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November 1st...D_Day..Want to join me?


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And Belle is in Europe as we sit here!


Sheila, Hope the shot gives you great results this time?


Carolyn, Any news on Mike?


Jan, weekend plans?


All else, hope you have fun planned for the weekend.


Mine is the continued attempt to organize chaos. I only have myself to blame for this one! Pulled out all the holiday decorations and then decided it was time to thoroughly clean out the closet from "h@ll". What was I thinking? The result is total and complete destruction. Loads of bags for Good Will which will go in the attic until January (taxes), loads and loads of garbage and boxes and storage totes everywhere. I worked on it every night except Wednesday and it will still require a herculean effort to get it all done by next Sunday night. Mom will be here two days later and everybody else on the day after Thanksgiving so definitely now slack time. Next up si shampooing the carpet so I have a clean path and can start dragging most of those bags up and into the attic. Then time to re-assess and figure out where to start next! If nothing else, should help with weight loss since I won't have time to even think about eating and will be getting lots of exercise!


Have a great weekend!

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Since I"ve got a b-day coming up at end up month thought I'd catch up w/MD apts... esp. that "big" one for the 50th. Well went for colonoscopy expecting nothing much. Well no such luck for me. SOme problems and of course Mike left Sunday for Europe (London and Germany). Well called MD w/pain yesterday and at first he forgot my case (he does 3 days worth) but then remembered and wasn't surprised. Told me to either get a MRI or see him today. Well couldn't just run off (I'd deal w/pain) since it was already noon and I had to pick up Libby at 2:30. Well this AM at 6ish it was awful. Got Alex a ride at 7 (though it was pulling teeth) got Libby to school, cleared things w/both schools "just in case" (my insurance policy.. if I didn't do it then I'd have major problems) and went to MD... didn't wait at all. Said I probably had come internal burn from where 2 major "problem" polyps were.. but I didn't have major burns or peritinitis.. he would have given me vicodin but I passed. Since I've been a bit bothered w/bloating, weight gain and discomfort he decided to scope me both ways while I was "under". Well luckily polyps are benign but they bled alot... AGGH... can't get a break. Luckily I haven't made non-refundable ressies for Hawaii and also took care of things 40 days before otherwise I'd be in trouble.

Hope to post later.

Sheila, hope you're shoulder is better.. hows the back and tummy.

Jan, hope you're doing OK w/DS's move.

Donna, good luck w/cleaning up chaos... Mine's horrendous.



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Hi girls! I'm doing fine, just really busy like you all.


My epidural seems to have worked this time, which is such a relief. I can now exercise without any pain and I've been taking advantage of it. My shoulder is better also. I'm still afraid to do the Wii boxing though. My tummy has its good days and bad days, but I can handle it. ;)


Donna ~ Girl, it sounds as if you've gotten yourself into a big mess. LOL Just think of how your house is going to look when you're finished though....all will be worth it. Glad your doing well. I hope your family is fine also.


Carolyn ~ Lady, you just can't get a break can you? I sure hope you start feeling better. {{HUGS}}


Work has been crazy so I haven't been on here much. I'm actually taking a break now. I've got one more hour to go and then I'll head to the gym. I'm about to eat my dinner (low fat chicken wrap).


I'll be on in the morning to start the weigh-in thread.


Y'all be good!



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Hi All -


What interesting lives we all live ... and how amazing that we are all able to empathize with what everyone is going through.


Donna & Carolyn ... I remember you both from "years ago"


Donna you are the same age that I am (9/18/52). ... hope you are enjoying getting everything in order. I will never be a great housekeeper ... I have a habit of walking over "stuff" in the middle of the floor and never notice it (and the dust kangaroos are taking over the house!). I do have my moments of really getting into "re-organizing" and even though I end up with a total mess for quite a while, when it is finished there is a wonderful sense of accomplishment ... have you gotten to the "accomplishment stage" yet??


Carolyn - Hope you are feeling better now. So you turn the big 50 this month ... I hope you are celebrating in style ... 50 was one of my best years (38 was a bummer though!) ... now I've just decided that what ever age I am I'm going to try to be a "hot ticket:rolleyes: ... I will be the one in the nursing home with bright blue hair and a cane to grab all the nice looking men :D ... gotta be silly sometimes!


Sheila - I hope that you still continue to do well with your shot and can exercise again ... I bought my youngest DS (17) a wii for Christmas ... little does he know that I also plan on getting myself a wii fit and he might never see his Christmas present again. I do hope he likes it.


I'm starting to do better with DS (2nd child) moving, I've gotten a few e-mails and calls and they are having a blast. I'm so happy for them. I'm just going to pretend that he is only around the corner, and he's just living his life as an adventure. He has always said that if anything was ever wrong, I would know first thing, so I'm learning not to worry about him.


DS (3rd child) brought home 4 A's and 3 B's this quarter. (he's a senior in high school) and he has never had such good grades ... I'm so proud of him .. he has an auditory processing disorder and a lack of short term memory, so it has never been easy for him, but finally having the right diagnosis has meant he now knows how to study and learn. If he passes every class this year he will graduate from high school. Then he wants to go to the community college to bring grades up and get into a 4 year college ... amazing, how he is changing.


DD - is doing well and living with her boyfriend (that's another story), she's working and is very happy.


DH - is working way too many hours, loves his work (he's self-employed) taking care of 300 apartments and a few commercial properties in 4 different towns (he used to be a builder) ... now all the properties are for sale and who knows if he will have a job next week (he says not to worry, everything always works out ... and when a door closes a window opens) ... I'm trying to be positive, but it isn't always easy.


I'm still working too many hours, my accounting assistant is back to work, but I want to be there before she does as she is still on crutches and I don't want he to fall ... so still 10-11 hours week, 5 days a week.


Has anyone else gone through this before .... I am so hungry all the time, I can eat and eat and I don't want to eat anymore, but I am starving .... I could eat the refrigerator and cupboards bare and my body still tells me that it needs more food .... Its almost like hunger pains all the time. I'm really starting to feel that I am mis-interpreting what is actually going on. (I know that when I have pain, I don't feel it as a hurt, rather it is a feeling of horrible cold) ... maybe it isn't hunger I'm actually going through. Anyone have a clue on what I am talking about? I really need to make an appointment with the doctor. Its really odd.


Have a wonderful evening all. Jan

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I will be the one in the nursing home with bright blue hair and a cane to grab all the nice looking men :D ... gotta be silly sometimes!


Have a wonderful evening all. Jan

Jan, I just love what you said here. I'll always be a kid that never grows up.


You really have a lot going on right now. It is so difficult having a career and juggling family responsibilities while keeping your house clean. Today's woman stretches herself too thin. Sometimes we just need a day to stay in bed and rest. ;)


RE: your hunger. Are you eating enough protein? I find that if I eat a lot of protein and fiber, I'm not hungry. I'm hardly ever hungry any longer. I eat according to the clock and not what my tummy tells me. I try to eat every 3 hours. It helps to keep the metabolism going. Also, sometimes when you're hungry, you're actually thirsty. So, try drinking water or tea and maybe that will help also.


I started the weigh-in thread so y'all need to post. I lost 2.5 lbs this week and I'm so excited! Most weeks, I've either gained or stayed the same. I haven't had a loss in a while.


Hey to Donna, Carolyn & Baby (still missing her).




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Carolyn, Feel better! If you don't immediately then get in there. Nothing to play around with. When is Mike getting back?


Sheila, Glad it worked this time. Your the perfect example of how well exercise works so glad your able to do it again!


Jan, I'm older but less than a month! We call that benign neglect and yes, I wake up one morning and turn life upside down. Of course, there is usually something behind it. This time, probably the mess that the economy is in. Definitely don't like the feeling of vulnerability that most of us are living with these days! Glad your sons are doing so well and the best thing about DS2's move is that he will start appreciating his parents more immediately! As to hunger, try protein and more liquids. If that doesn't help, see your doctor and make sure he tests your thyroid. You'll cut back hours when you can but until then, don't worry about the dust kangaroo's. I actually worried about them a lot less when the girls were home since I was too busy picking up shoes and everything else that they dropped as they ran in and out.


Or the cleaning frenzy could be the dreading of the upcoming battle with Mom. I have to wonder if we have reached the point with her dementia that we need to take responsibility legally. I'm afraid that we are going to find that out really soon since the house is sold and the check should be here this week. Any case, my hands are a disaster and my back and legs feel like I broke them but Phase 1 is now complete and a quick vacuum and mop is all that is needed to be ready for the onslaught! In the process, lots of little "benign neglect" things got repaired so definite good came out of it. Phase 2 starts when I put the decorations away after the first of the year and will probably be even worse since I've already decided that the six floor to ceiling bookcases need to be cleaned out. Even I can't rationalize reading North Dallas Forty a second time! DD2's shelter has a sale in February so it will be for a good cause. Oh, and Phase 2 means Joe gets to join me in cleaning out his mess! Should be interesting! Maybe less filing cabinets coming up? As to exercise, only kind lately is manual backbreaking labor. Haven't been on the scale and will wait until after the holiday and get my new starting point.


OH sh@t! Just got light and looked out the window. At least an inch of snow out there so better get moving!


Have a great Monday!

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Hey girls!


I wonder where Belle is today on her cruise? I know she's having a great time.


My weekend was good. I did some more shopping and cleaned.


Donna, isn't it weird what causes us to "clean out" things? If I go to a friend's house and it is dirty, I go home and clean more and organize. My house stays pretty much clean all of the time. I'm OCD and can't handle clutter at all. I do think our behaviors are all linked to what's going on in our lives at the time. I hope you are "clutter-free" soon.


Jan ~ How are you doing?


Carolyn ~ Any better?




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Sheila - I'm doing ok, still eating cookies though! I have made an appointment with the chiropractor (12/8), that will be my first start ... I think my lower back is out....I think that is what I think the hunger really is. Then I will go from there. I'm meeting with my trainer once per week, so I do have that to help somewhat.


I'm getting more and more used to DS being away ... and I think its almost time to join in on a cleaning spree.


ff to watch the biggest loser tonight, It is so disappointing, I would love to have someone push and motivate, etc. ... money isn't everything.


Has anyone heard from Miriam at all? I've been thinking about her ... I have her e-mail and didn't know if I should drop her a line.


I hope Belle is having a blast. Jan

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How is everyone today? Are y'all getting ready for Thanksgiving? (Well, the US folks on here any way.) I bought a 21 lb turkey yesterday and it is thawing out. I wanted some left over turkey breast for sandwiches.


I didn't lose any weight this week, which is OK. I just hope I can continue to not gain. It is so hard this time of year for me.


Jan ~ What is wrong with your back? I hope you don't have the same stuff I do. I'm glad to hear that you're still working with a trainer. It really makes a difference. Is your DS coming home for the holidays?


The Biggest Loser.....Vicky is totally ticking me off! I so hope that Michelle or Renee wins! I love this show because it does motivate me. Wouldn't it be nice to have Jillian or Bob with you every day for months at a time?


I haven't seen Miriam post in a while. You might want to e-mail her and check on her. I know she's been having some medical issues lately.


Well, HAPPY THANKSGIVING! I'm thankful for all of you!




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  • 3 weeks later...

Things were kind of nutty w/Thanksgiving...

we all were looking forward to going to NYC for the holiday... had hotel rooms set up (using points and a certificate that was expiring). Alex was out of school for full week -- was good having him around but he turned into a veg... Mike got back from Germany... and woops.. Libby wasn't feeling well on Tuesday night and then Wednesday AM she felt like she was burning up.. turned out to be fever -- 103 and steady.. never went down and gave us a fright. Got her to MD and that didn't help ... nothing they could pin or give antibiotics for. So Libby was bummed she was going to miss parade (Macys). Aunt was bummed (no T-day family). Didn't realize I'd feel bummed too (later on in weekend) by the disappointment. Finally got to NYC on Saturday (my B-day). Had a visit w/aunt and then went to midtown to catch up on city-stuff (look around Rock-center time square etc). Very late. Had a leisurely breakfast w/family to chill w/kids (got a little time alone w/Alex -- he's 16 now). Everything was good and then I get a call from Aunt's aid... Stella wants to go to hospital.. thinks she had a TIA(mini stroke)... Whomp!!.. seems like I'm never able to have a break. Tell her to give Stella some asprin and wait a bit. Stella says "ok... I'll wait till you come down here" (puts pressure on me to rush). Then have sister call them up to see what's going on... find out that aunt was having a shower (ok-- good, that means that things are ok). So I have a little bit of time w/kids... especially w/Libby who's starting to get a bit frazzled but all these disruptions and disappointments. Other kids have stories to tell about family time and trips to NYC and she's got hanging out in hospitals etc. It's cold and rainy.. really yucky. Call again for aunt and things aren't good so I tell aid to call 911 and that I'd head down there.. would probably take me about an hour. Get there around when they arrive at hospital. Hospital is across the street from Aunt's apt. so I go directly to ER. They give her some more aspirin and her vitals are OK but she's talking a bit of jibberish. I ask MD to check for UTI.. at first they say "WHY she had a tia" but that clears up really quickly. Well they finally do the test... after doing the cat scans and all.. YUP she's got a UTI... I'm so sick of "Doctor Carolyn" diagnosing things... I was so frazzled... kind of lammented to Alex that I'm not "allowed" to have any happiness... I was mentioning this to him a bit a breakfast.. and he was saying I was being a bit too superstitious.. but the next day he wasn't so optimistic. So now I don't know what to do about our winter vacation to Hawaii. Libby was ok in NYC and a week later (this monday) she went to MD for checkup.. They decided to give her a bunch of shots.. and whomp. She gets fever etc. on Tuesday. Too much cooincidence. Now find out that she "may" get a reaction to chickenpox shot... but that comes 14 days later.. exactly the day we leave to Hawaii... AAAHH!

The good news is that I was able to get the Kauai Hyatt on points for last 2 nights (that includes NYE). We never do anything for NYE so it should be nice. Also was able to make a VRBO ressie for a week up in Princeville in a nice condo and they have 2 bikes so Libby and Alex should be able to get some time together (also w/Mike). Hopefully it wont' be too rainy.

OOH -- on Friday I lucked out and was able to get WiiFit at Costco... there's a Nintendo World store in NYC and Mike and Libby tried out the Wii Fit there and Mike really liked it and wanted to get it at Costco.. Been nagging me to get it and it was nice to find it and keep a secret (for one day). Sheila.. what's it like and what things additional should we get for it. I really like getting it from Costco since if there's a problem or if we don't like it (for ANY reason) they take it back. We got outdoor adventure there and Libby thought it was just "ok" but not for the price so back it went.

Hope everyone's doing well. It's so grey and gloomy here now.. think we're supposed to get an ice storm some time today.

Take care with getting ready for holidays.


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Hey girls! Everybody is MIA again.


Carolyn ~ Girl, when it rains, it pours for you, doesn't it? Hope all is well on the homefront now and that Stella is better. RE: the Wii....if you only have one Wii remote, I would buy 1 or 2 more so you can play against each other. Since I haven't had mine long, that's all I can think of right now. Have fun!



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Hi Ladies,


Yep, totally insane around here but just had to take a break and catch up. Of course, break interrupted but I'm back! Came down with a nasty cold on the Saturday before Thanksgiving and still haven't gotten rid of it. Joe was at Walmart at 8:00 AM Black Friday to pick up the Wii for us. He then did the rest of the Black Friday shopping and then I took Mom to the bank to open a new account and deposit the house money as everybody was pulling in the driveway. Needless to say, the Wii was in action by the time we walked back in the door. DD1 and family loved it so much that she sent DD2 to Walmart at 11:55 PM on Saturday night to pick one up for them. Now our idea was that the Wii and Wii Fit would be our Christmas present to each other but looks like Fit is going to wait until the price becomes more reasonable. This defnitely appears to be the "year" of the Wii. I bought a game for $14.00 at Best Buy on Saturday and a co-worker ended up paying $24.99 3 days later. At that point, Amazon and the rest were asking 39 and 49 for the exact same game! At some point the TV in the exercise room died so that was last weekend project. Maybe just maybe we will finally do some Xmas shopping finally! Haven't finished anyone yet and some aren't even started! Off to do some this afternoon and then next chance will be Monday night. OH, and in the middle of all this, he has me looking at February/March cruises. As is usual, I find them and he can't make up his mind so now I am refusing to waste my time looking. Let's see what he can come up with on his own. It was definitely going to be over 3/6 for our fortieth anniversary but the last ice/snow storm had him thinking that earlier might not be a bad idea!


Carolyn, When are you supposed to leave on vacation? Aunt doing better? How is Libby feeling now? Great find on the Fit, still not showing up here. Only an occasional email saying that I can buy if for 175% of the price!


Sheila, Glad your feeling well enough to get back to the exercise routine. Everything ready for the holidays?


Jan, Are they coming home this Christmas? What did the chiropractor say?


Belle, I'm thinking you may be back soon. If not, continue having a great time!


What happened to Miriam?


Better get moving! Have to get ready to go out!


Have a great weekend!

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Donna (and others too)

A tip about Wii's .. do you have costco.. they were having games a slight discount and you can't beat costco's policy. Try it out... don't like it (for any reason) return it, don't bat an eye.

Also since you go to Walmart.. got a tip for you from another board (flyertalk.. on the "spam" listing... listing for deals etc).

It's with Amex... register your Amex card for promo, make 2 purchases of $40or more each on Amex (can be for gift card to use later)... then get an automatic $20 credit back on your Amex card... so in effect it's like getting a 25% discount on your purchase. Can't beat it on things that aren't usually discounted.

Gotta run


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Hi All ... I've been MIA ... but reporting back now.


I went to the chiropractor and both my neck and my lower back were really out (and the sciatic nerve was really a problem too) ... He's getting them back into balance again. I find that when my back is a problem that it really drains me of all energy ... I will have to remember that in the future.


I weighed myself Monday morning (it was a start) and I have managed to gain 32 pounds since August. I started back on my diet yesterday and feel good about it. It was easy to stop eating healthy without really noticing the change. I had a wonderful spinach salad with dinner last night ... I had forgotten that I like it better than mashed potatoes.


I went out over the weekend and bought DS (#2) a new bed ... which meant that I had to re-wallpaper his bedroom ......... forgot how nice it is to be busy and to accomplish something tangible.


My DS that is in Colorado will not be home for Christmas (it is really sad), but he is having a blast ... so as much as my heart hurts for myself, I know that he is in the best place at this time .... snowboarding for him is a way of life.


This week is always a difficult week for me, my dad's birthday is (was) today ... I really miss him. The anniversary of my mom's death is Saturday the 20th ... I have to get through those dates before I can really enjoy the holidays.


On Saturday we are going to the theatre to see a play "A Tuna Christmas" and we have front row center seats ... I have a necklace that was my mom's that I am wearing so that she will be with us that day. (I'm really ok, I just find it comforting to wear the necklace) .... I always take it on our cruises and wear it one night... it feels as if she's enjoying wonderful times too!!).


Have a wonderful evening all ... I will post on Thursday ... I hope to have at least 1# gone by then, I'm going to shoot to be back to where I was by the end of May ... I think that isn't too much to ask. I'm not doing too much with exercising until the Dr. says its ok, I don't want to wreck all his hard work.


Tonight is the biggest loser ... hope Michelle wins..... thanks to all for being around when I need someone :) Jan

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Hey girls! Well lo and behold, y'all are not MIA any longer. ;) I thought I was going to end up talking to myself until Belle came back. LOL


Donna ~ Wow! You have been busy! Life just never seems to stop for us to enjoy it, does it? I am ready for Christmas except for some more baking. I always say I'm not going to bake as much "this year," but I always do. I like to give my home baked cookies as presents to my co-workers and a few friends. Of course I have to sample everything before I put it into their good baskets. :rolleyes: Glad you were able to get the Wii. I know they are out down here.....unless you want to pay a lot for one.


Carolyn ~ Thanks for the tip about Costco. I'll have to go look and see what they have. Have you played with your Wii yet?


Jan ~ Don't feel so bad about gaining some weight back. I've done it also. I know I'm up again this week and it will probably be that way until after Christmas. I always gain around 10 lbs this time of year, but I always get it off by the end of Feb. You can do it also! Sorry your DS is not coming home for Christmas. I know that must be tough. Try not to let food be your comfort though. You sound like such a great mom. I hope your back feels better soon!


Well, my epidural shot only lasted about 2 weeks. I'm not getting any more because they just don't work. It is funny, but my legs have started "jumping" at odd times. I can be sitting here typing and all of a sudden, one will jump. It is so nutty.


Good luck getting everything ready for Christmas and Hanukkah. :)




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I'm back from a Great Cruise just

not a great homecoming!

Came back with a bad cold, car

battery dead, heater broken in

house. (with unusal cold weather 20 -30's)

and a t v not working! LOL


Got back Sat. night, heater fixed

on Monday (only a part) thankgoodness!

Cost enough but a fortune for a new one.

Sick so stayed in bed under an electric blanket

Sunday and half of Monday!

Do you know how cold a house after a month

away and no heater? BRRRRRR


Back to cruise..Great Ship..Service..People..

Ports. Good weather at begining..then not

good..then good again.

Loved Venice..walked the walls of Dubrovnik (650 steps)

Barcelona in the pouring rain. 80 plus weather in St. Martin.


Drum roll..Won two bingos..one for $127.00..husband won $147.

Then I won the Final one....$2258.00! Can you believe?


Good to see you ALL TALKING! Will talk more tomorrow to

you all.

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Hey Belle! It does sound like you had a great cruise, but what I mess to come home to. You have such a positive attitude about it all. I'm excited for you that you won at Bingo! I know that was so much fun. We all missed you very much and are so glad you're home. I was running out of things to say on the weigh-in thread. Everybody missed your poems.


Glad you're back! :)




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From the arctic Midwest! Fingers crossed that we can get out of here on Wednesday morning or I will not be very happy!


Belle, Welcome home and sorry for all the problems you returned to. How is the cold? How did your Mom do while you were gone? WTG on the winnings! Takes a little sting out of the furnace repair.


Sheila, So how are you going to do without the shot? Any other treatment options? Finish the baking? Actually, got out of making cookies this year but made fudge today so the scale won't be friendly tomorrow morning!


Jan, Well, it appears that he will have plenty of snow to enjoy if it gets warm enough! I think wearing the necklace was a great idea and just don't be too hard on yourself. Your feeling are very normal and you just need to go with it so you can then enjoy the holidays.


Caroline, Thanks for the tips! Are you here or gone now?


Where is Baby? Anybody here from her?


Nothing new and exciting here unless you count be housebound in a blizzard. The 11" we got Thursday night/Friday meant staying home and wrapping all the gifts. The last of what I ordered showed up with the UPS man at 8:50 Friday night. Fortunately, he was smart enough to drop it at the garage door since I left the stairs for Saturday morning. Well, maybe not smart enough, you couldn't actually find them until I got out and shoveled. Unfortunately, all that hard work is yet again obliterated with the drifting snow but no more packages coming so I'm not going near them until it warms up. Current wind chill -30 and they say that we will have at least 24 more hours of this followed by snow on Tuesday night. Fingers crossed that the occasional snow showers on Wednesday stays that so we can get out of here. If we do, we will drive back on Thursday night (Friday morning if it is bad yet again). Hearing that our destination is now dealing with the snowiest December in history didn't help!


OK, better get everything packed up and ready to take to work tomorrow. Have to get it together so it only takes one trip through the parking lot.


Have a great evening!

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Good morning, girls!


First off......




to Carolyn & Baby! Enjoy your time with your family.


Donna ~ Hey! I did get most of my baking done, but have to make 3 pies for various dinners. It was 24 degrees here this morning, which is really cold for us, but nothing for you guys. Wow! I hope you don't have to be anywhere today so you won't have to drive in the snow. I bet it is beautiful though. Do you ever take pictures? Who does the snow shoveling at your house? It must be great exercise. Just imagine how many calories you're burning shoveling. ;)


Belle ~ Where are you, honey? I hope all of your "comedy of errors" are all sorted out. How's your Mom doing?


Jan ~ How are you? My pants are still fitting so I'm happy about that. I just hope they'll hold out until the new year!


Take care, girlfriends!


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I'm typing this while having a layover at LAX on way to Kauai...

did finally get out this AM.. was a close call with the weather ... really cold and icy (snow) yesterday. Our new expense is trying to get rid of "cute" flying squirrels.. originally Mike thought we had mice.. no such luck and it's going to take a while to "evict/term. them. They do it one at a time. SO hopefully they'll be gone when we return after the New Year.

Hope everyone has a wonderful holiday... Belle, hope things are quiet and "uneventful" w/your Mom... I've got my finger's crossed about not having any emergency calls regarding Aunt but am prepared with Hipa form just in case she does have an "excursion" to the ER across the street.

Take care.


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Just busy and not feeling up to par.


Good to see you ALL!


Merry Christmas and Happy Hanukkah!

Enjoy your Holiday with your family and



Sheila..All that baking..Your a good woman.

Not eating it? It is cold here to. 20 to 30 in

morning/night..40's daytime with rain. Not

suppose to be this way.


Donna..Don't know how you can live in all

that "snow"? California girl here! Hope you

get out Wed. morning like you want. Everyone

really having terrible weather.


Carolyn..Enjoy Hawaii you lucky girl! Have a good

time with the family and NO phone calls about

your aunt.


Jan..I hope your feeling better. Health and mind.

Will be six months for my father, day after Christmas.

Their anniversary was Christmas Eve. Don't know

how mother will be. See if she remembers. Will

spend the day with her.


Baby..Hope your reading and seeing that we all

miss you.


Thinking of all of you and wishing you the Best Holidays Ever!

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