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Everything posted by OCSC Mike

  1. It's impossible to generalize about RoyalUps. Way too many variables like the ship, length, how full it is, etc. Beyond that, no one truly knows how the algorithm works. All that said, I wouldn't bid much more than the minimum, but only you can put a price on the value of that window to you.
  2. 1st thing I did after getting my Walgreens “negative” e-mail before my 1st cruise after restart was go to the bank.
  3. I didn't drink much there either (was too busy eating as usual) but my drinks were mostly from there. First drink each trip came from Chill Island where my wife snorkels early in the morning before we spent the rest of the day by the pool (and making food runs).
  4. I'm not even a big drinker and I know what you mean. Counting the singles for tips in my pocket also didn't work on that one cruise b/c I was being a good uncle and tipping for my 12-year-old niece's virgin drinks when I took her to a bar. It was much simpler being alone with my wife last week. Back in steerage. Less money, less problems, lol. Using vouchers on Cococay was interesting though. On our two trips, they didn't show up at all the 1st time and the 2nd time they showed up later on under one of the ship's bars.
  5. Yes. I'll take my sample size over yours. Thanks for winking at me.
  6. Reading this forum everyday for months is my source. You don't have to believe me though.
  7. The majority of D members have said they prefer the 4 vouchers for any drink any time over the 3 hour happy hour with the limited menu... so while you consider it a downgrade, you are in the minority.
  8. This is correct. The “tap type” cards have a chip in them rather than a magnetic strip so they will not risk damaging the chip by punching a hole in the card.
  9. Nice. Never seen those. Natural choice for a creamer.
  10. Trash can punch, lol. The Sprite was very important.
  11. It's not a mixed drink if there's nothing to mix. 🙃
  12. Not sure of any package discount for being D+ but you get 5 free drinks (up to $13) per day, per D+ member. Any bar, any time.
  13. I've never been called a Hobbit before but that's my routine, lol.
  14. Agree for all these reasons... the catch is it sometimes doesn't work at all, not that it's just a few minutes behind. I had to use the website for my most recent cruise, which of course wasn't that big of a deal.
  15. Or go on a strict pre-cruise diet for a few weeks prior when you know you gain 10+ lbs. on every 7-night cruise. 🙈
  16. Should have mentioned this earlier, but also enjoy Park Cafe for breakfast on Oasis Class. As an early riser, Central Park is very peaceful at 6:30am and the Park Cafe McMuffin with a runny egg was my go-to pre-breakfast while waiting for my extended family to wake up on Harmony a couple months ago.
  17. I used a cropped picture from inside Radiance in Alaska from 2018 on our recent B2B. When the crew member running our turn around got to us (in the Star Lounge) and looked us up on his tablet, he knew exactly where the picture was taken just from the background (a wall with what I'll call lit up stars up near the DL I think). Think we took it b/c we thought the wall looked cool.
  18. Yep. Definitely some benefits if you wake up early. Naturally I understand why many prefer to sleep in a bit. Different strokes...
  19. Both... I try to eat at virtually every included food venue on every cruise I take. Obviously I like some a lot more than others and frequent those but I rarely skip anywhere.
  20. It's never happened to me but I have seen others report that. Sorry, you'll just have to wait it out.
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