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Everything posted by A&L_Ont

  1. In Ontario it is a graduated license. Now that he has his G1 beginners license the earliest he can go for the next level of licence is in 12 months. Unless he takes a driverโ€™s education course with in class and in car instruction, and then he can take his first in car test in 8 months. We have these lessons booked for 4 days the first week of July. When you pass the first in car test you then get your G2 licence and you can then drive by yourself with some limitations. 12 months after that you take another road test you then get your full G licence and have full driving privileges. There are limitations for each of the two earliest stages, for example limits such as no freeways, no driving after midnight to 5am, etc, and then it lessened with the G2 license.
  2. We picked Owen up early at school today, for this to happenโ€ฆ 14 minutes later this happened. Owen now has his beginner license. Meanwhile we watched many who had to rewrite their test because they had more than 4 wrong per section of the test. Owen had 3 wrong in total. One person only had 8 right out of 20. ๐Ÿ˜ฑ
  3. Pool opened today with little fanfare. Gonna take a few days to look pretty. Lisa was busy supervising. And then needed a nap. Life of a cat.
  4. Lisa shared it with me. Mix 2 parts hydrogen peroxide with one part Dawn dish soap in a spray bottle, preferably in a dark spray bottle so the peroxide doesnโ€™t break down. We do that and keep in under the sink out of the light. We first rinse the pants in cold water, to remove loose dirt. Then spray the stains and use a soft bristle brush on the stains to lift the stains. Then place them in a bucket/pail (no extra water needed) overnight. We then put them in the wash the next morning without rinsing and with a small amount of detergent in cold water. Stains usually are goneโ€ฆif not repeat the steps on the spots needed and wash again. Hope it helps.
  5. I agree, it was the fastest one I ever remember. This will be exciting for him and the team. Owen has played in white pants for years, and we always joke that the coach is not the person who has to clean them. If you need a cleaning recipe for them let us know. Lisa has found a great one and they have kept them in great shape, even on the red clay and grass stains. Owenโ€™s first ball game is next week and we know what color the pants will be after.
  6. If you look at their posting history they frequent the RC boards so this many year long thread should be no surprise. I donโ€™t know if they are trying to be funny, they donโ€™t get the gist of this thread, or if they have a bad resurgence in their community - to which none of us have where we live.
  7. What the heck, I wouldnโ€™t trust their taste buds when โ€œthe bestโ€ was made with raisin bread. ๐Ÿคข๐Ÿ˜‚
  8. If itโ€™s your neighborhood you better lockdown, that is if you want too. We are long over that and are out and having fun, sharing our adventures with each other here.
  9. @Tree_skier another day and 2 more games on the pitch. Two victories, 14-4 for the first game and 24/12 the second game. The weather was just above freezing (4C)and drizzle the entire time. Owen got 4 conversions. He also had 50-22 kick, the first in his high-schoolโ€™s history. Proud of Owen but also hope that all of us avoid getting a cold. Later this week going to be in the 20C temp range with sun. Looking forward to that.
  10. I love festivals, and donโ€™t mind Spam. Nothing beats a great Lei Day celebration. I canโ€™t be the only one with a dirty mind here. ๐Ÿ˜‚
  11. I never knew that, but from what I have read about Freeport there is not a whole lot to do.
  12. Back from the Jays game. Gone for 12 hours and happy to be home. They won 1-0 in the bottom of the 10 with a walk off hit. Photos tomorrow.
  13. Owen has a tourney on Tuesday, weather permitting. On the 18th of May Owen and his team are heading to Mississauga to play a game and after the game they are hosted to a dinner with the team that they just played. Then they are head to see the Toronto Arrows play Old Glory DC. They have a meet and greet with any of the non dressing players prior to the game. Torontoโ€™s record isnโ€™t great but it will be a great experience for the boys.
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