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Everything posted by Ozark_Kid

  1. You may know, the NAS I have has 4 bays. I currently am only using two bays. If I fill the other two bays will it create a second pool or try to join the current pool? Looks like you take advantage of the Alexa! My SIL has lights connected to his and I found out yesterday my DD has hers connected to Spotify. I have a Sensi for my upstairs thermostat that I can control by app remotely. I tried to get one for downstairs but I did not realize that it was an advance system which needed an expensive thermostat to be able to do the same thing.
  2. Thanks Greg. When I updated our cruise friends that we cruise with a lot he reached out and said that I could lean on them. I reminded him how bad my balance has gotten and so I may be actually physically leaning on him a lot during the Hawaii cruise. He said he was good with that.
  3. Dani thank you. Rather we communicate in the same language or not it is hard to find the right words in times like these but rest assured I understand that you have a caring heart which I truly appreciate!
  4. @bobmacliberty Do you remember I replaced a bad drive on my NAS last month? I replaced a 3TB with a 4TB. As expected due to the raid setup the 4tb was restricted to the 3tb. This week I replaced the good 3tb with a new 4tb. I was happy to see it adjusted and now gives me 4tb of storage. I have a ton of mp3 music on it. I learned that it's possible to like Alexa to the audio player on the NAS. I might try that. I wish I could link it to the Highlander.
  5. I had heard of the ice bucket challenge but at the time didn't understand what it was about. The Neurologist mentioned 3 different treatments of which one is the newest one you mentioned. I am going to start one of the treatments this week. I will do it for two weeks then add the one you mentioned. We are doing that way for two reasons. With the possibility of side effects she wanted me to take one for two weeks then start the other. Second, the one you mentioned is a challenge to get insurance approval. Should work out.
  6. Thanks for the advice. I have been for the most part staying away from Google on this ride. I read bits and pieces when I didn't know terms like motor neuron, etc but quickly end the reading. It has been harder for my youngest DD because she is an OT at a local nursing home. My oldest DD is also an OT and has been aggressive in researching and helping out. She has joined us in our Neurologist visits and takes pages off notes. Something funny yesterday. After our appointment we went to our grandson’s soccer game. As we were leaving my SIL carried our chairs to the car. He said to Sharon after I got in the car, I told Sarah not to cry...... then he started crying 😢. So much for holding back. Sharon told him it's OK so don't tell Sarah she can't cry. If Jesus didn't hold back when he wept, who are we to ask someone to hold back. I understand where my SIL was coming from. My SIL is special.
  7. I had my follow-up visit yesterday with my neurologist to review the MRIs taken last week. I have been diagnosed with having ALS. It's hard for me to share the news because I like to post things that brings a smile to my friends here on CC. I know that things will be challenging but for now things are good. Thanks for all the prayers.
  8. Maybe they are replacing it for the Halibut....... Last May on the Ovation Alaska cruise they had it. Like @firefly333 said, don't trust the menus on the app yet.
  9. +1 The reason I rarely do it is because I don't want to get to the end of the post to see what +# I should be and then go back and find the original. I'm not sure if I am +1 for this post but I will see as I move forward!
  10. Sharon bought these from Kenzie's mom for a neighbor. Last week Kenzie and Aubrey was helping in the flower garden. And a few flowers.
  11. Sharon bought this bouquet to give to our neighbors from Kenzie's mom. Caden volunteered to deliver them. He knocked and stood at the door for several minutes. No one home. So another neighbor gets to enjoy them this time.
  12. Thanks! Happy Birthday to you too! Am I a day late? We are at Lottie's tonight. The rest of the family will come tomorrow for the birthday party! I always love it when we all get together. Looks like she had a pre-party yesterday with her DB & DS. She also did her nails for her birthday. If her hair was a little curlier y'all would have matching hair!
  13. Looks like it might be a little early for your area. 😆 This lettuce has only been in the garden for 2 weeks. I started it inside several weeks ago. This is the first time I started them inside. After this I believe I will grow them inside when the season is over.
  14. No, the M1 Max chip. B&H had it with a $600 discount. I did see a $600 benefit in getting the M2 chip. Here's a pic of the description that was on the box.
  15. The Mac Mini was an option I looked at but after much research that was ruled out. I wanted at least 32 gb of ram and 1tb ssd storage. Compare the Mac Mini to Mac Studio and the Studio would be only $600 more. One big difference was the GPU core. Mini 16-core GPU, Studio 32-core GPU. This makes a difference in processing. I would of saved $1,000 buying the Mini and $400 on Studio but then I would of had to by a screen. The cheaper Studio Display would be $1,600. And if I would of gotten either I would have to go to my computer desk in the basement to use it. I was real close to going with the Mac Studio. I am so glad I chose the MacBook Pro. I spent several hours learning more about it while on the road yesterday. Also like sitting on the coach while using it. Love the portability.
  16. I saved thousands by choosing the MacBook Pro. After taking a long time considering building another computer, buying a computer or buying a laptop, I kept coming back to the laptop. If I was just needing needing something for spreadsheets or emailing I would just stick with my iPad. When editing video etc you need more.
  17. So how hard is it to set up the Mac mini in your car or on a cruise or anywhere else outside the house. Besides if you are not needing a strong processor why buy a Mac mini when you can get an iPad pro? BTW, how long does it take to edit and process a 4k video on your Mac mini. Wouldn't you at least need a Mac Studio.
  18. I needed a new screen saver for the MBP. I am later going to see if I can set up the screen saver to rotate pics like iPhones. For now I am going with this.
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