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Everything posted by Ilovemygarden

  1. Yes - I believe it is horrendous. My son lives in a little village near Port of Monteith and said yesterday neighbouring villages were more or less cut off.
  2. Thanks Eglesbrech - I came home via coach (the outward journey definitely not to be recommended due to a very old and noisy bus being substituted for the “luxury coach”). The worst of the weather here was yesterday I think with a few local problems. I haven’t ventured outside yet as I ordered a grocery home delivery from the coach which arrived at noon yesterday (the delivery that is, not the coach!
  3. Forgot to mention the entertainment on board. The Headliners shows I attended were excellent, as were the two shows by the Four Harps. A Country and Western singer was also very good (I can’t remember her name) but the buskers - oh dear they were absolutely dire! I cannot imagine how they were ever employed. Kevin Simm in the Limelight Club was ok - I felt I was perhaps at least 10 years too old to fully appreciate him (not his fault)!
  4. Indeed - now wondering if my garden and surrounding roads have more water in them than the Britannia pool! 😰
  5. I was on this Britannia cruise too and whilst I can sympathise with the other poster being ill and agree there were cool spots here and there on the ship in the evenings, because the weather was so very good it wasn’t really a problem for me. I would also agree that there were a few signs of wear and tear but nothing significant enough to detract from my overall enjoyment of the trip. I do agree the food in the MDR was sometimes as described but it was more or less what I expected and similar to my last two cruises on Azura. I would also describe myself as “very picky” and I don’t have a large appetite. There was a lot of lamb served but again not an issue for me. The meals in the Beach House, Glass House and Epicurian were all excellent and in my opinion not expensive, given the initial fare. The Limelight Club did have a more limited menu than previously advertised but it was ok. Drinks were, as usual, very good value and overall I enjoyed the cruise very much. The weather was absolutely amazing with people sunbathing by the main pool on the very last day before Southampton.
  6. I am embarking Britannia tomorrow and had an email from P and O about 5.00pm asking everyone to delay their boarding time by one hour as “her arrival has been slightly delayed due to weather” - must be a bit rocky out there!
  7. I honestly don’t know but that is a good approximation. I seem to remember (probably depending on the hosts) that the later session went on until everyone had had enough!
  8. I haven’t been on Ventura but on Azura in February there were two sessions each evening in the atrium (with hosts) - one I think at 7.30 and another at 9.00 or maybe 9.30. No live band though. There were also daytime classes on sea days.
  9. I am due to board Britannia next week and can book the Limelight Club, the Beach House,Epicurian and Sindhu now.
  10. I hope you have a lovely cruise and can report that Britannia is in good shape for me boarding on the 22nd! Some people can be shallow and selfish can’t they? Seriously, though, hope you enjoy! 🛳️
  11. I had a leaflet in the post yesterday from Fred Olsen with some good deals including drinks for 2024 but maybe your last experience with them has had you strike them off your list!
  12. Yes - I booked some this morning for Brittania. £7.50 pp for the Beach House and £20 for the Limelight Club less Peninsular discount.
  13. Morning folks - Kevin Simm and Andy Abraham are listed as the entertainment in the Limelight Club for my forthcoming cruise on Britannia. Would any of you who have seen them care to comment? Thanks in advance.
  14. Indeed - even in Glasgow! Photo taken in my garden 5 minutes ago. Unbelievable after the rubbish couple of months we’ve had. Long may it last.
  15. Sunny here too😎 Hope you don’t have too long to wait and result is positive.
  16. I asked for the flu and Covid jab last year on the same arm - one sore arm is better than two!
  17. Yes - I got a letter yesterday although I’ve just been online to change it as I’ll be away on the date they gave me. Looks like it’s starting up here on 1 October as that was the first date offered.
  18. I cannot believe what a beautifully sunny day it has been here (at last) and looks like we have the prospect of five more! 😎🌞
  19. Thanks - that’s what I’d remembered from my last trip on Britannia in 2018 but on the P and O website it comes up with “for a little extra” so I wondered if things had changed.
  20. Does anyone know how much it is to book the serenity pool? Is it available on a daily basis or booked for the whole cruise?
  21. Yes I understand that too - in fact on Saturday night past I had a catch up with “cruise” friends (8 of us) who we met 21 years ago and have befriended other lovely people on shared tables when my husband was alive but one not so good dining experience a few years ago whilst travelling solo has made me a bit wary now. I do know where you are coming from though about sometimes maybe feeling a little bit lonely on such a large ship.
  22. Yes - a fixed table is a hit or a miss isn’t it? I’ve found solo ok in freedom, particularly if you eat with even one or two other solos at a shared table with couples as well. I know it doesn’t exist on Iona but no way would I contemplate 35 nights with the same table companions. Thanks for your replies.
  23. Selbourne - thank you very much for your helpful information. I am seriously considering a solo voyage to the Caribbean on Iona in January 2025. How do you think that would fit for a (well) over 70 year old female?
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