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Everything posted by DarrenM

  1. I am English. We dont clean teeth. OK yes there will be toothpaste too, but its normally "her indoor"s that packs that. And I usually just use the soap for shaving. The room supplied soap. I am not the manicured type. So I dont take that much care or notice. Lifes too short for fellas to spend time manicuring.
  2. Coming from North east England its quite amusing when we are asked where we are from, because I am sure I sound Scottish to lots of American folk.
  3. Well yes but to be honest this includes the day time too. But there will be no dressy shirts and definitely no suit. I am not planning on attending an interview while on the cruise.
  4. Its more the fact that I am known to spill French onion soup down my shirts. Almost every time. Every time
  5. Always wash hands, but that more because it the right and hygenic thing to do for everyone. Just avoid anyone coughing, which irritates the hell out of me when the seemingly do nothing to stop it. No longer drink out of toilet bowls, and wash in the sinks of the public toilets. The last one was just a bit of humour, just in case anyone was concerned.
  6. On an 11 night cruise, like the next one, I will take 4 pair of jeans - 2 will be nominated as dining jeans. Newest ones. 11 polo shirts enough socks to last 3 pair of shorts I pair of shoes (Wouldnt take any of I could get away with it in restaurants) I pair of trainers Current running shoes Swimming trunks. toothbrush Deodorant razerblade aftershave And my mobile phone for spotify, twitter and the football results. And thats all folks.
  7. Oh I dont know. I combined political satire with humour on the previous page. Not sure it was totally welcomed. Politics is divisive, but I reckon I can outdo that with my british sense of humour, which is sometimes missed by lots of folk. And not just Americans either. Lots of british people have no sense of humour either.😉
  8. I took the token amreican to a while new level on my last cruise. Two American ladies sat near us and got talking to us when they spotted our Engliah accents. I asked where tjey were from and when one said Fargo, I asked her how she managed to escape what with all the murders there. She didn't get it.
  9. Or in response to claims that the menus had been reduced or downgraded, "our customers suggested this might be a good idea". yeh, ok, of course they did.
  10. Sticking with celebrity for now but the new CEO is pretty awful. Watched a video of her being interviewed and she was more like a politician refusing to believe evidence put before their eyes. In other words, talking to the customers like they were idiots. I wil try and link the video if thats allowed. Even claiming that when asking customers what they wanted, tried to suggest putting drink prices above the premium package allowance was something customers asked for. Yeh right. Lol.
  11. I just assumed that if there wer ducks all over the place the ship had been overrun by those little creatures with 2 legs that some grown ups seems to like. Thus making me wish i had booked a different ship.
  12. and I would consider Celebrity. The Ascent is in the med these months. Fabulous ship, if its anything like Beyond, which it is. Modern, relaxing, new, great food, good mix of ages, and not too many little creatures.
  13. I am also a Brit, but I have no problem with gratuities. Pre paid them as part of the cruise price, and then we tip those that have made the cruise special for us. Of which there is usually quite a few. Easy.
  14. Never been on a princess cruise but was on celebrity beyond last June. It's a beautiful ship. And the food is immense. The sunset bar is a joy , as is the martini bar. Also loved the world class bar. Entertainment is also very very good if that's your sort of thing.
  15. 129 to sailing. 127 till we fly out to Rome. For the first time ever we are going two days before the cruise. Rome better be worth it.
  16. cant remember when I last posted on this thread prior to the above but it must be over 100 days ago. Time flies by so quickly.
  17. 130 days to go. Been packed now for 120 days. Walking around naked isnt great but its worth it knowing I am packed.
  18. You will probably find a whole host of pedants responding.
  19. I agree with this. But it's important to note i havent been on any other. Apart from Disney 21 years ago. And k can barely remember it.
  20. Well having had 3 cruises on celebrity everything bar the speciality dining was included so not sure about this. And we didnt need to use the speciality dining as all of the food on board was superb. But we did anyway. Because we wanted to. We werent nickle and dimed.
  21. I agree with K Numbers yet I love cruising. But there again, I got married in a church and have zero faith in any religion. A self confessed hypocrite me.
  22. And yes, it has been pointed out to me many times, that I am a miserable soul. Still wont dance just because someone else thinks its fun.
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