wind literally picked me up and I was in mid air being blown across the wide promenade to the outer edge of the railing. I tried to grab it with no avail and all I could see was the netting below me and the sea rising to meet me. Just as I realized what was really happening I was grabbed from behind and pulled back on deck. A crewman had come to my aid and probably ended up saving my little life. I was never told the name of the gentleman who saved me and I have never properly been able to thank him.

BUT, I do remember having to walk by what seemed to be an ever ending procession of uniformed crewmembers and apologizing to each one individually with my Dad being the last in line. I DID get a spanking from him and then both my Dad and my Mom hugging me for all it was worth.


By dinner time the seas had started to subside and it was to be a formal evening ball. My Dad was in military dressed whites and my Mom in a long gown. I remember sitting with other children at a round table and then seeing my parents out on the dance floor with the band playing in the background. At that moment everything was perfect in the World and I thought that my parents were the most beautiful couple on the dance floor. I do remember crying a little bit for behaving so badly earlier in the day. I felt so guilty as they looked so perfect. I remember thinking to myself that I had to be like them and tried to behave properly from then on. As we know now, no one is perfect but this travel was a learning lesson and tought me to strive to be the best I could be.


Upon leaving the ship we were greeted by family members and thus started my visit with my Scottish family. That is another story. So there it is - a recap of my first time aboard a real ship in a grand manner. It can never be duplicated and will forever be in my mind's eye.


Well, Steve, If we won't ruin the surprise for your fellow passengers when you DO book, would you like to share those stories with us here? I, for one, would be delighted to hear what it was like for e six year old on the QM!


And Sue,

Once again, what a marvelous storyteller you are. So happy once more that this has given you a new outlook! Thank you for sharing! I feel like your victory has been our victory!



working late, with nothing to do!

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I am not a gifted story teller....




Your story - factual, but full of memories and humanity - is exactly the sort of history that is lost so easily.


My University - Sussex - has a Mass Observation Archive which covers, inter alia, oral history such as this. One of the dangers of the internet is that such history is not written down, merely posted. Future historians would certainly be interested in this sort of thing.


Thanks for posting it.



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Me too Steve...WOW...and thank you for sharing that on my little thread. What a memory. And weren't you the lucky one though. I was 9 when I did a dumb thing like that in the midst of a storm only I wasn't on a ship as big as the Queen Mary....my little Stavangerfjord was only 13,000 tons and a storm such as we had was mighty impressive on a ship that size. And boy could she handle that stuff somehow which is probably why she lasted 45 years doing almost nothing but North Atlantic crossings year round. Our crossing were 8 days....her speed was 18 knots when the weather cooperated!


I too snuck out when the we'd been told to stay in. A crewman saw me hiding in a protected spot and dragged me in threatening to tell the Captain what I'd done. But all those things you remember, I do too...loved my deckchair, blanket and boullion, bridge visits (I steered her when I was 19, but that's a whole 'nuther story, best not told). And I remember wet tablecloths in rough seas, rope strung everywhere for sudden grabbing, barf bags every ten feet down the corridors, starting to dance on one side of the dance floor and ending up in a stranger's lap on the other side...and I was sober!!! We had a fire at sea when I was only 3 but I don't remember that thankfully.


Congratulations on your booking...now that's something to look forward to!! Guess we'll miss each other as I'm aiming for 2 sailings before that but I sure do hope you find what so many of us have found on her. and that your MOm will feel some of the sense of those old liners that seemed to follow me everywhere I went onboard. Aren't we all just so privileged to have her to look forward to!!!


A great story Steve...would love to be there to hear you tell it in person at the gathering. I"m guessing no one can top that one!!!


Cheers, Penny

Penny’s Affair to Remember QM2 Review



November 10,2007...the “Affair” continues....

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