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Everything posted by StoryMag

  1. I hope this brings Scott and Drew back. Someone alert them to the news ❤️❤️🛳🛳
  2. Hi Scott! I was on Serenity Lisbon-Southampton One Change Liked and disliked. Hmmmmm I liked the new Italian restaurant. I never liked Prego on Serenity (although I LOVED it on Symphony.) I thought the new decor and menu suited the ship. It surprised me, but I missed the casino! I would go first night of every cruise. But my $40 isn’t a money maker. I get that. That would not prevent me from sailing again. Sue
  3. What’s “an adults beverage package?” 😂😂😂😂😂 Have Fun Amber!
  4. I think you will enjoy it Amber. My taste runs to ballroom music and I would have enjoyed the use of the Starlight in the evenings for that purpose. But I think you will find the shows and the Avenue to your liking. For me, the duo in the Palm Court was lovely for listening to during cocktail hour, but not as the only evening dance program. Not to worry! You will have a fabulous time! Improvements are escalating quickly. Such a joy to see this wonderful cruise line return. Also on a side note…did you previously ask about the Sofitel Liberdade? It was fabulous however, take great care getting out of shower as there is an about a 6 inch difference to floor.
  5. Great review and optimistic as always. No one else seems to have commented on portion sizes in the restaurants. They are bigger than I remembered, and I finally started ordering half portions of everything. (This way, I can have the bread) 😂😂 For me, the music and dancing were serious disappointments. I think this will change, and probably sooner rather than later. But I did not book another cruise on board as I had intended to do because of this issue. But literally everything else was perfection. I look forward to the time they start publishing the entertainment ahead of time. I just do not see myself cruising on another line. Crystal is simply wonderful. I did give you a shout out in Bordeaux, but never actually ran into you on board. Still, it was lovely sailing with the two of you!
  6. Beautiful sail away from Bordeaux this evening. Well done Crystal with specialty cocktails and the Crystal band on deck.
  7. Dancing seems so far to be limited to Palm Court. Small floor. Fine for pre dinner, but not for late night. and i think ends at 930. Good news is there do appear to be a number of dancers so even though one may not get a chance to dance, the host program does seem to still be popular, which is good. do wish they would use the stardust (starlight) though.
  8. I boarded Serenity in Lisbon after horrific fall at the Sofitel and also after having lost my luggage due to late reroute due to unstable weather in Northeast U.S. Good news is I seem to have recovered and a lovely gentleman who’s name I did not catch advised me as I was checking out and he was checking in that I should immediately go to Crystal concierge and let them know my luggage was not recovered and I had made no progress finding it. So I did that. Long story short my luggage arrived in my cabin at our 2nd port. And THAT is Crystal service. Our lovely Leo, Batman and Robin as well as countless others are all on board. Service is just so fantastic and we even have a butler in our double verandah cabin. Next time though, we need to go bigger. room is beautiful. I have found the dancing to be disappointing. But that is all!
  9. BTW, I did put the little pumps into the little shower of the double room and they fit just fine
  10. Hi! Yes, we do have them in the double as well. They appeared last night and are on the rack over toilet. Sue
  11. What I am hearing from everyone on this thread is EXCITEMENT! Doesn’t that feel great???!!!!
  12. Lindsay..not sure but I think it might be the Sofitel Lisbon Liberdade. Staying there next week (shriek!) I enquired a few months ago before I booked it and at the time, that was the recommendation. I did book it independently, however. Have had lovely correspondence with hotel, and it looks beautiful. Plus great neighborhood. Will try to update
  13. I was just thinking of the actual tickets. Glad you are all set! Will be on lookout for ours.
  14. Woo-hoo!!!! thank you for that! bags out of closet!
  15. Crystal isn’t like being in a large hotel in the penthouse suite. It is more like being on an exclusive yacht with 650 of your closest friends. The promenade decks are delicious! The company of fellow travelers is delightful and the attentiveness of the crew is magical. I am sure you will love it! I know I will! In 30 days!!!! Roll on August!!!!!!!
  16. Keith - Sally and I are both so pleased that you will be on our sailing. I started following you when the pandemic hit, and then as the ships returned to service, then through the acquisition. Your positive attitude is so refreshing. Cannot believe we are so close now. Soon I will be having a cosmo leaving Lisbon on Serenity just as I once did years ago on Harmony with Mum. Good, good times. I hope the ship is full. She is such a beauty! Cheers to all that will be joining us! Sue
  17. Yes! Done and dusted! I was perhaps too anxious.
  18. So excited to be in my official 60 day window! Tried to book shore excursions and dining reservations, however can’t seem to figure out how. I thought maybe the “My Reservations” button would become active at 60 days, but it hasn’t. Is there another way to do this? Am I missing something?
  19. Thrilled that Serenity has entered dry dock because it is only 60 days until my cruise. and if you think that is not possible, it absolutely is. Can’t count any days left in May as there are so few remaining. Only 30 days in June and only 30 days in July because who the heck counts July 31st anyway? And sure, there are some days in August before I board, but those don’t count as vacation mode will already be full throttle. Ah….60 days!
  20. Not on first cruise out, but on second one. Fingers crossed Leo returns, but realize that is highly unlikely. I am sure there will be hiccups, but I will be in a “Serenity” state of mind….. Thank you for all your posts Keith!
  21. Wow! Thanks for the heads up! So excited to be sailing out of Lisbon on second voyage!
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