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Everything posted by DavyWavey70

  1. But please do as much research as you can. There are many elephant experiences on offer and if any of them offer an elephant ride then please move on. Please look for something kinder. I’ve had a relationship with these magnificent creatures, over many decades now and it breaks my heart seeing that they are still now the ultimate instagram uber.
  2. Love you M And MysterM. And loving your adventures. Completely understand that you might be at that point in your amazing venture that you might not wish to post every day but we re relishing every morsel.
  3. Just my twopenneth, I’m in complete agreement TTS. Whilst in Jaipur I did enjoy an Elephant experience but I did a huge amount of research beforehand. We drove past many places in the “Elephant Village” in Jaipur past many sad elephants “parked up” with heir saddles on and ready to transport the tourists. Instead I Spent an afternoon with Muskan (Hindi for smile). I Got to feed her, did some body painting which she seemed to love, gave her a drink and a wash and then went around the reserve for a walk. An afternoon I’ll never forget but I believe my conscience is clear.
  4. I’m so sorry to hear that you aren’t really enjoying yet another cruise. The Amazon was very high on my list before but has been moved down the list now. The Wind also, I’d always thought to be a bit too small for me. I’ll still look forward to your daily updates though. I Hope things improve.
  5. It would take more than a 42c heat to force me to ditch my Dinner/Smoking Jackets. I Might consider it over 50c though.
  6. Thank goodness for that, and knowing how orcas like to play with their food I hope it wasn’t quick.
  7. So pleased for you drron, what beautiful shots!
  8. Nobody expects the Inquisition! Have a great trip Jolly.
  9. I Found the passengers on Crystal very similar to SS TM. Engaging, friendly, interesting, well travelled explorers of the world. I’m still in touch with several of them, as I have been with friends I’ve made on SS too. I Know some people ***** a snoot but I made some very good friends on my Celebrity jaunt too that I’ll be staying in touch with. Yes a different crowd but still met some lovely people. I Can’t wait for my next adventure on Azamara next January where I’m sure I’ll make new friends too.
  10. Many thanks for the superb review Host JB. We did many of the same things. I’m looking forward to doing my own Silversea vs Azamara next January although from the other angle. I Can’t wait to try Az and I’m sure, as (almost) always I’ll have a ball.
  11. Not at all what I have been hearing. There’s a lot less dissent at Crystal than SS right now.
  12. On Celebrity, I've only been on the Edge once and had a thoroughly wonderful time. My recent cruises prior to that were on the Crystal Symphony (Caribbean - Jan 22) where the ship was arrested, an uneventful trip on Silversea Muse (Alaska - June 19) and the Silversea Spirit post stretch cruise (Med - May 18) cruise which was memorable for all of the wrong reasons. Ive wanted to try Az for a long time and I'm sure I'll have the best time!
  13. Many thanks got the welcome and the wishes. Just joined the roll call. Lots of planning to do now!
  14. Let’s hope they don’t waste the cardboard ones. Could they use them as coasters for a while?
  15. And less than 10% solo supplement! Shame I can’t make April but thanks for the tip HJB.
  16. Labradors are so much easier than a disabled Jack Russell/ Lassa Apso, Shitsu cross that before long is going to end up tagged and on a register. My Bertie just won't head the warnings! IMG_0136.HEIC
  17. Im hoping to bag a first class suite on emirates on points on my next jaunt. They don't appeared to have drawn in the drawbridge like SS has.
  18. I Apologise whilst not apologising for my lack of poor taste in my postings. Our lived experiences are very much part of the wonderful opportunities that we, as travellers of the world, are so fortunate to enjoy. The fact that some of them might be the wrong shade of green and appear at an inconvenient time in the middle of a show, in the middle of a dance floor on Egyptian night is only secondary to the experience that we all enjoyed. I Do sincerely regret that she never felt comfortable enough to lo leave her cabin again though.
  19. I’ve just booked my first Azamara cruise and I’m so excited to be finally trying the line. I’m on the quest on 16/1/25 for the 12 night CPT-CPT as a solo. I’m a regular on the Silversea boards but recently enjoyed an amazing cruise on Celebrity edge too and can’t wait to be onboard the Quest. Looking forward to saying hi to all onboard and sharing tips and hints here too. Best wishes, Davy
  20. Brilliant HJB. I Wondered why there was no mention of the new weight loss programme on here.
  21. They could even divert several ships for a photo opportunity. Imagine the marketing opportunity that could be had, bucking the common misconception that cruises make you fat when they photograph hundreds of people on deck on several ships all happily wasting away.
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