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For the Chair Hogs: Why Is It Okay to Hog Chairs?

Sea Hag

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I didn't mean "competition" as in competing for the title of Miss Universe. I meant "competition" as when there's a limited quantity of something and more people want it than that limited number. That's competition for sure.


And I think you're handling the problem perfectly! You're sticking up for your rights and seem to be doing it in a way that doesn't create any drama. I never sit by the pool myself - or practically anywhere else where chairs are in short supply for that matter - but I figure it'd be just my luck that if I ever went to move somebody's things, they'd come back and pitch a fit.:)


Oh! I misunderstood. That's very clear and yes, in that sense, I guess it IS competition, isn't it?


LOL Wouldn't that be funny if I was in the process of handing their items to the attendant just about the time they returned. I guess I'd just say..."Wow! I'm so glad you remembered your things! They'd been there such a long time, we thought they'd been forgotten" :eek:


We're actually thinking of one of those aft balconies so we can sun privately. Well, as privately as a balcony with no cover would allow. lol They look delightful on some of the pics that we've seen, though. I'd probably sleep, read and sun my entire cruise away!! ...sigh... Makes me long for the next time I step onboard.

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LOL Wouldn't that be funny if I was in the process of handing their items to the attendant just about the time they returned. I guess I'd just say..."Wow! I'm so glad you remembered your things! They'd been there such a long time, we thought they'd been forgotten" :eek:


I think you could pull that off! You'd obviously be very concerned about the whole situation - that these wonderful folks had forgotten their items and might have lost them! :D

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I myself in no way would be considered a Chair Hog but these threads have always amazes me on what great lengths some people would go through just to "stick it" to said individuals. The op asked a question to get a little understanding on the reasoning behind such actions and have not received many replies from the "hoggers" but many people have voiced their opinion on how society views these people, flaming name calling etc..etc..etc and we wonder why no one stepped up. I agree that every one should have the great opportunity to enjoy the best seats available but unfortunatly we all dont get that pleasure. Few people have pointed out that they have noticed chairs were left unoccupied for hours and they know this cause they were forced to sit idlely by in another location to only be reminded of there misfortune by still seeing that perfectly place poolside chair laying empty laugh in there face(maybe its ego more then pricipal). It has also been pointed out that WE ALL choose which rules/regulations/laws which we choose to abide and whcih to ignor/work around but fail to realize that regardless of the effect WE ARE ALL still chosing to disregard such rules etc..etc..etc. e have all be the the victim and we have all be the perp, its a never ended cycle but thats just the way it is.

Me...I love the pool I do not get the chance to be in an outdoor pool until vacation time wich is almost usually once or twice a year and when I am on vacation I morph into a fish, so I will stay in the water until my toes and fingers resembles that of my 3 y/o when he stays in the tub too long with his SpiderMan figures. I feel that if I am usiing the POOL I should have just as much a right to use a pool side chair as the sunworshipers that care to soak up the beautiful rays. But the last think I am going to worry about is having to run back to my char where my towel and flip flops/sandals are just to please some one else cause their ego is hurt and cant find an equally desireable chair as I have!!!! some time ago in another thread I asked how does one really know how is using the POOL facilities or who is just hoggin and as the same in here I read the same answer, the uspet cruise walked past several times for over an hour only having to notice that the itmes on the chair have not been moved at all or some other justifyable explanation to sell their point all these chair on the pool deck but this one chair has the attention that hard?? please dont flame just asking a question and trying to get a "rational" understanding. I do have a question for the "if they dont show up then I will move the items" mob, this is great and all but now you have opened a door for any and every one to take it upon themsevles to be chair hog vigalanties and will have peole jsut moving items 10-15 minutes after a person has left. Sure YOU maybe "honest" and say that you gave ample time for the hogger to return before removing or hading items over to an attendant, but what about the dishonest people that have their egos and pride hurt cause they chair is left empty longer then that care to stand?? you know, the ones that will LIE to the hogger if and when they return that the chair was empty when they got there and did not see anything??? As I stated its a never ending cycle, some will be sheep and some will be wolves but we cant act as if we have been sheep all our lives!!


I feel that I need to place a disclaimer here stating that my above comments are not directed to on one or two idividuals and that my statements are based of the thread as a whole bases off an abundance or replies so please before you reply to me and qoute my word to be used an a flameful manner please think to yourself are you touched by what I said cause of principal or ego??


***please figive my errors in grammer and spelling as I am typing ono my Treo w/o spell check :o

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The op asked a question to get a little understanding on the reasoning behind such actions and have not received many replies from the "hoggers" but many people have voiced their opinion on how society views these people, flaming name calling etc..etc..etc and we wonder why no one stepped up. ***please figive my errors in grammer and spelling as I am typing ono my Treo w/o spell check :o


I'm a little surprised that we didn't get anybody trotting out their reasoning on doing this. I've heard people admit to doing the most outrageous things, so I thought we'd get some responses. Oh well, it was an interesting thing to try. :)

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We experienced chair-hogging in a major way last year on a cruise during spring break (that will never happen again). A ship of 1500 passengers and at least 2/3 of them were college students. It seemed there was a designated hogger every day who would be on deck by 7a, spread out towels and flip flops over 6-8 chairs, then crash back to sleep in the sun until the friends showed up about 10a. EXtremely irritating.

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We experienced chair-hogging in a major way last year on a cruise during spring break (that will never happen again). A ship of 1500 passengers and at least 2/3 of them were college students. It seemed there was a designated hogger every day who would be on deck by 7a, spread out towels and flip flops over 6-8 chairs, then crash back to sleep in the sun until the friends showed up about 10a. EXtremely irritating.


Designated hogger. That's a good description for what must be a very important, responsible position. :D

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What if the attached photo (or something like it) just appeared on the chairs of the offenders the chair has been unoccupied for 30 - 60 minutes? :rolleyes:


Just a thought?


And it's the best thought yet! :D

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They don't fold up...Duh! :p:D



The point I was trying to make was why wine about something you cant change. There will always be deck chair, show seat, line holding people. Have fun and dont worry I have been on many cruises and has never had a hard time finding a chair to sun in.

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The point I was trying to make was why wine about something you cant change. There will always be deck chair, show seat, line holding people. Have fun and dont worry I have been on many cruises and has never had a hard time finding a chair to sun in.


Well, I didn't notice anyone "wineing". I think that most people simply said how irritating it was for some ****** to do something so rude, thoughtless and offensive.


And don't worry, I DO have fun. As a matter of fact, I'd say chair hoggers are the only people on a cruise that ever bother me at all. We tend to let most things go, including having our family at two seperate tables in the dining room once, because we're on vacation and it's about having fun. The thing with chair hogs is, that I CAN do something about it without being completely rude or insulting, and without feeling as though I'm "causing a scene".


Something I haven't put on here since we've been talking about it is this: I have four kids. When I'm way up on that top deck I can't relax because my kids want to play in the pool and they have every right to do so. After all, it's their vacation, too, right? When I'm way up there, I can't see them. And as I'm going up, down, up, down, up...to check on them, that's when I can tell which one is "reserved" and which ones aren't. So, that's typically when I walk down and hand those "forgotten" items to the pool attendent, get that chair and enjoy my day. People who save those chairs think of no one but themselves and I find that to be...unacceptable.


Our upcoming cruise is just myself and my DH. I'll intentionally NOT get a chair by the pool, even if one IS available. I'll do that because they'll be parents who need to watch their kids, elderly who simply can't climb those stairs and disabled who deserve the opporunity to use the chairs that work the best for them. I'll intentionally choose to go up higher, because I won't NEED those other chairs. The thing is, if we'd all treat one another with the respect that we'd like to be treated with, we'd all be better off for it. That includes not constantly turning a blind eye to things, just to have "smooth sailing". That includes doing what's right, even if there will always be those that don't care.


Your reasoning just doesn't make any sense to me. That's just my opinion though and you're certainly entitled to yours. :)

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Talk about Chair Hogs -


Have to tell you a quick story..


We were sailing through a Tropical Depression. Raining cats & dogs.

We were lucky to be lounging under a cover near the pool.

All the loungers were empty, just towels that were left behind.

All of a sudden a lady and gentleman :rolleyes: ( I use those words loosely)

were arguing over, yes a lounge chair.:eek:

She's yelling "get security - get security".



It take's all kind!!! :rolleyes:

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some time ago in another thread I asked how does one really know how is using the POOL facilities or who is just hoggin and as the same in here I read the same answer, the uspet cruise walked past several times for over an hour only having to notice that the itmes on the chair have not been moved at all or some other justifyable explanation to sell their point all these chair on the pool deck but this one chair has the attention that hard?? please dont flame just asking a question and trying to get a "rational" understanding. I do have a question for the "if they dont show up then I will move the items" mob, this is great and all but now you have opened a door for any and every one to take it upon themsevles to be chair hog vigalanties and will have peole jsut moving items 10-15 minutes after a person has left. Sure YOU maybe "honest" and say that you gave ample time for the hogger to return before removing or hading items over to an attendant, but what about the dishonest people that have their egos and pride hurt cause they chair is left empty longer then that care to stand?? you know, the ones that will LIE to the hogger if and when they return that the chair was empty when they got there and did not see anything??? As I stated its a never ending cycle, some will be sheep and some will be wolves but we cant act as if we have been sheep all our lives!!



Well, some clues are obvious..... drinks with ice cubes still in them are usually a good indicator that the person hasn't been hogging the chair. Also, if the towel is clearly wet you can assume the chair hasn't been empty for hours. Necessary items such as eyeglasses or even sunglasses would suggest someone is in the pool. Basically anything other than a plain, dry folded towel would indicate someone is coming back shortly.

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I was harrassed and assaulted by a chair hog on my last cruise. Yes, you read it. I was verbally harrassed and then assaulted. Said chair hoggers left no personal items, simply towels that are recycled by the deck attendants. I was not watching their space when I moved into the apparently abandoned chairs,had not noticed them that morning at all. I was in my pool chair approximately 30 minutes when they came back and said they had gone to lunch for 10 minutes . . .cruise time misconceptions. I told them that I was sorry and that the chairs were clearly abandoned. They told me how they had these chairs since 7:30 AM. It was their chair and their towel. They accused me of moving the one personal item they had left behind which was still on the chair where they left it, untouched by me. I tried to remain calm and asked chair hogger to please not address me, but to speak to the deck attendants about "their" chairs. The man who was verbally harrassing me about the chair then grabbed my book that I took out from the Ship Library and ran off with it. I swear he did this. When I went after him to retrieve my book, he ran back and jumped in my seat which was where the physical assault occured. The cruiseline did nothing about it. I opted not to complain further after leaving the scene and the chair of the insane man. I did my best to forget the incident. But it turns out that physical harm can actually come from chair hoggers.

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Since all lines seem to be so preoocupied with onboard reveue producers, I'm surprised some lines haven't gone back to the once upon a time tradition of RENTING deck chairs. You saw as a deck steward from whom you reserved a deck chair . You chose the location , the chair had a number and your name on it and it was YOUR CHAIR for the entire trip, whether you ever sat in in or not. There was an area of chairs for "first come first serve as availalbe chairs", too. Personally, I would happily fork over $20 to have MY CHIAR always ready and available for me for the entire cruise.

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Also, just in case you find yourself in this situation again - there is no need for confrontation with chair hogs. You just hand their stuff to a pool attendant and take the chair. If they even bother to ever come back and ask you about it, you simply have to say that it was empty when you got there, and they should check with the pool attendant for their missing stuff. No confrontation - no unpleasantness.


Sometimes, when possible, I will move the chair to a slightly different location so they won't even be able to tell that this is the chair upon which they abandoned their belongings hours ago. Problem averted! :)


I love your suggestions, Lee, but I tried what you suggested in my latest unpleasant situation (before even reading your thoughts, see my post a few upthread) and it got extremely ugly. I sent them to deck attendant, and there were no personal belongings . .except for one tote bag that was on the chair where they left it and unmoved by anyone including myself. In their minds the one tote on the one chair reserved three chairs. Unfortunately you can not be guaranteed that the chair hoggers will not be belligerent and wind up ruining your entire day . .and someone you want to avoid the entire cruise . .as what happened to me.Your idea about moving the chair slightly is a sound one,assuming there is actually room on the deck to do so.:(

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I have not read the entire string so I don't know if anyone has had the b*lls to actually stand up and proudly admit their wrongdoings so here I am. :D Before anyone gets their panties (or cruise towels :) ) in a wad, I need to let you know that I did not hog chairs on a cruise ship (never have, never will)...it was at an AI resort in Mexico. The buzz on the forum I was frequenting before my trip was that this was the thing to do in order to get your desired spot by the pool. I was down there at 7:00 each morning with our stuff then back up to the room for some more snooze time before wandering off to breakfast. We probably arrived at our hogged chairs by 10:30 - 11:00 each day and spent the rest of the day there.


I'm certainly not defending chair hogs (I've done the deck dance many times looking for one myself) but maybe they've been misled, like me, into thinking that this was the thing to do. I'm embarrassed that I hogged those chairs many years ago in Mexico...but, it sure was nice to know that we had "our spot" waiting for us when we finally got to the pool each day. ;)


There, it's been done. A chair hog confession has been made, even if it wasn't on a ship. :D

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What if the attached photo (or something like it) just appeared on the chairs of the offenders the chair has been unoccupied for 30 - 60 minutes? :rolleyes:


Just a thought?


I've been reading through this board and I just wanted to say that picture is priceless! I wish they would post one on each chair that was occupied with stuff for long periods of time. lol

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I was harrassed and assaulted by a chair hog on my last cruise. Yes, you read it. I was verbally harrassed and then assaulted. Said chair hoggers left no personal items, simply towels that are recycled by the deck attendants. I was not watching their space when I moved into the apparently abandoned chairs,had not noticed them that morning at all. I was in my pool chair approximately 30 minutes when they came back and said they had gone to lunch for 10 minutes . . .cruise time misconceptions. I told them that I was sorry and that the chairs were clearly abandoned. They told me how they had these chairs since 7:30 AM. It was their chair and their towel. They accused me of moving the one personal item they had left behind which was still on the chair where they left it, untouched by me. I tried to remain calm and asked chair hogger to please not address me, but to speak to the deck attendants about "their" chairs. The man who was verbally harrassing me about the chair then grabbed my book that I took out from the Ship Library and ran off with it. I swear he did this. When I went after him to retrieve my book, he ran back and jumped in my seat which was where the physical assault occured. The cruiseline did nothing about it. I opted not to complain further after leaving the scene and the chair of the insane man. I did my best to forget the incident. But it turns out that physical harm can actually come from chair hoggers.


Just read your post and i am so sorry that this happend to you. Even worse that it became physical. That man must have been drunk. How dare he.

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