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Everything posted by NextOne

  1. Thank you for all the birthday wishes, friends! The best present I got was that my DS finally got a new job! Hallelujah!
  2. Two words -- free laundry!! Congratulations!
  3. What a toot fest! Thanks Leanne, the cameraman and all the rest of the addicts!
  4. Hope to be here for sailaway. Thank you @leerathje!
  5. Food for thought......! Toilet update - one new one installed, then the plumber was called away for a family emergency. To return at noon tomorrow. I have the new one, but unfortunately he had dismantled the one in DS's bathroom before he got the call. DS is NOT pleased! But he can use mine.... Such drama!
  6. @ger_77 Gerry - prayers raised for Gord and for Ollie. It's so good that you were nearby to support her. This has been a busy week -- did the weekly Meals on Wheels run yesterday morning, then last night there was a seder at church (lamb kabobs - yum!), which I had to leave early because the choir was due to warm up for the Maundy Thursday service. We're also singing tonight for the Good Friday service. We're practicing tomorrow morning with a brass quintet to prepare for the two Easter morning services. Because it's been so cold lately, I'm glad the church stopped the tradition of a sunrise service on Easter. It was always beautiful, but my feet were frozen when it was over!! We have dinner reservations for later on Sunday -- after all that, I'm not cooking! Supposedly, two of the new toilets will be installed today. I'm ready, but the crew hasn't arrived yet. Grumble! The remaining two are supposed to be installed next Wednesday. I'll be glad when this is done, so I can move on to the HVAC replacement. And my handyman advised me that I really need to have my driveway repaved, not just sealed. It's always something! Despite the cold, my DS attended Opening Day for the Orioles in Baltimore. With last season's success and new ownership, the fans are expecting great things this season. There was a moment of silence for the FSK bridge victims during the opening ceremonies -- the town is in mourning. Capote's quote was spot on. I've been watching the FX series "Capote vs. the Swans" and if that story is accurate, his third act was very unpleasant, mostly his own fault. Cheers for all that are heading to, or on, a BHB, and also those celebrating special events. Prayers raised for all on the care list -- it seems to be getting longer again.
  7. I had scarlet fever as a child. At the time, I was the only case in the entire state. We never did figure out how I got it! @ger_77 the blankets are beautiful! I'm sure the children that get them feel wrapped up in love!
  8. A very windy day today, so I moved everything that could go flying up to the front porch. I'm tired of chasing things across the yard! I'm a bit annoyed with my plumber. Finally made the decision to replace all the toilets in the house and had it all set up to happen today. When the phone rang at 8am, I thought he was going to tell me he was on his way. Nope! He cancelled because neither of his helpers was available. Now I have to call HIm early next week to reschedule. Grumble. I think my biggest gripe is that I spent the last few days cleaning all 4 bathrooms so they'd have a clean environment to work in - lol! Yes, "I Am" an Aries! Best wishes to all that are celebrating, and prayers raised for everyone in need.
  9. Zaandam may be smaller than her siblings, but she sure has a bigger voice!!
  10. Checking in! Looks like a beautiful sailaway day for THREE BHBs!!
  11. Good toots -- just a shame there was no zoom!
  12. Checking in & plan to be here for sailaway! Thank you, Leanne!
  13. Rabbit, Rabbit, White Rabbit! Just stopping by early (for me) to wish everyone Happy March -- it's Spring!! Just hope the weather people follow through on that! Happy Birthday @aliaschief! Many thanks to everyone who keep this a warm and welcoming site!
  14. Well, the plumber got the toilet fixed, but it was only because my DDDH had stockpiled lots of toilet parts in the basement! The toilet is 40 years old & the plumber didn't have anything in his truck that would work. So we went down to the basement and, sure enough, there was the necessary piece! Still had to pay the labor charge, though...oh well! DH is still taking care of me!
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