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Everything posted by Pinboy

  1. 13 pages of the same crap --- That's the best one !! (Please ---no " Who are you to judge which is the Best one " comments).
  2. No difference the type of Business ( Industry)you are in--- It's my home(Business)---It's my rules.
  3. Yikes--- that reminds me of that " old fart " with the 32 yr old that I mentioned soooo many times ( yes, a bit of jealousy on my part)-- Let's say She was wearing short shorts or spandex pants into the dining room on ANY night--Nooooo problem. Let's say He was wearing shorts or (was even able to fit into) spandex pants into the dining room on ANY night---Bigggggg problem. LOL---Talk about "Entitled"--- there's a perfect example.
  4. ''Uncalled for" comments appear in every thread-- They come from Trolls who always look for a "fight"-- I guarantee none are as tough in person . (Here comes the " Who are you to decide " what's called for or not, etc,etc). In your previous post---- " I do not waste a thought on what others are wearing, far too many let this apparently, ruin their vacations". Never had a vacation ruined because some jerks won't follow the rules or acceptable behavior. Learned long ago---Toughness (strength) in business is the ability to say "NO" --- IMO Celebrity shows weakness in not enforcing their rules. If they will not enforce their rules, why have them in the first place. C'est la vie--- (that's life).
  5. LOL----- And, you remembered THAT? I can't even remember the par I had earlier today on #1---while everyone on CC was " defending " their position on Dress Code Rules--- (Getting very cold up here --- Almost time to put " Big Bertha " to bed for the season).
  6. "I am all for you following rules ". Thanks-- it's not very hard. FYI--I could care less how you or other people dress-- Just be courteous to the Staff , follow the rules --- don't make it hard on them -- Try it---trust me-- it's not a " big deal " -- How about we all move on from this topic?
  7. Two Celebrity's, ten Celebrity's--- no difference--- All I'm saying is----Just follow the friggin rules--- Is it really too hard or are you just trying to prove " something "?
  8. 1-- Visible-- Yes ------ But, always seem to have a phone to their ear to either look busy or just don't want to be bothered. 2-- We also have found that every Captain on all our cruises have been extremely approachable, always have time for a little chat----- that's why we really don't care who the Captain is going to be on our cruise----- They all are well qualified and provide an excellent cruise experience.
  9. Absolutely correct !! I see you are relatively new to CC and seem frustrated over many of the posts. In time you will learn who's who and have the choice of ignoring their posts. FYI--- This subject has been brought up many times and receives the same responses from the same people every time --- including myself. LOL-- There are some other "dandy " topics that keep coming up : Who's the Captain on xxx for our cruise in 2024? Gratuities -- included in room service ? Lounge hogs at the pool What should I do with, about, -- etc etc ? Slobs at the buffet Specialty dining reservations not available for our cruise, etc etc. ( Additions to this list are welcome )
  10. LOL--Page 6-- going for 1539--- In your haste to be funny you forgot to add: " or respect for the Staff that bust their ass to give us the excellent service that some people don't deserve because they won't follow the rules "? ( Ya, I know---Who are you to tell me what I, etc, etc )
  11. So-- you couldn't follow the rules !! What's your point--- that you are " Entitled "? I don't know why you even post this.
  12. For the xxx time--- You are absolutely correct. What bothers me ( if you didn't already know ) is the " Entitled " XXXXX and all the friggin Officers strutting around --- always with their phone to their ear looking busy-- Who the hell are they talking to? Nobody--- they just don't want to be bothered. It's All BS. Therefore--- nobody does anything --- because nobody cares. Time to move on to: " What should I do with the $16 left on my OBC "?
  13. We do exactly the same-- I always show the complimentary note to the Staff member prior to sending it to GR who forwards it to their Dept Head/Supervisor. LOL--- I've mentioned many times--- we never had bad service from any Staff member --- except the time our Waiter that forgot to bring my 3 shrimp cocktails at the same time or the time our Cabin Attendant forgot to ask us if we had a good time in " wherever ". And about the survey--- Ok, so the Staff asks us to fill it out and how much it means to their advancement or other rewards. It's no big deal. Takes a few minutes and could help someone.
  14. What's "cool " about it anyway ? I once asked a " cool " looking guy applying for a job wearing his hat backwards- - " Hey, where ya buy them hats wit da peak facin back "? Guess who never showed up for the job??
  15. Correct-- But there are those who feel " Entitled " and just ignore the Host/Hostess and strut on by. It's really too bad that the Staff are too intimidated and do nothing--- including Officers (who always seem to be on their phone). What they should do in that case is not serve them---that might-- er, will work . (This comment should be good for a few laughs from-- oops, mentioning names is against the Guidelines)
  16. Dress code again? The same comments from the same people (ok, ok, me tooo ) every time!! Can't everyone just follow the guidelines and make it easy for the Staff----and leave your " Me-Me-- I got MY rights " BS at home. Yea, I know-- You are Mr/Mrs/Ms " Big " where you come from, but, on a cruise nobody cares. Yup-- I got a problem--- it does bother me when I see the crap some people wear into the dining room. Usually, a loudmouth slob comes with the outfit.
  17. "I'm not really asking how much should I have "--- Oh yes you are. 7.2K posts -- and you ask a question like this instead of Who's on Board or What time is the 7pm show??
  18. LOL---WHAT ??? 1-- Who else is there to talk to other than your wife or other passengers ? 2-- Ya want people to miss these " special " events ?? Holy cow, one time I took advantage of a free 5 minute message and the attendant ( Sales Specialist ) had me into a room for a full body message within 4 minutes and 59 seconds. How was I supposed to know that I had very tight back muscles ? Lucky for me she said she could offer me a 15% discount IF we ( ?? ) , etc etc. Not only that, she applied some nice smelling " stuff " and the next thing I know, ---another 15% discount for etc, etc-- and it only cost $ 385 (US ). Now, about the Art Auction---No time for it--- It's always at the same time as the putting contest , rumba lessons , or napkin folding.
  19. "due to cancellations "? Or, due to the fact that the Maitre'd holds back preferred times ( $$ is King ) ? That's the way it works ------( for the xx time ). C'est la vie---That's life.
  20. “ Someone “ knows how businesses is done . Trying to “palm “ $$ is a “no no “ especially if people are nearby. A Maitre’d refuse $$ because they are Officers and salaried employees ?? Impossible !!
  21. Yes, absolutely. I never hand a Maitre'd $$ upfront-- but, in a subtle way leave the "impression " that I know how to say " Thank You ($$) ". Once he/she asks for your room number, that's their hint that they got the " message " and within a few hours you will ( most likely ) receive a call that there was a cancellation. The Maitre'ds work for tips-- it's an acceptable way business is done in the Service Industry. Some on CC think it's a bribe-- C'est la vie--- ( That's life ).
  22. Another " kick at the can " with fear (?) of my approach being called a Bribe --- It's the " system " -----used by Maitre'ds in Specialty restaurants on cruise ships, up-scale restaurants on land, or even your golf club. A few $$ always seems to find-- " We just had a cancellation and will be able to accommodate your party ". So, wait until you get on board, go to the Specialty restaurant(s) of your choice and see the Maitre'd($$). It's not a bribe--- and, it works.
  23. "There's a sucker born every minute" ? LOL--- Ya laugh at every post and then ya call a fellow CCer a " sucker " ?? A " sucker " , for tipin a few $$US to an employee that done ya a favor ? Let's say we meet on a cruise , have a drink together, I'll leave the tip. ( This ain't no laughin matter )
  24. Agree-- However , IMO they hold back tables in popular seating areas for these occasions. They do the same in Specialty restaurants. Also, with Anytime Dining , I doubt all the seating assignments are pre-selected by the Maitre'd or Hostess. We pre-book Anytime Dining times prior to the cruise , and were always seated in the same area , same Server(s)--- never had a problem. Here's the " catch "---- Be on time and advise the Hostess if you will not be there ( Specialty restaurant , or even worse, not feeling well ). Show up late or don't notify them that you will not be there----, from then on you will be " guaranteed " a buzzer . ( You know what that means ).
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