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Resort Casual- dear mother's perspective!!!


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Look around the pool, 5' and 200 in a bikini is far more offensive then jeans, but I'm from Colorado.


Oh come on,, maybe she should just go to Iran and wear a burka by the pool?

Let a gal wear what she wants by the pool - you really shouldn't judge.

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QTPieRye]Although I currently live in Tennessee, I am a native Californian raised on the beach and not on a farm. However, I will tell you that after having lived in Tennessee for 8 years, I have learned that most Farmers come from "old money" and are not materialistic. They are honest, and despite their clothing... they are gentlemen, non-judgemental who treat people with dignity and integrity.

You are correct most of us from Tennessee are raised to treat people with dignity and integrity, and to non-judgemental. LOL--perhaps it comes from many of us being raised in the country or on farms!!

Jeans are a part of our everyday lives here in Tennessee, up to and including Sunday night church services. Smiling;) , geeze if jeans don't offend the Southern Baptist community on Sunday nights, then how could jeans offend anyone in the dining room on casual night?????:D


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if you are looking for a more formal cruise, less kids, less partying, and quiter, you would be booked on Holland Am. or other ships known for a more "upscale cruiseline". I have worn a nice sport jacket and a silk T on a formal night and did not feel less dressed then most. I own a tux and feel more out of place wearing it on CCL. Relax, you anti-jean people, you are on vacation, your vacation. Look around the pool, 5' and 200 in a bikini is far more offensive then jeans, but I'm from Colorado.

Nobody is talking about looking for a more formal cruise... we are talking about etiquette for proper dress in a FORMAL dining room.... two totally different things. Nobody mentioned partying either. Most people are on Carnival because it is laid back... I don't think asking people to follow Carnivals suggested guidelines for dress in the dining room is asking too much. I'm not sure how ANYONE could feel out of place in a tux on formal night... that is amazing, since SO many men wear either a tux or nice suit... I'm certainly not anti-jean... you think TN is farm country? Um, hello... I'm in NC!!!! LOL, our streets are paved in denim. But when I go out to eat in a nice restaurant, the denims stay at home. It is all about atmosphere and respect. I realize that there are many that never took a class in etiquette, and that is fine, but those that were raised on proper etiquette knows what should and should not be worn when in a restaurant serving a 5 course meal, served by men in formal wear, with linen tablecloths.


Carnival does not have a weight suggested guideline for sunbathing by the pool... so that dog just won't hunt :D

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You are correct most of us from Tennessee are raised to treat people with dignity and integrity, and to non-judgemental. LOL--perhaps it comes from many of us being raised in the country or on farms!!

Glad to hear Tennessee people are raised so well, and feel free to point out the people here who are not treating the others with dignity and integrity.


Why the implications from a number of people that we must lack dignity or integrity or be judgemental if we prefer people not to wear jeans to dinner on a cruise. :) Its our opinion and thats all it is, I'm not offended by it but would prefer people to not wear jeans. :D


As GoinCruisin said its all about atmosphere and respect for me :)

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Matchman... the actual quote is:


Clothes make the man. Naked people have little or no influence on society. -

Mark Twain


Hummmmm the "N" word... maybe this thread will get pulled!!!


By the way, I have decided to take mother's advice and wear my denim capris too! Life is too short to worry about such petty things.


Jello shot anyone???

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Why the implications from a number of people that we must lack dignity or integrity or be judgemental if we prefer people not to wear jeans to dinner on a cruise. :) Its our opinion and thats all it is, I'm not offended by it but would prefer people to not wear jeans.

I couldn't agree more! I was raised in a small town in Kansas and jeans were and are the norm for most functions. However, I moved to the city a long time ago and learned that there are just some places where denim is not appropriate. I consider it common courtesy and good manners to follow the suggested guidelines of my host, whether it's aboard a ship, going to a party or to a wedding. Nowhere in the guidelines do I see denim included. Go ahead and wear your denim. I'll be enjoying my dinner in comfy attire other than denim.:)

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Not meaning to be judgemental, making a poor analogy to looks. We have a Tux and Boots benefit in Co. to support a local hospital. Tux Jackcet, nice pressed jeans, boots, and yes, sometimes even cowboy hats. Everyone looks great. Personally, I do not wear jeans to dinner, or even bring jeans to the caribbean, tooooooo hot. Shorts in the day and slacks in the evening. Again sorry to offend, no to a burka, yes to a one piece.

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Denim is NOT "farm country clothes" anymore.... It's just a fabric, people!! Like any other fabric!! Just because some people might associate it with a farm doesn't mean that it's not appropriate for the dining room, if it's as tasteful as other acceptable clothing.


This from a girl that has never worn jeans to the DR, but I would not mind in the least if someone did, as long as they looked decent. I'd never be so judgemental as to care what FABRIC people had on themselves. My jeans cost more than my dress pants.


It's a Carnival Cruise Vacation after all, relax. I'll bet that if Carnival had a "jeans" night in the dining room, and invited all of the guests to wear jeans to dinner one night, not one of you would care in the least, and you'd probably wear your own jeans. Well, basically, they have OK'd jeans in their own dining room, why can't you??? "Because they are distasteful to ME" some may reply. Well, sorry, but others aren't there to please YOU.

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Bottom line here is everyone does what the darn please anyway...but I have a question...

WHY is it that people DEFEND their 'right' to wear jeans by talking about others who wear skirts that are too short..or blouses that are too low???

How is it that bringing up other fashion fuax pas makes wearing denim more plausible???

I was always taught that 2 wrongs don't make a right.


To the OP...if ypour Mom is h*ll bent on wearing those capris, then why did you post???

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Before you start throwing flames at me, this post is a result of a conversation I had with my mother..........Perhaps a select few in the stuffed shirt crowd will consider my mother to be a “casual casualty”, but that’s not going to spoil her fun!!!


Like I said above, this most was a result of an interesting conversation with my mother. I thought some might find her point of view and comments interesting, as not only she older, (in my opinion after reading some posts here) she is a lot wiser than some people!


Believe me... I was not seeking or asking for permission by anyone to wear denim. I am not easily influenced by what people say on these boards, as they are personal opinions, NOT RULES AND REGULATIONS!!!! And you are right, she is hell-bent to wear jeans, as are many posters on these threads... It was a point of view as a result of a conversation, that's all.

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The Question is are jeans resort casual, Carnival defines resort casual as slacks! As people have pointed out just because something is not mentioned does not infer it should be worn. (I dont own any Chaps but this could be a good reason to buy a pair :) ) So the question is not do you mind jeans, its do you believe they are resort casual as defined by Carnival and again many seem confortable with the idea of jeans but they always seem to want to add a statement about as long as they look good. (So who decides what looks good.)


On a more lighter side while Dining please remember, eating with your mouth open or talking with it full isn't going to hurt anyone (unless you find yourself spitting food.) so please feel free, and lets not forget that saying please and thank you are optional as they do not interfere with anyone else's evening or enjoyment, and underwear on the outside of clothing is okay as long as its clean. (Excepting the case of Madonna :D , I do have some standards!) Oh and last but not least cutlery is provided for those guest wishing to use it, it is not a required item and guests may at their discretion use their digits for feeding. :eek: *laugh*


Sorry I couldnt resist, but as you see none of the above mentioned items would impact you so of course why should you care and they are not forbidden. (I would hazzard a guess many of you would care.) Would they impact on the atmosphere in the dining room and show little respect for your fellow passengers yes! But hey its MY personnel freedom and MY holiday so what do I care about anyone else aslong as my actions do not physically interfering with anyone else!


And always remember when mentioning its MY vacation so I should be able to do as I want that 3,000+ other people all around you also believe the exact same thing.

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Whoops just saw your last message QT, I did call my Grandmother who's probably considerably older than your mother :) and I would hazard a guess and say wiser. (Well okay wiser than everyone else when she agrees with my opinion, but suffering from old age when she disagrees *laugh*) Who states 100% that jeans are not acceptable wear at anytime unless your out in the garden and weeding. (Of course I dont actually think she owns a pair of jeans.) So there you go a wise 88 year old lady, who agree's with me. I rest my case.

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You people brighten up my day. You are going on V-A-C-A-T-I-O-N. Not strutting the runway at a fashion show. You are in the dining room to E-A-T.

You should be comfortable. I like dressing up for certain things, but don't get carried away. Some people don't look good in dress clothes. And who is to decide what casual is. Casual to Donald Trump may be a totally uncomfortable to people who have to work for a living. Farmers need a vacation too. If you can't accept a person by who they are not what they wear, you are a materialistic snob. Some people are real, those are the brave ones. The rest are phonies, trying to be something they are not.



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Matchman... aren't the ederly great!!! Longevity runs in my family. My great-grandmother (my dad's grandma) currently lives with my mom and is 98. My grandmother (mom's mom) will be 93 in December. One of the few activities they can do alone is garden.. neither one of them would be ever consider gardening in their denim... it is far too nice to wear for gardening and weeding.. Instead they wear their fashionable cotton pants!!


Cudos to Mike Fabian!!! I couldn't agree with you more :)

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Hey QT yes they are great fun especially around Christmas and my Birthday *laugh*

I'm sorry but no Cudos for the other post why does it seem anyone replying to this fun thread feel the need to imply that anyone that disagrees is possibly a materialistic snob or not a real person or a phonie.

A simple I dont agree would have been nice but hey each to there own. :)
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[quote name='Mike Fabian']You people brighten up my day. You are going on V-A-C-A-T-I-O-N. Not strutting the runway at a fashion show. You are in the dining room to E-A-T.
You should be comfortable. I like dressing up for certain things, but don't get carried away. Some people don't look good in dress clothes. And who is to decide what casual is. Casual to Donald Trump may be a totally uncomfortable to people who have to work for a living. Farmers need a vacation too. If you can't accept a person by who they are not what they wear, you are a materialistic snob. Some people are real, those are the brave ones. The rest are phonies, trying to be something they are not.

Mike[/QUOTE]Well this is the dilemma. I don't mind what others wear, I don't... I dress anywhere from ultra comfy to decked out... I would NEVER judge someone based on what they wear... And I don't think anyone is judging on what a person wears... BUT you can judge a persons character, if someone is consistently "going against the grain" because they feel it is their "right" to do so and that everyone else can just stuff it, well then... Carnival has suggested guidelines, and no, jeans are not included... people can wear them and I could give a flip, but am I naive enough to think that people that don't even CARE about the suggested guidelines NEVER do this anywhere else? Um, that would be a no... this is my opinion, and my opinion only :cool:
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[QUOTE]but I'm from Colorado.[/QUOTE]
And thats alright in my book!;)

I just think its funny how many people argue on this board and about only 1% actually change their mind due to someone elses post. If some person wants to wear denim, Im betting they will wear it....and if some guy thinks that people who wear jeans is an inbreed hick then I doubt you are going to convince them otherwise! But, such is the draw to message boards...and I love it!
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Guest Time2gocruzn
[b]OMG! Is this highschool or something? Who gives a flip what other people wear?! If you don't like it, don't look! Are people really [i]that[/i] concerned what other complete strangers are wearing? Personally I could care less! This a vacation people. People are going to wear, do, say, act how they want. Yes some of it we may not like or agree with but who cares. It is one week. If a stranger next to me is overweight in a bikini, or wears jeans in the dining room, is it really that big in the whole scheme of things? I think not. As long as you have clothes on, and don't disrupt my cruise, I really have better things to be concerned with. LIKE HAVING A GOOD TIME! I had no idea there were fashion police on cruise ships. [/b]:rolleyes:
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Really, it's just rude to ignore what the cruiseline says they how they would like you to dress. They give alternative dining for those who do not want to comply. To say, "I will do what I want anyway" is rude and imature. I hope they go out of their way and bar anyone from the dining room when they're wearing denims.
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As I'm sure others have pointed out, nowhere in Carnival's guidelines does it say NO DENIM. In fact, Carnival has gone through the effort of specifically listing attire that is prohibited: shorts, t-shirts and bathing attire. If Carnival intended jeans to be prohibited, it would have been very easy for them to add jeans to that list. They didn't and instead choose to leave it up to each individual as to whether jeans are appropriate.

[quote name='GoinCruisin']...I don't think asking people to follow Carnivals suggested guidelines for dress in the dining room is asking too much...[/QUOTE]
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[b]Carnival guidelines:[/b]

[b][i]"[/i]Casual Resort Wear: [u]sport shirts and slacks; dresses; skirts; pantsuit[/u] NOTE: Shorts, t-shirts and bathing attire are not permitted in the Dining Room during dinner. [i]"[/i][/b]

I don't ever remember denim being considered slacks or pantsuit. They say Casual Resort Wear, not scratch your belly in the yard wear.

As I said, all I wear is jeans and catual shirts. Can't use that to justify that it is Casual Resort Wear. It's not. You can be a brat and do what you want, but denim is not Casual Resort Wear. If nearly 100% of the folks aren't wearing denim in the dining room, take a hint... denim is not an item to wear in the dining room.
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[quote name='luv2cruise99']As I'm sure others have pointed out, nowhere in Carnival's guidelines does it say NO DENIM. In fact, Carnival has gone through the effort of specifically listing attire that is prohibited: shorts, t-shirts and bathing attire. If Carnival intended jeans to be prohibited, it would have been very easy for them to add jeans to that list. They didn't and instead choose to leave it up to each individual as to whether jeans are appropriate.[/QUOTE]
LOL, what Ventureman said :D They explain their suggested dining attire quite well...
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