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Bad Reviews of NCLA ships -- my viewpoint PRE-cruise

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Occassionally someone starts a thread with a topic like "what was the most embarrassing thing that happened to you on a cruise?" or "what was your worst cruise experience?" and I am at a complete loss for a reply!


I've run into a few crumudgons who seem to want to ruin others enjoyment in addition to reveling in their own "problems" but beyond that I don't recall any problems. Now it's not that our lives are charmed, but that 1) I don't let things bring me down - what others seem to take issue with doesn't seem to really bother me, and 2) I focus on the good and let the bad memories slip away!


Keep up the good thoughts. I hope you enjoy your POAh HI cruise as much as my family and I enjoyed our POAm cruise (no problems - at least none I can remember!!! :cool: )

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One other thing one might do when reading a very negative review is to look at it carefully to see if you can see emotion in the writing. Look for strong words like hate, dispise, worse ever, cruise from Hades, etc. I've found that's it's almost impossible to write or talk objectively when your emotions have control. There may be some good hard facts in there but how much are they clouded by that emotion. Rely more on posts that are without emotion and can then be objective. I believe you will find that then there are not so many negative reviews that can cloud your own thinking after you've eleminated the emotional ones.

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Your outlook on your upcoming cruise should be an inspriration to all! We are cruising for 11 nts on POAL this Christmas :D and I can't wait! I refuse to let the negatives ruin my cruise. I've been reading these critiques with a grain of salt and your plan for dealing with problems is a great idea!

Like so many have said before...these boards are a lifesaver, I can't imagine cruising w/o the knowledge provided by all these good travelers!


I really like this post, Traveljule (and thanks for the compliment, but I truly was just trying to share my own perspective -- I'm glad people have found it helpful!). I'm jealous, too -- I wish my schedule had allowed us to book a 10 or 11 day POAl cruise! :) What grabbed me about your post was the reference to "Like so many have said before...these boards are a lifesaver, I can't imagine cruising w/o the knowledge provided by all these good travelers!" I discovered the internet in 1994, via a 1200 baud modem. (Yes, I'm a dinosaur! -- I maintain an aol email because it's been mine for 13 years now!) From that time to this, for all my interests (news stories around the world, travel, education, movies, books, etc.) if I had to name one single website that has given me the most helpful information I'd name CC, thanks to the generosity of the members who share here. I know my "joined" date is recent -- but I actually was here when CC started and I used to be a mod, a jillion years ago (after being a mod on AOL a zillion years ago).


I'm a history buff, and cruising is one of my interests in that regard. I've been a Titanic buff since I was a teen -- and I love to read about the Kaiser Wilhelm, the Andrea Doria, the Mauretania, the Lusitania, the Britannia, the France, the United States, both Elizabeths, the original Queen Mary, etc. Sometimes I let myself wonder what cruising would have been like had those passengers had access to the instant communication and information sharing we have now. Would there even have been a "golden age" for cruising? Interesting to ponder, anyway.


Thank to all for the positive replies to my initial post, by the way. I guess I don't have to fashion a "Pollyanna" headband! :)

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One other thing one might do when reading a very negative review is to look at it carefully to see if you can see emotion in the writing. Look for strong words like hate, dispise, worse ever, cruise from Hades, etc. I've found that's it's almost impossible to write or talk objectively when your emotions have control. There may be some good hard facts in there but how much are they clouded by that emotion. Rely more on posts that are without emotion and can then be objective. I believe you will find that then there are not so many negative reviews that can cloud your own thinking after you've eleminated the emotional ones.


A good addition, and I would add I actually look for that in BOTH directions -- "everything" was horrible, or "everything" was unbelievably great. I don't expect my own review to be without emotion (if you look at my exclamation points and smilies in my posts you'll see I tend to do that! :) -- see, there's one of each!) BUT I intend to take good notes during our trip and try to report the kind of details that help others inform their own decision-making. It does make me feel bad that emotion sometimes overwhelms reason in message board posts -- sometimes justified (no AC would be horrible to almost anyone I would think), but often not (no towel animals? Um, okay.) Thanks for the reminder about looking for "cues" to the mindset of the poster! :) (oops, there's another ! and :) )

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Hi, all! Thanks for a refreshing thread. :) My husband and I will be on the Aloha on 8-12, celebrating our 30th anniversary. It's going to be great. After sifting through some of the other threads, one can start feeling like there's a "little black rain cloud" overhead! But a cruise to the wonderful Hawaiian islands is what I'm looking forward to, so I'll be avoiding the dredging in the other conversations!:rolleyes:

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I'm not usually one to "bump" my own posts, but over this weekend I've been reading some of the review posts here and noticed a few things. One negative thread, with three pages of replies and over 1600 views, was begun by someone who, other posters showed by quoting this person's previous posts, apparently did not actually take the cruise a year or so ago about which they are complaining!


A thorough trip report, mostly positive, from someone just off Pride of Hawaii, generated THIS reply from a poster: "Thank you for your detailed review. I didn't find this board until AFTER I had paid for our airfare and cruise. After reading all the negative reviews I was absolutely petrified." Petrified! Of a Hawaii vacation, because of reading the words of others!


That reply reminded me of the poster who said they had had a nightmare about their upcoming cruise, and made me decide to give this thread, and all the great replies in it, just one tiny bump. After this I'll let it go, and work some more on dividing all the packing "stuff" so we can cross-pack for our vacation! :)

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I'm not usually one to "bump" my own posts, but over this weekend I've been reading some of the review posts here and noticed a few things. One negative thread, with three pages of replies and over 1600 views, was begun by someone who, other posters showed by quoting this person's previous posts, apparently did not actually take the cruise a year or so ago about which they are complaining!


A thorough trip report, mostly positive, from someone just off Pride of Hawaii, generated THIS reply from a poster: "Thank you for your detailed review. I didn't find this board until AFTER I had paid for our airfare and cruise. After reading all the negative reviews I was absolutely petrified." Petrified! Of a Hawaii vacation, because of reading the words of others!


That reply reminded me of the poster who said they had had a nightmare about their upcoming cruise, and made me decide to give this thread, and all the great replies in it, just one tiny bump. After this I'll let it go, and work some more on dividing all the packing "stuff" so we can cross-pack for our vacation! :)


I read the petrified remark also. It's a shame for some that read those bad reviews and then all memories of any good reviews are no longer in their minds. They then go expecting it to be awful and if you expect awful, you most likely will "see" awful. Attitude going in can make or break your experience. Thus, we get a snowball effect in reviews.


People, if there are people giving reviews that have enjoyed the cruise, you can too. Don't let a few minor incidents become one big major incident. Not having A/C is major. Having one bad waiter for one night of a cruise is minor.


I've never liked each cruise to be a clone of the others. It is the differences that makes it exciting and rewarding for me to just go with the flow. Others like everything to be exactly the same or maybe judge each cruise by their first one.

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I would like to go a little further on changes, things being different on a cruise compared to the last cruise on the same or a different cruise line. First, you don’t have to go back 20 years to compare what was with what is. Major changes have occurred in the last five years and still are. Changes are constantly occurring. You can’t be sure that what you saw six months ago or even last month is what you will see this week. Think about it. Many times, a question is asked we can’t answer but must ask someone who just this week got off a ship to see what it was this week.


Remember last year when many of the cruise lines changed their menus as a cost cutting thing. You could go to almost any board for any line and see people saying the food was better on another cruise line. Why? Because they were on that other line prior to the change. Had they cruised that other line, they would have seen it wasn’t the same there as they remembered.


Look at the blue jean threads on NCL. It’s almost a day by day, ship by ship thing. Posting a picture or what was in the daily six months or a year ago does not answer the question. You have to find out what that ship did last week and hope it didn’t change for this week. Or, you could book with a couple of the traditional lines which has been allowing jeans for some time now.


I was on a traditional line a while back when they had just started having the assistant waiter handle more tables. This was a cost cutting measure but resulted in the service not being quite as good as the assistant waiter wasn’t as quick to fill your drink or bring around rolls. Many were complaining about the service.


Cruise ships today are becoming much more floating resorts/amusement parks with much more active and casual people than the leisure ships of the past.


Have you notice the threads now where people are complaining of the higher rates being charged in 2008 for the cruises? I don’t know if this is the reason but it may be the cruise line has been hearing the complaints from all the cost cutting and has decided to raise rates to make a profit rather than more cost cutting.


Anyhow, when you see posts that compare their last cruise with the present one, look at their signatures and past posts to see when they took that other cruise. Was it last month, six months ago, last year, or longer? They may be comparing apples to oranges and that last cruise just may not be today what they had then. I saw one poster complaining about a cruise and comparing it to a cruise on a ship that has been out of service over ten years.

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I'm not usually one to "bump" my own posts, but over this weekend I've been reading some of the review posts here and noticed a few things.
Per board guidelines bumping posts is not allowed. Thanks.
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R-n-E, I really liked your additional thoughts about paying attention to whether comparisons being made are truly apples to apples. :)


Host Cecilia, I'm sorry -- I probably shouldn't have used the "B" word in my post and it wouldn't have been an issue since it really was a substantive post; I just mentioned it because I had to go to page 2 to find the thread and didn't know if that was okay or not. In any event, just in case I won't post on this thread again.


Happy vacationing, all! :)

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Our family did 2 NCL and 2 NCLA cruises last year.

I think the differences betwee NCL and NCLA on this forum are grossly overhyped, but that's just one opinion.

I saw slow main-dining-room dinner service on NCLA, otherwise no significant problem either cruise.

Love to do another, I think the hawaii cruises are one of the best a person can do...

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This may be the best "novel" post on these boards in a long time. It is the perfect way for people to look at their cruises. Not just Hawaii cruises, but any cruise!


I hope this is copied to other boards. Perhaps a sticky???? (or at least can we add the main post to the Sticky on FAQ's for NCL at the top of the page?

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What a wonderful way to look at things and a great way with words. Yes, there are very few things in life, especaially vacations that are disasters, most people who think the experience is all negative really doesn't have the best attitude toward life. It is understandable when someone just wants to come on these boards to rant or vent for a few minutes, probably is a good thing as reporting situations that could have gone better, but for those who can find little or nothing to say positive it is rare they are taken seriously .



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Host Cecilia, I'm sorry -- I probably shouldn't have used the "B" word in my post and it wouldn't have been an issue since it really was a substantive post; I just mentioned it because I had to go to page 2 to find the thread and didn't know if that was okay or not. In any event, just in case I won't post on this thread again.
No worries MichelleP. You should post whenever something contributes to the discussion. I got an e mail from someone saying something was bumped against board guidelines. So I posted a board guideline reminder for everyone's benefit. Had I read it more carefully to begin with I would have seen it was more to what you already said and not just a bump. I just saw the first line and then made my post. Please comment whenever it's pertinent!
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We just got home from a week on the POAm and had a great time. Our service was good. No complaints from us. We can't wait to go back and NCLA to Hawaii is the perfect way to see the islands.

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MichellP: I know you're going to have a great time. You do have a fabulous attitude, plus being aware of the "just in case" things is so helpful.


I do have to say though that no A/C, balcony cabin or not, in Hawaii in the summer would be a deal breaker for us. That's one of the very few things we would, literally, be unable to live with. And there's no chance in heck that we would spend our cruise living in the public areas. OTOH, it ever happened, we would not spend our cruise in misery and then complain later. We would simply not take the cruise and deal with the cruise line immediately. Also OTOH, while we know that things can happen and we almost always have flexibility built-in to our plans--that and travel insurance--we don't sit around expecting that problems will happen. That's a sure way to have a lousy time even if nothing, not even the tiniest thing, goes wrong. And come on, we all know that little things are going to be unexpected. Those are the things we simply handle, then move past, and go have fun.


You'll have a blast. I just know you will. (I can already tell you're going to be a Hawaii enthusiast like me.)



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Mahalo Michelle for a positive approach to all the negative comments. I am taking the July 1 PO Aloha cruise with my mother and we have never been on a cruise ship before. Every time I get on here I have panic attacks and call mom to go buy more antiseptic wipes so I can clean my own cabin!


I live here in Maui, so I'm just going for the fun of it. When I am done with my cruise, I'll be sure to post a review from a local perspective....


mahalos to you!


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  • 1 month later...
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We are back from our trip; it was fabulous, and the trip of a lifetime for us! My signature links to my review, photos and video, for those interested. However, another thread here on the NCL board today prompted me to post about reviews, and I re-read this thread as I did so.


It occurred to me that if I were a "glass half-empty" person, my review COULD have read totally differently. I could have written a review about how the NCL shuttle was 30 minutes late picking up at our hotel; how our deck was the LAST one to be announced as "ready;" how the champagne we'd paid for was delivered WARM; how the "lazy" steward didn't clean our room even though we'd set the wheel to "make up room" (apparently children changed a bunch of the wheels on our hallway); how we had to wait TWENTY minutes for a table at Papa's even though we had a RESERVATION; and on and on.


Edison said something to the effect of "genius is 1% inspiration, and 99% perspiration." I would adapt that a bit and say "a fabulous cruise vacation is 10% the cruiseline, and 90% the cruiser's attitude." Make the best of your time, folks -- we are only given so much of it. Enjoy the people you meet, avoid those who revel in negativity, do your homework and have a backup plan for when problems DO occur. Happy cruising to all, and look for me to start asking questions about the Dawn -- I'm really close to booking her for an April '09 cruise from Miami! :)

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  • 2 months later...

Mahalo Michelle,


I am looking forward for a great time on the POH. I live in the islands and this is my SO's first cruise. We both read the reviews and then said we should have read them first before booking. Reading your postings have renewed our enthusiasm for our upcoming cruise. I am bringing along the Hawaiian "aloha spirit" and follow your advice.


Aloha from alohakane


American Lines Patriot Hawaii

NCL Wind Alaska

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Michell u hit all nails on the head!


The main reasoning for all the beefs is that for a lot of ppl that have cruised NCL in the past have their mind set on set standards. The hawaii experince is different in the fact that u have an American crew (probably unionized) and therfore only work 5 maybe 6 days but only work 8 hrs a day. So u don't see the same staff and maybe u won't have the same staff attending yr room.

This is because NCL thought it would be wise to put USA ships and crew in Hawaii to avoid all the customs BS and would then allow them to spend more time island hopping. Therefore u would get a bigger bang for your buck.

I too have cruised a few times with NCL and am prepared to lower my expectations some because I want to experience Hawaii as much as I can and NCL by far has the itinerey to do so.

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This won't be a full cruise review...just some comments.


We recently returned from an 11 day Hawai'i cruise on the Pride of Aloha. The itinerary is incredible, especially for those who have never been to those fabulous islands.


The ship needs some work: carpeting is worn in spots, veneers coming loose, staterooms (ours, at least) need some repairs.


All the talk about the crew - take it for what it's worth to you. There was no shortage of smiles and the Aloha spirit seemed to be everywhere. BUT...it's our perception that the American crew do not approach their assignments with the same degree of "meticulousness" and attention to detail as do most of those who are foreign-born. I think that is part of the overall job attitude: the Americans are more likely to do only one or two contracts, while those who are foreign-born view their jobs as a career.


Food was adequate - only one night in a specialty restaurant for us (the Royal Palm Bistro on the first night (when it was 1/2 price) and no buffets (except for afternoon ice cream).


Entertainment was excellent (again, in our opinion). We didn't partake of many onboard activities (with the exception of free ukulele lessons - THANKS, Kona Don). We did no shore excursions, except for pearl harbor and the City of Honolulu on debarkation day).


Have reasonable expectations when you're on an NCLA ship in Hawai'i. Your cruise will be extremely port intensive and you won't be spending all that much time on board. Again, expressing our opinion only: don't get a balcony stateroom. Save that money and realize what an awesome value you get.


Would we do the cruise again? Probably not, because we have so many other places we'd like to cruise. Would we go back to Hawai'i? YOU BET!!

Will we cruise NCL again? Definitely - as a matter of fact, we took advantage of putting down a $250 deposit, good for any cruise within the next 2 1/2 years) and got an immediate $100 onboard credit.


In summary (and I repeat, this is only an opinion), if you want to get a flavor of Hawai"i, this is a great way to do it.


If you have any questions, feel free to post them here. I'll do my best to answer them.

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This won't be a full cruise review...just some comments.


We recently returned from an 11 day Hawai'i cruise on the Pride of Aloha. The itinerary is incredible, especially for those who have never been to those fabulous islands.


The ship needs some work: carpeting is worn in spots, veneers coming loose, staterooms (ours, at least) need some repairs.


All the talk about the crew - take it for what it's worth to you. There was no shortage of smiles and the Aloha spirit seemed to be everywhere. BUT...it's our perception that the American crew do not approach their assignments with the same degree of "meticulousness" and attention to detail as do most of those who are foreign-born. I think that is part of the overall job attitude: the Americans are more likely to do only one or two contracts, while those who are foreign-born view their jobs as a career.


Food was adequate - only one night in a specialty restaurant for us (the Royal Palm Bistro on the first night (when it was 1/2 price) and no buffets (except for afternoon ice cream).


Entertainment was excellent (again, in our opinion). We didn't partake of many onboard activities (with the exception of free ukulele lessons - THANKS, Kona Don). We did no shore excursions, except for pearl harbor and the City of Honolulu on debarkation day).


Have reasonable expectations when you're on an NCLA ship in Hawai'i. Your cruise will be extremely port intensive and you won't be spending all that much time on board. Again, expressing our opinion only: don't get a balcony stateroom. Save that money and realize what an awesome value you get.


Would we do the cruise again? Probably not, because we have so many other places we'd like to cruise. Would we go back to Hawai'i? YOU BET!!

Will we cruise NCL again? Definitely - as a matter of fact, we took advantage of putting down a $250 deposit, good for any cruise within the next 2 1/2 years) and got an immediate $100 onboard credit.


In summary (and I repeat, this is only an opinion), if you want to get a flavor of Hawai"i, this is a great way to do it.


If you have any questions, feel free to post them here. I'll do my best to answer them.

and your brief review is what cruising Hawaii is all about: it is a wonderful way to see Hawaii in a short period of time for a reasonable price while still getting nightly entertainment, meals served throughout the day and your cabin kept clean. It isn't the same as cruising the Caribbean.


thanks for your comments,



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