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Posts posted by CookieShip

  1. 21 hours ago, brilliantseas said:


    Mostly sunny, with air temps in the low 80s. This is the first time in two cruises I've seen the dome open. I was beginning to wonder if it was stuck, but it does indeed open when the weather warrants. Sadly, we'll be headed back to a very chilly Baltimore on Sunday, and the dome will once again be closed. 



    So it does work! We had great weather as well last cruise and they didn't seem to budge it at all, just left the one section open that I'm told is due to the smoke from Guy's.



  2. How does one pick which side of the boat to be on? I believe I was starboard the last time I was on Carnival Legend and it seemed to get me a good land view from cabin when we were docked at a destination (using in place of port to be less confusing!). I enjoy the people watching from my balcony and maybe looking out for pier runners (haven't seen anything too crazy yet).


    Do the ships always dock the same way or does it just depend which ships are also at that destination that day? I think I've seen at some destinations, the ship name painted onto the docking/pier structure. 


    On my next sailing, I currently have a port side cabin. Wondering if I should try to change that at all or just go with it. I'll be at two of the same destinations as previous sailing and one new destination.  



  3. On 3/18/2022 at 11:16 AM, d-train said:

    Has anyone flown with these test kits?

    we are extending our trip a week prior to boarding so we will 

    need to bring the kits with us and do the test at the hotel. 

    carry on. Or checked bags?

    I think it says to put in your carry on, so they aren't lost or get too cold in the luggage area. 

  4. 1 hour ago, scoobysnacks70 said:

    Has anyone done the Stingray adventure here?  How far is it from where we do the stingrays to where the clam shells are.   Ours tour does not start until 12:30...I was wondering if we should rent a clamshell for the morning.  

    Opposite sides of the island, but they have a truck/bus that drives you over to the stingray adventure and they drive you back towards the pick up point after. The clam shells are spread along the beach. We did the stingrays in the morning and were glad to have a clam shell in the afternoon. Sun is intense there.


    To the OP, lunch is provided. You can use your S&S card for purchases, some of the local vendors might only accept cash, I didn't really check out those wares while there. 

  5. We did an excursion and had no trouble finding an available clamshell after. It was near a lifeguard and relatively close to the food at lunchtime. If your mom is disabled, I don't think she will want to walk further down the beach for possibly free shade. 

  6. What kind of pick up are you scheduling? Just wondering on their flexibility because it basically depends on when you get back into port, which can vary from week to week. I think on last week's return, they didn't get back until noon because of weather. Back in Dec, we got into port probably before 8 and got off just before 10.

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