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Cpt Pugwash

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Everything posted by Cpt Pugwash

  1. They do have a Special Section on there Website about Arranging Special Occasions onboard so i would suggest that Dept. Good Luck
  2. Contact P&O direct and tell them you idea's of your Proposal i am sure they will be able to make it Special for you Both. They do Weddings onboard so i can't see a Proposal being a problem to them. Good Luck to both of you. (And if she say's NO just push her overboard.) 😇
  3. I expect i could always try and buy one of those little steps, you know the ones some people use to reach high things in there cupboards, that fit's in my Suitcase.🙄
  4. To be Honest if it was going to cost me £1000 to book a Select i think i'd take the chance on which Cabin they put me in and take a set of Earplugs. 🙂
  5. Thanks prefer pics taken from front of ship as can see what's coming up.
  6. Thanks i watched that video on Youtube and shows lot's of decks without Plastic Panels at Aft of ship but none at front. The spaces i have seen are mainly where Stairs go between decks as the Panels stop then Continue on next deck but again all at side of ship. 😞
  7. You could book a Partially Accessible Cabin as doubt they would let you book a Fully Accessible cabin as they are kept for Full Time Wheelchair or Scooter Users because the Partial does not have enough room to manoeuvre a Wheelchair or Scooter around but can be booked by people with Disabilities who are not Full Time Wheelchair/Scooter users as i do.
  8. Yeah was told that one by someone from Carlisle about the clock but didn't know if it was True or a wind up. Use to visit Carlisle every week with my job so heard lot's of little facts about it from Customers. P.S I don't think Prince Charlie would have spent the night in M&S i read he was more of a Burton's Man.🤣
  9. Agree i have always booked Select because even though you get to choose the Cabin you would like it also let's you check before booking what is on the decks Above and Below you. Personally i'd rather pay a couple of hundreds of pounds than get stuck with a Cabin above the Theatre or somewhere like that.
  10. Sprinklies is the Posh word for Pins & Needles.🤣 P.S, Carlisle may not be part of Scotland now but how many times was it in i't's history.? Here's another piece of useless info about Carlisle you may not know, Carlisle Castle is supposedly the place the song Loch Lomond was written and the words in it 'you take the high road and i'll take the low road' are meant to represent the wives would come over the border to see there husbands when they were going to be hung which was at the far end of the walled city called England Gate so by the time the wives took the high road back to Scotland the Husband would have been Hung and his spirit would be back in Scotland before she was.
  11. Thanks for that didn't notice gaps between Panels on video's i had seen. Have 3 lenses for camera so hopefully one will be of use. Just prefer to see straight ahead so can see what's coming up. Thanks
  12. Thank You i had noticed those panels and thought they may get in the way though did notice in video's i have seen sometimes there is a clear space without them at side of ship so slightly side on might be my only option. Thanks.
  13. For a laugh i looked up to see if there is a word Sprinklies and there is, it means 'when part of the body goes to sleep. like maybe a foot or leg. 😁
  14. Agree with everyone that don't want to see them return, remember my first 'interaction' with them in the terminal at Southampton when i cut through the line for them to ask EVERYONE if they wanted to put there head through a Cardboard Cutout of the ship like you used to see at the Seaside when they told me l was 'Not Allowed' to cut through Security though they weren't very happy with my reply that it had Nothing to do Security it was just a Hard Sell. The Second was in Stavanger our first port of call, walking on the quayside, DSLR over my shoulder small Tripod screwed onto it to save me carrying it and they ask me do i want my Photo taken next to ship. I offered to take the young woman's instead of Her taking mine. There all about the Hard Sell and sell as many as they can.
  15. Could someone Please tell me which deck is the highest with a walk round part at front of ship as am a keen Photographer and like to take photo's s we enter and leave ports. Also which lift as i know some may only go up so many decks which one goes the nearest to the deck.? Thanks Take Care.
  16. Forget any worries you have i seen someone saying they were asked to leave one of the Places on Formal Night because her Husband had went back to his cabin and removed his Jacket. I contacted them as i suffer very badly from the heat and if warm and forced to keep my jacket on all night they better keep the Ships Doctor handy. There reply was they would not expect anyone to stick to anything that made them uncomfortable ad if any staff commented to me about having my jacket removed just explain why and everything would be fine. So worry about all the other things nor that.🤩 ENJOY
  17. Lets be Honest folks does it really matter if your bed sheets are not turned down before you get in it. Would refuse to use a Cruise Company again if they didn't or a Good hotel cause they didn't.?
  18. On the subject of using the Internet on board it always amazed me how so many people bought internet packages or were desperate to land somewhere so they could us the Local connections to find out what was happening at there Work. Work Ruled everything in there lives couldn't even ignore it for a week when they were on Holiday and the best laugh if you said to them there Work didn't control everything they did, that's why when they were away on Holiday supposedly enjoying themselves they can't ignore it for that little time. Even met a couple who owned what you would call a semi big business did they ever mention phoning home for Anything No just there to enjoy themselves do much that the husband had never fancied Cruising but being there Anniversary his wife made him take her on one and by the end of it like lot;s of people he was hooked.
  19. I'm just trying to get used to using cash now not because of the cost of living but because we all had to use Cards Only in a lot of places during the Pandemic and got out the habit of using cash. Now when i'm going to pay with Cash in a shop i ask them if i can pay with what i call Monopoly Money. 🤪
  20. Use your mobile phone on any setting as little as possible or it will cost you a Fortune. It's not like on dry land where you just use a Local transmitter on Board any ship it uses a Satellite to connect you to your phone. Even buying the Internet packages on board are expensive. Would be better buying a Carrier Pigeon to take messages to them and smuggle it onboard. 🙂
  21. No might not be the full amount there quoting unless you buy the Top Cabin Grades but i've got 2 Cruises booked as a Solo Traveller next year and i've got £105 + Free Parking on both of them for a Inside Cabin. Don't know if i got any extra on the other cruise i've booked it's was that long ago i booked it and it isn't till late next year. Now you've made me think ' am i getting any extra on the 3rd one' have to go and check. :-)
  22. My mother was the same never spent much but turned out she had £10,000's of pounds planked about the house we found when she died, i think she was still in War Mode of being thrifty but as i said like money other families have experienced all them grabbing as much as they can including a couple of mine who could by and sell the whole family put together but as i say the chance to make there Fat Bank Books they grab every penny with both hands. Just a shame i had refused to take money from my Mother when buying anything on Credit she would always off me the Cash to pay for it so the so called @family benefited from my morals of not milking for every penny i could like they did. Yeah somebody who knows how 'difficult' it can be sometimes to spend money on yourself, mine used to be i would see something i liked then think do i need it then not bother buying it. Now it's See It Buy It No 'family' to leave my money to so spend it on myself while alive and Charity get's every penny and everything of value so there is nothing left for them. Those three cruise will let me put to good use the expensive camera equipment i bought with 'there' money before being donated to Charity in my Will.. As they say you never know when your tie on this earth will come to a end i'm making sure every is arranged before i go so they have no say over anything. 🙂 Take Care
  23. i've always booked Select fare so i can choose where my Cabin is, go on Cruise Mapper note what cabins i would like ,check what is above and below them then phone and see what's available. Always got the one i wanted apart from a couple of Cruises where none were Available for the ones i wanted but just booked a different Cruise with them. Going on 3 Cruises next year and got the Cabins i want.
  24. Thank You yes i am now always thought of family first like there Mother/Grandma did but they treated her like dirt till the day she died then grabbed everything they could, just another one of those stories you hear about family grabbing as much as they can well they treated me like dirt but i making sure ll money and everything of value goes to Charity. Still getting use to spending lot's of money on myself but feels good now i'm getting the hang of it. Take Care
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