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Everything posted by Monica887

  1. 100% I might obsessively google my cabins and ships, but I don’t think that’s the norm and it’s why people like travel agents. Of all the things people say would ruin their trip (RIP hashbrowns) this one actually would impact my enjoyment, as I could happily spend half my time on the balcony. I wouldn’t cry for a week, but I would be more than slightly disappointed.
  2. Depends on all your preferences. I was on the Escape Haven with 1 other person so a regular HF room was more than enough. My room was just off the bar area which I loved. I love being able to go from the pool and back to my room in just a few seconds. I think once or twice I was aware that the restaurant was above me, but it wasn't bad, and I'm usually sensitive to sounds and like my quiet.
  3. Ugh, that's what I was afraid of. It's Alaska and the port times are short, so I'm second guessing some of my choices. Trying to see if there were similar shorter excursions that left us some time in towns.
  4. I have excursions booked but want to look at what else is available to make sure I made the right choices. Is there a way to see what else is available? If I look in the app, it only lists what else is possible that doesn't conflict with my current selection. If I look on the website by port, it lists things that may not be available on my particular trip.
  5. Follow up question, what about snapchat? I'm assuming yes since the social plan includes it? I almost never get an internet plan at all and just disconnect, so I'm lost!
  6. On the value wifi plan, can you use regular texting from an iPhone? Or do you need and external app like whatsapp?
  7. Last time I was in the Haven (Escape) the walls were not magnetic. Is that also the case on Encore? We will have 3 people in the room, so a little extra space would be helpful!
  8. Also consider Hayhu. I was there in August and had zero complaints. There was a lot of seaweed but we weren't swimming anyway. I posted a full review on the Costa Maya group .
  9. Maybe you'll be on my sailing -I chose Encore in July, becuase I wanted Glacier Bay. I did a different Alaskan cruise 2 years ago and was eager to go back. This time my travel partners wanted to go out of Seattle so our choices were already narrowed down. I'm excited for Glacier Bay and the observation lounge, both new to me! I can just spend the whole week staring out the window and never get bored.
  10. Yup! It would make it easier for a waiter and less awkward for my companions if I could just read the menu myself and place my order with any subtle changes needed. I could also decide in advance if I can easily order from the menu (a wedge salad without bacon and a baked potato) or if I do need to ask in advance for some special mystery dish (which I hate to rely on - I'm not picky, but I do like to have choices).
  11. I'm a vegetarian so I know I'm not the target audience. But I liked having the tomato salad as an option. And the onion rings (while they were mediocre) went nicely with the baked potato that was my meal. And the missing dessert is a berry crisp right? Pretty sure that's what I usually get there. Figures.
  12. I think 3 days is too short personally, but in general ports vs sea days for me depends on what kind of vacation I'm taking. Am I with the kids or want to be active and take lots of excursions and see new things? Or do I want to sit and do nothing but read a book and be left alone? Two very different types of vacations for me that affect my choices.
  13. I just binge-read this thread to pregame for my July cruise and the thing I can't get out of my head now are those darn truffles. But we are only in Juneau from 2:30-11, and have a 3-8 excursion so I'm not sure we're going to make it into town. Hiking and whale watching, or truffles? Life is hard. How is the Skagway Brewing Co for a vegetarian? I see a veggie burger on the menu but is it worth the stop? We do have a full afternoon available there after our excursion there. Any other good vegetarian finds in ports?
  14. When they introduce themselves and ask the table if there are allergies or restrictions, as soon as someone says vegetarian, it seems to me they should know about and hand over a special menu, if it's that readily available. Or it should say on the main menu "please ask about our vegetarian menu".
  15. Thanks. I didn't know this. Since it's a food preference and not an actual allergy, I never want to take away attention from people who actually NEED accommodations. I'll try it for my upcoming trip! I know Haven is pretty flexible with the menu, but hopefully they can incorporate some of these for me too.
  16. Interesting. I'd rather NCL work on incorporating a good variety of *interesting and flavorful* plant based dishes in the main dining venues rather than having to go to one specific spot. I can always find something or piece together sides, but they tend to be bland and boring.
  17. Ooh, you can do that in the MDR? I thought that was only a Haven thing. What else can you prearrange for, if you know enough to ask? I do know about pre arranging for vegetarian mushroom soup in Le Bistro.
  18. We booked months ago through CAS, trip is in July. Heard today from the CAS person that we will NOT be getting drink cards. I don't drink much alcohol or soda, so I don't get the free at sea...it's always nice though in the evening to have the option of a casino drink! (Yes, I still have the option to purchase, but I probably won't...)
  19. The only time I did a live was the one time I paid for "unlimited" internet. Internet worked well and wasn't glitchy, so it was easy to update and add pictures every day. I'd like to do another live this summer but it's Alaska so I don't know if I can justify paying for Internet when I should be able to easily have Internet in port.
  20. I haven't been on the joy but the only room I've been in on any ship that my magnets wouldn't work was a Haven room (Escape).
  21. They will open and close it by request, but we just leave it open. My tween needs space sometimes so she can go up there with headphones during the day to escape us if needed.
  22. Thanks! I'll only have about an hour left after the Ketchikan excursion, but will see how the day goes - that's the perfect option if we have time. And I'm not sure we can convince my travel companions to do a second hike in Skagway - is it safe for a single to do alone? Looks like something I would enjoy!
  23. This is my second Alaska cruise and looking for feedback on my current excursion choices. Juneau - Whales and Rainforest trails (last time did helicopter to Mendenhall) Skagway - Chilkoot trail hike and River float (last time rented a car and drove to Emerald lake) Ketchikan - Black Bear and Wildlife Exploration (haven't been there before) Anything else I should consider? We like nature and outdoor. Skipping the railway since we already drove that route.
  24. Thanks for the responses! Yes, my question was specifically about the multi generation trip I'm considering now, but I don't mind the input overall, in case DH and I can ever ditch the kids for a solo trip! (I WOULD like to try Virgin...) We have done the major lines and I wanted to make sure I wasn't overlooking something. We haven't loved the last couple of Carnival. I generally like Royal but our last one was on an older ship to Alaska - so there wasn't much, and the rock wall kept closing due to weather. I'd be happy to try them again, and the NCL ships are usually a good in between for the big family trips.
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