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Everything posted by Mary229

  1. Maybe Canada made a change. I will have to research.
  2. Here is the official page, it says for entry into Canada. HAL is going to look at your test, your vaccine card, your passport and your boarding pass https://www.canada.ca/en/border-services-agency/services/arrivecan.html
  3. Here is the current contract. I do not find a fuel surcharge included after a quick perusal https://www.hollandamerica.com/en_US/legal-privacy/cruise-contract.html
  4. Please understand, my advice is not about statistics, it is about the OP’s state of mind. She needs to know she will be confronted with people of a different mind and she is already anxious. I think everyone is entitled to their perceptions but drawing from her perceptions I don’t see her enjoying herself on a cruise. Next year she may change her feelings regardless of what the state of Covid is or is not
  5. Generally on a one week cruise you will have the same stewards, a team of two. Their card will be in your room.
  6. I traveled in Quebec and Ontario annually for many years on business. The weather starts cooling significantly after mid-August. Check accuweather or other for historical weather. I think bright colors are fine but summer clothing will be too cool. Noting your Illinois location think spring instead
  7. When to buy is dependent on the investor. The stock is not facing a trading crisis, for every seller, so far, there is a buyer
  8. As a matter of fact I wouldn’t be surprised to see an expansion of land and resort options offered by cruise lines. Whether that would turn out well I can’t say. I planned the Yukon HAL tour as an extension of other western Canadian travel we had planned. I could hardly find in-depth reviews of the tour. Now there is a striking proliferation of the reviews appearing. My research was web wide not just cruise critic
  9. I can agree with that message - less than stellar results. Some are predicting the collapse of the industry and the bankruptcy of Carnival - I don’t agree with that. There is more shakeout to come but I think that will occur, as it has been, on the margins of the industry . The cruise line industry like the restaurant industry was bloated prior to the pandemic. The hotel industry, on the other hand, was at the end of the cycle and was in need of new capacity. The resort industry was in its infancy and may enjoy an unexpected boom due to the current sentiment
  10. I still like Uber, I know up front what I will pay. It is generally close to the taxi price maybe a bit lower but no surprises and it is on my credit card. I had two taxi drivers insist upon cash for long rides, that truly irritated me.
  11. 😅you thought the market was rational before 2020? It is never rational if it was we wouldn’t have tulips, beanie babies and crypto.
  12. Thank you. I will be following along. We are doing this in reverse in late August
  13. Taxi drivers have gotten so cheesy everywhere I go. For us it is now Uber or service.
  14. Just saw the commercial. It is pretty upbeat and modern.
  15. I agree about the service, it was excellent. I just didn’t like the recipes. The veal was excellent but it was a pretty boring presentation. We each have different preferences and a single meal on a cruise ship is not a deal breaker for me
  16. He almost let slip his target but checked his words. I think they are trying for just under 4%. They will be lucky if that works in light of our current energy policy. Interest rate and monetary policy can only do so much.
  17. They indicated July for another hike. . I watched the press conference
  18. The rate of Covid on ships is lower than in your neighborhood but this is all about perceptions. This person is scared and she should be aware she will be sailing with people who take a totally different view of this situation, I do. I will comply with a business’s demands if I want to use their services but I will only just comply. She is not going to be comfortable near me. She is going to be anxious and that won’t be a fun vacation. Next year will be better for her
  19. That’s cute and looks like it is easy to wear for many occasions
  20. It is a discontinued style that I really loved so I bought 4 pair when they discontinued
  21. From someone who had been married for 42 years the 26th anniversary is just as important and as much fun as the 25th😁
  22. They will take your photo, don’t stress about it i don’t think someone thought this through. How can you use a photo taken away from security and call it a security photo. Goofy
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