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Cruising to Healthy


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Sorry I didn't post yesterday. I've just been in a mood the last few days. Its a half pity party half........I'm okay......weird.


Anyway. I'm gonna stop posting my food for a while. I'm really tired of feeling like I think about food all day long, all week long........etc.


I will still track in WW though. I'm just going crazy with all this stuff. Try eating this, don't eat that, you're eating too much of this or that, not enough of this.......eat at this time or don't. Its all pushing me over the edge.


I wanna lose weight and I have lost some, clearly I know, not enough. But obviously there are some huge road blocks in my life concerning food (mainly). And to be honest, I don't know what to do. I can diet all I like.......for as long as I like and I think the results may be just as slow.


I'm going to keep trying, but I'm just going to try and look at it from another perspective. I'll let you know what that is, when I figure it out myself.


But this guilt and shame and disappointment that comes with dieting makes me feel worse than being fat.


I need a mental break (but still staying focused).


Good Choices.


Hi, I admit that I'm a frequent Lurker on this thread because your posts are very interesting. One thing I've noticed is the food you are posting seems to be very processed like the pepperoni, spam etc. That could be an explanation for the stubborn weight loss - high sodium. It's worth a thought. Stop beating yourself up about it and just get back to the basics. Take comfort in the fact that you are mostly remaining the same. When it finally does come off you will be a champion at maintenance.




Sent from my LePanII using Tapatalk 2

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:) I know how you feel, when I was logging my food everyday it seemed as though I thought about food all day long. I still read labels and keep track of what I eat everyday I just don't keep a log. I eat mostly protein and vegatables, I try to stay away from carbs. If I feel like I'm moving off track I go back to tracking for week to get me back on track. :)

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I echo this. I say this kindly and gently Brooke..I've thought for a long time that your not eating enough, eating enough of the right types of food, and "tweaking" too much. I really believe if you followed the program EXACTLY as it states I think it would work. On all the research of diet plans WW continually gets the prize on really teaching healthy eating and portion control. Like I said before, its in the mind.


I dont share much of my stuff online but will share this..I lost 46lbs since May 31. I have always been an athlete (how did I run 3 half marathons last year with all that WEIGHT) but had a moment of truth when I bought my wedding dress in February. I rationalized it saying that gowns are always smaller, but when I saw my favorite clothes from 2 years ago not fitting I was horrified. Even worse was that I WAS a healthy eater..and I gained my weight from thinking being a runner was a license to eat, and I ate too many healthy carbs in fruits/veggies/grains/beans etc.


Anyways, I went to the doctor for help and was put on a plan by him, along with an EKG, b12 shots, etc. And I ate normal food. Didn't eat sweets much anyway so that wasnt a big deal but not eating a lot of fruit anymore made me feel like I wanted to die. I did exactly what he said and lost 13 lbs the first week, then averaged 2.5-4 the rest of the time.


Did I like having to make changes? no. I cried for 4 days when I saw what the scale had become. It wasn't easy for me either, esp. when I contstantly ate fruit, etc. When I wanted to cave in, I bit my lip and decided I just didn't want to be a heavy bride and my husband is smaller than me. He loved me as I was, but in my mind I felt like a whale. Am happy to say my dress was taken in 6 inches and in 2 weeks we walk down the aisle. And I can wear all my ofd favorite clothes again.


Hi, I admit that I'm a frequent Lurker on this thread because your posts are very interesting. One thing I've noticed is the food you are posting seems to be very processed like the pepperoni, spam etc. That could be an explanation for the stubborn weight loss - high sodium. It's worth a thought. Stop beating yourself up about it and just get back to the basics. Take comfort in the fact that you are mostly remaining the same. When it finally does come off you will be a champion at maintenance.




Sent from my LePanII using Tapatalk 2

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I agree with G on this. Programs work when you follow them. You can't pick and choose what you want. You have to follow the tried and true.

I also really think you can't do this on your own. you set yourself up to fail weather you realise it or not you do.

I really think you need to do 2 things join WW and do it live where you go to meetings and weigh in. I am over stepping here but I really think you need to find someone who you see again once a week and talk out and find out why you set yourself up. It really isn't something you can do on your own.

I say all of this becuse while I don't know you in real life thur reading your story I have come to truly care for you. I think I can safley say all of us here what you to make it and really start living. Something holds you back from really taking that step..So go find out why:)


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Thank, I love that wrap dress, well worth the $80 and I see you like the other one too.........great deal for $30! I do hate that my fat knees show so much, but sometimes...........you just have so say, "So what!"


Isn't Gin a low or no carb liqour? My friend drank it and soda water all the time when she was doing a similar diet. Gin and diet sprite with a spirtz of grenedine might me nice.


Don't worry about your knees. The important thing is how you feel in the dress. If you feel beautiful in the dress, you will exude beauty!! It's all in the attitude!! I bought a dress yesterday that was sleeveless (which a year ago, would have been a no no for me due to flabby arms). Even with working with weights, I am still not happy with my arms. But, I realized, I may never have Micelle Obama arms and that has to be ok. Because, I am working out every day and if God didn't see fit to bless me with muscular arms, well, then, that's ok. I have a lot of other blessings in my life and will be fine with a bit of flab on my arms. All this is to say, go have fun in the dress and don't give your knees a second thought!


BTW, I went to the Torrid site and they don't have the cherry blossom dress in my size, but I did find out there are some Torrid stores in Orlando, so I might have to check them out in person. The sale merchandise is final sale, so since I've never tried on their stuff, I feel like I need to try it on in person to see how it fits. So many brands fit differently...I'm a 16 in some things now and a 14 in others....depends on the maker. But, thanks for the heads up on the store...I had never heard of it before. And, the fact that they start at size 12 means I can shop there for a while!!!


I hope you come out of your slump, Brooke. So many people will give you different advice on a diet and the fact is, no one thing is going to work for everyone! I know I could never do WW and others swear they couldn't do the low carb diet I do. Perhaps visiting a dr and getting some suggestions might be helpful. Let me tell you...it ain't easy. If it were, the world would be full of size 2s. It's a juggling act every single day...if I eat this, then I need to cut back here, etc. I've said this before and I think it's 80% mental...you have to want to be a smaller size more than you want the instant gratification of a sweet. Again, it ain't easy...., but what helps get me through is the count down to my twin's graduation in May and June, 2013 and my goal of not being the "fat" mom!! 60 lbs lost in a little over a year and 40 more to go. Will I make it? I don't know, but I do know I am trying as hard as I can and I feel so much better with cutting the carbs out of my life.


I took a friend out for her birthday this week and had 2 glasses of white wine, which is the most I've drank in one sitting since starting the diet in Aug. of 2012. I felt terrible afterward...the sweetness of the wine (which actually, was a dry chardonnay) did not agree with me after going for so long without having any sugar. In the past, I'd limit myself to one alcoholic drink...1 glass of wine or 1 mixed drink (skinny tea vodka or rum or coconut rum). I just find I feel so much better when I stick to that. No moral judgements against drinking at all, but to me, the taste ain't worth the extra lbs.


You will find what works for you. You just have to persevere and be in the right mental mindset!! Good luck!!

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Hi, I admit that I'm a frequent Lurker on this thread because your posts are very interesting. One thing I've noticed is the food you are posting seems to be very processed like the pepperoni, spam etc. That could be an explanation for the stubborn weight loss - high sodium. It's worth a thought. Stop beating yourself up about it and just get back to the basics. Take comfort in the fact that you are mostly remaining the same. When it finally does come off you will be a champion at maintenance.




Sent from my LePanII using Tapatalk 2


To be honest, I think I've stopped writing food down here b/c it confuses people. I may eat spam like 3x in one week, but I won't touch it again for months. And its low fat turkey pepperoni. I'm not being defensive, though it probably seems so, but I often don't fully write down what I eat here all the time. Like sometimes I forget to say its low fat or low sodium, but it is. And I certainly don't always write here EVERYTHING I put in my mouth either. I put down what I plan to eat for the day. That can change and get added to also.


I think this is why I'm not really gonna to post what I eat here anymore, it kinda complicates things too much, plus it makes me not want to post in my WW journal, which is where I NEED to log.


But you are right, I will be good at maint. if I make it to the next level.



Thank you. I promise your words are taken kindly and with good spirits. :)

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I echo this. I say this kindly and gently Brooke..I've thought for a long time that your not eating enough, eating enough of the right types of food, and "tweaking" too much. I really believe if you followed the program EXACTLY as it states I think it would work. On all the research of diet plans WW continually gets the prize on really teaching healthy eating and portion control. Like I said before, its in the mind.


I dont share much of my stuff online but will share this..I lost 46lbs since May 31. I have always been an athlete (how did I run 3 half marathons last year with all that WEIGHT) but had a moment of truth when I bought my wedding dress in February. I rationalized it saying that gowns are always smaller, but when I saw my favorite clothes from 2 years ago not fitting I was horrified. Even worse was that I WAS a healthy eater..and I gained my weight from thinking being a runner was a license to eat, and I ate too many healthy carbs in fruits/veggies/grains/beans etc.


Anyways, I went to the doctor for help and was put on a plan by him, along with an EKG, b12 shots, etc. And I ate normal food. Didn't eat sweets much anyway so that wasnt a big deal but not eating a lot of fruit anymore made me feel like I wanted to die. I did exactly what he said and lost 13 lbs the first week, then averaged 2.5-4 the rest of the time.


Did I like having to make changes? no. I cried for 4 days when I saw what the scale had become. It wasn't easy for me either, esp. when I contstantly ate fruit, etc. When I wanted to cave in, I bit my lip and decided I just didn't want to be a heavy bride and my husband is smaller than me. He loved me as I was, but in my mind I felt like a whale. Am happy to say my dress was taken in 6 inches and in 2 weeks we walk down the aisle. And I can wear all my ofd favorite clothes again.


Gathina, you have good points as always and an inspiration as always.


I just think we two see things totally different. Not that its a bad thing. Different views are good. But I don't really look in the mirror or try on clothes and find myself disgusting even though I'm far more overweight than yourself. I find it frustrating, especially when I was close to 400lbs. Its hard to describe as I'm sure it is for you. Maybe b/c I'm so accepting of myself that its hard for me to lose weight. idk.


I'm not giving up, I just needed a break to think and pull it back together.

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Don't worry about your knees. The important thing is how you feel in the dress. If you feel beautiful in the dress, you will exude beauty!! It's all in the attitude!! I bought a dress yesterday that was sleeveless (which a year ago, would have been a no no for me due to flabby arms). Even with working with weights, I am still not happy with my arms. But, I realized, I may never have Micelle Obama arms and that has to be ok. Because, I am working out every day and if God didn't see fit to bless me with muscular arms, well, then, that's ok. I have a lot of other blessings in my life and will be fine with a bit of flab on my arms. All this is to say, go have fun in the dress and don't give your knees a second thought!


BTW, I went to the Torrid site and they don't have the cherry blossom dress in my size, but I did find out there are some Torrid stores in Orlando, so I might have to check them out in person. The sale merchandise is final sale, so since I've never tried on their stuff, I feel like I need to try it on in person to see how it fits. So many brands fit differently...I'm a 16 in some things now and a 14 in others....depends on the maker. But, thanks for the heads up on the store...I had never heard of it before. And, the fact that they start at size 12 means I can shop there for a while!!!


I hope you come out of your slump, Brooke. So many people will give you different advice on a diet and the fact is, no one thing is going to work for everyone! I know I could never do WW and others swear they couldn't do the low carb diet I do. Perhaps visiting a dr and getting some suggestions might be helpful. Let me tell you...it ain't easy. If it were, the world would be full of size 2s. It's a juggling act every single day...if I eat this, then I need to cut back here, etc. I've said this before and I think it's 80% mental...you have to want to be a smaller size more than you want the instant gratification of a sweet. Again, it ain't easy...., but what helps get me through is the count down to my twin's graduation in May and June, 2013 and my goal of not being the "fat" mom!! 60 lbs lost in a little over a year and 40 more to go. Will I make it? I don't know, but I do know I am trying as hard as I can and I feel so much better with cutting the carbs out of my life.


I took a friend out for her birthday this week and had 2 glasses of white wine, which is the most I've drank in one sitting since starting the diet in Aug. of 2012. I felt terrible afterward...the sweetness of the wine (which actually, was a dry chardonnay) did not agree with me after going for so long without having any sugar. In the past, I'd limit myself to one alcoholic drink...1 glass of wine or 1 mixed drink (skinny tea vodka or rum or coconut rum). I just find I feel so much better when I stick to that. No moral judgements against drinking at all, but to me, the taste ain't worth the extra lbs.


You will find what works for you. You just have to persevere and be in the right mental mindset!! Good luck!!


I know, even super models can find something they don't like about their bodies. Its human nature, not fat nature. I'll just keep my eyes above the knee, lol.


Torrid has cute stuff, generally a more edgy look than what I would normally wear, but this dress what cute. They had a off white one like it, solid.


We all need moments to re-evaluate and find where that next step is. I needed that moment. I'm working my way to finding my next step.

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I don't post that often but I do lurk I think that's what you call it. I hope all is well with all of you. It seems pretty quite here and Brooke where are you? I hope all is well I always look forward to your posts. Good luck to everyone.




I'm here. I'll explain below. :)

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Okay. I needed a break. We all need one every once in a while. It was a busy/stressful/emotional weekend for me.


First we had Homecoming events Friday and Saturday. Then on Thursday afternoon I find out the grant I've been working on for 2 weeks needs to be pretty much re-written. It was due on Monday. :eek: Pamela can relate I'm sure. I was out of the office half the day Friday b/c I had to work our alumni golf game, got back to not a lot of answers to the questions I posed to our grant team. Did what I could, on my own, to start changing things around. Had to work Saturday for half a day. My work day started off with things not being set up and me having to help, then people changing what they were supposed to do, so I had to step in, but I had obligations other places too, then one more chore added to my plate on top of that. Then it was Homecoming and my sororities 10 year celebration, so I did take some time to chill for a few hours. Sunday I awoke to begin some more changes to the writing and a few emails all while getting laundry done. Monday morning rolls around and from the moment I step in the door until a little after 5 pm.........I worked my tail off to get that proposal in on time and complete.


It was one H*** of a weekend. Plus a little stress leading up to that weekend from the grant too.


All the while, I'm trying to re-focus my energies on myself and my health. There were def. a few moments of the verge of tears and at least one moment of tears (in private) and only b/c I knew that it would help relieve some stress if I let it happen.




I'm not saying I've fixed all my problems. I've at least dealt with my stress and I think I did better with it than the last time I was under that pressure, so that is positive. I'm not saying that I've found the magic pill or thought or motion that will make me lose weight better and a little faster.....


But I've at least found my way back to focus. I've re-read, wiped my WW tracking and weights clean. Put in my new start weight and a new weigh day and points starting point (Monday). I've started to add more and different things to my exercise too. Food will always be the hardest part for me. I'm NOT a food planner. Its just not who I am. So, until that button clicks in my head, I'll have to learn how to work with that snafu in my personality. I tried so hard to change all the things that I did "wrong" that it was much more work than trying to find a way to make what I did work.


Eh, I know the ones of you who will disagree with that statement. Oh well. We will have to agree to disagree.


On a positive note. My work has adopted a rider for our health insurance this year for morbid obesity. I think me pointing that out to our HR as to why I wouldn't go in to see the Dr. about my weight b/c they would charge me an arm in a leg, really was heard. I wasn't on some tirade about fat people getting equal treatment or anything, but I was simply stating a fact.




I managed to see 313.4 on the scale today. And my logged weigh for this week (Monday) was 315.6. I inputted my starting weight (new) as 316 b/c that was the highest weight I saw in the week.


I could go on a mission to figure out how I did that. But I think over complicating things is how I get burned out.


But I did do a few things different this last week:


1. I added on a bit of exercise. About 10-15 more mins. to be exact (after the 60 on the elpt). I added aerobic steps (those boxes you step on), squats with that cowbell looking weight thing and arm weights.


2. I ate into my weekly WW points like none other. I pretty much killed them on Friday and Saturday (49 in total).


I didn't really pay too much attention to what I was eating. Just tried to listen to myself about food. Was I hungry? What did I want? I didn't really count points either until Sunday (where I got in my 60 mins., used my stairs to step and did some weights and squats)


I know that is a dangerous path so that's why I didn't continue it. I started over on Monday, so I started tracking and counting again. I want to get back into the swing of tracking and counting before I get too concerned about what exactly I'm tracking and counting. Its almost like I need to start all over again with just the very basics. Things got too complicated.


Anyway. I hope I do make my 310 before the cruise, but if I don't, it will be just fine.


Good Choices.

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Good for you, Brooke. Sounds like you are doing what is right for you. There is so much conflicting dieting advice out in the world. I think everyone has to find what works for them!


Yes, I can totally relate to the grant issue. I spent 10 years at a state university writing grants, so I know the bind and the pressure to get them in on time!! Congratulations on getting it done!


That's great news that your health insurance is now covering obesity. Only makes sense since obesity is connected to so many health issues....in the long run I feel it will be better for the insurance co and the patient to cover these issues! Maybe a dr. can give you some insight and direction, although as others have pointed out, there are lots of people who have had success with WW.


I haven't made it to Torrid yet...it's not in the mall closest to my house and since going back to work full time, the weekends are pretty much taken up with errands, but I hope to go soon to check it out.


Your cruise is coming up soon. I'm sure you are getting excited. I can't wait to hear all about it and to see your fashions (hoping for a cruise fashion blog post!!). You have a lot of style with your outfits, which I really admire. My kids used to kid me because when I was at my heaviest, all I ever wore was black...I have a closet full of plus size black trousers and tops, lol. Now that I've lost weight, I'm adding in a bit of color!


You will find what works for you. Look at how far you've come...

Edited by pcrum
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Brooke, I have to agree with P Crum you will find what will work for you. In my case it became time for me to really do something about my weight when it started to affect my health.


Back in May, I went to the Dr. and my blood test revealed border line diabetes. But I knew I could control it by diet and to lose weight. I did have to go on some meds.


I have lost 19 pounds since May so I 'am making progress one day at a time. This is a life commit to a healthier me, I'll do my best, but I will not beat myself up like I have in the past.


I do admire you both for working out. Working out is something I really need to do. I guess I just have to start somewhere.


Brooke, I admire you for posting and being honest, I know there are alot of people who just can't do that. So Thank you.



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Brooke, I have to agree with P Crum you will find what will work for you. In my case it became time for me to really do something about my weight when it started to affect my health.


Back in May, I went to the Dr. and my blood test revealed border line diabetes. But I knew I could control it by diet and to lose weight. I did have to go on some meds.


I have lost 19 pounds since May so I 'am making progress one day at a time. This is a life commit to a healthier me, I'll do my best, but I will not beat myself up like I have in the past.


I do admire you both for working out. Working out is something I really need to do. I guess I just have to start somewhere.


Brooke, I admire you for posting and being honest, I know there are alot of people who just can't do that. So Thank you.






We all have our struggles and they aren't any easier than anyone else's. I just want to find a place where I'm healthy and more happy (b/c I'm happy now). I think that is a different place for each person and there are so many ways to get there.


Exercise was hard for me at first. But I found that if you really push yourself at first, when you don't want to do it, then your body will eventually crave motion. Start where you feel comfortable and doing something you like. If you wanted some thoughts.........:D

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Good for you, Brooke. Sounds like you are doing what is right for you. There is so much conflicting dieting advice out in the world. I think everyone has to find what works for them!


Yes, I can totally relate to the grant issue. I spent 10 years at a state university writing grants, so I know the bind and the pressure to get them in on time!! Congratulations on getting it done!


That's great news that your health insurance is now covering obesity. Only makes sense since obesity is connected to so many health issues....in the long run I feel it will be better for the insurance co and the patient to cover these issues! Maybe a dr. can give you some insight and direction, although as others have pointed out, there are lots of people who have had success with WW.


I haven't made it to Torrid yet...it's not in the mall closest to my house and since going back to work full time, the weekends are pretty much taken up with errands, but I hope to go soon to check it out.


Your cruise is coming up soon. I'm sure you are getting excited. I can't wait to hear all about it and to see your fashions (hoping for a cruise fashion blog post!!). You have a lot of style with your outfits, which I really admire. My kids used to kid me because when I was at my heaviest, all I ever wore was black...I have a closet full of plus size black trousers and tops, lol. Now that I've lost weight, I'm adding in a bit of color!


You will find what works for you. Look at how far you've come...


Yea, there was too much internal struggle. I think it was getting stressful and counteracting my efforts. Basics always help put things back into perspective.


The rider want be into effect until Jan. but that's okay. I'm okay for now on my own. But it will be nice to see a Dr. on a reg. basis when I need help or a push.


I'm SWEAR I'm trying to get my cruise stuff up. I have to admit, I'm reusing a lot from last time with just a few new things mixed in. I just didn't have the extra $ to spend this time. Plus, I really didn't find any new stuff that just made me want to buy it. Thank you for the compliment. What is it my blogger friend says: Style is a personal choice you make out of fashion? Something like that anyway.


I hope to really bring back a good review. But I have cruise virgins with me and last night I was texting one of them and she was like, "I was looking at the spa treatments (through excursions on carnival).........."


I was like, "DON'T pre book! You can get better deals on board."


She was like, "Oh? Hmmm, good thing I didnt."


Cruise newbies..............:rolleyes:

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Well, I did aqua zumba yesterday. It was fun. At least with my body underwater, no one can really see all my jiggly parts move around. I have to say though, we did it for an hour and I didn't feel out of breath or anything. I guess we are kinda trained to think sweat and breathing show how good of a workout you got. But, in the water, you won't sweat and I guess you are working more muscle control, than anything. My legs were hurting before the zumba, so I can't say that the zumba caused that. The squats I've been doing probably did. But it was nice to take a break in the afternoon and it was nice to not have to go workout after work and just go home and enjoy the evening too.


I said I wasn't going to post food anymore and I'm not, but I think its a motivation tool to at least post some "Winning" moments that make me proud of myself. Doesn't matter how small. If you guys want to do it too, then that's GREAT!


My winning moment yesterday was the fact that I had a pack of pb crackers in front of me and I was hungry after aqua zumba (had lunch before), but when I opened them up I thought, "Do I really need to eat the entire package (6)? Maybe I should just eat three crackers, wait and see if I'm still hungry." I did and I wasn't hungry. Simply put them in a baggy and left them for another time. I'd say that is a good moment.


Gonna need to do my workout at home tonight b/c I need to go to the chiropractor. Unless I can get out of work earlier than I expect. But that's okay. I've been doing the ellpt. a lot lately. I'm sure the switch up to the bike will be good for me.


Saw 312.8 this morning on the scale. :D


Good Choices.

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:) Good job on the crackers, I would have ate the whole pack and then thought about eating half. I think you were smart not buying a bunch of new outfits, when your dieting I think it is a bad choice to buy new clothes, you have a bad diet day and you think its okay I can wear my new outfits longer before you know it your totally off the diet.

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Still showing about 313.4 on the scale. I had to cut my workout down a bit last night b/c I went to see my little men.


But that is part of my Winning for yesterday:


1. I went to Sweet Frog and got a 6oz cup of pumpkin pie non fat yogurt. Why is that a win? Well b/c The mini size of the Pumpkin pie blizzard from DQ (6oz) is 370 with tons of fat. The Sweet Frog version (I added a few crumbles of graham crackers) for 4oz is 110 no fat. So I save around 150 calories on something I like and wanted.


2. I talked myself out of going too far into my weekly points (I've been trying to eat a little of the everyday, but trying not to go crazy) by saying no to some evening fiber one cereal. I had already ate at my brothers and my head was saying, "But the fiber is good for you and helps keep thing :eek:" then I said, "Yea, but you have fiber powder right there that doesn't cost you but 5 calories (no points) with a glass of water." WINNING!


3. I could have skipped a workout completely. It was 8 when we got home, but what was I gonna do for a few hours before bed anyway, sit? So, I jumped on the bike for about 40 mins. Did some weights, set of squats, steps for about 3 mins.


I'm already planning to go to McDs this evening b/c this is the court date and LAST official visitation for the boys and we discussed them needed some family time after. Good thing I have my water aerobics during lunch today, so I won't have to worry about a workout. I'm gonna go plug in what I'm going to eat now, so I can make sure that I stay on target for the day.


Good Choices.

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311.8 was what I saw on the scale this morning. I've been eating more and not really watching my carbs or sugar or salt........just following the WW plan and points along with exercise.


I do make better choices. I try to think strategically about what I'm eating.


I'm also eating more for breakfast. instead of 8 points I'm eating 10-15 points. Keeps me fuller longer. I use fruit or veggies as a snack inbetween. It seems to be working, although now is not the time to let my ego go too far. Still a ways to go.


Good Choices.

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:) Great Job, happy for you. Your cruise is so close lucky you have a great time. I am sure you will be super busy the next few days.:)







311.8 was what I saw on the scale this morning. I've been eating more and not really watching my carbs or sugar or salt........just following the WW plan and points along with exercise.


I do make better choices. I try to think strategically about what I'm eating.


I'm also eating more for breakfast. instead of 8 points I'm eating 10-15 points. Keeps me fuller longer. I use fruit or veggies as a snack inbetween. It seems to be working, although now is not the time to let my ego go too far. Still a ways to go.


Good Choices.

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Congrats on 311!!! That is a significant loss!! You should be very proud!!


I also took a look at the blog and loved the fashions!! You look very put together!! I hope you have a wonderful time on the cruise!!


Thanks. I was 312.6 this morning so I think I'm just gonna put in 312 for weigh in today.


I'm hoping in the next 11 days I survive. Mom came home with 102 temp. last night...............ugh. People always trying to get me sick before vacation. A few years ago, Dad gave me a stomach bug 1.5 weeks before cruising. Thank Gosh it was only like a 24 hour thing and I had a few days to become NOT contagious.

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:) Great Job, happy for you. Your cruise is so close lucky you have a great time. I am sure you will be super busy the next few days.:)


I'm trying to get packing done. Its a pain. I wish I had double of everything, so I could get everything packed already. But of course I'll have to pack a bunch of stuff last min. b/c I'll need it. That always scares me b/c that is the stuff you leave behind.


I have a bit of a method though. I try to do one thing at a time in the morning. Once I finish (make-up) I put each thing into its bag, put it in the suitcase and then mark it off my list.

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312.6 on the scale this morning. So I'm going to log 312 since yesterday was 311.8 and early in the week its was 312.8.


Last Monday was 315.6, so that is a 3.6lb loss. That's what I should be doing. All this time that is what I should have been doing. I just hope my will, my commitment and the grace of God keeps me on this path.


So I pretty much have 11 days to lose 2lbs to make my goal. It'd be great to do it, but goals are only their for encouragement, not disappointment.


Slowed the workouts down this weekend. I did 30 mins on the bike, but I also did some laundry, packing etc. That all means that I was up and moving and up and down stairs a lot so, I kinda let that go with my workout. On Sunday, I had a day of rest, kinda. Again, I spend about an hour or more spraying down my furniture with water then going back and vacuuming it up with the shop vac. Still trying to get the animal smell out of it. I read online that this is a good way of doing it. As long as you don't steam clean it b/c that sets pet stains. I did one big couch, a big love seat and recline. I still need to do the accent chair. But let me tell you, I didn't really sweat, but my arms, legs, back and stomach all felt it. So, I'll call that a strength/core workout.


The gym will be this evening. I'm trying to switch things up. It was nice on Friday when there were no students to use the facility so I could do some intervals. I did 20 mins. then stopped for a bathroom break, then got back on for another 20 mins. stopped and then did squats w/ weights, hand weights and then stair steps. It was pretty much an hour workout, but not all on the elliptical. I'm hoping the Aqua Zumba will also help things along and change things up. Plus my chiropractor can't really complain about aqua zumba :p.


Anyway. Still chugging along with my food. I'm hoping that I'm working on changing my relationship with it. Been doing a lot of "pausing" and considering.


Like I know my bday is this weekend. I know I will be working our festival on Saturday (my bday) too and I will want a funnel cake and will probably eat some lunch there. I know the choices are limited b/c its ONLY authentic Appalachian foods. So fried chicken, dumplings, etc. Yep. Then throw in a bday cake at some point..........I'm sure it will be a caloric day, maybe even a weekend. I need to consider this as the week goes on. That's what those weekly points are for. Where I have been spreading them out as I need them this last week.......it is probably best if I hold back on them this weekend as save the majority for Sat. and Sun. Plus I can bolster my exercise and have those for back ups, though I doubt I will need them.


Anyway, those are the kind of basic choices I need to make.


Good Choices

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You, dearie, have GOTTEN IT! Excellent!


Isn't it easier and less anxiety provoking to "just do it" as the plan is written? You don't have to watch too much..the points do the "watching" for you.


The birthday thing..you are so smart to plan..and you know the best thing you can do , if you must , is just try "bites" of things..so you can enjoy..it doesn't have to be a license to go off your plan. Bites are better than nothing and better than having the whole thing. Get a fried chicken breast but pull the skin off and "blot" the oil with a napkin..it does save fat and calories..a 1/4 of a funnel cake..blot that too for the extra oil..dumplings..do they taste any better than what you can get at home or make yourself? Can you get a dumpling any other time of the year? does it HAVE to be "on that day" or are dumplings available any day of the week at a bakery, etc?


Remember the mind tricks: "Yes it's my birthday but do I really want to blow it and feel like crap after? Maybe just one bite..etc." "Would I eat a big bowl of fruit if I were hungry and this wasn't avalable?" etc.






311.8 was what I saw on the scale this morning. I've been eating more and not really watching my carbs or sugar or salt........just following the WW plan and points along with exercise.


I do make better choices. I try to think strategically about what I'm eating.


I'm also eating more for breakfast. instead of 8 points I'm eating 10-15 points. Keeps me fuller longer. I use fruit or veggies as a snack inbetween. It seems to be working, although now is not the time to let my ego go too far. Still a ways to go.


Good Choices.

Edited by Gathina
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