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Everything posted by BND

  1. Not to mention, there are a lot of people who haven't had a booster since Fall 2021. We've only had the first two and one booster. Since fully vaxxed is still defined as the first two, there are a lot that haven't had a shot in going on two plus years now. We decided no more especially as everyone we know (except DH and I and my parents for some reason) have had it and all were triple and some quadrupled vaxxed. It really makes no sense to require it at this point.
  2. You do realize the soft serve and gelato are completely different, right?
  3. It's a completely different texture than a filet. It's a veal shank so it is a lighter color.
  4. We ate there in Nov and it was really good. Osso Bucco, a side of pasta-both really good.
  5. There was supposed to be a new list out this month.
  6. You have to call C&A. I really miss being able to do it myself online but that option has been gone a few years.
  7. Well, since Empress doesn't belong to Royal anymore... That was my point. There are no Royal ships without one.
  8. It was your check in time. All they do is confirm your answers to the three questions they have been asking. Maybe they're doing away with the wellness check part.
  9. Grandeur had it up until they left Baltimore this last time. EN does not. On GR, it was just the front section of the MDR on the opposite side of the entrance for everyone. And, yes, a specialty coffee was included and the menu was exactly the same, but the service was better. Not sure if it was because it was more experienced wait staff or they just had less tables per team.
  10. We're D+ because we choose to cruise Royal. We didn't cruise Royal to become D+. It just comes along with it. Everyone has to make a choice, but these posts by people who think they are going to impact the bottom line when new people are booking daily, aren't realistic. People are not leaving in mass. Some are grumbling and stomping their feet and a few will leave, but the need to announce it always makes me laugh.
  11. For our Jewel b2b in Nov, the garage at T5 was full from Mariner (more cars than expected) so we parked outside the garage, around a fenced in employee area that they were using for guests. They also were directing cars over towards the T6 area after where we parked was full (by 1145) so they must have been using whatever they had over there. When we returned the first week and after the second week, there was plenty of parking in the garage. PC could use a couple more parking garages just for the overflow that seems to happen regularly. In Nov 2021, we were on HOTS at T1 for a b2b and were parked outside the garage before 11am because the garage was full. Next time we're in PC (2024) we are considering parking offsite so we don't have to deal with this. As it was, our car was parked outside not far from the seawall when Hurricane Nicole hit. Fortunately, no damage at the port, but still...
  12. In Nov when they were installing it (the contractors were on with us and got off and on with us b2bers) the chief engineer was talking about how it would be working in a couple of weeks. He seemed excited. To be fair, I think it may be something with Jewel's wiring internally. Surf and Surf and Stream were very slow also. In fact, on the TA (cruise right before ours) they lost connectivity the last couple of days.
  13. Jewel has Starlink. It was being installed on our Nov b2b.
  14. In Baltimore, they go onto a covered tram. They are delivered to the ship in the bins. I've seen it done many times. What the porters load the luggage onto is not what is forklifted onto the ship. The bins that re forklifted onto the ships are cubes. The carts that are loaded by the porters at the curb are not cubes. This is a video of Baltimore. At 1:35 it shows that the porters load the luggage onto and these are not (metal bins/baskets) what the forklifts lift onto the ship. https://www.google.com/search?q=baltimore+cruise+port&source=lmns&bih=852&biw=1504&rlz=1C1SQJL_enUS881US881&hl=en&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwipptiJjrP8AhUzD1kFHY0uDNsQ_AUoAHoECAEQAA#fpstate=ive&vld=cid:9796e6f4,vid:9IbkpHx8zA0
  15. I think some don't know that after bags are loaded onto carts, they are taken through scanning and moved onto bins that are loaded onto the ship. What is loaded on the ship is a bin that is moved by forklift. What the porters load are wheeled carts that are only used to push luggage into the terminal. Bag could have fallen off of the cart or the bin along the way. We've done 35 cruises (29 or so on RCI) and have never had our bags miss the ship. One time on Carnival, the tag had been pulled off so our steward found it for us because we also have name tags on them. It's very rare that something like this happens and it's not intentional. We've also always had a thank you for the tip we give. Usually $6 for two bags or $10 for 3 at most. Never, ever been asked for more.
  16. I agree. I've had both and Blue Bunny is awful.
  17. I have no idea as we haven't done a galley tour in a long time. Maybe someone here knows if do make it onboard.
  18. Blue Bell is a lot better ice cream than Blue Bunny. Royal used to make their own ice cream but I don't remember hearing if they still do.
  19. Maybe it's not your business what people choose to eat.
  20. I've ordered it once or twice 😉
  21. We did Tepanyaki at Izumi on Harmony in Nov 2021. IMHO, it's overpriced and not that good. We get much better at our local Sushi/Tepanyaki place here for a lot less. I have a shrimp allergy so we always have to have that cooked at the end (plus any other shellfish) so anyone sitting with us gets their experience changed. Last time we went to one locally, we had just family (8 of us) so it wasn't an issue. Most people are really nice about it, but it does change having shrimp as an appetizer to having it as a last item. My DH doesn't eat fish. He's never liked it. So, for me, it's not about being a "picky" eater and for him, it's not really that as much as it's a type of food he doesn't like. I'm sure he eats things that others don't like.
  22. Actually, it can be more expensive to fly across the US than it can be from the US to Europe or the Caribbean. Why do you keep saying Americans don't get much vacation time as an excuse. On average they don't, but they get enough to travel overseas if they choose to. The reality is, American's don't use all their vacation time, but Europeans do. Before I retired I got 5 weeks of annual leave a year and almost everyone I know gets 4 or 5 after a few years of employment. Iran actually gets the most. Want to live there?
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