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Everything posted by southbayer

  1. I'm only mentioning Carnival, cause that's what I sail on... Anyway I was wondering , because this happens every cruise - So when I turn in for the night, I slip into bed and Its nice and cozy ... Then in the middle of the night, Its hot and I start sweating ... My thermostat is set a couple notches down from the middle setting... Do I need to keep the cabin all the way freezing just to get a good nights sleep... ? So, when I pull off the blanket only, then I'm freezing.. That's why I'm hesitant to turn temp all the way down... Anyone else deal with night sweats ?????
  2. I did... And if they were to say anything, I would have let them know I'm on back to back...
  3. Just bought insurance for my upcoming cruise... I printed out the 5 pages of coverage info... So do I fold these 5 page and shove them in my pocket for each of the seven days.. ? solo cruiser here... I'm thinking the worse, If I'm not conscience to tell someone I have med/evac coverage..
  4. Exact same thing here... Haven't been on a cruise since 2019.. Panorama next week tho!
  5. I liked the pastrami from the deli... you used to be able to request it on a roll a few years ago... don't know if you still can ?
  6. I need my damn bacon and eggs everyday in the buffet... I wonder if they will offer a bacon package, only those with a pig sticker on their card...
  7. My cruise came with a $200 OBC, and $200 credit in the casino with free drinks in there... But I just booked it, no mailings, and my cruise details say $200 OBC, but nothing about the casino cash... Will i still get it ??
  8. sounds like your sister had a miserable not so fun as can be time
  9. I'm on Panorama on the 12th of Nov 2022
  10. sorry to veer off topic, does anyone know if carnival provides in your stateroom when you board some face masks ?? Didn't want to make a new thread for this question, thanks... I'll be sailing 11/2022
  11. I bought it for the heck of it, in case i needed to cancel at the last min... i'm now 21 days out, should i just cancel it.. Medical would only be now the only reason i would need it.. any recommendations ??
  12. Now if we can just get our bacon back. Bacon and eggs in the morning is the best!
  13. I'll rephrase.. I got a casino deal with 200 OBC, and 200 casino cash and free drinks WHILE PLAYING IN THE CASINO that... So I bought CHEERS just to make sure i'm covered... Anyway, the 200 they give in casino, does anyone know if its cash, or chips, or those giant play chips ? thanks for the email
  14. I became platinum on my second back to back cruise, same port, different ship.. I didn't get the platinum card or any perks on my second sailing.. I notified the front desk after a couple hrs on board, and luckily i had a print out of all my sailings, i took that down there.. They said they would "contact Miami" office, and two hours later letters and new card and welcome platinum note was in my room.
  15. I usually cause of my CHEERS Package get my frozen drink, and wait the 5 min, and get a floater to pour in... I'll never drink 15 drinks in a day anyway, so i don't consider the floater a lost drink #
  16. What is the email to use for players club to find out regarding any freebies one would get ? thanks
  17. They can keep their WiFi, I'm not buying it this time... I can get internet in port.
  18. Thanks! Yeah I’m taking the elevator up this time!
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