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Cruising With A Service Dog....everything You Ever Wanted To Know!

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Where is Cindy? Hope all is well. And Trudle?? Colleen?? Who else hasn't been around for a while? How are all the pups doing?


Just noticed you've gone for the whole suit Roz .....

I don't have them at all - this mini iPad no good for stuff like that!


Have a great weekend everyone. :D


I hope everyone comes home soon! :o Too bad you can't get the deck, they're really fun to play with! ♦


You have a wonderful weekend too!

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FYI: Corey Hudson who is the CEO of Canine Companions for Independence is on a campaign to rid our world of imposters. The folks who buy vests online and put them on their pets and then go into the public.


He wants EVERYONE to go to the following website: http://www.cci.org/stopfraud.


Please go to the website EVERYONE, show your support. It would mean the world to Horton, Wexler, Orson, Ocho, Davis, Aruba, Oz, Brenda, Misty, Valentine, Ollie, Raylene, Dodger, Denver, Wherin, Chewy, Bailey, Missie and all other trained Service Dogs who I have not mentioned.

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Roz - you drunken fairy you!!! LOL!!! Fallen off your cotton reel! Bet it's not the first time hee hee hee!!!! :p


Well we took Aruba to get weighed at the vets - 20.7 kilos now - that's 45 and a half pounds in old money!!! No wonder I can hardly lift her now. Ah if only those kilos had gone from me to her, that would be wonderful!!! She's been into a few shops this week and done really well - takes three times as long of course, as everyone wants to say "hello". I am hopeful that she will get a working/training vest to wear soon, but most people do ask first. We met a lovely older lady who had sponsored guide dogs for years, so she was really happy to meet Aruba and Aruba was so nice to her.



Still no news of Tess, the missing guide dog. There is now a website, see below - have a hanky ready .... And do read the section "difference" - you will definitely need your hanky then .... I just need to work out how to post a photo with our lit candle. I hope and pray they find her soon. I was glad to see (well not really glad if you know what I mean) a poster of Tess in the vet yesterday, so that's good that people are keeping it in the news.


I've tried to copy one of the photos of a guide dog Willy with a message to find Tess.




Okay, so I finally mustered-up the courage to go to Tess's website and see what I could do.......then I read that Tess was "OFF LEASH" when she went missing.......NO!!!!!!


My heart goes out to all involved, especially Tess. She's the innocent who was put in such a precarious position as to be "off leash!" Although our dogs are brilliant and so well trained.....They're dogs!!!!! It's our job to protect them.


While onboard my last cruise a gentleman came over to me to brag how he walks his two dogs "off leash" because they're so well behaved and have NEVER left his side. I let him have it! He avoided me the rest of the cruise and I don't care!


Please, if you love your dogs, NEVER let them be off leash when you're out and about - NEVER!

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FYI: Corey Hudson who is the CEO of Canine Companions for Independence is on a campaign to rid our world of imposters. The folks who buy vests online and put them on their pets and then go into the public.


He wants EVERYONE to go to the following website: www.cci.org/stopfraud.


Please go to the website EVERYONE, show your support. It would mean the world to Horton, Wexler, Orson, Ocho, Davis, Aruba, Oz, Brenda, Misty, Valentine, Ollie, Raylene, Dodger, Denver, Wherin, Chewy, Bailey, Missie and all other trained Service Dogs who I have not mentioned.

hey Roz - long time lurker here - tell Horton i signed the petition for him...



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Okay, so I finally mustered-up the courage to go to Tess's website and see what I could do.......then I read that Tess was "OFF LEASH" when she went missing.......NO!!!!!!


My heart goes out to all involved, especially Tess. She's the innocent who was put in such a precarious position as to be "off leash!" Although our dogs are brilliant and so well trained.....They're dogs!!!!! It's our job to protect them.


While onboard my last cruise a gentleman came over to me to brag how he walks his two dogs "off leash" because they're so well behaved and have NEVER left his side. I let him have it! He avoided me the rest of the cruise and I don't care!


Please, if you love your dogs, NEVER let them be off leash when you're out and about - NEVER!


I know Roz - the Guide Dogs are trained to "free run" and to come back to their Guide Dog Owner either by call, or by whistle. (We never let our two off the leash unless we are in a dog park where we know the park is totally fenced in and they can not run off anywhere - usually in the countryside, never in a town. And you only need to hide behind a tree to see their reaction of "oh my dog, where's my mum?". They have their extending leads which seems to satisfy all curiosity of sniffing into verges and catching up on the doggy village news!):rolleyes: But I do see lots of people walking their dogs off lead, in town, around here - i remember when Poppy was a pup she got out onto our road - a very very quiet village road and I went after her chasing her, of course, she ran further away thinking it was a great game! I eventually caught her when she ran into a neighbours garden and she had no way out! My heart was in my mouth the whole time - the farmers round here seem to think its a Grand Prix track sometimes!


I have been out with my puppy walking supervisor to let Aruba off her lead to do her first free run in a park in our nearest town - now I would never have done this on my own, and still wouldn't, but he did and she stayed really close by most of the time, except for exploring into some bushes. She came back when called and to the whistle. But I don't think I would ever do this on my own, or even with my DH there as she's older now and so much more confident. As you say, quite rightly, dogs are dogs at the end of the day, and it wouldn't really take much to distract them, or heaven forbid someone take them - as you know from bitter experience. It's hard because all dogs need a good run, and I'm sure Fraser must know this area so well as I'm sure Tess does, so this is what makes it all the more puzzling. He must be feeling awful - they've got a big search planned for tomorrow so hopefully this will turn up something or best of all, Tess!


Thankfully we have a big garden, so Aruba gets lots of "free run" chasing Poppy around here in safety. Well, if you don't count the cows looking over the wall!!! she's fascinated by them.

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Horton says; "Thank you to Keith for making a difference for him and his working dog friends!"


He is most welcome - I check in here a lot because I want to eventually do the pre-training for service dogs. You and Farebourne are a wealth of info.


I can't do it now because our chocolate lab Lucy would be heart broken if she saw me taking another dog into a store or office where she could not go.


Keep up the good fight!

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He is most welcome - I check in here a lot because I want to eventually do the pre-training for service dogs. You and Farebourne are a wealth of info.


I can't do it now because our chocolate lab Lucy would be heart broken if she saw me taking another dog into a store or office where she could not go.


Keep up the good fight!



Hi alexspapa


I know how you feel - I thought I would feel guilty when I take Aruba out without the other two, but to be honest I think they are so happy to get a break from her puppy shenanigans! When we are in a supermarket with Aruba, I do laugh to myself when I try and imagine these two in there - the shelves would be stripped bare in seconds!!LOL! I just make sure and I did promise "them" I would - I know, I know daft - that their routine wouldn't change when Aruba arrived, and it hasn't - we now just include Aruba in their routine and at other times she goes off on her own, which they are used to now. Think it makes it much easier that there are two of them "left home".


Anyway nice to have you here and looking forward to your puppy walking times ahead. :)

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I know Roz - the Guide Dogs are trained to "free run" and to come back to their Guide Dog Owner either by call, or by whistle. (We never let our two off the leash unless we are in a dog park where we know the park is totally fenced in and they can not run off anywhere - usually in the countryside, never in a town. And you only need to hide behind a tree to see their reaction of "oh my dog, where's my mum?". They have their extending leads which seems to satisfy all curiosity of sniffing into verges and catching up on the doggy village news!):rolleyes: But I do see lots of people walking their dogs off lead, in town, around here - i remember when Poppy was a pup she got out onto our road - a very very quiet village road and I went after her chasing her, of course, she ran further away thinking it was a great game! I eventually caught her when she ran into a neighbours garden and she had no way out! My heart was in my mouth the whole time - the farmers round here seem to think its a Grand Prix track sometimes!


I have been out with my puppy walking supervisor to let Aruba off her lead to do her first free run in a park in our nearest town - now I would never have done this on my own, and still wouldn't, but he did and she stayed really close by most of the time, except for exploring into some bushes. She came back when called and to the whistle. But I don't think I would ever do this on my own, or even with my DH there as she's older now and so much more confident. As you say, quite rightly, dogs are dogs at the end of the day, and it wouldn't really take much to distract them, or heaven forbid someone take them - as you know from bitter experience. It's hard because all dogs need a good run, and I'm sure Fraser must know this area so well as I'm sure Tess does, so this is what makes it all the more puzzling. He must be feeling awful - they've got a big search planned for tomorrow so hopefully this will turn up something or best of all, Tess!


Thankfully we have a big garden, so Aruba gets lots of "free run" chasing Poppy around here in safety. Well, if you don't count the cows looking over the wall!!! she's fascinated by them.


Fairbourne, thank you so much for the information. Please keep us informed as to how the search is going for beautiful Tess.

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He is most welcome - I check in here a lot because I want to eventually do the pre-training for service dogs. You and Farebourne are a wealth of info.


I can't do it now because our chocolate lab Lucy would be heart broken if she saw me taking another dog into a store or office where she could not go.


Keep up the good fight!


Lucy's very smart [Lab's usually are] and she'd probably love the company [Lab's love company!]


I hope one day that you follow your dream and become a Puppy Raiser. Call CCI in your area......they'd love to hear from you.

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I should also have said that we practise and practise "recall" with Aruba, by name and by whistle (the whistle is most effective as they - She - associates it with their food!) She does come to me most of the time, but occasionally has her own agenda! She also has to come back and sit very close so I can feel her practically sitting on my feet - so I often stand with my eyes closed so I'm getting this right as well.


This recall is important and of course comes into its own with "free run". Free run does scare the doggy pants off me though!


I need a zip code to sign the petition .... Don't worry I have an idea! ;):D

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I should also have said that we practise and practise "recall" with Aruba, by name and by whistle (the whistle is most effective as they - She - associates it with their food!) She does come to me most of the time, but occasionally has her own agenda! She also has to come back and sit very close so I can feel her practically sitting on my feet - so I often stand with my eyes closed so I'm getting this right as well.


This recall is important and of course comes into its own with "free run". Free run does scare the doggy pants off me though!


I need a zip code to sign the petition .... Don't worry I have an idea! ;):D


I totally love the "recall", Horton would NEVER pass any of those tests. He has no recall. His life is one BIG keep away! We're working on it though. He's getting better. At work, at the airport, at the cruise dock......he's very good......at home, unless he smells food in the offering.....it's "keep away" time!!!!


They don't have zip codes in Scotland?

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We have post codes here. Similar thing as zip code, just a slightly different format with letters and numbers. So for example if I lived in Glasgow my Post code could be G12 3GG ( I made that up so I hope it isn't a real postcode!!!) :D


Got it! OMG! I just caught sight of myself in a mirror. What the heck! Very scary! :eek:


Have a great weekend everyone! We have a lot to take in this weekend, way too much news for all of us!!!!! Love and hugs ♥ ♥

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So, we have been gone for about 4 days. Had a birthday celebration to go to and pick Trav up from his Aunties. Good to get away, but so nice to be home. Must go get Jezzy Lou. Hate boarding her!


I see everyone else has been busy? I will check back later. Everyone have a great week.


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So, we have been gone for about 4 days. Had a birthday celebration to go to and pick Trav up from his Aunties. Good to get away, but so nice to be home. Must go get Jezzy Lou. Hate boarding her!


I see everyone else has been busy? I will check back later. Everyone have a great week.



Welcome home Nancy. Hope your 4 days was fun! Although I do love to travel there's nothing like familiar surroundings to welcome us home!

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OK...I hope I'm allowed to do this. Here is the link to the local paper with the puppy raising article in it about us. I hope it works.





Hi DKD, tried this link and it didn't work for me. It may well be this mini iPad!


I just looked in to post a photo of Miss Aruba - she's growing up fast our girl! :)

Any recent photos of Davis? I expect he's all grown up now too, well maybe in physical terms, but labs never grow up, do they??? Aruba is teething and she spits the baby teeth out, I don't know what she thinks the dog tooth fairy is going to bring LOL! Aruba is having a sleep over this week for one night only, with a lovely lady who boards for puppy walkers when they're on holiday. We're going to the theatre and I just felt Aruba is not quite ready to sit through a concert and it's a drive to get there, so I arranged this sleepover. It will be good for her, I'm sure she will find it quite strange and not sure of what's happening, and so will we. The house will be quieter that's for sure!


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OK...I hope I'm allowed to do this. Here is the link to the local paper with the puppy raising article in it about us. I hope it works.




Thank you so much for sharing the great article about your family and your wonderful work with CCI. Your daughter is an inspiration to all of us.


Kudo's to Orson for helping and putting up with all the work he does and his patience with those annoying pups along the way! ♥

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Hi DKD, tried this link and it didn't work for me. It may well be this mini iPad!


I just looked in to post a photo of Miss Aruba - she's growing up fast our girl! :)

Any recent photos of Davis? I expect he's all grown up now too, well maybe in physical terms, but labs never grow up, do they??? Aruba is teething and she spits the baby teeth out, I don't know what she thinks the dog tooth fairy is going to bring LOL! Aruba is having a sleep over this week for one night only, with a lovely lady who boards for puppy walkers when they're on holiday. We're going to the theatre and I just felt Aruba is not quite ready to sit through a concert and it's a drive to get there, so I arranged this sleepover. It will be good for her, I'm sure she will find it quite strange and not sure of what's happening, and so will we. The house will be quieter that's for sure!


Your evening out sounds very nice. I don't know what Aruba will think! :confused: But, we all know how good it is for both our children and for us to get some time away from each other. [And, aren't our dogs just like our children!]


Aruba is a big girl now. She's so cute. I can't believe how her face has changed. She's a totally different dog. Are you sure that you're not switching dogs on us!

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Hi DKD, tried this link and it didn't work for me. It may well be this mini iPad!


I just looked in to post a photo of Miss Aruba - she's growing up fast our girl! :)

Any recent photos of Davis? I expect he's all grown up now too, well maybe in physical terms, but labs never grow up, do they??? Aruba is teething and she spits the baby teeth out, I don't know what she thinks the dog tooth fairy is going to bring LOL! Aruba is having a sleep over this week for one night only, with a lovely lady who boards for puppy walkers when they're on holiday. We're going to the theatre and I just felt Aruba is not quite ready to sit through a concert and it's a drive to get there, so I arranged this sleepover. It will be good for her, I'm sure she will find it quite strange and not sure of what's happening, and so will we. The house will be quieter that's for sure!


Sorry you can't read the article. I have the same problem with my iPad. I should have some new pictures this weekend.

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Thank you so much for sharing the great article about your family and your wonderful work with CCI. Your daughter is an inspiration to all of us.


Kudo's to Orson for helping and putting up with all the work he does and his patience with those annoying pups along the way! ♥


Thanks Roz, but all we are doing is having fun, meeting new people and going to new places. The dogs do the rest. :D

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Still no news of Tess, the missing guide dog - they had some new leads from Saturday's search but nothing yet.


It's just so heartbreaking to think that she's not with her person. Her person must be so devastated.


I hope she's not injured and if someone did steal her that they are taking care of her and loving her. Such a terrible thought but I do wish her well.


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