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Strange anti-cruise comment

Warmer Climes

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What does "sizism" mean? I'm not familar with that word.


The reality is that people judge others constantly..they just don't say it out loud. A lot of overweight people make judgements on the thin people and vice verse.


If people are touchy about being judged for how much they eat, then they lie to themselves when they say they don't care about what others think.


Besides, we may never know what the person who made the strange anti cruise comment really meant. You can't always take what someone says at face value. Maybe there's another side to her comment none of us will ever know about.


The comment about eating more food than you 'need' is sizism. It is totally unacceptable to judge other people on their appearance. You wouldn't comment on someone who was using crutches, or someone who was blind (at least I hope not), or on their skin color or facial unattractive features. Wouldn't that be rude? Talking about whether a person was eating too much food is also rude.


I am overweight, but I don't gain weight on a cruise which is a plus as far as I am concerned. This is because once I get full, I don't eat any more. If I forget this sometimes - I pay for it later in discomfort.


At the buffet I take a tiny portion of the things I'm interested in (one spoonful) and then if I'm still hungry and I REALLY liked it, I will take a second spoonful.


In the dining room, I usually order one of each item. I will sometimes order three starters (cold soup, salad and appetizer) and no entree. I don't remember ever ordering two entrees, but once or twice I've ordered two desserts. I really appreciate having smaller portions so that I can do this without getting too full.


We had a lady of about 80 years old (tiny little thing) who persisted in ordering extra entrees and desserts for everone at the table to try. And this was kind of fun to do. Even though sometimes what she ordered did not appeal to me at all, I would taste it to at least be polite.


I can only remember once when what I ordered (it was an Indian dish) was so unpalatable to me that I just couldn't eat it. The waiter was concerned. I asked him to bring me a Caesar salad and hot tea, which he did and that was my dinner.

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What does "sizism" mean? I'm not familar with that word.


The reality is that people judge others constantly..they just don't say it out loud. A lot of overweight people make judgements on the thin people and vice verse.


If people are touchy about being judged for how much they eat, then they lie to themselves when they say they don't care about what others think.


Besides, we may never know what the person who made the strange anti cruise comment really meant. You can't always take what someone says at face value. Maybe there's another side to her comment none of us will ever know about.


Sizism is a made up word that refers to prejudice against someone because of their (large) size.


The OP was commenting about a person who had made up her mind to NOT cruise because she didn't want to be around people who just sat around & overate. This is the exact quote


This week I was at a meeting and afterwards a friend asked me why I love cruising. As I started to talk about, let's face it, my favorite conversational topic, another woman came up and said to her "We HATE cruises!!!" When I asked her why, she said because it is repulsive how much people eat, that some people even order two entrees! This seemed to make her absolutely furious.

No mention of fat people - it's not even clear if this woman making the comment had ever even been on a cruise - it was just her perception that cruisers eat too much!

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I love tasting lots of different things, but I don't like buffets. Especially on a cruise. I like the ambiance of the dining room. I don't like to order more than I can comfortably eat. That's why I like cruising with my sister. We each confer at meals to make sure we're ordering different things so we can get a taste of more things, without wasting food.

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Well, I wonder what that Woman would think of my husband and I then. We have never cruised (1st cruise coming up though) but even in the restaurants in our home town I will order two entrees but not order a main meal from the menu. Why? Because this way I can have 2 smaller sized portions. One as an Entree and one as a main. As I only ever eat in small amounts entree size is usually a fine substitute for my main meal.

Meanwhile my husband loves food with a passion and will often have seconds (and even thirds if its seafood). He's active, healthy and enjoys sampling different foods. He is not hurting anyone by enjoying his meals so I don't see the harm in it. We just say he's eating what I am missing out on.:D


When we are at home, I will often order a meal that I am pretty sure I won't be able to finish. When I do that, I do it with the thought in mind that I can take what I can't finish back home with me for lunch the next day. Sometimes I can even get two lunches out of it, depending on what it is. I order it with that in mind (usually some big piece of protein), and eat with that in mind - that is, I eat all the vegetables first, and leave the big chunk of meat to take home. I don't do this with fish, and there's no point to doing that on a cruise.


My husband usually orders a soup and then has an appetizer as an entre because he feels that a large dinner is too much. He does more or less the same on the ship.

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I have really enjoyed the comments on this board as I am one of those people that would repulse the original commenter as I usually do 2-3 starters and 2 entrees if I like them and a salad and oh I don't know I have had 3 or 4 desserts at a meal.:rolleyes: Oh yeah did I say that I am a whopping 5 ft 7 and weigh 135 fully clothed. :rolleyes: It isn't just on the ships that I eat like this I do it at home when I cook too.

I only have one other comment to make: A BAD DAY OF CRUISING BEATS ANY DAY ON DRY LAND WORKING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:D

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To the poster on the first page that said "she has a valid point...some pple don't need to eat 2 entrees". She has NO valid point, IMO. Um, there is no reason to be so judgemental. Wow. And do you think there are some people who "don't need" to bask in the sun all day, perhaps there are people who "don't need" to hang out at the bar getting wasted....I can go on and on here. To what another person does, eats or anything on their vacation should never be anyone's business and to make a judgement call on it either. It's just not right.


Having said that, we are Sandals resort vacationers and decided to try our first stab at a cruise. My husband almost always eats 2 entrees . Nothing wrong w/ that.....whether he was fit or heavy. That doesn't matter and it certainly shouldn't matter to anyone else.


Their lives must be so miserable that the only thing they need to "pick on" is other cruisers and their "ways" or "eating styles" on a cruise. That woman who said she hated cruises because of that....she has some more deeper issues. I find it hard to believe that someone can hate cruises so much because other pple eat 2 entrees?!?! That sounds absolutely ridiculous to me. I agree w/ another poster...it's probably really because she WISH she can go on a cruise and can't shell out the moolah. Also sounds like a bit jealousy going on w/ that woman that the OP has been on alot of cruises (i'm assuming). So she looks for that excuse of other pple overeating on cruises as a way to justify why she don't like cruises. Yea, ok. If she had the opportunity to go...I betcha she'll go. lol


Enjoy yourselves people! Eat two, three, four entrees if you would like. As long as I'm not footing the bill....WHO CARES??!! Your on vacation....have fun and eat like a king!


On a side note: I've always heard that one of the reasons why cruiseships serve/have alot of food all the time is because it helps the people on the ship from getting seasick?? That if a person eats alot and has food in their bellies there is a better chance they won't get seasick? Is this true or a myth??? Does eating food really "help" in not getting you seasick? And if you are on an empty belly then there's more of a chance you can get sick?? Not sure if this has some truth in it or not....and just wanted to ask you veteran cruisers. :)

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I don't care how much a person eats, but for cripes sake, please chew with your mouth closed. <---general comment, not to anyone in particular.


There's nothing more disgusting that having to listen to someone chew and spit their food all over. That makes me disgusted, not the number of plates someone orders.

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On a side note: I've always heard that one of the reasons why cruiseships serve/have alot of food all the time is because it helps the people on the ship from getting seasick?? That if a person eats alot and has food in their bellies there is a better chance they won't get seasick? Is this true or a myth??? Does eating food really "help" in not getting you seasick? And if you are on an empty belly then there's more of a chance you can get sick?? Not sure if this has some truth in it or not....and just wanted to ask you veteran cruisers. :)


I don't normally have a problem with motion sickness, but there are some foods that seem to settle people's stomachs. Ginger or ginger ale that has real ginger in it is one of those foods. Also my husband eats saltines or similar. I personally like hot tea.


The only reason I can think of related to seasickness that would involve food is that it is marginally easier to be sick if you have something in there to be sick with.


But no - I think that cruise ships serve food to help people not get seasick.

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Doesn't bother me if someone orders more than one entree and eat it. What DOES send me up a wall is when people pile their plates and then don't eat it.:mad: They seem to think simply because they've prepaid, that entitles them to waste food. Who untimately pays for wasted food ? Yep...you and I. Wonder if they waste food like that at home. Take what you want but eat what you take.


I couldn't agree more. Watching people waste food really DOES have a negative impact on my enjoyment of the cruise...

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  • 2 weeks later...

Sometimes at a buffet you think something will be good, and then you take a bite and realize you hate it. Should you eat it anyway?


I went on a cruise with a friend (her first, my second). We hit the buffet for lunch when we arrived--she had gotten some fish, and upon taking a bite, realized it wasn't good (overdone). She said, oh well, I'll just eat it, and I said, no you won't! Go get something you like, you don't have to pay any more! She was glad she took my advice.


At the dining room, we all had a great time ordering--if more than one appetizer/entree appealed to us, we ordered them. The first night we didn't realize we could do this, but after the first night we all did--there were seven at our table, and at least half (not always the same half) ordered two entrees, or two desserts, or whatever. I had been looking forward to the cruise for months, and looking forward to eating tons of seafood. We always had a wonderful time at dinner, and occasionally shared something we thought was really tasty (or kept it to ourselves if it was REALLY tasty :) ). Yes, I did gain a few pounts on my cruise, but that's what vacation is for! I spent the two weeks following the cruise getting rid of the extra weight, and don't regret it for a second. If someone had an issue with this, that is a problem they themselves should deal with.

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I don't usually take a whole lot of something unless I know I like it. I take a little bit and then if I like it, I go back and get more. On or off a cruise ship - the same for a buffet. So it isn't necessary to waste food in order to get something that you like to eat. The main thing on a cruise is that you have to have someone sitting at the table to keep them from clearing away when you aren't finished.:)


At dinner, I think it's OK to order more than one of a thing if you are going to eat it. I will sometimes order an appetizer and a soup and a salad and no entree because I now know that I can't eat more than that.:p

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Madam, that would be me that made that comment...and it's my opinion that are some people that don't need to eat 2 entrees..the same way there are people that don't need to smoke when they have emphasema, or booze it up when the are an alcoholic, or sunbathe when their body is infested with skin cancer. If you are one of those people I described and are on the same cruise that I am, then go knock yourself out. Enjoyment of my vacaation will go on regardless of what you do knowingly or out of ignorance. And you have just judged me the way you told me to not judge anyone else.


I also said in other posts people can do whatever they want and it doesn't affect my enjoyment. Don't be so touchy.


To the poster on the first page that said "she has a valid point...some pple don't need to eat 2 entrees". She has NO valid point, IMO. Um, there is no reason to be so judgemental. Wow. And do you think there are some people who "don't need" to bask in the sun all day, perhaps there are people who "don't need" to hang out at the bar getting wasted....I can go on and on here. To what another person does, eats or anything on their vacation should never be anyone's business and to make a judgement call on it either. It's just not right.


Having said that, we are Sandals resort vacationers and decided to try our first stab at a cruise. My husband almost always eats 2 entrees . Nothing wrong w/ that.....whether he was fit or heavy. That doesn't matter and it certainly shouldn't matter to anyone else.


Their lives must be so miserable that the only thing they need to "pick on" is other cruisers and their "ways" or "eating styles" on a cruise. That woman who said she hated cruises because of that....she has some more deeper issues. I find it hard to believe that someone can hate cruises so much because other pple eat 2 entrees?!?! That sounds absolutely ridiculous to me. I agree w/ another poster...it's probably really because she WISH she can go on a cruise and can't shell out the moolah. Also sounds like a bit jealousy going on w/ that woman that the OP has been on alot of cruises (i'm assuming). So she looks for that excuse of other pple overeating on cruises as a way to justify why she don't like cruises. Yea, ok. If she had the opportunity to go...I betcha she'll go. lol


Enjoy yourselves people! Eat two, three, four entrees if you would like. As long as I'm not footing the bill....WHO CARES??!! Your on vacation....have fun and eat like a king!


On a side note: I've always heard that one of the reasons why cruiseships serve/have alot of food all the time is because it helps the people on the ship from getting seasick?? That if a person eats alot and has food in their bellies there is a better chance they won't get seasick? Is this true or a myth??? Does eating food really "help" in not getting you seasick? And if you are on an empty belly then there's more of a chance you can get sick?? Not sure if this has some truth in it or not....and just wanted to ask you veteran cruisers. :)

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Madam, that would be me that made that comment...and it's my opinion that are some people that don't need to eat 2 entrees..the same way there are people that don't need to smoke when they have emphasema, or booze it up when the are an alcoholic, or sunbathe when their body is infested with skin cancer. If you are one of those people I described and are on the same cruise that I am, then go knock yourself out. Enjoyment of my vacaation will go on regardless of what you do knowingly or out of ignorance. And you have just judged me the way you told me to not judge anyone else.


I also said in other posts people can do whatever they want and it doesn't affect my enjoyment. Don't be so touchy.

Oh please....I am not the only one who said things regarding your post. Bottom line: it shouldn't be your business if you THINK pple don't need to eat 2 entrees. It shouldn't be your business if pple decide to smoke when they are sick, or drink alcohol if they are an alcoholic. Not your business...bottom line. Unless it's a close family member of yours, it's not and shouldn't be your business at all if pple decide to eat 2 entrees. I'm not touchy...it just disturbs me of how much it bothers some people just because they eat 2 entrees. Wow. I have much more other things in life to worry about than if someone I see on a cruise is eating 2 entrees.

Good, I'm glad it doesn't affect your enjoyment. It's just not your place to point out whether pple have the right to eat 2 entrees or not. Who am I to say whether people don't need to eat 2 entrees - it's just not my business at all. It's pple's choices and they can do what they want. Geesh.

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Ok-my SO and I like to eat. So sometimes we will order 2 entres or two deserts or even go to the buffet before our late seating dinner. I can't believe what we chose to do would matter to anyone.We even joke about how much we eat on a cruise.Usually diet before and after a cruise!I just enjoy eatting what I don't have to cook. We live in the boonies and our choice of restaurents are McDonalds or Subway so food on a cruise is a real treat for us and we make the most of it.I just hope we never sit with anyone who is bothered by this but if we do-then I guess they have the option of changing their table.




You can sit with us! I can't stand anyone who thinks they are the Food Police. Order what you want! :D

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I love tasting lots of different things, but I don't like buffets. Especially on a cruise. I like the ambiance of the dining room. I don't like to order more than I can comfortably eat. That's why I like cruising with my sister. We each confer at meals to make sure we're ordering different things so we can get a taste of more things, without wasting food.


I like the buffet, but ONLY on a cruise.:confused: Our last cruise the dining room was crowded and very noisy. We ate there 4 times and once in a premium dining room:) , with the rest at the buffet. Too much buffet even though they had wonderful pasta dishes made to your order (never had it the same twice) and the stir-fry was also to your order.


NCL had, and still may have, a midnight Chocoholic Buffet on each cruise. The first couple were beautiful with a lot of good chocolate, but the last one I went to was mostly chocolate flovored flour items such as cake. I saw why going to it; people carrying 3 plates piled high to their staterooms.:mad: AND spilling quite a bit; plates and black stuff all over the decks!:eek: :eek:

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Good for you. Help yourself to some cheese to go with your whine:)



Oh please....I am not the only one who said things regarding your post. Bottom line: it shouldn't be your business if you THINK pple don't need to eat 2 entrees. It shouldn't be your business if pple decide to smoke when they are sick, or drink alcohol if they are an alcoholic. Not your business...bottom line. Unless it's a close family member of yours, it's not and shouldn't be your business at all if pple decide to eat 2 entrees. I'm not touchy...it just disturbs me of how much it bothers some people just because they eat 2 entrees. Wow. I have much more other things in life to worry about than if someone I see on a cruise is eating 2 entrees.

Good, I'm glad it doesn't affect your enjoyment. It's just not your place to point out whether pple have the right to eat 2 entrees or not. Who am I to say whether people don't need to eat 2 entrees - it's just not my business at all. It's pple's choices and they can do what they want. Geesh.

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We usually like to order 2 entrees. Sometime because we want to do a surf and turf kinda meal - the waiters cannot give you just the steak or just the fish. They have to give the whole plate with veggie, etc. because that is the way the plating is set up in the kitchen already, thus you are stuck with 2 full plates. Hey, sometimes we even order 2 appetizers. If it bothers anyone, who cares.

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I can't believe there are people hanging around with the time to criticize the eating habits of others. I have yet to be on a cruise where the cruise director hasn't made at least one joke about over consumption. Never realized that it was offensive.


I would be one of those overweight people that some posters here believe should be limited to ordering only one entree. I'll keep that in mind as I am sure they know what is best for me. Hopefully, I will also have time to regale them with my endless medical stories. While waiting for the appetizers, I'll start with my 2 brain surgeries in my 30's. During entrees, I'll tell them how I am the only one in my family who is not diabetic and how I believe it is because I drink only water- no soft drinks. During dessert, we'll all have a good laugh about how I trained for and rode in the MS 150 the year I turned 50. Everyone will laugh when they hear about how I lost 8 lbs. that year - while my significant other/training partner lost 90lbs.! Interestingly enough, we both worked as hard to raise money fighting a devastating disease - a disease my daughter was diagnosed with at the ripe old age of 18 years.


I apologize for the lengthy post, but the idea that some people feel they have a right to monitor my food intake is annoying. We will be sailing on the Westerdam in November and the Crown Princess next July. Please avoid those ships if you don't like to see a chunky chick enjoying her food.



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Interesting reading. To the woman with the autistic child, if it doesn't cause you too much stress, don't worry about what other people think. I was on a cruise once where there was also a large group of special needs people, and they were delightful fellow passengers. Never have I seen dancing with such joy and abandon. The attitude was so infectious, it made everyone else get up and dance too! My sister is an occupational therapist and works with autistic children every day. She is also a very plump woman. It didn't bother her a bit when one of these special passengers informed her that she was a "nice fat lady." Being called fat in this case was just a descriptor like being blond. It was far more important that she was "nice." She did notice the stares and snickers from some of the "normal" passengers. She was so self-conscious the whole cruise, she was afraid to eat in public. I felt awful. I really wanted her to enjoy herself. She works for very little pay for an underserved population. The trip was not something she could afford for herself, and I felt like the gift I gave her was spoiled by some very nasty, self-centered individuals. We all have vices and it is especially hard to wear them on the outside. A great many "perfect people" are hiding vices much worse than being fat and ordering two entrees. Also, many really beautiful, giving people are inside those less than perfect bodies. So, before someone goes rushing to judgment, a little self-reflection might be in order.

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  • 2 weeks later...

My sister complains when I talk about cruises and says she will NEVER go on a cruise because she claims to be such a big environmentalist. She keeps telling me that cruises pollute the oceans and are incredibly wasteful. I try to fight back and tell her that anytime she flies anywhere, that is using gas, and that when she rides around in my mother's small motorized boat on the lake, that's polluting the water as well...


any good way that I can have a good answer back to what she's saying? i feel like I have to try to justify going on a cruise to her sometimes! sigh!

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Good for you. Help yourself to some cheese to go with your whine:)

Oh, cat got your tongue?


I sure will help myself to TWO servings of cheese, thank you! :D And no, I don't drink wine, thanks. (and no, I'm not 'fat' like you seem to use that word quite a bit in other threads.)


I'm not the only one who feels this way that there is nothing wrong w/ eating 2 entrees. Looks like you are in the minority. :p

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My sister complains when I talk about cruises and says she will NEVER go on a cruise because she claims to be such a big environmentalist. She keeps telling me that cruises pollute the oceans and are incredibly wasteful. I try to fight back and tell her that anytime she flies anywhere, that is using gas, and that when she rides around in my mother's small motorized boat on the lake, that's polluting the water as well...


any good way that I can have a good answer back to what she's saying? i feel like I have to try to justify going on a cruise to her sometimes! sigh!

Na, just sounds like a whole lotta jealousy to me. She just wishes she can cruise like you do....and perhaps eat 2 entrees as well. ;)


She feels the need to put cruising down, because she knows she will never get the opportunity to go on one. :) That 'environmentalist' card she's playing is a load of crock....cuz as long as she's flying airplanes and boats, she's very hypocritical then. Leaves only one answer then: jealous that she can't cruise like you do. :)

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What or how much I order on a cruise is strictly between me, my stomach, and the waiter I give my order to. I don't waste food as a rule, and unless some dish is particularly vile and unappatizing, I don't send food back.


If my dinner is more interesting to you than your own, get a different meal or a real life!:p

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Madam, that would be me that made that comment...and it's my opinion that are some people that don't need to eat 2 entrees..the same way there are people that don't need to smoke when they have emphasema, or booze it up when the are an alcoholic, or sunbathe when their body is infested with skin cancer. If you are one of those people I described and are on the same cruise that I am, then go knock yourself out. Enjoyment of my vacaation will go on regardless of what you do knowingly or out of ignorance. And you have just judged me the way you told me to not judge anyone else.


I also said in other posts people can do whatever they want and it doesn't affect my enjoyment. Don't be so touchy.


That was just rude!

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Does your post "qualify" as minding "your" own business? Especially the second part of the post heading : Minding my own business, how about you do same?


What or how much I order on a cruise is strictly between me, my stomach, and the waiter I give my order to. I don't waste food as a rule, and unless some dish is particularly vile and unappatizing, I don't send food back.


If my dinner is more interesting to you than your own, get a different meal or a real life!:p

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