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Larry vs Harv


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I think it is also sweet that Eileen brings you cookies at the end of your excursion, but those may be the most expensive cookies we eat in all of Alaska at $100+ for two!!


Carolina Texan


We are NOT paying for the cookies! They were $25 for the whole boat. She offered them for free since we have a full six people in the boat.

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I've been reading these boards for a little over a year now to prepare for our upcoming trip ( 10 more days and counting , hooray ) and I'm convinced you really cant go wrong either way. The concensus seems to be that Capt Larry is the all knowing,seer,sage,and soothsayer "whale god" of Alaska and that Harv & Marv are two genuine,down to earth fun guys to be around. In a year of reading reviews,there has been very little negative said about either group. We finally chose Harv & Marv for one reason and thats the small group experience. Does that mean I think they're "bettter " than Orca , no. Its just what they have to offer is tailored to what I prefer.


I live 90 miles from the the land of the theme park. Both Disney and Universal offer the same basic experience,which is to seperate you from more money than you thought was possible in a 24 hr period , err, I mean

great rides ,shows ,and attractions. Its the same thing,5 miles apart,but two totally opposite ways to have the same kind of fun. Some people prefer the Disney trip,some people swear by Universal. Same thing w/ Capt Larry and Harv & Marv.


Well Said...I went the other way for my second trip to Alaska, Captain Larry & Orca Ent.


IMO, This is such an amazing place, I can't imagine not enjoying this trip. The sad thing this year is everytime this thread comes up, some have to find something negative to say about Captain Larry or even BQ to justify why they chose someone else.


I just cannot understand why so many look for advice from BQ on so many subjects and then all of a sudden think she is on the payroll for Captain Larry. I think her years of posting on these boards speak for itself. I am not saying you have to agree with all of her recommendations but ,lets get real, questioning her character is uncalled for.


The big statement BQ has made is she is seeing recommendations for other tours from people who have yet to go. You might not like this statement, but it is a true statement.


If you truely question CC & BQ, then I wonder why you are waisting your time getting information from a source that you do not believe in.

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The big statement BQ has made is she is seeing recommendations for other tours from people who have yet to go. You might not like this statement, but it is a true statement.



Mentioning who one is going with is NOT the same as recommending that tour operator.

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Mentioning who one is going with is NOT the same as recommending that tour operator.


OK..but when one mentions in every whale excursion thread who they are going with, how to get in touch with them, what type of special they have running, then it does become an endorsement.

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OK..but when one mentions in every whale excursion thread who they are going with, how to get in touch with them, what type of special they have running, then it does become an endorsement.


It seems only whale watching companies other than Capt. Larry's elicit these complaints. There have been many, many posts with links to Orca Enterprises, and I've posted his company's link myself on several occasions. I never see complaints about "recommendations" when the company is Island Wings or Southeast Aviation in Ketchikan for Misty Fjords excursions. By the way - Southeast Aviation (who we are not going with) still has an "early bird special" of $20 off their normal price. This info has also been posted here before.

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There's nothing I've found that says that Harv and Marv have only 2 years experience with excursions, other than what BQ has said. According to the Harv and Marv website, both captains are USCG licensed and have a combined 60 years experience on the waters of SE Alaska.




Ask them yourself, HOW long they have been running FORMAL WHALE watch tours. Not how long they have been capts.?? I have only seen them mentioned, the last 2 years. I have been very in tune with Juneau whale watch tours and what is available. I have gone with another operator, which I am not going to name.

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Mentioning who one is going with is NOT the same as recommending that tour operator.


You keep posting this. HOWEVER- when I am looking for ideas on tours and trip planning, I want first hand information from customers. I don't care if they sound good on the phone, answer on the first ring, email back in an hour, bake cookies etc etc etc. I want to know about how people enjoyed their tour- bottom line. The only way to get this information is from someone who has taken it.


Everyone is so bent out of shape, trying to "justify" their choice- go with who you wish to, have a great time and report back. Quit putting down operators you have no basis for doing so.

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Everyone is so bent out of shape, trying to "justify" their choice- go with who you wish to, have a great time and report back. Quit putting down operators you have no basis for doing so.


I have never "put down" Capt. Larry or any other operator! However, his company has been criticized, and rightly so, for not getting back to people in a timely manner. That situation appears to have been corrected.


I hope all of those who have booked whale watching trips have a wonderful time - including the family that booked with Capt. Jack - whoever he is! (If only it were Johnny Depp!) :D

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I have never "put down" Capt. Larry or any other operator! However, his company has been criticized, and rightly so, for not getting back to people in a timely manner. That situation appears to have been corrected.


It actually took me longer to get my float plane excursion booked in Ketchikan...while this may be a big deal to some, not a big deal to me.

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I really want to thank all of you for providing a truly interesting "genteel discussion" of the alternative whale watching vendors in Juneau. This thread, along with what I call the "snobs versus slobs" thread on what to wear on formal nights is providing great entertainment while I await the departure date of my Alaska cruise.


Please, all, keep up the good work rather than agreeing to disagree and making a choice based on the information available and your own likes and dislikes.


It would be boring on this board without this kind of fun. :>))

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I really want to thank all of you for providing a truly interesting "genteel discussion" of the alternative whale watching vendors in Juneau. This thread, along with what I call the "snobs versus slobs" thread on what to wear on formal nights is providing great entertainment while I await the departure date of my Alaska cruise.


Please, all, keep up the good work rather than agreeing to disagree and making a choice based on the information available and your own likes and dislikes.


It would be boring on this board without this kind of fun. :>))


Too funny about "snobs versus slobs"!


I hope you caught some of the more "colorful" posts on this thread before they were zapped by a moderator. :eek:

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I really want to thank all of you for providing a truly interesting "genteel discussion" of the alternative whale watching vendors in Juneau. This thread, along with what I call the "snobs versus slobs" thread on what to wear on formal nights is providing great entertainment while I await the departure date of my Alaska cruise.


Please, all, keep up the good work rather than agreeing to disagree and making a choice based on the information available and your own likes and dislikes.


It would be boring on this board without this kind of fun. :>))


As you said, it is entertaining - I think tipping, formal wear and whale watching are the three topics that gain the most debate. :D Whether to take the train or rent a car in Skagway? Who cares most the time. Whether Southeast Aviation or Island Wings for Misty Fjords flightseeing? Hardly an issue. But talk about whale watching....watch out!


I think that a couple of people have very strong feelings for one company and that is fine but it tends to fuel the interaction. In just a few weeks we will hopefully have some more feedback, positive or negative, about all the companies mentioned.


As BQ mentioned in another thread, it is your vacation and you can decide to go with whoever you like, and I am sure you would not be disappointed with any of the vendors.

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The purpose of this thread was to receive a geniune comparison of the 2 vendors.


You cant compare Disney and Universal because they are 2 totally separate products. Whales are the product here and its just what vendor does the best job and provides the best opportunity to see the whales.


When I envision Allen Marine, I see 100 people on deck and me having to fight for a spot to see or take a picture.


When I look at Larry's boat - I see a smaller boat and one that holds 40 people. This also seems like it could be problematic if its at capacity.


Then there is Harv / Marv which only holds 6 people. Seems like there is no problems here with viewing, getting postion for a picture or having more interaction with the captains.


Since Orca is so loved on these boards and since any negative seems to get pulled, you cant help but start to wonder who is really being genuine and who has an ulterior, financial motive.


While I see all these raves about Larry - I was looking for the reason why I (who has never) been to Alaska should book Larry over the others who appear better from an outsider based on the criteria I listed above.


BQ outlined some true benefits, such as a naturalist on board etc. These are the types of things that distinguish one vendor from the next because much of this tour comes down to luck and how many whales are going to show up for you that day.


Its just human nature for people to recommend what they have done. Maybe they saw 100 whales one day so they think Larry, Marv or Whoever is incredible. Fact of the matter is - its the exterior factors that really matter such as ship size, capacity, Naturalist on board etc.





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I have been with Capt Larry 5 times. When I first went to Alaska - my choices for whale watching was through the ship (Allen Marine), Dolphin tours and Capt. Larry. I choose Capt Larry because his tour was 30 minutes longer than Dolphin tours and I knew I didn't want the crowds with the ship's tour.


I agree with Tony's post that the best comparisons is going to be someone who has done both tours but it doesn't sound like we have anyone out here (yet) who has done both.


The one thing I do caution people is in comparing how many whales they saw on one tour verses the other person's tour. I have gone with Capt Larry 5x, and in each case, I have seen a different amount of whales. One was spectatular and the others were good to OK as far as quantity. Though the quantity is not always related to the tour you take - it could literally be that the whales are not as active on the day/time that one goes. I have heard Capt Larry say "it is much better this tour than it was this morning, etc..".


I will probably continue with Capt Larry. I find him extremely knowledgable and the people I know who really know Alaska (the naturalists on the ships, etc..) also prefer him. They can go with anyone and they choose Capt Larry.


BTW - I wouldn't let cookies or salmon and cheese (what Capt Larry) serves sway me one way or another as far which tour to take.


I wish everyone success is their Alaska whale watching tours.

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2 couples from my roll call group went with the ship's tour..allen marine..they raved about it. the naturalists made annoucement over the loudspeakers...even with a full boat they had plenty of room. the boat doesn't stay with the whales, it went over to the sea lion beach, paused in the gap in the mountains where you see mendenhall. i would have hated it, loudspeakers and time away from the whales...but it was just what they wanted.

for my family i was thinking about H&M...6 of them on the small boat. FIL would not have had to move around. i emailed eileen and had everything set-up. until the family told me they were not going to pre-book 1 thing.

since it was going to be FIL's 1st and last time to alaska, i thought he would be excited. but he wasn't....? (hey, i tried)

with just the 2 of us, they could not plan a trip for us. we would have had to wait for at least 2 more to book. i could not wait, i was going to alaska to see whates, and booked with orca. to be very honest, it would have been more crowded on the small boat with the family then with the group on the purple boat. FIL doesn't move well, needs room to balance..the rest of us are big people.

what i hate hearing is when people talk about the larger boats not being as personal...but they are..in their own way. on ocra's boat we had 15 people with 2 capts...that 6 1/2 people per captain. they were talking about what we were seeing and where to look the whole time.


i travel, i like to talk travel...whether rving or cruising..doesn't matter to me. lately my joints have not let me get out as much, so i am on cc..talking travel. this board keeps me from being bored while DH is at work...that's the only payment, on any kind, i get. ( i do NOT watch soap operas) with that being said:


on the day we went, we needed a even higher viewing platform. if we had been on a lower boat..we would not have seen much. the white caps blocked our view. since i couldn't climb the ladder to the top viewing (on the purple boat) i didn't see as much as those folks. as you can see form my pictures and videos..the white caps really did get in the way. the best veiwing area i had was in hawaii..a really large boat for over 200..but had only 50. 2 male humpbacks were chasing each other around and under the boat. the size of the boat means nothing...smaller boats can't get any closer then a larger one. what if the bigger boats has 1/2 of what is can hold? remember the big boats are made with more people in mind, even the double decker..you get plenty of rail room.


what did i love so much about my whale watching..besides just seeing the whales. having someone there that knew what the whales were doing and why they were doing it. why were they tail slapping so much? (they were warning the sea lions to go away). some of the people on our boat were surprised that the humpbacks did eat the sea lions? (baleen whales..now if they had been orcas?)

i knew that orcas (killer whales) use their sonar, but what happens to captive whales using sonar in man-made tanks? sonar bounces around the sides of the tanks....? would drive me crazy too!! no wonder they only live app 7 years, compared to over 50 in the wild.

but this is what i wanted...the learning lesson as well as good viewing.

some of my roll call friends would have hated spending all that time just standing there watching whales breathe and listening to whale life lessons.

if you live in the area, have a boat..can set up a website..why not do some charters? i would, i love being out there..love taking pictures, love fishing. if i could rent space on my boat to help pay for the upkeep..why not? doesn't mean you won't get a good tour, but i couldn't teach you the value of protecting the whales..

for me that was the difference.

but i didn't realize how much it would matter (TO ME) until i went.

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Cruisecritics, Alaska Board, BQ, and all the other regulars on this board have been invalueable to us in our Alaska cruise planning. While we don't always agree with all the recomm, we appreciate them. I have voiced my opinion on using Capt Larry and other vendors I have taken myself and given my recomm. I do not slam other vendors I haven't been with. I'm not sure why some have to attack? There are several vendors that can provide quality whalewatching tours that will appeal to different people and needs.


My biggest reason for loyalty to Cap Larry and his whole crew is how they accommodated us when our ship was late getting into port. The schedule was changed on our first port day, and then arrived even later than the revised schedule. Capt Larry and Carol moved things around, and were able to get all of us Summit customers on a late tour. It wasn't the best day I ever had whalewatching and it rained the whole time, but they made changes for the customers. That was a major plus for me.Thats the main reason I would still recomm them. I may still try Harv and Marv someday, if my wife will try a smaller boat. But the main thing is for people to try something besides what the ship offers. Hope all have great tour.

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The most critical issue is that we know who Captain Larry is every year. Does anyone know who is Harv and who is Marv this year? A very important question for us professional whale watchers.

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The most critical issue is that we know who Captain Larry is every year. Does anyone know who is Harv and who is Marv this year? A very important question for us professional whale watchers.


Sea Siq - do you have some information that I'm lacking? As far as I know Harv and Marv have been and will continue to be Jay Beedle and Pete Nelson. But if you, as a professional whale watcher, know something more I'd sure like to know it. I'm scheduled to go with Harv and Marv in June and surely don't want to be with a vendor working under false pretenses.



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i think the reference is to the fact that neither is really harv or marv? also the fact that they change who is which every year? cute way to keep their friendship fresh.

they had good reviews all last year..

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Cathi is correct, my tongue in cheek reference is to the fact that Jay and Pete alternate the Harv and Marv name each year. I was just wondering who was who in 2007.

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Cathi is correct, my tongue in cheek reference is to the fact that Jay and Pete alternate the Harv and Marv name each year. I was just wondering who was who in 2007.


Out of curiosity - how many years have they been in the whale watching business? I saw the 60 years experience between the two of them but am not entirely sure how long they have given tours to tourists? I never heard of them before last year.

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Out of curiosity - how many years have they been in the whale watching business? I saw the 60 years experience between the two of them but am not entirely sure how long they have given tours to tourists? I never heard of them before last year.




I already asked this a few posts ago. I suggested Sam, contact them directly and inquire how long they have been in official whale watch business. Prior, they were fishing charters that I recall??







Originally Posted by KnoxvilleSam

There's nothing I've found that says that Harv and Marv have only 2 years experience with excursions, other than what BQ has said. According to the Harv and Marv website, both captains are USCG licensed and have a combined 60 years experience on the waters of SE Alaska.




Ask them yourself, HOW long they have been running FORMAL WHALE watch tours. Not how long they have been capts.?? I have only seen them mentioned, the last 2 years. I have been very in tune with Juneau whale watch tours and what is available. I have gone with another operator, which I am not going to name.

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Yup, years in business really tells you how good a company is. Like Braniff, Eastern, PanAm, TWA versus SWA, JetBlue, etc.


Competition provides a better product for the consumer. Many times the newcomer has looked at the existing choices and determines a way of providing a different, better and/or less expensive product. Another good example is Cadillac and that upstart called Lexus.


I keep saying, do your research, make your choice based on your own likes and dislikes, pay your money, take your chance. If the whales cooperate, the sea is calm, the skies sunny (or better yet, partly cloudy for the photographers among us), you win. If not, its not the end of the world. Come back to the board and tick off a few people by telling how lousy your experience was with A, B or C. :>))


Remember, once again, its a VACATION, not choosing a brain surgeon to work on you. Keep your expectations low, or at least reasonable, and you will probably exceed them. Set them too high and you have set yourself up for disappointment.


Go in good health, come back in good health. Everything else is part of the experience!


Warning - Not everything the author says should be taken seriously.

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