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Hi Brooke

I have to ask you why you don't go to WW meetings? I think you would find a lot of help there. You would meet and be with people who are going thur the same thing. I'm also going to overstep here and say its not about you getting treets or being able to eat what you want in moderation at this point. Its about sucking it up and just following a program to the tee.

You have played around with trying to do it your way. Its not working.

I get its hard really I do. I miss having a glass or 2 of wine at night.

Wine is what I do for a living I love wine. But sugar is not in my program so no wine. Will I be able to drink it again yes but not really till I hit my goal weight. Proven fact diets and programs only work if you follow them.

Everytime you put something in your mouth that you should'nt. Ask your self is this food worth your back hurting, you not being able to do so many things. I'm really learning to eat to live. Not live to eat. I saw a saying that really hit home for me Broc may get stuck in your teeth. But FF get stuck on your hips..LOL truth.

But really its time to stick to a program and not try and change it. Really try to follow one for a full mth and see how much weight you lose.

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That's a great idea you had, maybe just forget the cruises, the house, etc. "for now" and spend the money on a quality medically supervised weight loss plan. I did post awhile ago here I had gone to something like that when I went through a recent weight crisis and I did lose 50 lbs. A friend of mine and her hubby went..she lost 40plus and he lost almost 100 and still counting..since June. What was nice about this program was that every week you met with the doctor and they did EKG, etc. in the beginning. I won the program through a contest but I do know some people who got the same program through Groupon and Living Social and instead of paying the $450 or so they paid like $150.


Think outside the box. Like someone else said, the reality is that it's NOT going to be easy and you are just going to have to do some things and make changes you do not want to do. It's about being healthy and not so much thinking of a diet as a punsihment for the rest of your life. There's thousands of excuses that me and others have made why we can't lose weight, but the reality is we are the only ones who controls what goes into your mouth. Nobody can make you eat anything or do anything you don't want to do.


The WW group..whether you like it or not.it would force you to be accountable. We are all strangers and it's easy to not share the whole ugly truth from behidn a screen, but knowing you are going to be sharing in real-time can make someone think about what they are doing.


Haven't replied to this thread in many months but kept as you say "lurking" you are being so hard on yourself, but maybe now is the time to seek professional medical help, where you are accountable for weekly weigh-ins, spend the money where it is most important....on yourself!! forget about putting away on homes, cruises, etc....you need to focus on "you" and getting to a healthy weight. Dieting is not easy for anyone, at least not anyone I know. You should seek a dietician who can figure what you need to eat each day to lose the weight and see this person every week. I think WW is a good plan to be on but maybe not enough for you at this point, just being honest.


What you posted today makes much sense, for the first time in a long time you were finally honest with yourself and everyone here and not making excuses. You are reaching out for help, pick up the phone and get it!!! it will be the best decision you will ever make, don't wait until the weight you are at affects your overall health. I have been reading your thread for a long time and still wish you success....you can do this!!!:)

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I think I agree with the other posters...this is your health and your life you are talking about. We only go around once and wouldn't it be great to go around healthy and pain free? Do what it takes to go on a medically supervised diet, something where you are held accountable each week. It may be expensive, but I'd put yourself and your health above any other purchases. Heck, if it were easy, everyone would be a size 2!! It's not and it's a constant juggling act of choices and compromises...sweet food over a smaller size and greater health. Only you can make the decision as to what is important to you, but it would seem you really want this, so it will take some work and perhaps some financial sacrifice. But in the end, it is so worth it, not only for how one looks but for the increased health benefits. You can do it and you have a lot of people rooting for you! Best of luck!!

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I have no doubt that I do need some help. Unfortunately, money is more of an issue right now than it ever has been. With this change from salary to hourly my next 4 paychecks will be affected. Its already hard enough that I can't buy my family better gifts for Christmas and I really shouldn't be buying anything, but such is life. I just learned yesterday that they forgot to tell me they will have to take my insurance prems. out of my Dec. and Jan. paychecks too. More money going out than coming in. Its EXTREMELY frustrating that I did nothing wrong and its their software system that is creating this problem and I get deducted for it. Its stressful too, which doesn't help me at all. Though I try to be positive about it and thank God that I didn't have a house payment or kids or anything like that would have seriously put me in terrible strains!. So, I'll count myself lucky that my situation is pretty stable though not fun in the least.


Nevertheless, my job is saying they will offer a wellness program again next year once they find a company they want to work with. I didnt' utilize the nutritionist or nurse they brought periodically to work that was a free part of the program, but if they offer it again this year i will def. give it a try. But money is an object. I simply can't afford that kind of program. And my family physician doesn't help b/c they tell you the same thing over and over again. Its not about cruises or house payments. None of that has happened yet. Its about this crunch I'm in that will effect my savings and money for quite a few paychecks after the 4 it physically affects. Not to mention the fiscal cliff looming that would probably kill any little bit of money I would get back from taxes.


I'm not saying any of you are wrong. You are right. But money is a problem. I don't have enough of it. I doubt I would follow any of those programs anyway. I'm very rebellious. I did one or two of those medical programs before since my mom helped pay for them when I was a bit younger or in school. Yea. I failed miserably at them. I HATED them with a passion of fire that would burn even the Devil himself. Okay, maybe dramatic, but that's how it felt.


We will see what the health program at work brings in the new year. Until then I will just have to hunker down through the holidays and do better at limiting myself and tracking it all. Increasing my exercise and being more consistent overall.


I don't seem to notice the $18 a month that I pay for WW, but even that is something I have to consider.


Good Choices.

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If you are already paying for weight watchers, why not go to the weekly meetings...perhaps being held accountable to a weekly weigh in would help. I know it's not for me...I'd die before being weighed in front of a bunch of strangers, but if I committed to d something like that, I'm pretty sure I wouldn't ever cheat on the diet!:)


Seeing a nutritionist is a good idea...I'm sure that would help too. Best of luck to you!

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You end every post with "good choices". I'd like to challenge that statement.


In almost every post, you point out the reasons why you can't do something. Why you can't eat right, why you can't exercise, why diets don't work for you.


Perhaps the most obvious choice that you need to make before all of that, is the choice to stop with the excuses and the constant negativity against yourself. You are setting yourself up for constant failure by starting on a negative foot.


You CAN do this, the thing you need to figure out is why you're not willing to, and why you are defeated before you've started.


It sucks. Being fat sucks. Watching what you eat sucks. Exercising sucks. But you know what sucks more? Setting yourself up for failure before you've even started.


We all want to see you succeed, you put yourself on a constant merry go round and the only person that can get you off, is you.

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Thanks for this I have sinus issues, may clear some things up for me.:)


This is going to sound absolutely insane but I've had the worst sinus issues for years. This past Monday I had to do a prep for a colonoscopy and surgery ( yeah in mucho pain right now lol) anyway....since the prep I've not taken a single allergy pill. I have no idea the correlation but I'm interested in figuring out if keeping more clean on the inside will keep my sinus issues at bay. I was getting a sinus infection every other month prior to starting chiropractics but even after I was suffering from allergies until I did the prep. Not sure how long it will last but so far five days....very interesting.

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I don't even know how a nutritionist would help you at this point because I think you honestly know what you are supposed to do...cut your portions, exercise, eat more fruits and vegetables and not junk. It's not rocket science, it's common sense. You just don't want to do it.


Not to sound cruel, but you said it yourself. "I'm rebellious". Two words: get over it..being rebellious..life isn't fair..it's not fair that we can't eat what we want, when we want, whatever we want and not gain weight. "I can't afford a program, gifts, whatever"..that might be true..we make sacrifices for what we REALLY want even if it's painful. Somehow your managing to find funds for another cruise. That's a sacrifice. Your complaining about money being tight, but then contradict yourself and say it's not about money or housepayments but then say you can't afford Christmas presents or some things that might help you with the weight loss. Here's an idea..don't eat out for a month and see how much weight you loose and how much money you save. That's a sacrifice. And it involves planning, getting up earlier maybe to pack your lunch, letting your mom's feelings get hurt because your not eating what she cooks (that's her issue, not yours), etc.


Your probably not going to like the "in your face" comments by a few of us but you know what? If you don't like the comments, it's not about us, it's about you not wanting to face a painful reality. That's why the WW group might be a good thing for you.


My point here is not to be cruel. I, and so many others want you to succeed and do well. I think you have the capability of doing it. You know what to do, just do it and like the other person who posted prior to me said, just stop making the excuses. But maybe a cold reality check is in order. None of us might not be friends in real life but we do care enough to tell you what you need to hear, not what you want to hear.



I have no doubt that I do need some help. Unfortunately, money is more of an issue right now than it ever has been. With this change from salary to hourly my next 4 paychecks will be affected. Its already hard enough that I can't buy my family better gifts for Christmas and I really shouldn't be buying anything, but such is life. I just learned yesterday that they forgot to tell me they will have to take my insurance prems. out of my Dec. and Jan. paychecks too. More money going out than coming in. Its EXTREMELY frustrating that I did nothing wrong and its their software system that is creating this problem and I get deducted for it. Its stressful too, which doesn't help me at all. Though I try to be positive about it and thank God that I didn't have a house payment or kids or anything like that would have seriously put me in terrible strains!. So, I'll count myself lucky that my situation is pretty stable though not fun in the least.


Nevertheless, my job is saying they will offer a wellness program again next year once they find a company they want to work with. I didnt' utilize the nutritionist or nurse they brought periodically to work that was a free part of the program, but if they offer it again this year i will def. give it a try. But money is an object. I simply can't afford that kind of program. And my family physician doesn't help b/c they tell you the same thing over and over again. Its not about cruises or house payments. None of that has happened yet. Its about this crunch I'm in that will effect my savings and money for quite a few paychecks after the 4 it physically affects. Not to mention the fiscal cliff looming that would probably kill any little bit of money I would get back from taxes.


I'm not saying any of you are wrong. You are right. But money is a problem. I don't have enough of it. I doubt I would follow any of those programs anyway. I'm very rebellious. I did one or two of those medical programs before since my mom helped pay for them when I was a bit younger or in school. Yea. I failed miserably at them. I HATED them with a passion of fire that would burn even the Devil himself. Okay, maybe dramatic, but that's how it felt.


We will see what the health program at work brings in the new year. Until then I will just have to hunker down through the holidays and do better at limiting myself and tracking it all. Increasing my exercise and being more consistent overall.


I don't seem to notice the $18 a month that I pay for WW, but even that is something I have to consider.


Good Choices.

Edited by Gathina
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Inflammation baby, inflammation :)


This is going to sound absolutely insane but I've had the worst sinus issues for years. This past Monday I had to do a prep for a colonoscopy and surgery ( yeah in mucho pain right now lol) anyway....since the prep I've not taken a single allergy pill. I have no idea the correlation but I'm interested in figuring out if keeping more clean on the inside will keep my sinus issues at bay. I was getting a sinus infection every other month prior to starting chiropractics but even after I was suffering from allergies until I did the prep. Not sure how long it will last but so far five days....very interesting.
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I don't even know how a nutritionist would help you at this point because I think you honestly know what you are supposed to do...cut your portions, exercise, eat more fruits and vegetables and not junk. It's not rocket science, it's common sense. You just don't want to do it.


Not to sound cruel, but you said it yourself. "I'm rebellious". Two words: get over it..being rebellious..life isn't fair..it's not fair that we can't eat what we want, when we want, whatever we want and not gain weight. "I can't afford a program, gifts, whatever"..that might be true..we make sacrifices for what we REALLY want even if it's painful. Somehow your managing to find funds for another cruise. That's a sacrifice. Your complaining about money being tight, but then contradict yourself and say it's not about money or housepayments but then say you can't afford Christmas presents or some things that might help you with the weight loss. Here's an idea..don't eat out for a month and see how much weight you loose and how much money you save. That's a sacrifice. And it involves planning, getting up earlier maybe to pack your lunch, letting your mom's feelings get hurt because your not eating what she cooks (that's her issue, not yours), etc.


Your probably not going to like the "in your face" comments by a few of us but you know what? If you don't like the comments, it's not about us, it's about you not wanting to face a painful reality. That's why the WW group might be a good thing for you.


My point here is not to be cruel. I, and so many others want you to succeed and do well. I think you have the capability of doing it. You know what to do, just do it and like the other person who posted prior to me said, just stop making the excuses. But maybe a cold reality check is in order. None of us might not be friends in real life but we do care enough to tell you what you need to hear, not what you want to hear.


Could not have said it better myself:) I totally agree with you here.

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I totally agree with the above people too :)


I guess you would say I'm a lurker too. I've been reading for a little while but never posted before.


Money really isn't an issue. A lifestyle change is. I'm coming from the other end of the weight issue. Dont have an eating disorder but just always been thin.


As a skinny girl here is some advice: I almost never go out not because of money but because eating out is fatty. They load food with extra fats to make them taste better. And I really never ever go out for fast food. Can't even remember the last time I ate McDonald's or Burger King!


Water! Basically the only thing I drink ever. I was a diet coke drinker for awhile but gave it up several months ago. Really hard the first few weeks but now I'll have a small sip and don't even like the taste anymore.


Exercise basically everyday plus I'm always on my feet any ways.


I eat small meals. I really can't eat a lot at a time. Plus when I eat a big meal I feel gross. Now I'm not a big veggie eater but I eat fruit. I try to eat healthy but still love cookies and ice cream. Just only eat a small amount!


I never eat late at night.


Basically there is no such thing as a diet. It's a lifestyle change! If you want to lose weight AND keep it off you can never go back!


Just remember: water water water, no processed/fried foods! Stay clear of fast food, eat small meals, exercise everyday! Even if that means walking your neighborhood for an hour instead of watching tv.


Good luck! And you can do it! But you have to want it and try hard! And remember don't think of it as a diet but the new normal!

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What you guys makes sense. I don't deny that. But I also don't think you are all right. The main thing is you are only going by what I let you know. A lot more happens in my life and diet than I actually write about. What I write isn't about me being right or excuses or whatever its about getting it out of my head and heart so that I have a clear mind to move forward. Too many times I've held these things in..............and that's how I got to 352lbs.


I don't want to go to WW meetings. If you remember I did them for a while when my work offered WW meetings. And they were miserable failures. To me they are pointless. They repeat everything you can read online at WW and there wasn't any "real life" talking going on at all. So, if I want or need help with WW I can get better information from their online community, which I have used before.


I don't think anyone is being cruel, but like I said, you guys don't have the whole view, just what I give you. That's why it seems like I don't listen. B/c there is a lot more to it than I give.


The thing is. The things you have suggested...........I have done before. I have done medical programs, I have done WW meetings, I have done shakes, I have done medicines, I have done meal replacements, I have done strict restrictive diets. I have done it all. So, the only conclusion I can come to is that its not the programs that fail, its me. Like someone said, any diet will work if you follow it. So, my thought is why do any of the programs if I know my commitment is (mentally) is flawed. Until I can say, "Hey Brooke are you in this for real?" and my answer is "Yes." I will stay on my carousel and wasting time, resources, and money to do it is pointless.


So I'm just going to stick to my WW and at least maybe make some small progress or at least not regain everything until I resolve to make losing a priority. And that is just honesty. Its a concern, but not a priority for me. So, I know WW will work when I decide that weight is priority and not just a concern.



On another note. I wondered why I ballooned up to 320lbs this past week. It was crazy, it just came on overnight. I was extremely upset over this much of a gain. I didn't think I was doing that bad, but as I said I was letting too much slip by of the little things (mints, a hershey kiss here and there etc.). Mother Nature was also in town and though she may be an excuse for eating, I really wasn't having cravings, but I was bloated and feeling icky. I was really hoping that this 5lb weight gain practically overnight was a product of Mother Nature and that is what got me through the week. Otherwise I think I would have just lost it and said, "To hell with it!"


Well I changed my weigh day to Saturday. So, I will restart my WW each Saturday now. I've tried every other day of the week to help me best used my weekly points, but the weekend, so why not. I got on the scale today dreading what it would say. It said 314.6. I think I too the biggest sigh of relief that I ever had. Since I really didn't change many habits I can make the assumption that it was Mother Nature. I've never gained 5lbs from that before EVER! 2-3lbs maybe. So, that's why I was holding my breath. But I should have considered that it was a new birth control that I was on too. This one has extra hormones in what was the sugar pills. I'm not in medicine, but I would have to think that this change in my normal routine may have caused some different results than I'm used to. The fact that the weight came on over night and that it practically went away overnight........


Anyway. Now I just have to work on getting 2lbs off for pre-cruise weight. And then I'll start working on my next goal.


Good Choices or Better Mistakes, which ever works.

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Ok, I haven't read all 100+ pgs of this thread so sorry if I'm repeating things. You say you've tried everything but can I ask how long you've tried them? Did you reach your goal and then go back to your old eating and exercise habits? For some people, me being one of them, you'll never be able to mindlessly eat. I have to constantly track every calories or I gain.


Have you tried sparkpeople.com? Even if you don't use the diet plan, the community is one of the best ones for advice and support, but I suggest you try the plan. It's pretty simple.

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It's so true..it's all in the mind. It's not that you can "never" eat the junk again, it's just that you can't eat it the way your accustomed to. Taste buds really do change and the stomach really does shrink. Of course the stomach is going to complain and want more until you get used to eating smaller amounts.


If you eat junk daily/regularly, even in small amounts, weight will creep up faster than you think.


Ok, I haven't read all 100+ pgs of this thread so sorry if I'm repeating things. You say you've tried everything but can I ask how long you've tried them? Did you reach your goal and then go back to your old eating and exercise habits? For some people, me being one of them, you'll never be able to mindlessly eat. I have to constantly track every calories or I gain.


Have you tried sparkpeople.com? Even if you don't use the diet plan, the community is one of the best ones for advice and support, but I suggest you try the plan. It's pretty simple.

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:) It is mindless eating for me, when I eat I have to make sure I sit down to the table and just eat, we fix plates before they hit the table and never have extra food on the table. Try to snack on heathier snacks, you are going to snack so pick something you like but don't love. It is a mind game we all know it. Good luck this week, and I am so glad you haven't given up. :)

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Brooke, I think you are 100% correct that you have to be in the right mindset to diet. I know I was at my highest weight for a couple of years before I got it in my head to lose. Once you get your "diet mojo" so to speak, it's not too hard. For me, the goal is worth the sacrifice! And, looking at our recent cruise photos helped too. Although I've lost 60 lbs, I'm far from "thin". I am a size 14/16, 5'2" woman who is 40 lbs. overweight and that is not what I want to be!! I'm grateful for the weight I've lost, but know I have a ways to go!


For those who do the low carb thing, Atkins has come out with frozen dinners. I have not tried them yet, but plan to do so for nights when I don't want to cook.


Tonight, it's low carb meatballs using the tip of using pureed diced tomatoes for the sauce...DH and I will skip the pasta! DH is doing great on the diet...I think the temptation is harder for him because I do have donuts and pizza around for the kids (they had friends over), but so far, he has resisted. As I've said before, he is very strong willed when he needs to be (that's how he gave up smoking), so I know he can do it. He does drink wine, which is a no no during induction, but he is still losing, so I think he's on the right track. Christmas shopping is a challenge though, as I don't want to get him clothes when I know he will lose weight. So, it's blu rays or computer games.


Hope everyone has a good week! I know I need to increase my exercise. Had a rough work week last week and did not work out one time....bad!!:mad: Will try harder this week!!

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:) You said you have doughnuts for the kids, I use to buy snack food for my kids and then I found myself saying there is no nutritional value in that for them I would not eat it so why would I want them to eat it. My parents never tought me about nutrition so I never ate healthy until a few years ago when my DH found out he had high cholestorol, I did a lot of reading and changed my way of looking at food and even though my kids are older I am still trying to teach them to eat foods that will fill them up and last longer. I know you know what I am talking about since your doing such a great job on your weight loss.











Brooke, I think you are 100% correct that you have to be in the right mindset to diet. I know I was at my highest weight for a couple of years before I got it in my head to lose. Once you get your "diet mojo" so to speak, it's not too hard. For me, the goal is worth the sacrifice! And, looking at our recent cruise photos helped too. Although I've lost 60 lbs, I'm far from "thin". I am a size 14/16, 5'2" woman who is 40 lbs. overweight and that is not what I want to be!! I'm grateful for the weight I've lost, but know I have a ways to go!


For those who do the low carb thing, Atkins has come out with frozen dinners. I have not tried them yet, but plan to do so for nights when I don't want to cook.


Tonight, it's low carb meatballs using the tip of using pureed diced tomatoes for the sauce...DH and I will skip the pasta! DH is doing great on the diet...I think the temptation is harder for him because I do have donuts and pizza around for the kids (they had friends over), but so far, he has resisted. As I've said before, he is very strong willed when he needs to be (that's how he gave up smoking), so I know he can do it. He does drink wine, which is a no no during induction, but he is still losing, so I think he's on the right track. Christmas shopping is a challenge though, as I don't want to get him clothes when I know he will lose weight. So, it's blu rays or computer games.


Hope everyone has a good week! I know I need to increase my exercise. Had a rough work week last week and did not work out one time....bad!!:mad: Will try harder this week!!

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You are so right about the nutritional content of junk food. It is considered a "treat" for the kids when they have friends over and certainly not an everyday occurrence. My kids are blessed with a great metabolism...DD is a size 4 and DS actually struggles to keep weight on...he is 5'10" and weighs 113 lbs (the dr would like him in the 120s)...so for him I am always pushing pasta and milk shakes (per the dr's instructions). He is very active in the theater magnet and they practice 6 hours after school most days, so he works off whatever he eats!! Wish I had the problem of having to gain weight, but seeing it from his perspective, sometimes it is as tough to gain weight for some people as it is for others to lose! He does better in the summer when he is not so active in theater and can get up in the 120s, but as soon as rehearsals start, he loses it! He gets really upset when people say, "oh, you can eat whatever you like and not gain," because he really does not see it as a blessing!!

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So glad to hear that I work with a lady who is tall and slender and she just hates it when people say "oh you can eat whatever you want"she knows that is just not true. Your family is lucky to have you sounds like you are a great mom.:)






You are so right about the nutritional content of junk food. It is considered a "treat" for the kids when they have friends over and certainly not an everyday occurrence. My kids are blessed with a great metabolism...DD is a size 4 and DS actually struggles to keep weight on...he is 5'10" and weighs 113 lbs (the dr would like him in the 120s)...so for him I am always pushing pasta and milk shakes (per the dr's instructions). He is very active in the theater magnet and they practice 6 hours after school most days, so he works off whatever he eats!! Wish I had the problem of having to gain weight, but seeing it from his perspective, sometimes it is as tough to gain weight for some people as it is for others to lose! He does better in the summer when he is not so active in theater and can get up in the 120s, but as soon as rehearsals start, he loses it! He gets really upset when people say, "oh, you can eat whatever you like and not gain," because he really does not see it as a blessing!!
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Brooke, I know you say that you don't share EVERYTHING with us, which I understand but are YOU at least recognizing and accepting what you're doing? I know that may sound odd, but given that we don't know everything, I cannot give an example. The only example I can give really is the "binge" eating so to speak, and/or not working out for whatever reason. Just curious, because you seem to beat yourself up over weight gain but then don't know why. If I read your post wrong, I apologize, but that's what it sounds like. You eat McDonalds here or there with your nephews, which is okay in moderation.


And now that I type this out, maybe this is why you don't share EVERYTHING with us, because you're afraid of everyone being mean, rude, feeling like you're being attacked for what you do and eat.


Trust me, I am in no way attacking you or being mean, just trying to understand your mentality of your eating and exercising.


I am on Myfitnesspal, and I have to say, other peoples encouragement and ways they eat rubs off on me. I'm currently cutting out soda, eating more protein, and veggies, with some fruits here or there. And we also have a workout regimen going. Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday's we do JM, and we walk every single day except Fridays.


I hope I don't upset you or anything, but I'm right beside you in your weight loss journey!

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Brooke, I know you say that you don't share EVERYTHING with us, which I understand but are YOU at least recognizing and accepting what you're doing? I know that may sound odd, but given that we don't know everything, I cannot give an example. The only example I can give really is the "binge" eating so to speak, and/or not working out for whatever reason. Just curious, because you seem to beat yourself up over weight gain but then don't know why. If I read your post wrong, I apologize, but that's what it sounds like. You eat McDonalds here or there with your nephews, which is okay in moderation.


And now that I type this out, maybe this is why you don't share EVERYTHING with us, because you're afraid of everyone being mean, rude, feeling like you're being attacked for what you do and eat.


Trust me, I am in no way attacking you or being mean, just trying to understand your mentality of your eating and exercising.


I am on Myfitnesspal, and I have to say, other peoples encouragement and ways they eat rubs off on me. I'm currently cutting out soda, eating more protein, and veggies, with some fruits here or there. And we also have a workout regimen going. Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday's we do JM, and we walk every single day except Fridays.


I hope I don't upset you or anything, but I'm right beside you in your weight loss journey!


I don't think people are being mean, but I do feel backed into a corner sometimes.


In reality, I actually tell you guys the worse things I do. The worst of my eating, the worst of my neglect of exercise, the worst of my excuses. What I don't usually share are more of the successful things that I do on a reg. basis.


I guess since I've been with myself through the worst of my eating and lethargic moments, then what I see now isn't really that bad compared to where I have been. Maybe that's why I'm not overly trying. I know I have improved and come a long way even though I have a lot longer to go.


You are right, I do go to McDs with my nephews, but when I go I do try to get a grilled chicken and not a hamburger b/c I know in the long run I'm killing about 150 calories. Where I've come from with fast food is quite amazing for my generation actually. Once I got my own car and money, fast food stops were a part of my daily routine. Sometimes 1-2x a day. Now, I can go a couple weeks without stopping by a fast food place and if it weren't for my nephews and a few weak moments (or time constraints) I probably would do better.


I used to drink soda or calorie drinks all the time. Kool-aid as a kid, sweet tea, soda, fruit drinks etc. Now, I only on occasion drink a drink with calories in it. Sweet tea every once in a while, soda (diet and reg.) maybe 3-4x a month (1 can serving) and fruit drinks only when I'm having an adult beverage. Lattes (non fat, sugar free when they have it) are the worse I do, but I've even cut down on those.


I used to not think twice about eating an entire tombstone pizza then having ice cream. Now I manage to eat 3 small slices of it and that is within my WW points for the day. Of course just 2 small slices would be better. Then maybe just one with a nice salad on the side. Something to work towards. But I went from taking in probably 2000 in one meal to probably about 700-900 (depending on the type of pizza and sizes of slices). Still a lot of calories to the majority, but a far cry from where I was at.


I used to be able to finish a half gallon of ice cream in a weekend. Now, I ask mom to buy ice cream I don't like or I tell myself that rather than some frozen in a cardboard box stuff, wouldn't I rather have something out that actually may be worth the calories. Of course, we don't have a lot of ice cream shops around here, so most of the time I have to wait until we go into the city next door.


Of course a lot of my downfall is that my parents (though they try to be helpful) aren't on a diet so they bring things into the house that aren't good. My best bet is to try and stay out of the kitchen. But this is why I'm pushing getting my house. Number one, my budget will not allow for me to be buying crap that won't go far or last. Second, I can control what is in my house and hopefully I will be able to say to myself, "NO CRAP ZONE."


But I feel at least committed to not giving up and just working day by day to get to a better place.


This morning I got my butt up at 5:30am and got to work by 6:30am to workout for about 40 mins. with a co-worker. I don't think that will happen too often, but I wanted to prove to myself that I would do it. I guess to me, waking up that early to go exercise shows commitment on my part towards my personal well being. Plus, I've decided that my workouts haven't been all that great. I started (last week) using the programs on the equipment to keep me at a good pace. I use the cardio programming which by my weight and age tells me my HR is 153 and it changes the resistance to keep me at that rate throughout the workout. And I'm using the hand part of the elliptical now even though it twist my back a bit. The bike was hard the other night. 30 mins on the bike trying to keep HR of 153 was just hard b/c I really have to push speeds to get it there and to keep it there. So maybe an improvement on my exercise will help things too.




Good Choices.

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In reality, I actually tell you guys the worse things I do. The worst of my eating, the worst of my neglect of exercise, the worst of my excuses. What I don't usually share are more of the successful things that I do on a reg. basis.


Why don't you share these with us? Then we know the good you are doing instead of what looks like "all the bad"?

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Brooke from your last post it sounds like you are in the right direction! I'm surprised you arent seeing better results!


Now have you tried an in-house treatment center? Like a place you stay for a few weeks and they teach you how to cook/ eat and exercise? I think most insurance groups would cover a stay so it might not cost you all that much.

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Why don't you share these with us? Then we know the good you are doing instead of what looks like "all the bad"?


I guess it was a form of self torture :confused:. Probably b/c I felt guilty and confessing felt better than keeping it in. idk. I'll try my best to be more positive. Starting with not weighing everyday.

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Brooke from your last post it sounds like you are in the right direction! I'm surprised you arent seeing better results!


Now have you tried an in-house treatment center? Like a place you stay for a few weeks and they teach you how to cook/ eat and exercise? I think most insurance groups would cover a stay so it might not cost you all that much.


My aunt did that last week. Went to a retreat that helps you and teaches you how to lose weight. But they did tell her to get on a program when she came back. She is thinking WW too. But she is a real estate agent and can kinda take off when she wants to. I have a 9-5 job M-F and not a whole lot of vacation time, so it wouldn't be feasible for me. But don't think I haven't thought about it.

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