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Cruising to Healthy


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I've been lurking here and not posting for a while; The Biggest Loser starts tonight, I tape that and then watch it (and other shows too) when I hop on the treadmill at 3 a.m. (yes you read that right) every morning before I leave for work. I lost 100 pounds like 25 years ago and kept it off all of this time. When I remarried 15 years ago, I gained a little bit back like 10 pounds but lost it last year and now I'm just trying to lose the final 10. If I did it, you can too but you really have to commit. This is no lecture but you really should try to stay away from soda, drink more water and stay away from anything fried and processed. Eat slow, tiny bites and enjoy what you are eating. YOU can do this but you have to really be committed!


Advice is one thing, persecution is another. Your advice and experience is welcomed.


I'm trying the whole, chew 20xs thing. I'm having a hard time remembering to do it though, so the first step is to remember to chew 20x, but I think it makes me slow down.

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Sat. 321

Sun. Didn't weight b/c I was at a friends

Mon. 323

Tues. 323.8

Wed. 322


Well, at least its going down. I'm disappointed in myself, but I know I can turn it around.


Got to the gym last night. Boy did it set off a coughing fit after. I didn't push as hard as I did before I went on break, but I got my HR up to 172. I did the 20 mins. on the elliptical. I went home and just was not in the mood after the coughing fit in the car, so I grabbed some sandwiches, pretzels, and a few oreos. I had planned for grilled cheese, but instead I had reduced bread and a ham and cheese (the slices with the little bits of cheese in the ham) with some mustard (2). Two big sticks of pretzels and 5 oreos. I had 3 icee pops later to sooth my really sore throat. But with all that, I still stayed in points.


I took my meds and tyenol pm to help withe sleep, but as soon as I laid down the coughing started. Not just coughing, but to the point of coughing up a lung and at one point I though I might have sprained my throat. I finally propped my pillows up and sat up a bit and it helped. Then I wake up this morning, with a sore back from the angle. My sinuses feel hot and a bit full again. This started at Christmas Day.................geez.


BK: Oatmeal with sugar and 1% milk (sorry the skim may have lower fat, but it is really sugary to me)


L: I'm going for 2 grilled chicken wraps and a side salad with ff ranch from DQ. The only thing open on campus again today was P Johns Pizza, I keep missing Subway days. At least I'm getting veggies in.


D: I was thinking about stopping at the store (if I can) and getting some beef and broccoli to make stir fry.


W: 20 mins on the elliptical



I asked on my Facebook last night: "Do you think that everyone who is fat is a food addict."


I was curious to see how others saw it. People who probably weren't overweight. All of them answered, No. I know this doesn't give me a pass. But I'm at a place where I'm asking questions about things. What is my commitment level (there is some b/c I'm trying)? One of the posters here sent my a private message on fb and asked me at the end, if I thought I'm an addict?


My reply was: Idk. There r so many other factors in my life that cud be a reason....or they cud be just reasons covering up the real reason....addiction. I think food can be psychological without being an addiction too....I was just trying to see how others see it outside by asking. Just like I was questioning my commitment today. Sometimes u just gotta ask questions and get answers before u can move forward.


Much to think on.


I also watched the first part of BL last night. I'm still not a fan. It all seems so fake to me. It has some motivational features, but if the show is about getting healthy, then they shouldn't mar it with competition. Money shouldn't be a part of your motivation. Your well being should be the one and only motivation. I don't think if someone offered me a million dollars today to lose 100lbs in a year, I could do it. I mean, my aunt offered to do a competition and give me $500 if I completed it (weight loss), but I turned her down. My commitment and motivation need to be about me and nothing else.

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I guess different people are motivated by different things; that's why we are all different. BL is a reality show, but it isn't reality. I do hope that the plan that you are following works out for you. Best of luck.

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HI everyone! sorry it's been so long but I hope everyone is doing well.


Brooke - I know how it feels to be so dissapointed in yourself. I gained 6-7 lbs this week and it was the first time I gained so much since I've been losing so much. What really made it worse was it was the last weigh in at work for our "biggest loser" and I know for a fact that if I hadn't gained this week, I would have won...for the first time ever! :(


We have been doing a round of 8 week biggest loser at work since summer started and I have yet to win or come close..even though I know the real reason I'm doing it is too keep me motivated and it does help to keep me accountable every single week.


Kickboxing has stopped. The trainer could no longer afford or have time for the classes so cardio has taken a HUGE back burner for me and it's been tough! I am still managing to walk almost everyday during my breaks. I do a 30min walk..either 2 miles or 1 mile of straight up hill. I still do Monday strength training at the gym (next door to where kickboxing was) but at this point I'm probably going to up my membership to $50 a month so I can have full access at any time. They do have a couple treadmills, ellipticals and bikes as well as all the strength training equipment. The guy that ownes it also sets up a plan and everytime you go in, you grab your sheet and get right to work..and he keeps me accountable so I think this will be a good thing. It's been so cold out side (more like freezing) it's hard to get in a GOOD cardio workout for a longer period of time.


Just wanted you to know your not alone and I still have my struggles and you and me have been lingering around the same weight forever. I'm going to send you a private message as well.


Take care everyone!

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I may have turned a corner. MAY. I have been really really really bad with food and exercise since I got back from our cruise almost 2 months ago. There is no excuse, just being a glutton. I had a very successful day today including 30 minutes on the bike! I already feel better. One day at a time, as the saying goes...


I wanted to comment about food addiction issue. I know I am a food addict. We all know how to lose weight - eat less (and the right foods) and move more. There is no secret. No quick fix. What stops me from doing this (despite the fact I have lost 60 lbs in the last year) is the food. It's not just eating large meals and the wrong foods. It is all of the eating between meals, the eating alone, the sneaky eating. The need to finish off something after it's been opened and obsessing about it until it's gone. But, even when that is gone, the desire to eat something - anything - is still there. I have eaten until I am sick or until I literally, pass out with sleep. This all takes great effort, by the way. I am nauseous just writing about it, but it's all true.


I have been to OA years back. I went for a few weeks and then quit. Why? Because it was me and I didn't want to face it. There was a room of people talking about all of my eating behaviors, as if they were watching me. I would go to OA or FA again, but there are not any meetings within 30 minutes drive. Excuses, right? No, just a fact.


This current journey of weight loss has been going on about 18 months. It's so difficult. Like I said, we all know what to do. It works. I lost a lot of weight and even managed to keep it off (or at least that is what my jeans are telling me - I have not stepped on the scale ;)). You have to do what works for you. I know what works for me - I have to say away from fried food, junk food, all soda (including diet) and 30 minutes of exercise daily. So, I have no easy answers to the food addict questions. I am sure there are websites from OA or FA that can help answer that question.



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Congrats on a lot of insight!


I think you are right, we lie to ourselves...we eat more than we "think" we do, don't want to face the truth of what we do, etc. The whole weight loss thing isn't rocket science but we make it harder than it is by how we think about it. Mindfulness...


The bottom line is that we are the ones who decide what to put in our mouths, if we will exercise,etc. Nobody can make you do it. The bottom line is, no matter what diet you follow your going to lose weight if you follow it EXACTLY and the problem is nobody seems to/ If the particular diet says eat 5 servings of vegetables a day and you don't, or 5 ounes protein a day and you eat 20 or allows 2 cookies and you eat 7, then it's not going to work.


I'm a snacker and I learned that when I think I'm hungry, I'm ususally not..I'm either bored, think I "deserve it", etc. it's what kills me from maintaining a decent weight. I have to plan all my meals and snacks,no matter how tired or lazy I want to be. If I don't it's a recipe for disaster. Even a taste of this and that while cooking, a free sample of something in the grocery store, one bite of a candy bar, the cream in the coffee, all that crap adds up.


Keep up the good work!



I may have turned a corner. MAY. I have been really really really bad with food and exercise since I got back from our cruise almost 2 months ago. There is no excuse, just being a glutton. I had a very successful day today including 30 minutes on the bike! I already feel better. One day at a time, as the saying goes...


I wanted to comment about food addiction issue. I know I am a food addict. We all know how to lose weight - eat less (and the right foods) and move more. There is no secret. No quick fix. What stops me from doing this (despite the fact I have lost 60 lbs in the last year) is the food. It's not just eating large meals and the wrong foods. It is all of the eating between meals, the eating alone, the sneaky eating. The need to finish off something after it's been opened and obsessing about it until it's gone. But, even when that is gone, the desire to eat something - anything - is still there. I have eaten until I am sick or until I literally, pass out with sleep. This all takes great effort, by the way. I am nauseous just writing about it, but it's all true.


I have been to OA years back. I went for a few weeks and then quit. Why? Because it was me and I didn't want to face it. There was a room of people talking about all of my eating behaviors, as if they were watching me. I would go to OA or FA again, but there are not any meetings within 30 minutes drive. Excuses, right? No, just a fact.


This current journey of weight loss has been going on about 18 months. It's so difficult. Like I said, we all know what to do. It works. I lost a lot of weight and even managed to keep it off (or at least that is what my jeans are telling me - I have not stepped on the scale ;)). You have to do what works for you. I know what works for me - I have to say away from fried food, junk food, all soda (including diet) and 30 minutes of exercise daily. So, I have no easy answers to the food addict questions. I am sure there are websites from OA or FA that can help answer that question.



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HI everyone! sorry it's been so long but I hope everyone is doing well.


Brooke - I know how it feels to be so dissapointed in yourself. I gained 6-7 lbs this week and it was the first time I gained so much since I've been losing so much. What really made it worse was it was the last weigh in at work for our "biggest loser" and I know for a fact that if I hadn't gained this week, I would have won...for the first time ever! :(


We have been doing a round of 8 week biggest loser at work since summer started and I have yet to win or come close..even though I know the real reason I'm doing it is too keep me motivated and it does help to keep me accountable every single week.


Kickboxing has stopped. The trainer could no longer afford or have time for the classes so cardio has taken a HUGE back burner for me and it's been tough! I am still managing to walk almost everyday during my breaks. I do a 30min walk..either 2 miles or 1 mile of straight up hill. I still do Monday strength training at the gym (next door to where kickboxing was) but at this point I'm probably going to up my membership to $50 a month so I can have full access at any time. They do have a couple treadmills, ellipticals and bikes as well as all the strength training equipment. The guy that ownes it also sets up a plan and everytime you go in, you grab your sheet and get right to work..and he keeps me accountable so I think this will be a good thing. It's been so cold out side (more like freezing) it's hard to get in a GOOD cardio workout for a longer period of time.


Just wanted you to know your not alone and I still have my struggles and you and me have been lingering around the same weight forever. I'm going to send you a private message as well.


Take care everyone!


Thanks for the message. One day at a time, right?

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Sat. 321

Sun. Didn't weight b/c I was at a friends

Mon. 323

Tues. 323.8

Wed. 322

Thus. 321.6


Well, looks like I will gain, but its better that the 323.


Dr. said it was a sinus infection and fluid in my middle ear. Antibiotic and some cough decongestant too. Hope it works.


BK: Was delayed on BK this morning b/c of the Dr. They had to work me in so I got there as soon as I could. I went to CVS to get the meds and picked up a box of Fiber One cereal.


L: We have some veggie soup left. I was feeling sorry for myself and almost bought a frozen pizza at cvs, but I looked at the nutrition first.........yea.....wasn't worth it. Soup will allow for veggie intake and will probably help my body get better faster.


D: That will depend.


W: Depending on how I feel this afternoon, I will attempt to ride my bike at home.


Saw on Dr. Oz about the Chia seed. Its considered better than flax now. You can buy the seeds or the powder. It has a lot of protien and fiber so it will fill you up. And it expands to something like 4x when you eat it. I'm thinking about it. Just throw it in soup or shake or whatever is what he said.


Oh, side note, my bp was really good today 120/80. Considering the decongestants I've been taking and being sick........


Thanks for all the advice and extra pushes. Just gotta find my groove.......its there, somewhere.


Okay, time to rest for a bit and let my ear stop hurting.


Good Choices.

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Hey everyone, I'm loving all the activity on here!


I've been doing well the last three days, even with that minor set back with the carrot cupcake. :rolleyes: I'm down 2 pounds, so only one pound up from before the holidays. Soon that one pound will be gone too, and I'll be on my way down down down!


Yesterday for my workout I did weights (legs, chest, arms) and sit-ups, it took about 25 minutes to get through my routine. For food, I ate granola with 1/2 cup greek yogurt and 1/4 cup frozen berries (thawed) for sweetness. I calculated out the calories per serving of my granola that I make from scratch, and it was 262 per half cup serving, which kind of threw me off all day. Wow. It's definitely from the nuts. At least the nuts are healthy fats though. Anyway, had my normal sandwich lunch w/cottage cheese, and spaghetti and turkey meatballs for dinner. I actually did half whole-wheat spaghetti and half frozen broccoli that I threw in for the last minute, to get in more vegetables and to cut down on the amount of pasta. Even though it is whole wheat, it's still 210 calories per serving (and that is if you are careful about measuring it out!)


Today I'm on track with:

B - Trader Joe's Os w/ 1% milk and a clementine

L - Turkey sandwich and cottage cheese

S - Small apple w/one tblspn real peanut butter

D - I made potato leek soup last night from scratch... it's pretty low cal, about 267 calories per serving. Basically, it's just leeks and garlic cooked in 1 tblspn of olive oil, then I added potatoes, then chicken broth. Then I puree about half of it for creaminess, then mix it back together. I might have a bowl of that, a slice of wheat toast, and a hard boiled egg. Simple. Anyway, I had the leeks and potatoes leftover from our CSA, and they were starting to look kind of sad, so I wanted to do something with them.

W - 35 minutes on elliptical again. Hopefully one will be available with all the New Year's Resolution-ers!


I have been catching clips on any morning news shows, since they are all talking about diets right now... heard some good tips, even though we all already seem to know this, they are good reminders. Drink lots of water. Walk or some type of exercise for 30 minutes a day. Eat lots of protein and fiber, and I would actually add healthy fats like nuts and avocado to that. Stay away from processed foods and added sugars.


I have been trying to use up the produce we still have from our CSA... including 2 acorn squashes, 1 butternut squash, 1 spaghetti squash, and like 4-6 cups of sweet potato puree that I have frozen. If you guys have any healthy ideas for these, let me know. I've done stuffed acorn squash before with a mixture of black beans, rice, ground turkey, etc. (kind of southwest style), and it's delicious. I might do soup one night with the sweet potato... and use the spaghetti squash in lieu of pasta one night. I've done that before, and I know that it's supposed to be "spaghetti-like", but it's never really worked for me... I think I either cooked it too long or too short, so I didn't get the nice strings. Anyway, that will be a good way to get veg in. Hopefully Jury's still out on what to do with the butternut.

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It's so nice to log in and see everyone posting.


I am having another great day so far. I am off today and that is a challenge in itself. I still have dinner ahead of me, but breakfast and lunch were good. I did the bike early today and got it out of the way. I just feel like I have my groove back and for that I am grateful.


Hope you feel better, Brooke!


I am off to finish up the laundry. I can't stand the excitement.


307 days until Cancun. :)

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Chia is excellent..I learned about it a couple of years ago..we drink it in our juices,etc. it's very cheap,too, if you can buy it in bulk at a whole foods or similar place. Really cleans you out.


Sat. 321

Sun. Didn't weight b/c I was at a friends

Mon. 323

Tues. 323.8

Wed. 322

Thus. 321.6


Well, looks like I will gain, but its better that the 323.


Dr. said it was a sinus infection and fluid in my middle ear. Antibiotic and some cough decongestant too. Hope it works.


BK: Was delayed on BK this morning b/c of the Dr. They had to work me in so I got there as soon as I could. I went to CVS to get the meds and picked up a box of Fiber One cereal.


L: We have some veggie soup left. I was feeling sorry for myself and almost bought a frozen pizza at cvs, but I looked at the nutrition first.........yea.....wasn't worth it. Soup will allow for veggie intake and will probably help my body get better faster.


D: That will depend.


W: Depending on how I feel this afternoon, I will attempt to ride my bike at home.


Saw on Dr. Oz about the Chia seed. Its considered better than flax now. You can buy the seeds or the powder. It has a lot of protien and fiber so it will fill you up. And it expands to something like 4x when you eat it. I'm thinking about it. Just throw it in soup or shake or whatever is what he said.


Oh, side note, my bp was really good today 120/80. Considering the decongestants I've been taking and being sick........


Thanks for all the advice and extra pushes. Just gotta find my groove.......its there, somewhere.


Okay, time to rest for a bit and let my ear stop hurting.


Good Choices.

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Sat. 321

Sun. Didn't weight b/c I was at a friends

Mon. 323

Tues. 323.8

Wed. 322

Thus. 321.6

Fri. 321.2


Well, a lb gained. Hopefully, with the meds in me and my attempts to eat better I will be down next week.


It seems like this is my next hurdle. Get to those teens and not go back.


Watching the Today show yesterday when I was out sick. (btw, my ear is still full of fluid and hurting.......I wish there is more they could do for it, it is annoying and the pressure gives me a headache and makes me foggy.) Anyway, They said that studies in Australia have shown that your body actually will work against you in a diet. That it will not allow you to metabolize, dropping your metabolism making you tired. It will also make you crave food and go into starvation mode. They said, if you have a family history or fat genes then its probably worse. Of course they didn't offer anymore new advice than the usual, but the point of knowing this is "Knowledge is Power." I haven't been paranoid all these years, my body is and was working against me.


BK: Oatmeal with too much sugar........


L: I keep missing Subway being open. I guess I'll go with DQ again. I can't do the side salad.........the ff ranch is too sweet, i tried to make it better, but it was bad. I tried to force myself to eat the salad..........I ate about 1/3 and couldn't anymore. I'm not going for the full ranch though. They only have real ranch in a dipping sauce, which is concentrated and a whopping 340 calories!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Maybe I can grab a veggie or fruit from the little store next door. Oh the grilled chicken wraps......would be what I choose. 5 points a piece.


D: Mom baked some chicken last night, so we will see if I can stomach re-heated chicken tonight. I just had a ham and cheese sandwich and a cup of veggie soup last night. I did end the night with 4 icee pops. My mouth was dry and my throat was inflammed.......I just wanted them. I know they are full of useless sugar, but at least they are only 25cals. a piece.


W: With my ear still full of fluid, I'm not sure if getting on the elliptical is a good idea, I have balance problems as it is. But I will have to see how I feel. I know I could push through it and I tried on Monday.......but I also don't want to wreck my body trying to over do it when I'm not up to par.


***You know what.....as part of my trying to ask and answer questions about myself, I think it would be a good mental exercise to note when I make excuses. Put in () the word Excuse when I make them. It would just be interesting to see, don't you think?***


Anyway, I hope I'm back up to par soon b/c i hate feeling down.


Good Choices

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Brooke, if the Ranch at DQ isn't up to your par, maybe you could buy a bottle of salad dressing at the grocery store (whatever kind you like) and bring it with you to different places? I don't know, just an idea that popped into my head. That way, you know you will like the salad.

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Sat. 320


can i get 319...........we will see.


BK: fiber one cereal and banana


L: Well, I really wanted to stop by fast food on my way home from a pedi......but I had McDs last night (grilled chicken and fries, tea). So, I drove on past the ff and went home. Lucky mom went to the store and I had some choices. I went with a simply ham/cheese sandwich on reduced bread, 94% ff popcorn and cup of fresh fruit.


D: I'm eating with my brother and the kids at one of those places where they cook in front of you and light things on fire. Which hints the light lunch. I think I will go with steamed rice, the veggies, and chicken or shrimp. Should be okay with that.


W: Gonna get out and clean out the car, b/c its like almost 60 degrees here and sunny.


My ears weren't as clogged this morning, so I guess its getting better.


Good Choices

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Sat. 320

Sun. 319.4


Well, I did my best to eat well at dinner last night. I ate half of the chicken and half of the rice and all of the veggies. I did have a mixed beverage b/c my SIL didn't like it. But after we went and walked around the mall for a while, where i carried my little 6 month old around (which was an extra 15lbs). So, maybe with that and the cleaning of the car I got a little movement in.


BK: Mom brought me McDs oatmeal, I have to say........she was being thoughtful of me and helping by not bringing me a sandwich.


L: I have some leftover rice (about a cup) and 1/2 cup of chicken.


D: Don't know at this point


W: Not Sure


Good Choices.

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Sat. 320

Sun. 319.4

Mon. 318.8


I hope this continues. Will do my best to make sure it does.


I just had a bowl of cereal (fiber one) for dinner), I wasn't that hungry. I ate a late lunch and it was getting close to bed, so I didn't want to eat too much. Didn't do much, but stay upstairs all day......Mom and Dad have come down with something and I need to stay away from them.


BK: Oatmeal


L: Brought a ham and cheese sandwich with reduced bread, pineapple 1/2 cup, I have some deer jerky for a boost of protein before a workout, and PB crackers just in case I need something extra today.


D: Mom made a chicken casserole last night, I figure that is what I will have tonight.


W: 20 mins on the elliptical at intervals between 3.0-5.0 mph.


I've been in a funky mood this weekend, not bad, but not good. Reflecting a lot, thinking a lot.........sad, but happy at the same time. A lot is going on, if I really sit and think about it though, lot of transition.


Got pre-approved for a morgt. amount, so I'm looking at houses again


Enjoying being an aunt and getting rather attached to these little guys and praying that maybe they will be ours one day


Trying to find a relationship that fits me


Wondering where my career is going to go


Then trying to lose weight


Wondering where my social life went, lol.


Lots of transitioning things going on, but I figure I've made it through worse.........


Good Choices.

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Sat. 320

Sun. 319.4

Mon. 318.8

Tues. 318.6


I'm hopeful :)


I did the elliptical last night with intervals of fast and slow. I use music to determine the times. I good song is usually about 3 mins. long. So I do a fast song and then slower, fast, slower. Of course I start off slow and then go fast to warm up. It felt good, def. worked my back out b/c my blades are sore. You wouldn't think that it would, but I guess holding that posture does. I did have the chicken casserole last night and it had veggies in it, so I just had to count each ingredient out in points per serving. It was about 10 points.


I had to stop by the pharmacy to get some more cough/congestion med b/c I felt like all the fluid wasn't out of my ears yet and I didn't want them to fill back up. Plus had to get more allergy and acid meds too. I walked down the isles waiting for my order and of course went past the ice cream.........I stared at it for a while..........thinking..........negotiating...........then as a mom and daughter rounded the corner, I said out loud (in a low tone), "Like I need it." Then walked away. Of course I ended up down the food isle, but I just happened to take notice of the new Fiber one 90 calorie brownies. I had seen them on tv and had wondered if they were any good. So, I picked up a box. I had one in the car..........I had been hungry since I left the gym. Probably wasn't the smart thing to do b/c after all I didn't know how many points they were (though I knew I had 8 points left after the 10 for dinner). But when I checked they were only 2 points. That got me not to over eat at dinner b/c I was too hungry and after...........I wasn't really hungry. Though I had a few points to eat, so I had a few oreos.




bk: oatmeal


L: 6 inch turkey sub withe reduced mayo/mustard/cheese/lettuce/tomato, apples and probably a soda. I know about the soda, but I already put this all into my planner and I will still have 20 points left for dinner. I guess maybe baked chips might be better..........I'll think about it.


S: Brought deer jerky. It was nice yesterday to have. I kinda torn small pieces off randomly and kinda kept it in my mouth for a while, just chewing a bit to release the flavor. It kept me occupied. I also brought a Fiber one Brownie, so I don't eat the M&Ms like I did yesterday.


D: Not sure, but it might be stir fry.


W: 20 min. interval on elliptical


Will have an all day retreat tomr. My boss wants to bring doughnuts for BK................I think I will stop at McDs and get a oatmeal and smoothie, so that I can be eating something while everyone else is having doughnuts. Then lunch will be subway, so I know what I will get with that. Probably won't have time to check in tomr. though.


Good Choices.

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Hey everyone,


Well it's been a week since I started tracking food again, and I'm down 2.5 pounds!!! Woo! I've made sure that I am exercising every day, no matter what. If I don't get to the gym, I am doing situps/handweights at night while I watch TV. Besides that I've done a mixture of the elliptical or biking at the gym or walking (like 2-3 miles) while out and about.


Today we are getting lunch provided at work. I think we are getting Burrito Beach (similar to Chipotle). They usually cut the burritos in half and provide chips and salsa. People usually take two halves, but I think I might do a half burrito (vegetarian if they have it), and a small number of chips (5 to 6) and maybe 2 tablespoons fo guacamole. And lots of water because their chips are very salty! For dinner tonight, I might just make a sandwich since I'm not having that for lunch. I've been doing 2 slices of sprouted whole grain bread, toasted (60 calories each), spreading with one triangle of Laughing Cow cheese (35 cals), and 2 oz of turkey breast. Of course lettuce and tomato too. That whole sandwich is very filling yet still pretty low cal. With grapes or an apple w/peanut butter, it's been a good lunch.


Brooke, sounds like you are on a roll, too! How is everyone else doing? It's really funny, no matter what else I do, if I go back to counting every calorie and exercising, I do end up losing weight... although counting calories is such a pain!


P.S. Wanted to add... this is 2.5 pounds from my post-holiday weight, during which I gained 3 pounds. :( So I'm still 0.5 pounds away from "really" losing)

Edited by RachieLnnn
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Hey everyone,


Well it's been a week since I started tracking food again, and I'm down 2.5 pounds!!! Woo! I've made sure that I am exercising every day, no matter what. If I don't get to the gym, I am doing situps/handweights at night while I watch TV. Besides that I've done a mixture of the elliptical or biking at the gym or walking (like 2-3 miles) while out and about.


Today we are getting lunch provided at work. I think we are getting Burrito Beach (similar to Chipotle). They usually cut the burritos in half and provide chips and salsa. People usually take two halves, but I think I might do a half burrito (vegetarian if they have it), and a small number of chips (5 to 6) and maybe 2 tablespoons fo guacamole. And lots of water because their chips are very salty! For dinner tonight, I might just make a sandwich since I'm not having that for lunch. I've been doing 2 slices of sprouted whole grain bread, toasted (60 calories each), spreading with one triangle of Laughing Cow cheese (35 cals), and 2 oz of turkey breast. Of course lettuce and tomato too. That whole sandwich is very filling yet still pretty low cal. With grapes or an apple w/peanut butter, it's been a good lunch.


Brooke, sounds like you are on a roll, too! How is everyone else doing? It's really funny, no matter what else I do, if I go back to counting every calorie and exercising, I do end up losing weight... although counting calories is such a pain!


P.S. Wanted to add... this is 2.5 pounds from my post-holiday weight, during which I gained 3 pounds. :( So I'm still 0.5 pounds away from "really" losing)


I love the idea of using the Laughing Cow cheese on a sandwich. Not sure why I never did that! I love it on crackers and it can be a mayo replacement.


I have had good days and bad days lately. There is a lot of stress eating going on. My father in law is very very ill and probably won't be with us much longer. My uncle/godfather also unexpectedly died over the weekend. He lived in Florida, and I had not seen him for 30 years but I had been in touch with him every week for the last 9 months since my father died. So, it's a huge loss for me - he was the closest link I had left to my father. There has been a fair amount of mindless eating going on. But, at least I know why.


I just need to be responsible for my actions and be more mindful of what I am putting in my mouth. I have 302 days until my trip. :D I could get a lot accomplished in that time.

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Hey everyone,


Well it's been a week since I started tracking food again, and I'm down 2.5 pounds!!! Woo! I've made sure that I am exercising every day, no matter what. If I don't get to the gym, I am doing situps/handweights at night while I watch TV. Besides that I've done a mixture of the elliptical or biking at the gym or walking (like 2-3 miles) while out and about.


Today we are getting lunch provided at work. I think we are getting Burrito Beach (similar to Chipotle). They usually cut the burritos in half and provide chips and salsa. People usually take two halves, but I think I might do a half burrito (vegetarian if they have it), and a small number of chips (5 to 6) and maybe 2 tablespoons fo guacamole. And lots of water because their chips are very salty! For dinner tonight, I might just make a sandwich since I'm not having that for lunch. I've been doing 2 slices of sprouted whole grain bread, toasted (60 calories each), spreading with one triangle of Laughing Cow cheese (35 cals), and 2 oz of turkey breast. Of course lettuce and tomato too. That whole sandwich is very filling yet still pretty low cal. With grapes or an apple w/peanut butter, it's been a good lunch.


Brooke, sounds like you are on a roll, too! How is everyone else doing? It's really funny, no matter what else I do, if I go back to counting every calorie and exercising, I do end up losing weight... although counting calories is such a pain!


P.S. Wanted to add... this is 2.5 pounds from my post-holiday weight, during which I gained 3 pounds. :( So I'm still 0.5 pounds away from "really" losing)


Way to Go! 2.5lbs .........then .5 will be nothing!!

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I love the idea of using the Laughing Cow cheese on a sandwich. Not sure why I never did that! I love it on crackers and it can be a mayo replacement.


I have had good days and bad days lately. There is a lot of stress eating going on. My father in law is very very ill and probably won't be with us much longer. My uncle/godfather also unexpectedly died over the weekend. He lived in Florida, and I had not seen him for 30 years but I had been in touch with him every week for the last 9 months since my father died. So, it's a huge loss for me - he was the closest link I had left to my father. There has been a fair amount of mindless eating going on. But, at least I know why.


I just need to be responsible for my actions and be more mindful of what I am putting in my mouth. I have 302 days until my trip. :D I could get a lot accomplished in that time.


I've reading reading your post. I know its got to be hard. Sometimes, our minds and bodies can only deal with one thing at a time. So take some time for you, then you can get back to it. 302 days, you got that in the bag.:D

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Sat. 320

Sun. 319.4

Mon. 318.8

Tues. 318.6

Wed. 320.2

Thurs. 320.6


Maybe that Kabuki sodium caught up with me........well, I'll do a detox tea today and drink plenty of fluids too and see if it helps.


I ate like crazy yesterday. I knew it would be hard........b/c I was "locked" in a room with co-workers with nothing to do, but sit and listen for 6 hours. And it rained..........ALL DAY! My boss brought donuts for BK. I had grabbed an oatmeal and smoothie for bk before, so I resisted the donut at first. I decided to have a soda for caff. at one point (can, so not too much), then I gave into the stupid donut. Then lunch and we had subs, so I had a turkey 6 inch on wheat (red. mayo/mustard), baked chips............cookie. Half a sprite later, four bottles of water. Got home and chowed on some bbq pork rinds, then had a bowl of fiber one cereal.


Okay, after all that pigging out...........I have to say I did do much better than I thought.


First of all:


1. Many MANY times I wanted to go back for another donut, another cookie and another soda, but I stopped myself.

2. I did watch my co-workers go back for second/third/fourth helpings, but I kept saying to myself.........they are NOT you.

3. After eating the bowl of cereal at home, I vanquished myself upstairs to stay away from food. My mom yelled up at me and asked if I ate..........normally...........I would lie and say 'no' and then eat again. This time I said I had already eaten.

4. I was reading online and I kept trying to fall asleep, with the nasty weather and probably all the sugar I ingested my body was not holding up. So.........I wouldn't go downstairs again to maybe get into food..........and b/c my body was saying it was sleepy, I laid down and went to sleep.


So, though I did go over into my weekly points yesterday (I knew I had some to do that with) I did stave off some past behaviors.


I didn't workout either b/c I had to walk in the rain to my meeting and my feet got soaked, my feet froze all day in the meeting, then got wet again back to the car. All I wanted to do was go home and get into something cozy and wrap up. Probably why I wanted to sleep. I did have to start a fire when I got home, so thats why I stayed downstairs so long. I had to wait on someone to get home to keep an eye on it. I'm pretty proud though that I have been able to successfully start a fire in the stove twice now. It may be a useful skill down the road. Going up and down the steps was at least something too.


BK: I had a big bowl of oatmeal. I kinda did it.........being stupid, I only had so much left in the can, so I just poured it all in..........mmmmmm, I knew better. But, the good news is, I shouldn't be hungry anytime soon.


L: Though I've had it 2 days before, probably a sub. We just had frozen meals in the fridge and I just have lost most of my taste for them. I figure subway is probably better. So I will go with 6 inch lean protien, apples, water. Might get two packs of apples, they were good the other day.


D: Hmm, had some frozen spring veggies in the freezer and chicken tenders, will probably do something with that.


W: 20 mins. on the ellpt. with intervals. (Zumba will be back next Monday)


My poor brother and SIL............her first day back to work after all the drama and their first dog (wedding present) passed away this morning. I felt so bad for them. I hope they can catch a break soon.


Good choices.

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Kim, so sorry to hear about your loss. Sometimes life gets in the way of all our diet plans. Our thoughts are with you.


Brooke, even though you had a lot of temptations yesterday, good job on just finishing up the day with cereal for dinner! That's a good trick for the times we have heavy lunches, etc.


This morning I got up early and put some mini potatoes, carrots, and onions in the crock pot along with a pork loin that I marinaded with garlic, dijon, olive oil, a splash of apple cider vinegar, salt, and pepper. It will cook on low for about 9 hours. Yum! I hope it is tasty. It's a little bit of work prepping everything, but at least dinner will be done when I get home. Amd we'll have lots of leftovers.


We still haven't booked a spring getaway trip. For some reason I'm having a hard time committing. Not sure why since I usually get so excited to book things. I think the problem is that we just can't decide where we want to go. This fall is our 5th wedding anniversary so I really want to go on a neat trip for that... so we're debating on just saving up for that, so we can have a big trip before we start thinking about (gulp) having kids soon.


Have a great day everyone!

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