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Everything posted by MouseBerry

  1. We were on the Regal until last Monday. They told us we could get all from Gelato menu and the IC big cakes for free (2 pp per day) with new Princess Plus package. We tried the Cake and plain Gelato. We didn‘t like either. The quality was not good. Same applies to soft ice from swirls.
  2. Well, Le Havre actually is an industrial port, but it is allowed to walk on your own. It is 25 to 30 min. to city center, but it isn‘t a nice walk most of the time. Maybe not an option for not well walkers, but it‘s doable. 20$ roundtrip pp is a hefty price for the shuttle. 10$ should be enough or Princess should provide it for free. Last year in Bilbao and LaRochelle, where walking seems to be not allowed, Princess offered free shuttles.
  3. We had a 2 and 1/2 hour guided walk tour (History of Terror) today in Belfast. This was quite an interessting tour, but it was grey, cloudy, wet, cold and windy. It is in prime summertime right now, but it felt like a bad November day. Believe it or not, yesterday when we were on a hiking tour in Dublin/Howth, my DW got a sunburn in the heck. It was not hot, but when the clouds give way to the sun it might burn quickly. So yes, bring all possible clothing with you😊
  4. Everything seems to be up to business as usual. Tendering seems to start very soon.
  5. I was actually a bit confused by who is the captain of the Regal. There is a display of all senior officers. All seems to be accurate except Captain Timothy Stringer as the actual Captain is Paolo Arrigo which presented himself yesterday at the Piazza. Strange.
  6. Tendering started around 7:30 and the first flood of passengers was over very quick. Then there was a period when no ticket was required. One hour later, when the majority of passengers finished breakfast and wanted to leave the ship, tickets were required again. But waiting time was only 10 min. But be aware of very long lines when coming back to the ship. We showed up at the pier around 2pm and touched the ship at 4pm.
  7. Found it. It is a small corner of the Pastry section in the buffet. But it is only open until noon and 2pm on ses days. Rest of the time not a single sign of it.
  8. We are currently on the Regal. Does someone knew where the fresh juice bar is? The app won‘t tell. We could ask someone from service, but it seems to be a well hidden secret. Maybe to avoid flooding of this venue.
  9. Well, boarding window from travel summary seems to be not consistent with arrival group times. For our next cruise July 19th out of Southampton travel summary indicates boarding window from 12:30pm. But our chosen arrival group in the app indicates boarding from 11:00. Good they give up the arrival groups as they never controlled anything an were not meant to control something😀
  10. Cumbercome embarkation, not nice but no big problem. MDR quality reduced, not good but usually i find something to eat. Boring shows, no problem as talking with other passengers is entertainment for me. But this deckchair hogging is something i can not stand. The first cruise line which actively enforce pooldeck rules and takes avtively countermeasurements very likely will have two very loyal customers, DW and me. If my position isn‘t clear: annoying, absolutly annoying.
  11. Hi, I found it in the app under OceanReady/Personal Information and Documents and then under Suggested/Arrivals. There you can select an „Arrival Group“. But this option doesn‘t work until you are close to your embarkation (within 60 days?).
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