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Cruising With A Service Dog....everything You Ever Wanted To Know!

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Well everyone, here she is! Poppy and Max were as good as gold with her.


She's been here for 3 hours and has now fallen off the edge and is now snuggled up in her bed with Piggy, her toy from her temporary puppy walkers. She is 11 weeks old, with long legs, and of course that adorable puppy lab face that would melt the hardest of hearts. Max, who seems to have instantly taken on the role of foster dad, is lying by her crate and watching over her.


She's also met one of the cats, who, quite by mistake I'm sure, when we all bundled back in from a "busy" run, head butted her and then the look on his face, was OMD, that's not one of my dogs!!! He's very interested in her and she just sits and stares at him ... So hopefully that's good. She is already sitting on command (been with very experience puppy raisers for a few weeks), and most certainly knows her name!


Oh, and she's not adverse to a cuddle or two either!!! :D


Hello, sweet love!!!! You look like a cross between my Brenny and Horty. You're a little black beauty. And, you're so, so lucky that you have such a warm and welcoming family [even though that dang cat head butted you!] It's just his way of saying hello!


Aruba, you're going to have so many life changing experiences. With all the love and kindness that you're going to be getting....take a deep breath and just go with the flow!!!!!


Take in all those cuddles because you have a lot to learn and cuddles help to smooth the way!


Fairbourne, THANK YOU! She's so adorable! Enjoy her, love her and guide her! I love you for what you're doing!

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Aruba is here and it's like she's always been here. What a star! Only two little accidents shortly after she arrived, but no worries since then. She slept all night and is a good eater! I'd quite forgotten how puppies devour their food. She sits on command and we did a little wait session this morning and she looked at me and looked at me and I could just imagine her little thought process wondering what was going to happen next. With great relief in her dear little face, it was a cuddle and lots of praise for waiting and coming to me when I called her name. So sharp as a tack this one.


But we did have a lot of "shouting" this morning when I was feeding the big dogs. I did take them out of sight and she was in her crate, but of course, she heard the unmistakable rattle of their bowls, and so the "shouting" began. Much to her disgust when I let her out their bowls were totally empty!!! She sniffed Max's mouth and then Poppy's, who wasn't terribly happy about that, then she looked at me as if to say where's mine? In your belly, 10 minutes earlier Oh Greedy One!!!


Her temp puppy walkers sent a lovely letter telling me all about her and her time with them, what she was like, her behaviour, her development since being with them and the most important line "she goes to bed about 10-1030 and sleeps till 7". They have two adult dogs as well, so M and P didn't worry her at all. I've emailed her to let her know she's settled in, and I think that's nice to keep in touch because you must wonder otherwise.


Now about this "dang cat"! He loves "his dogs", but is a bit confused as there is now a "miniature dog" in the house! Actually the two boy cats both head butt the dogs and of course the dogs love it. Nancy, that's exactly what they are "love bumps"! Aruba just sat and watched him yesterday, bolt upright, fascinated I think by this little thing that sort of looked like a puppy, but wasn't a puppy! I just love the serious concentration on this little one's face.


Thank you so much for all of your good wishes for Aruba, she got lots of cuddles passed on! :D.


DKD - I'm not sure when you're headed off on your cruise, but I know it's soon so may I wish you an early Bon Voyage! :).

Edited by fairbourne
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Aruba is here and it's like she's always been here. What a star! Only two little accidents shortly after she arrived, but no worries since then. She slept all night and is a good eater! I'd quite forgotten how puppies devour their food. She sits on command and we did a little wait session this morning and she looked at me and looked at me and I could just imagine her little thought process wondering what was going to happen next. With great relief in her dear little face, it was a cuddle and lots of praise for waiting and coming to me when I called her name. So sharp as a tack this one.


But we did have a lot of "shouting" this morning when I was feeding the big dogs. I did take them out of sight and she was in her crate, but of course, she heard the unmistakable rattle of their bowls, and so the "shouting" began. Much to her disgust when I let her out their bowls were totally empty!!! She sniffed Max's mouth and then Poppy's, who wasn't terribly happy about that, then she looked at me as if to say where's mine? In your belly, 10 minutes earlier Oh Greedy One!!!


Her temp puppy walkers sent a lovely letter telling me all about her and her time with them, what she was like, her behaviour, her development since being with them and the most important line "she goes to bed about 10-1030 and sleeps till 7". They have two adult dogs as well, so M and P didn't worry her at all. I've emailed her to let her know she's settled in, and I think that's nice to keep in touch because you must wonder otherwise.


Now about this "dang cat"! He loves "his dogs", but is a bit confused as there is now a "miniature dog" in the house! Actually the two boy cats both head butt the dogs and of course the dogs love it. Nancy, that's exactly what they are "love bumps"! Aruba just sat and watched him yesterday, bolt upright, fascinated I think by this little thing that sort of looked like a puppy, but wasn't a puppy! I just love the serious concentration on this little one's face.


Thank you so much for all of your good wishes for Aruba, she got lots of cuddles passed on! :D.


DKD - I'm not sure when you're headed off on your cruise, but I know it's soon so may I wish you an early Bon Voyage! :).


Sounds like things are going great! I don't know how things are done there but we take alot of pictures and then we make a puppy book using Snapfish.com to give to his/her furever family. We make one for ourselves too. Maybe you can get some of her early pictures from her foster family too. We leave tomorrow morning for vacation so I'll have to wait till I get back for any more news.

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Aruba is here and it's like she's always been here. What a star! Only two little accidents shortly after she arrived, but no worries since then. She slept all night and is a good eater! I'd quite forgotten how puppies devour their food. She sits on command and we did a little wait session this morning and she looked at me and looked at me and I could just imagine her little thought process wondering what was going to happen next. With great relief in her dear little face, it was a cuddle and lots of praise for waiting and coming to me when I called her name. So sharp as a tack this one.


But we did have a lot of "shouting" this morning when I was feeding the big dogs. I did take them out of sight and she was in her crate, but of course, she heard the unmistakable rattle of their bowls, and so the "shouting" began. Much to her disgust when I let her out their bowls were totally empty!!! She sniffed Max's mouth and then Poppy's, who wasn't terribly happy about that, then she looked at me as if to say where's mine? In your belly, 10 minutes earlier Oh Greedy One!!!


Her temp puppy walkers sent a lovely letter telling me all about her and her time with them, what she was like, her behaviour, her development since being with them and the most important line "she goes to bed about 10-1030 and sleeps till 7". They have two adult dogs as well, so M and P didn't worry her at all. I've emailed her to let her know she's settled in, and I think that's nice to keep in touch because you must wonder otherwise.


Now about this "dang cat"! He loves "his dogs", but is a bit confused as there is now a "miniature dog" in the house! Actually the two boy cats both head butt the dogs and of course the dogs love it. Nancy, that's exactly what they are "love bumps"! Aruba just sat and watched him yesterday, bolt upright, fascinated I think by this little thing that sort of looked like a puppy, but wasn't a puppy! I just love the serious concentration on this little one's face.


Thank you so much for all of your good wishes for Aruba, she got lots of cuddles passed on! :D.


DKD - I'm not sure when you're headed off on your cruise, but I know it's soon so may I wish you an early Bon Voyage! :).


Please, please, please take lots of pictures and make two albums; one for you and one for the lucky family who, eventually will call her theirs.


I'll never forget when I got my first Service Dog [brenda] and everyone else was getting wonderful albums and stories about their dogs. My PuppyRaisers [although they were very nice folks] didn't bother with pictures and such so I had very little history of Brenny and then as luck would have it......the same thing happened with Horty.


Needless to say, I made up for it when I was at Training and when we got home. I love pictures and when these dogs are pups there's nothing cuter and more adorable than the antics they get into......I had to guess and imagine what they were like!


I know you'll be very, very busy but please don't forget to capture some of those amazingly wonderful and cute moments for everyone later!

Edited by wizard-of-roz
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Sounds like things are going great! I don't know how things are done there but we take alot of pictures and then we make a puppy book using Snapfish.com to give to his/her furever family. We make one for ourselves too. Maybe you can get some of her early pictures from her foster family too. We leave tomorrow morning for vacation so I'll have to wait till I get back for any more news.


Great suggestion!


BON~VOYAGE to you and your lovely family!

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DKD - I'm afraid I have already "pinched" this lovely idea of making a scrapbook when I read it here some time ago in one of your posts! :D


Lots of photos and puppy "tails" will be included along with photos the breeder sent with her of her doggy mum and her brothers and sisters!


I did wonder about doing this as I would hate to be insensitive as Aruba is working towards becoming a Guide Dog for a blind or partially sighted owner ... But even if they can't actually see the photos I'm sure there would be someone or their family or friends who could tell them the "tails" and describe her puppy days and her young adventures.


It's been a busy day, but apart from a couple of little accidents after a bout of cuddling and play (my fault totally but I am learning to read Aruba's body language), she's been great. My friend came to visit - you have no idea how many people suddenly want to come visit!!! I've rationed the visits for the first few days so she can get used to us.


Flat out after lunch with ducky and Poppy's smelly "baby" which started life as a dog Santa costume which was never going to fit a big greedy lab! Dogs, big or small, the smellier something is, they love it all the more! :eek:


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Please, please, please take lots of pictures and make two albums; one for you and one for the lucky family who, eventually will call her theirs.


I'll never forget when I got my first Service Dog [brenda] and everyone else was getting wonderful albums and stories about their dogs. My PuppyRaisers [although they were very nice folks] didn't bother with pictures and such so I had very little history of Brenny and then as luck would have it......the same thing happened with Horty.


Needless to say, I made up for it when I was at Training and when we got home. I love pictures and when these dogs are pups there's nothing cuter and more adorable than the antics they get into......I had to guess and imagine what they were like!


I know you'll be very, very busy but please don't forget to capture some of those amazingly wonderful and cute moments for everyone later!


I know what you mean Roz. We have no photos of Max as a teeny pup as he was 6 months old when he came to us, so I can only imagine what a cute choccie puppy boy he was!

Edited by fairbourne
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Well everyone, here she is! Poppy and Max were as good as gold with her.


She's been here for 3 hours and has now fallen off the edge and is now snuggled up in her bed with Piggy, her toy from her temporary puppy walkers. She is 11 weeks old, with long legs, and of course that adorable puppy lab face that would melt the hardest of hearts. Max, who seems to have instantly taken on the role of foster dad, is lying by her crate and watching over her.


She's also met one of the cats, who, quite by mistake I'm sure, when we all bundled back in from a "busy" run, head butted her and then the look on his face, was OMD, that's not one of my dogs!!! He's very interested in her and she just sits and stares at him ... So hopefully that's good. She is already sitting on command (been with very experience puppy raisers for a few weeks), and most certainly knows her name!


Oh, and she's not adverse to a cuddle or two either!!! :D

Just wanted to say welcome to Aruba! She is a cutie pie! :D

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Sounds like things are going great! I don't know how things are done there but we take alot of pictures and then we make a puppy book using Snapfish.com to give to his/her furever family. We make one for ourselves too. Maybe you can get some of her early pictures from her foster family too. We leave tomorrow morning for vacation so I'll have to wait till I get back for any more news.




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DKD - I'm afraid I have already "pinched" this lovely idea of making a scrapbook when I read it here some time ago in one of your posts! :D


Lots of photos and puppy "tails" will be included along with photos the breeder sent with her of her doggy mum and her brothers and sisters!


I did wonder about doing this as I would hate to be insensitive as Aruba is working towards becoming a Guide Dog for a blind or partially sighted owner ... But even if they can't actually see the photos I'm sure there would be someone or their family or friends who could tell them the "tails" and describe her puppy days and her young adventures.


It's been a busy day, but apart from a couple of little accidents after a bout of cuddling and play (my fault totally but I am learning to read Aruba's body language), she's been great. My friend came to visit - you have no idea how many people suddenly want to come visit!!! I've rationed the visits for the first few days so she can get used to us.


Flat out after lunch with ducky and Poppy's smelly "baby" which started life as a dog Santa costume which was never going to fit a big greedy lab! Dogs, big or small, the smellier something is, they love it all the more! :eek:


Oh! My! Gosh! Look at those legs!!!!! I love this picture! He's certainly making himself right at home isn't he! I think he's found his comfort zone. Boy, it didn't take him long to own his "stuff" and his new home!


You just gotta love Labs for the way they adjust!

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Just wanted to say welcome to Aruba! She is a cutie pie! :D



I did it. I booked the Pacific Princess - December 3, 2015 - 14 days. This is going to be the "Love Boat" cruise. I've been told that not only are they going to be celebrating 50 Years of Princess Cruise Lines but they're going to be inviting dignitaries; stars from the Love Boat series and pumping up the food to match the celebration.


The ship is 3/4 sold out already. There are no more suites or mini-suites available and all the prime real-estate is practically gone and it's a more than a year and a half away.


It's a small ship so the next to go will be the veranda's. I got one. There's such talk about it on the Princess threat. Can you go?

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Hi all,

My DW & I and her Service Dog Saki are Cruising on the CP June 7.

Saki has Cruised on Princess & Royal Carribian before. thanks to the posts on this board we have never had any problems. This time the USDA has refused to issue a form 7001 Helth certificate because one of the stops on the itinerary is Grand Cayman. Grand Caymans is a country that does not permit Non UK animals without a 9 step process that must start at least 6 months in advance and includes Titers and additional vaccinations and tests. We don't plan to get off the ship there and it's a tender port that we don't do anyway. Has anyone else experienced:) this? Any Idea how we can just stay on the ship during the stay? What does the USDA need?

Any help would be appreciated.


Thanks, Marcntyme

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Hi all,

My DW & I and her Service Dog Saki are Cruising on the CP June 7.

Saki has Cruised on Princess & Royal Carribian before. thanks to the posts on this board we have never had any problems. This time the USDA has refused to issue a form 7001 Helth certificate because one of the stops on the itinerary is Grand Cayman. Grand Caymans is a country that does not permit Non UK animals without a 9 step process that must start at least 6 months in advance and includes Titers and additional vaccinations and tests. We don't plan to get off the ship there and it's a tender port that we don't do anyway. Has anyone else experienced:) this? Any Idea how we can just stay on the ship during the stay? What does the USDA need?

Any help would be appreciated.


Thanks, Marcntyme


You will need to have the USDA Form filled out by your Vet. It requires your Vet to examine Saki and make sure that he's clear of parasites/that his skin and fur are maintained/that he's up-to-date with his immunizations and has no ear/eye infections. Not all Vets have these forms ask yours if they do. [You will present this form along with any other paperwork you may have on Saki] to the registration desk of the cruise line.


You can stay on the ship and avoid the tender and any other exam. by a Immigration Officer by just informing the Purser's Desk that you do NOT intend to disembark the ship at this particular port, prior to entering the port. They will forward the information to Immigration and you're good to stay onboard without any further disruption. And, most importantly, Saki is spared the ordeal of any further testing.

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Rats! I need to do something at work and I will not be granted an extension. If the cruise left a day earlier or a day later I could possibly have a work-around. Sorry. Hope you can still go. Sounds like a very special cruise.

I did it. I booked the Pacific Princess - December 3, 2015 - 14 days. This is going to be the "Love Boat" cruise. I've been told that not only are they going to be celebrating 50 Years of Princess Cruise Lines but they're going to be inviting dignitaries; stars from the Love Boat series and pumping up the food to match the celebration.


The ship is 3/4 sold out already. There are no more suites or mini-suites available and all the prime real-estate is practically gone and it's a more than a year and a half away.


It's a small ship so the next to go will be the veranda's. I got one. There's such talk about it on the Princess threat. Can you go?

It doesn't surprise me that the "Love Boat" cruise is selling so fast. Any "different" cruise from SoCal is selling fast. I know the Jewel OTS has 2 cruises in the Fall of 2015 that sold fast. Or at least is seems that way from the roll calls. ;)


Turns out the date for the Pacific Princess was wrong for me. So I booked an 11-day Mexican Riviera cruise on the Norwegian Sun in October 2015. In addition to the usual MR ports (Cabo, Mazatlan, PV) we are going to Acapulco and Ixtapa.


This will be my second 11-day cruise in 2015. Even if I could find a solution to my work problem, I don't think I can afford another long cruise.


I hope you have a fabulous time! :)

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It doesn't surprise me that the "Love Boat" cruise is selling so fast. Any "different" cruise from SoCal is selling fast. I know the Jewel OTS has 2 cruises in the Fall of 2015 that sold fast. Or at least is seems that way from the roll calls. ;)


Turns out the date for the Pacific Princess was wrong for me. So I booked an 11-day Mexican Riviera cruise on the Norwegian Sun in October 2015. In addition to the usual MR ports (Cabo, Mazatlan, PV) we are going to Acapulco and Ixtapa.


This will be my second 11-day cruise in 2015. Even if I could find a solution to my work problem, I don't think I can afford another long cruise.


I hope you have a fabulous time! :)


Thanks for bringing it to my attention. This will be the smallest Princess ship I've ever sailed. I bet Morey would have liked it. One of his biggest complaints about cruising was that the ships were so, so huge!!!!He wanted to walk from one end to the other but ALWAYS had to take a break half way through!

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Hi Aruba, how ya doing. Is your new Mum as nice as your old one? How are your new siblings? You're a puppy so everyone thinks it's okay for you to make mistakes!!!! Work it!!!! They'll only allow this for so long so be careful, watch your timing!


It's taken me a long time to get used to Roz. I had an older sister here and a PaPa, they both died but Roz makes up for all of them or, at least, she tries to! She's got some really weird habits, I like to watch her. Can't believe it! And, I get to go on a lot of big ships on the ocean. Love it!!!


Don't be afraid to watch your brother and sister and see what they do, usually it's what you're supposed to do, except you're going to get to go to stores and other big buildings where they would NEVER take the other dogs. You also will have to go to school......don't worry, you'll get lots of treats for doing the "right" thing. And, you know how most people are "suckers" for puppies, use it Aruba......work the system!


Learn how to "cock" your head, that's when you move it back and forth when the humans are talking to you and use your eyes; stare into theirs and make them "fall for the fur!" Suckers!


Well, I gotta go Roz asked me to pick up something off the floor that she dropped, lazy, brother is this broad lazy!!!!!


Talk to you later,

Love & Licks, Horton

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Very cute, Roz! "Lazy broad with big hair!" BOL

I think Marcntyme just missed the space between Roz and as making it Rozas. Took me a few to figure it out.:p


Got it! That's exactly what happened! ROZAS, or Roz as......


That's me "Lazy Broad with BIG BLONDE HAIR", it's my Indian name...:D ;)

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Hi Horton


I'm so chuffed you sent me a note! My new mum tells me you've learnt to do amazing things for the "Blonde with the big hair" - she sounds a bit like my new mum! She's given me lots of cuddles and I have my own special place to sleep with Piggy - she even feeds me my own puppy food, but I think she should feed me a bit more!!! She tells me I will need to slow down but I'm just tooooo excited to do that! huh! What's a girl to do, I mean really! Fuffff!


I'm going to the Vet today (whatever that is!) for my injection (whatever THAT is!). And in the car too so I've been told .... :eek: I have a new collar and that darn thing makes me itch .... If only I could reach it I would chew it out, but I do my best at scratching! I have a new blue lead too, which is lovely with my beautiful black coat, and it has a special label on it so everyone knows that I'm a Guide Dog puppy in training and they will let me go places that most dogs don't get to go, like you do. So we must be very special, eh? My new mum tells me I am!


I'm a good sleeper, my new Dad gets up very early, fuffff I'm still half asleep when he makes me go outside to do a "busy", but then I get back to bed with Piggy and my new mum tells me I was so good today as I slept in till 8 o'clock, so as she's is not an early bird, she was very happy with that! :D


Max and Poppy are still getting used to my little ways, but I'm sure I'll have them trained smart quick! They've been very kind to me but just not used to having a small person around. They like it when I have some "me time" as my new mum calls it! The man who took me here is coming to visit me again next week, so I'm sure we will find out what's happening after that. It's all new and exciting Horty, can I call you that, it's such a nice name.


My new Mum says I'm smart and I try and listen to her - oh I think I've got that cute head to head movement we know how to do to get anything we want almost perfected by now. It's fun isn't it to do that, especially when we've been been naughty, cos then these humans just smile and give us a cuddle! Yer right - suckers!!!


Lots of puppy kisses

Aruba xxx


Oh And some for Big Blondie too! XxxxX


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Got it! That's exactly what happened! ROZAS, or Roz as......


That's me "Lazy Broad with BIG BLONDE HAIR", it's my Indian name...:D ;)


Or it could have been "Wise as$" Love you! :D. As for Horty thinking you are lazy! Now that's funny. He should know better, I mean, he is the one that is right next to you trying to keep up. Sure am glad he has those long legs, like his mom!


Fairbourne: Oh my, I love the picture of Aruba, Max and Ms. Poppy! She is sitting so professionally! What a great little family.


Cindy? I am so glad the school year is winding down. I am physically exhausted which leads to mentally exhausted (Well maybe that is all the time). Most of our class has been sick, kids and adults. Since we have 10 kids (Life skills class) one starts getting better then another gets it. Then of course you have us adults. We are not immune. So we are sharing it. Field trips, plays and all that sort of end of year stuff. I got to take 3 of them up to our college for a play, put on by our private learning academy. K-8th graders. It was Charlotte's Web. The kids loved it. They were so good. And the kids in the play were awesome.


Everyone have a Fantabulous Friday.

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