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Cruising to Healthy


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You, dearie, have GOTTEN IT! Excellent!


Isn't it easier and less anxiety provoking to "just do it" as the plan is written? You don't have to watch too much..the points do the "watching" for you.


The birthday thing..you are so smart to plan..and you know the best thing you can do , if you must , is just try "bites" of things..so you can enjoy..it doesn't have to be a license to go off your plan. Bites are better than nothing and better than having the whole thing. Get a fried chicken breast but pull the skin off and "blot" the oil with a napkin..it does save fat and calories..a 1/4 of a funnel cake..blot that too for the extra oil..dumplings..do they taste any better than what you can get at home or make yourself? Can you get a dumpling any other time of the year? does it HAVE to be "on that day" or are dumplings available any day of the week at a bakery, etc?


Remember the mind tricks: "Yes it's my birthday but do I really want to blow it and feel like crap after? Maybe just one bite..etc." "Would I eat a big bowl of fruit if I were hungry and this wasn't avalable?" etc.




All things will be considered.:)

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312.4 this morning.


Last night I got to the gym and all the bikes and ellipt. were taken. I can't wait for them to get more equipment in. :rolleyes:


Anyway, I could have given up and went home and tried out some exercise and the thought did cross my mind, but I figured........what the heck.


I don't like the treadmill. The pressure it puts on my back hurts and there is just something about it that I DON'T like. But, oh well. Beggers can't be choosers. But as I was hopping up to get on I had a thought;). Instead of trying to move fast in speed on the treadmill, which rarely gets my HR above 130 why not try an incline at low speed?


So I started off at 2.5 speed and an incline of 6. After ten mins. I decreased my speed a bit then increased the incline. I had the time set for 20 mins (hoping the other machines would be avaliable by then) and so at the last five mins. I increased my incline .5 at a time until I was at 10 incline at 20 mins. In 20 I was sweating and breathing and had the same HR as if I was on the ellpt.


then I went and did some weights and squats, then finished with 30 mins. on the ellpt.


Today I have aqua zumba during lunch. That should give my sore muscles a bit of a break.


Good Choices.

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312.2 this morning.


Forgot to eat a little more for bk and I can feel the dif


Did aqua zumba yesterday and I'll go for an hour workout today.


I'm in the single digits and isn't there a rule about officially checking out about now?


Good choices.

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313.4 this morning


My stomach feels a bit off. I think I need some yogurt or probiotics. That may be it.


Been helping out another department for our festival so my eating is okay. Its hard to pack b/c there is no where really to put it. But I'm trying to stay in my points and eat well anyway.


Tonight I think I will go home and exercise. I couldn't do water zumba b/c I needed to stay and help at work. I'm not really feeling the gym...........but I probably should go instead of at home. :(. I'll decide in a min.


Good Choices

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I'm not going to stress it. I'm just going to keep pushing through. I can PROUDLY say that I've gotten in exercise everyday so far (since Monday) and I plan on getting some in this evening. I can feel my new workout piece (the incline treadmill). Man my upper thighs are sore. But I know its good for me. I may not make my goal, but I know I'm doing good things for my body.


I know exercise is making me healthier despite maybe not losing weight b/c my BP was 104/82 a few weeks ago. The nurse said it was probably due to the exercise I was doing and to keep it up. I wonder if my cholt. has gone down too? Though it wasn't in the "bad zone" last time, but it was close. In any way, I feel better and like I'm doing something good for myself. So I'm just going to concentrate on that and not so much on the weight part.


I haven't got a chance to read all the post by my new fav. blogger the Fat Nutritionist, but I like some of the points she makes.


Like the majority of "diets" fail and that they point undo pressure and stress on people which causes more damage and restricts weight loss.


And that its okay to love your weight and body even if its not the medical definition of "healthy weight" or societies definition either.


I've been saying that all along. Medical science says I need to be about 130-140. I just don't think I want to be there. Maybe it seems overwhelming to get there and thats why, but honestly, I love a curvy body with some substance.


My first stop would be 250 b/c that's the last weight I remember being reasonably happy. Then I think I would like to see about 160-170.


Well, today is the last day I'll be 28 years old and then I get one more year to be a 20 something. :D


Good Choices

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What a whirlwind weekend!!! Where did it go?! I had a great time with my friends and it was so great when every where you turn someone wishes you a happy bday. It was crazy! I felt like a celebrity at our festival, lol.


I didn't eat a funnel cake, but I did have a giant Hoe cake........and if you aren't southern and don't know what that is...........its a REALLY big biscuit. Its not very thick, flat, but wide. There is a pic. on my facebook. I couldn't resist b/c I had to work right next to them while they were cooking. I just had some butter. Although, I got to watch them make them and I was wishing I hadn't put butter on it. Unlike my pawpaw they use shortening in their biscuits, OMG. I almost got a little sick watching all that fat go into them. But its just once a year and I avoided the funnel cakes and other foods. I did have pizza for lunch, but it was one of those personal ones and I didn't eat the whole thing. Then we went out for dinner and drinks and well.........


Winning moments:


1. Not eating the funnel cake and the biscuit.

2. Walking around the festival some to help work off at least 1/4 of that biscuit

3. Not eating the whole personal pizza

4. Going out and doing some dancing to help curve those 3 drinks I had (Whoa I know........cRAZY DRINKING!)

5. Mom took me out to lunch and so I kinda skipped bk at my friend's house (safety first after drinking) and just had lunch. I stopped eating the steak after about 3 oz (still like 6 oz left). Its lunch today with some of the leftover broccoli.



Okay that's about it. B/c I ended up having pumpkin pie bday cake that mom got me. I mean I wanted a cake, but I kinda told her I didn't want a big one or really and ice cream one b/c I just didn't want to be tempted..........even though I kinda really did. Well she bought a smaller ice cream cake size............and I ate a smaller piece than normal. I only have a few more days, so I think I will try to leave it alone until I leave. Then they will have to eat it while I'm gone.


I'm still hitting the gym this week. I could be lazy, but I'm not going to be. I'm going to go Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday and Thursday during lunch for aqua zumba.


I'm leaving early on Thursday to hit up the chiropractor and then get my pedi and mani before leaving, plus packing and then to bed b/c I will need to be up at like 4am for our flight.


So, my weight was 315 this morning. I know i was a bit disappointed too :(

But I'm not going to moan about it. My thoughts are that I had way too salt and alcohol and not as much exercise on Saturday and Sunday as I would have wanted (besides walking and dancing). But my lowest weight was still 312 this week.


This apparently changes my WW points down a point to 48 points a day.


I think I might be curious to see what I eat on the cruise as far as WW is concerned. I might try and track the best I can just to be curious.




Good Choices.

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313 this morning, so at least it went down a bit.


Worked out a shorter time at home b/c of this weather. I didn't want to stay at the gym too late in case it got bad and I wanted to grab a shower early too in case the power went out. So about 30 mins on the bike and some weights. But I could have easily dismissed a work out period. I tend to just want to hibernate in cold weather.


If the winds die down this evening I will go to the gym and workout. I don't want to do water zumba today. Though I think they will probably cancel it. Its just too icky to walk across to the pool area, all I need is to get sick.


I was going to do it Thursday but it won't fit b/c I have to leave an hour before to make it to my chiropractor. So basically two more days to grab a decent workout. Then its just the stairs on the ship.


Food has still been decent and overall I've been proud of some of my winning moments.


3 days to go.


Good Choices.

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still 313


Oh well. Its less than when I started, that's all that matters.


Didn't workout last night. Went straight to packing which took half the evening. I think I can hit the gym tonight as the storm has passed. It will be nice to get in one last GOOD workout before going.


I have a full day of work today and half a day tomr. then a 3:30am wake up call to get up and ready to meet my friends to catch our flight. OOOO I just got butterflies :D


I'm SUPER excited!


Good Choices

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:) Lucky you our high was 42 today. Hope everything is going good for you, how is your weight loss going? Have a great cruise it is coming up quick.


We are 58 now in Orlando, but expected to hit high 70s today and low 80s tomorrow. We are getting ready for our cruise next weekend. I booked the pet sitter yesterday and will lay out clothes tomorrow. My kids are going to NYC for Thanksgiving week, so I have to get them packed too. Busy week ahead...DH is off on Monday and Friday, but I will be working all week, so his "honey do" list will be a bit longer than usual!!


Weight is continuing to come off. The size 16 pants I was so proud of buying are now a bit baggy...not so much that I cannot wear them anymore, but definitely looser than when I bought them! I'm even in some "medium" shirts, so I feel good about that!! My food is a bit of a rut, but to me, it's ok. Two hard boiled eggs with mayo and real bacon bits in the morning. A snack of a few slices of brie cheese. Lunch is homemade chicken salad with celery, mayo and a touch of splenda. Dinner is protein and a veggie...or homemade chili, which I made two weeks in a row. I don't use beans in the chili and look for the canned diced tomatoes with the lowest carbs (Pace brand, in FL...not sure if they are sold elsewhere, as it's a hispanic brand). The chili is a bit higher carb count than say, a steak or hamburger patty, but since the rest of my day is so low carb, it still lets me lose weight. I've been exercising too, not every night, because some nights I'm just exhausted, but definitely 4-5 nights/week. Not sure what will happen on the ship...maybe I'll try out the gym!


We have Nachi Cocum booked for Cozumel, will probably take the city bus to 7 Mile Beach in GC, enjoy the beautiful beach in Roatan, and stay on the boat in Belize. I got my pre-cruise hair cut this week and my hairdresser had been to Mahogany Bay Beach in Roatan and showed me photos. I cannot wait to see that beautiful beach!! I also booked us in for the steakhouse the first night. It would be foolish to pass up the free bottle of wine!!:) I also e-mailed the maitre'd to request a table for 2, but have not heard back yet. That's a must for us, as we are so busy during the rest of the time, that the cruise is a way for us to re-connect and have couple time!!


Welcome home, Brooke. Hope you had a fab cruise! I'm so anxious to hear how Guy's Burgers are and all about the Blue Iguana and Alchemy Bar! Oh, and how did you like cave tubing in Belize? I know it's not our thing, but I'd love to know the details. Did the guides carry the tubes? Was the hike doable? Did you feel safe? How was the wrap around balcony? Some day we are going to have to try one of those. It look so beautiful!!

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Hi pcrum

Way to go on the weight loss. It feels so good dosn't it?

My daughter and I went cave tubing a few years ago. The hike wasn't bad at all. And the caves were just so cool. So worth doing. I don't remember having to carry the tubes for long. All & All it was a pretty easy day.


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Hey guys! I guess I'm back to reality...........boo.


It was a great cruise. A lot of first and different things for me. We had a few snafus with both tender ports, but nothing that ruined my good time.


Got home around 2 am last night and went straight to bed. Woke up briefly at 8:30 (I was waking up at like 5am on the cruise!!!!!!) and then went right back to sleep in the recliner until 12:30, lol. I must have needed it.


I did get on the scale when I finally dragged my but up. I believe I left at 312 and I now weigh 316. Only 5lbs. Well within the range I had planned. I really didn't count or worry too much, just listened to what my body said and took the stairs a lot, did a LOT of walking as my dining room was at the front of the ship and so were my friends room, while I was all the way aft.


I'm trying to slowing get myself back into mode. I'm giving myself today, but with structure to begin eating better. Tomr. I will be back on WW points as it will start my new week. I'm trying to guzzle down water as I really hope that maybe a lb or two is sodium and alcohol retention weight.


Anyway, I'm gonna try to work on my review. I didn't take as many pictures as I usually do. Remember, a lot of first.


Pcrum I hope you have a wonderful cruise! You will LOVE the guy's burgers. The ingredients will be right up your alley for some low carb goodness!


Let me know if you have last min. questions and I'll try and answer them.

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Welcome home!! Here are my questions (no pressure, just if you have time...I know you probably have lots of chores to do once home!):


Did you like the Alchemy Bar?


How were the comics onboard?


How was the Blue Iguana?


Did the 2.0 upgrades merit all the hoopla?


Did you do the comedy brunch? (Don't we get free drinks there as past guests?). How was it?


How was the piano bar?


And, from my DH, did the nightclub play any music that wasn't club music? We like 80s night, 90s night, but it seems every time we go into one of the clubs, it's all this techno club music or rap, neither of which we like.


I'm glad you had a good time. Did the Faster to the Fun work for you? Did it make tendering easier? We decided not to buy it this time and we will be platinum on our next cruise (as long as we do it before 12/31/13), so don't think we will ever use it, but I'd like to know it it's worth the $50.


Was the weather good? I know we had a cold spell right before you left. I hope it was warm in the islands for you. Congratulations on the minimal weight gain!! I will be trying to do the same. No dessert, no matter how good it is, is worth it for me to come home and be heavier.


DH is looking over the scotch options to order from bon voyage. I may or may not have ordered some rum runners for my low carb sweet tea vodka. Will be a first if we decide to go that route. I'm also packing crystal light margarita mix for Nachi Cocum. DH is laying out clothes for the trip as I write this. I will pack later this week. Can't wait until 1 week from tonight, which will be elegant night....7:33 pm...with late seating, we should be enjoying a pre-dinner cocktail right about now (I assume they still do the $1 off cocktails in the lobby bar this night) watching the band in the lobby bar, enjoying the beautiful chandeliers which change colors. Yes, that's the visualization which will get me through this last week of work.:)

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Welcome home!! Here are my questions (no pressure, just if you have time...I know you probably have lots of chores to do once home!):


Did you like the Alchemy Bar?


We only did the Martini class on Friday. The mixology fills up fast and we even asked on boarding day if we could sign up and they hadn't opened yet. Of course we forgot until the next day and Poof, it was sold out. The Martini tasting wasn't bad though. The drinks were great!


How were the comics onboard?


I saw the comedian with a puppet and he was funny, but they had one named Cowboy Bill and he was hilarious. We only saw those two and one of the comics missed the boat. Get there EARLY, like almost 30 mins. b/c they line up outside the door to get in and make you leave after the show and line back up.


How was the Blue Iguana?


The food was good. They had some yummy breakfast burritos. I didn't get to try their other foods though.


Did the 2.0 upgrades merit all the hoopla?


Ummmmm, I really didn't use the Red and Blue bars that are new. The alchemy was always populated and the comedy show. The Guy's Burger's was GREAT! But I mean I don't know if it really made a big diff. I would have rather have the thermal spa suites on the Dream class.


Did you do the comedy brunch? (Don't we get free drinks there as past guests?). How was it?


I went by myself, my friends were still resting and had room service. You will get a flyer on the first day with the coupon attached to it. They only do the brunch on sea days, so don't forget to use it. The Brunch was okay. They had to put me on the upper level and I think they were understaffed up there (2 waiters per side), so it took a while to get my order, but the food came pretty quickly. I wasn't in a hurry, so no big deal. I had the carne y huevos. Its about a 3oz filet minion with fried eggs and some potatoes.


How was the piano bar?


The singer wasn't that great. To be honest I think I can do better singing, lol. Maybe he was having an off time.


And, from my DH, did the nightclub play any music that wasn't club music? We like 80s night, 90s night, but it seems every time we go into one of the clubs, it's all this techno club music or rap, neither of which we like.


It played a variety, but I never went in. To be honest the age levels in there were a bit on the older side for us. My friends went in and danced a bit.


I'm glad you had a good time. Did the Faster to the Fun work for you? Did it make tendering easier? We decided not to buy it this time and we will be platinum on our next cruise (as long as we do it before 12/31/13), so don't think we will ever use it, but I'd like to know it it's worth the $50.


I hate to say that i was slightly disappointed in the F2F. I need to right up my review, but not now b/c I'm slammed at work. I have 10 articles to write for our magazine in a week essentially b/c of our Thanksgiving break. I think they more time to work the problems out. I hope it gets better or that it was just a off week.


Was the weather good? I know we had a cold spell right before you left. I hope it was warm in the islands for you. Congratulations on the minimal weight gain!! I will be trying to do the same. No dessert, no matter how good it is, is worth it for me to come home and be heavier.


Roatan was a rain storm, but it was a short port day so we just walked the nature trail and then had a drink at Fat Tuesdays. And the last sea day a nice cold wind came in so you had about 3 hours of warm sun and then.......


I think it was the combination of moving all the time and blocking my meals. I mean I ate big meals, but really no snacking at all. We skipped dessert one night in the MDR. But I never ending up eating all my dessert except for the diet banana cake.

DH is looking over the scotch options to order from bon voyage. I may or may not have ordered some rum runners for my low carb sweet tea vodka. Will be a first if we decide to go that route. I'm also packing crystal light margarita mix for Nachi Cocum. DH is laying out clothes for the trip as I write this. I will pack later this week. Can't wait until 1 week from tonight, which will be elegant night....7:33 pm...with late seating, we should be enjoying a pre-dinner cocktail right about now (I assume they still do the $1 off cocktails in the lobby bar this night) watching the band in the lobby bar, enjoying the beautiful chandeliers which change colors. Yes, that's the visualization which will get me through this last week of work.:)


Yep they still do the $1 off. And a few bars will do $1 off ladies night or something too. Enjoy it! I miss it already and I'm trying to figure out how I can afford to book the Magic for next year...........



bon Voyage

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Well. The water helped. I drank as much as I could without exploding. I was down 1lb this morning. It probably helped that I slept half the day, so I couldn't take in more food, lol. Its funny how you replace the activity on the ship with eating. I mean honestly. I felt like I needed to be doing something all day yesterday (I was slowly doing laundry and putting things away), so I found myself going into the kitchen only to turn around and walk back out :rolleyes:.


Brought my gym clothes. I hope I have the energy. The cruise threw my schedule off. I mean the time change and the different sleeping schedule. I was awake most mornings around 5-6am!!!!!! Ugh! I NEVER do that.


Anyway, back to tracking and exercise today. I guess I only have 4lbs to lose now.........once I do that, i will set my next goal.........cruise or no cruise.

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