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Everything posted by gcornell

  1. Don’t wait. Email them 270 days in advance with your top 2-3 preferred flights.
  2. Great deal. Wish I was so lucky. I recently purchased 4 Qatar BC flights from JFK to Male. Still stings to talk about it.
  3. I’ve look into this extensively for years with no luck. I’m also a member on a very popular forum for airlines (no names allowed I think) and there are so many really good experts on there. In my opinion, it’s not worth the risk. There are so many horror stories about every business class discounter. Very few positive ones. I understand many will quote you one fare then say it’s not available and try to upsell you. Some buy others ff miles and resell the award ticket with is against airline rules and can be cancelled. Finally, customer service is non existent after the sale. It’s painful these days and I need to buy 4 tickets for each trip. Ouch.
  4. I totally understand and accepted the fact that I am much more detail oriented and precise than the agents (even the good ones like you said) so I use one that is very responsive, gives me some good tips but most importantly has a direct line to SS to book air/make changes/resolve issues in less than a day.
  5. Thank you. Yes, I found out the vouchers expire in 3 months from date of issuance which wouldn’t have worked for us so my TA already got SS to issue us a credit for $186 (with discount). Would have gladly taken the additional vouchers if they had a longer expiration date but happy I asked for credit in time.
  6. Will be getting my vouchers soon but since we have 2 cabins I just realized I’ll be getting 4 but only need 2 so want to either cancel and get credit before they are issued or hold on to 2 for other trips we have planned. Does anyone recall the expiration date on the vouchers? Thank you
  7. Exactly my experience. I have both as well. On our upcoming trip I am using the agent with clout and I had my first choice of flights booked within a day. I use the other agent for less involved trips and get a nice discount.
  8. Go with a good TA. Against the rules to mention names on this forum but with a little research you can probably figure it out. In my experience and many others here, the SS agents are very responsive up until they receive your deposit. After that they play hard to get.
  9. Formal wear isn’t a deal breaker for me. I’m in finance so we were one of the last to give up the suit and tie and I am loving every minute of it. I’d prefer not to have to wear it on vacation but I’m a rule follower so similar to the mask, I’ll do it as long as it’s required. I didn’t change my travel plans based around mask rules and won’t do it for formal wear either. For me it’s just a strong preference. If asked, I will gladly share my opinion but I’m not going to make a big stink about it and try to wear my jeans on formal night. I know what I signed up for.
  10. Ask away. I'm a rookie on SS compared to others but glad to help when I can. Yes, we did travel on the train. It was a great experience, certainly better than a bus, but we were really lucky because it was a rare 100% visibility day and we could see Denali almost the entire ride.
  11. That's right. The Alyeska Resort was very, very nice. The other 2 not so much.
  12. Sure. There were 2 buses. Each bus carried about 25 people so plenty of room to stretch out on the bus. My family isn't big on group tours (we like to go at our own fast or slow pace) and generally book private tours just for us but SS ran it well, we had a nice group and worked out just fine.
  13. If you look in my profile I did an amateur trip report last year. The Denali add on was good and I’m glad we did it. Once! 2 things to keep in mind. Don’t expect the lodging to be in the same league (or close) to SS and be prepared to spend a lot of time on the bus. I went back and read the itinerary and it does mention a lot of bus rides but when you add it all up it was a little much for us. I think we arrived mid afternoon on the ship. It wasn’t early. May have even been close to 5pm.
  14. On the Muse last Summer the pools got very little use. Mostly kids. I think my kids went in once or twice. Hot tubs got a little more use but still not much. Yes they were heated.
  15. gcornell

    Crew Fund

    Wait! I thought it was decided “expensive labeled designer” jeans were okay but anything under $100 wasn’t?
  16. Question for those that have done the Reykjavik to Reykjavik Cruise. The itinerary says we arrive in port at 6am. Flights to come home are about 9:40am or 5pm. Would prefer the earlier flight. I'm thinking since no Customs is involved can we walk right off the ship at 6am? Thanks
  17. The few times we used SS hotels we were directed to a bare bones conference room for breakfast instead of the hotel buffet and had limited very unappealing options. Wasn't sure if that was the norm so on our upcoming trip I booked my own hotels pre and post.
  18. Yup. That promo is a goor deal. I saved $6,000 (4 of us) by switching and wasn’t using the air or hotel for Iceland 24 anyway. The only thing that hurt was paying in full 15 months in advance but worth it.
  19. Your home to airport transfers are fine but you will not have airport to hotel if you don’t use SS hotel. Regarding your flights, be proactive. Email your TA your top 2-3 flight choices instead of hoping they will give you the best flights. You can do this 270 days in advance. Also, don’t worry about bothering your TA. I assume you are using a SS TA. They are getting a nice commission from your trip and you should never ever feel like you are bother. Enjoy!
  20. Find a good TA by doing some research. Unfortunately we can’t recommend on here. Most will agree, the SS TAs are very very good at taking your deposit as quickly as possible. Not so good at much else.
  21. I always think it’s worth it to spend a few days. You’re already there so the additional cost is minimal. In fact, we try to take advantage of airline layover programs in connecting cities because we can basically see a new city for free (Turkish Airlines) or minimal cost (Qatar Airlines) using their programs. We are adding 2 nights before and after our Athens/Venice cruise this summer.
  22. gcornell


    What’s worked for me is I email them at the 270 mark with a list of flights I prefer. Got a response within a few days giving me my first or second choice (can’t remember which).
  23. Correct but the booking would need to be transferred within 30 days for the new agent to receive the commission.
  24. If I recall correctly, you can disembark between 8am - 9:30am.
  25. Honestly, being fortunate enough to sail on SS is already top of the class. 🤣 Excursions are easy to book and you can start as soon as you send a deposit. All the cabins are ocean view. Regarding pricing, once you add all the extras to the other lines it’s not much of a difference. In fact, if you take their Business Class upgrade you can actually save a lot of money.
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