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Everything posted by mam11

  1. Thanks for helping me with the name "Carmanere"- I could never remember it, but learned to ask in the MDR for the last red on the plus list! It's pretty good.
  2. We are within 30 days but still get the box saying to wait and to be sure info is correct. Is there another way to do it? No email yet.
  3. We did the B2B out of Vancouver in August. Of the 4 glacier days, two were successful. Our first Glacier Bay day was fogged in completely, and our Hubbard day had so many ice chunks in the water that we couldn't do it. College Fjord was a huge highlight for us. And of course Glacier Bay is wonderful. Didn't mind the port repetition- but do pay attention to the times in port when scheduling excursions. We did whale watching in Juneau and it was spectacular. The first week the port weather was great, warm and dry. The second week not so much. Whittier was a gray rainy day. We were able to find a guide to take us through the tunnel to the wildlife preserve and back to the ship. We found the Grand to be just fine. Our cabin was one that had been replaced- husband said they use a crane and take the whole cabin out, put a new one in. Very light woodwork, self closing drawers, very attractive. It was an accessible and the bathroom had been reconfigured to save a little cabin space. I couldn't find any info ahead of time about which cabins are redone so I was very happy when we boarded. A small disappointment- Good Spirits only served the special drinks after 530 PM. We liked the production shows so much we went to them both weeks. Had a great cruise director. The crew was very friendly and helpful- all glad to be working!
  4. I booked a cruise for Mar 2024 awhile back with my new CVP. Now I see a lower price on the Princess website but he cannot see it on his end. If I cancel and rebook myself I will lose the insurance I've already paid for (because of pre-existing conditions). Any thoughts?
  5. I was very sad that on our Grand Alaska B2b last month, the Good Spirits special drinks were only served after 530PM. During that time I'm usually with my travel companions who don't care about them. I got two different explanations: one, they don't get the fresh stuff needed to make the special drinks until later now, and two, no one would come to the "shows" they do at the bar if the drinks were available all the time. So I only had a couple but they were great.
  6. We boarded in Vancouver on Aug 16 and did a b2b. We did ArriveCan before leaving home. On the cruise there was a meeting for those continuing on for the second leg, on the last day of the first leg. The crew helped us fill out our ArriveCan the second time. No one ever mentioned ArriveCan to us, but we were told at that meeting that it is accessed electronically by whoever needs to know.
  7. Silicon Cruiser: " One clown tried to tell me that the ADA seats were for those with "handicaps". He was seated in a scooter and his spouse (or whomever) was seated in the ADA seat. When I asked if thought it would be okay if my wife transferred from her wheelchair to the legitimate ADA seat, he seemed to be at a lost for an answer. I think his scooter was a rental, as well." I don't quite understand this comment. My husband uses a mobility scooter and is much more comfortable staying on it for a show as opposed to transferring to a seat. In the downstairs section, there are several rows that have a couple of missing seats at the end. We have assumed that those were rows where he could pull his scooter up on the end and I could sit next to him. Do you consider that I, as an able bodied person, shouldn't sit in those seats? They are not marked handicapped. Thanks for your thoughts.
  8. So you have to reapply prior to each cruise for the shareholder's credit?
  9. Yes, we're all on the same flights. I agree about them probably not being ticketed. Thank goodness we checked.
  10. Scopolamine works well for me- no drowsiness, just extreme dry mouth. I guess I've never read the insert, didn't know alcohol isn't advised. Good thing I don't always follow directions 🙂
  11. Just this very day had an EZ Air issue- we sail from Vancouver two weeks from tomorrow. Four in party- I checked United to be sure flights were there, ours were, but our companions' flights were gone on United. Still on Princess tho. Our CVP announced his Aug 12 retirement on FB today, and friend whose flight disappeared tried for hours to get him. She then called Princess who said altho he retires Aug 12, he's no longer in the office and not taking calls. Grrr. The CVP I had already emailed to see if we could transfer, immediately helped us. He emailed me that "sure enough, friends' flights are gone". But he got them rebooked- only disadvantage is they lost their selected seats. Not sure what would have happened had we not checked on United.com...
  12. We're on the Grand, B2B starting Aug 17. Scheduled at RRF on Aug 21 and Aug 27- 3 ships and 4 ships respectively. So what are our chances? Website stills shows Skagway.
  13. Our first cruise with my husband on a scooter was in 2008 (I think) to the Med. We didn't know what we didn't know, for sure! We did Ephesus with the scooter- that's got to be the hardest place we've ever been with it. But...he got to see it and for that I will be forever grateful. We've been on lots of cruises since then and find it such a wonderful way to travel. Husband can walk short distances (up to a short city block if he has to), and do a few steps if needed. We've never been denied a tender, but we understand that could always happen. But we won't go down without a fight- we did once have to get a supervisor. We use a Pride gogo 4 wheel heavy duty and can disassemble and reassemble it ourselves. I'm willing and able thank goodness to do whatever is necessary to make his experience as high quality as possible. And he's willing to stay behind and let me do a few things that he can't. So overall, we are blessed in many ways and love traveling. I hope we get to do lots more!
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