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Has anyone had any problems with snide comments or passenger outright anti-gayness on the Regent, Seaborn, Silversea, etc.??






What is one supposed to do when you meet such a person on board? You can't run and hide. I usually give them the evil eye, then ignore them.



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All three of those are extremely high-class luxury lines. My in-laws have sailed on Regent (when it was Radisson) and they had a wonderful experience. I would be absolutely shocked if anybody on those three was homophobic. The mass market lines, like Carnival, RCI, etc. would be much more likely to have negative-minded passengers. The higher-end mass market, like HAL, Celebrity, and Princess are less likely to have that kind of thing but it's still possible, particularly if somebody gets too drunk. But trust me, Regent, Seabourn, and Silversea are going to be GREAT in that regard. If you can afford them, by all means go, because they are a really fabulous experience and I can't imagine anyone saying a single anti-gay comment on those lines. They are very classy lines, and they attract very classy passengers.



No offense meant but your post kind of rubs me the wrong way. We have only cruised on what you consider the lower end mass market that attracts negative minded less "classy" people. I think we are "classy" as long as that does not mean "rich." We have enjoyed every cruise we have been on (carnival, RCI and Norwegian) and have never experienced a negative or "classless" passenger on any of these voyages. In fact, we have met several "classy" people that we remain in contact with today.




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Last fall we traveled with a group of 8 on Carnival. This included one lesbian couple and one gay couple. In the disco everynight we danced slow songs together and fast song with everyone else on board. We made friends everynight and had a great time. No one was ever unkind.

At breakfast we would go to the diningroom and get seated with different people everyday. It was usually clear we were a couple and again everyone was friendly.

I have saided NCL, and RCCL, and think you will be fine anywhere. Jerks can be found anywhere I guess but I have always found been nice to people regardless gets you far. If I ever do get a "look" I will have to tell them to have a great day and walk away knowing it's about them and not me.



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Hey ladies,


Just got to say I know alot of folks fly into port the day of the cruise. But boy that is such a big risk. I work for an airline and we had problems with morning fog yesterday. We had several cruise passengers on that flight too. With the way all airlines are over booking flights and it being spring break time for all the area schools in the Chicago/Nothern Indiana area wasn't much to do to help those passengers out.


When I cruise I'm always worried about delays and baggage issues I always go down the day before the cruise. If the weather is looking qestionable sometimes two days before. Another tip if you ever get in a delay or cancel sisuation your cell phone can be a great too. That way you can call the airlines 800 number and get reaccomadated while everyone is waiting in line for the next agent.


Any way hope everyone has a great weekend.



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No offense meant but your post kind of rubs me the wrong way. We have only cruised on what you consider the lower end mass market that attracts negative minded less "classy" people. I think we are "classy" as long as that does not mean "rich." We have enjoyed every cruise we have been on (carnival, RCI and Norwegian) and have never experienced a negative or "classless" passenger on any of these voyages. In fact, we have met several "classy" people that we remain in contact with today.




Hi Annette,


Thanks for making a good point. What I was trying to emphasize is that lines like Regent, Silversea, and Seabourn attract a very limited segment of society. Quite honestly, they attract rich people and that's it, simply because they charge so much.


I did not mean to denigrate the mass market lines. I have only sailed on Celebrity and HAL myself, and they are both mass market. My point was more that it is more likely there will be a boorish passenger on a mass market line, because the Regent-level cruise lines are full of...well...snooty people. (No offense meant, RKW.) The mass market lines attract a broader spectrum of society, which may include homophobes, while the Regent type lines attract rich people who don't really care about their fellow pax.


You're quite right of course - my original post did come out sounding pretty bad. Thanks for setting me straight (so to speak!) and giving me the opportunity to explain further. I fear I still may not have really made sense or clarified at all, but I really didn't mean to put down the mass market lines or people who sail on them.




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Money does not equal class. You are just as likely to run into rich homophobes as poor ones. The bottom line is most people have better manners than to say anything even if they are homophobe. We have only sailed on Carnival and have never had any problems. We do get some "looks" because my wife is obviously butch so you don't need a gaydar to figure out she is a lesbian lol. Or she is mistaken for a man. I just stare right back and they look away. The only time I ever had to say anything to anyone was in the bathroom on formal night. Wife wears a tux, and a woman pointed out to her that this was the ladies restroom. I said thanks we can read, but I am glad we didn't go the mens by mistake.

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Weatlh equals class? The more money you have equals more open mindedness? PLEASE....where did you come up with this way of thinking? You have got to be fairly young with a lot of growing up to do and thus I will take that into consideration when reading your posts in the future :confused:

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Weatlh equals class? The more money you have equals more open mindedness? PLEASE....where did you come up with this way of thinking? You have got to be fairly young with a lot of growing up to do and thus I will take that into consideration when reading your posts in the future :confused:

I didn't realize this was an unusual way of thinking. I know I have heard about it elsewhere. I'm sorry for any trouble I may have caused or if I insulted anybody. I'm 26, but I am hurt that somebody would blame my opinions on my age -and even more so that my future posts will be taken with a grain of salt because of it - so I guess I will drop out of this thread so I'm not misunderstood in the future. :(

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I didn't realize this was an unusual way of thinking. I know I have heard about it elsewhere. I'm sorry for any trouble I may have caused or if I insulted anybody. I'm 26, but I am hurt that somebody would blame my opinions on my age -and even more so that my future posts will be taken with a grain of salt because of it - so I guess I will drop out of this thread so I'm not misunderstood in the future. :(



No need to drop out of this thread. People, being people, are misunderstood everyday. It is a very real part of life.



Everyone is entitled to their own opinon, please no personal attacks.



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Thanks for the info, ladies! Sounds like there hasn't been any blatant discrimination or I'd imagine we would have heard from those individuals first. Guess it's time to start looking outside of Olivia. As far as the cruiselines, just picked those because they seem to include everything we would want (I'd rather pay upfront and get whatever I want then having to keep track of drinks, fees for special restaurants, etc. and getting hit with a big bill at the end). The ships also seem to be on the smaller more intimate side, with little to NO kids. Love kids, just can't handle the running out of control ones that I've heard horror stories about from other cruisers. Thanks again for everyone's input!

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Thanks for the reply. I really didn't think that you meant to offend so I wanted to point out how it sounded to me. We all make mistakes. I hope you don't drop out of the thread.


I do not believe wealth equals class but I think I do understand what you were trying to say.


Again thanks for the reply ....... and I would never dream of setting you straight! ;)


Hope you stay around,


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No offense meant but your post kind of rubs me the wrong way. We have only cruised on what you consider the lower end mass market that attracts negative minded less "classy" people. I think we are "classy" as long as that does not mean "rich." We have enjoyed every cruise we have been on (carnival, RCI and Norwegian) and have never experienced a negative or "classless" passenger on any of these voyages. In fact, we have met several "classy" people that we remain in contact with today.




My partner and I have only traveled on Carnival and certainly don't consider "us" to be anything less than classy. We have meet some fantastic people (hetro) and are planning a cruise with them next fall. Everyone has her own opinion.

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Fantabulous thread you ladies have going on here! My girlfriend and I would love to cruise with you all some day. If anyone gets serious about a 2009 group cruise, we're in!


We've sailed Carnival and besides the THREE times that we were asked if we were on a "mother - daughter" vacation, we had no problems or we were having so much fun we didn't notice anyone with closed minds.


Ok, I got a little perturbed when it was assumed I was the mother of the "mother-daughter" team but I got over it. :D

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I hope no one decides to leave this thread for any reason. We're all lesbians who love cruising. We may come from different backgrounds and economic status, but each persons opinion and perspective has value. I love hearing from all of you. We now have about 46 Lesbian couples communicating on this thread! I think that's amazing in and of itself. Since the boys seem to dominate in many other areas, let's not have a few comments (which I believe were not meant to offend anyone) taint the great things being shared here.

Everyone please continue to communicate. You are all valued. There is enough discrimination in the world without us finding fault in others on this thread as well.

Cruise on...be happy...bring joy to the world! You are all very special people!

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Thanks for the support, everyone. I don't normally take things said on the web so personally, but that one post just really hurt. I'm still here!


My wife and I get the mother/daughter thing all the time. She is going to be 39 this September, and I just turned 26 in January. WE don't think we look like mother and daughter, but a lot of other people seem to!

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Twice I've been asked if my girlfriend is my son. It bothers her but I just shrug it off. Im really excited about our cruise is ONE MONTH! I hope we dont have any problems with closed mindeds. But- if we do, oh well. Its our vacation too, we wont let it get to us.


I love this thread!

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Hi y'all


Since this will be our first experience with the cruise world, I was wondering if anyone has any pearls of wisdom for either the land or sea portion of the trip. Heck, even pearls about the flying part would be appreciated since neither of us has flown since, well, I can't even remember the last time I flew anywhere. We will be doing the land portion first, flying into Fairbanks from Tulsa, OK (looooooong day!). The sea portion will be south bound. We have a balcony cabin on the correct (lee? port?) side.



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Mithryl, Amen to that and ditto! 46 couples is truly amazing. Yay for all of us.


(okay taking off my cheerleader outfit and stepping away from the pom poms)


Winnie, I can't tell you much about the land portion of Alaska. Our cruise last summer was round trip from Vancouver. But you are going to LOVE Alaska. The scenery is absolutely breath taking. I hope you are doing a whale watch of some kind. There are no words to describe the feeling of seeing an enormous humpback coming out of the water and then his tail as he dives back under. Simply incredible! Make sure you go to one of the glaciers if you can. Another amazing experience in and of itself. I'm sure whatever you do, you will have a fantastic time. Can't wait to hear about it when you get back!! (My brother and sister in law live in Tulsa!)


17 days until I leave for my Transatlantic! Yippee :)

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Hey ladies I can give you some advise on the air part. I would call your airline a few days before your flight and see if you had any schedule changes. Also check your seat assignments while you have them on the phone. If you don't have seat assignment have them issue you seats. I would also check the TSA website. That way you can read up on what you can pack in your luggage and carry-ons. If you haven't traveled in a while you might be surprized.


The day of your flight go though and check that you have all of your documents. Your passports/or driver licenses and that they are valid. Your flight itenerary and cruise information and make sure to bring them also. I also pack a copy of my passport and the credit cards that I plan to carry with me and the numbers to contact if they get stolen. Lastly make sure you put name tags on all of your checked and carry-ons with your cell phone numer and home phone on them. I would be at the airport two hours early. That way you can check your bags and have breakfest. Then head through security and relax.


Also if there is any delays you'll be there early enough to be ahead of the line to be rebooked or to make other arrangments. The earlier the better in our business.


Ladies once on your cruise relax and enjoy. Do as much as you want or as little it's your vacation. I would read up on the Alaska boards that way you can figure out what you really want to see and do. Lord know you can't do it all. But you can sure try;) !


I drive Missy nut's with all my planning when we cruise. But she always enjoys the finish project. I do so much reading on the boards on everthing to how to save money to which private company to book our shore trips. Why leave things to chance when you have cruise critic to learn from.


Have fun,


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I drive Missy nut's with all my planning when we cruise. But she always enjoys the finish project. I do so much reading on the boards on everthing to how to save money to which private company to book our shore trips. Why leave things to chance when you have cruise critic to learn from.


Have fun,



I love that. I do the same thing to my partner and she's quite happy to have all the details worked out for her. There was a thread quite a while back on one of the other boards (started by planners of course) about planning vs. not planning and the differences between couples. I think regardless of whether you're gay or straight, one thing is constant -- some of us love to plan and some love to be planned for. ;)

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I love that. I do the same thing to my partner and she's quite happy to have all the details worked out for her. There was a thread quite a while back on one of the other boards (started by planners of course) about planning vs. not planning and the differences between couples. I think regardless of whether you're gay or straight, one thing is constant -- some of us love to plan and some love to be planned for. ;)


Me and my g/f love planning our trips together. We are both equally excited about our getaways and we just can't wait to share the info we find with each other. Planning is one thing we enjoy and we're both equaly flexable if we ditch said plans and decide to do something completely different. We reminisce about past getaways, plan out our current trips and dream about what we're going to do next. She's my favorite person to do stuff with. :)

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