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Posts posted by hftmrock

  1. 2 minutes ago, voyager70 said:

    Oh come on.  You're comparing apples to oranges now.  Of course wheel chairs should not be banned.  Stop it.

    im comparing a physical illness to a mental illness. you should educate yourself when you have the opportunity to know that they are more similar than you think. Just because a mental illness is invisible to the naked eye does not mean its not as important

    • Like 2
  2. 1 minute ago, voyager70 said:


    Unfortunately the cruise lines, at least RC, tended to look the other way when an "emotional support animal" had an accident in a public space.  There are many posts reporting this


    I have been here and while I do read the occasion post (rare) about this. I read more about chair hogs, drink package sharing, smoking in the wrong places, etc that you will ever find about pee or poop. I wont say its not a thing... just not that prevalent. I hear about wheelchairs running into people too... should we stop people from coming on with wheelchairs?

  3. 4 hours ago, johnjen said:

    For real. If anyone needs emotional support from an animal, they should stay at home in the house with their pet.


    wow... here is a person with no empathy for anyone whatsoever...this statement frankly is embarrassing. its a shame more people dont actually do the research on mental health. there is no different between a mental health issue and a physical health issue.. its like me saying 'all the people with wheelchairs get in my way so I wish they would just stay home with their wheelchair


    I do agree people totally abuse the system and there is not a need in many cases but this statement above is callous and heartless.


    (for the record I do not have an emotional support animal or know anyone that does. I do however do research and educate myself on mental health challenges)

    • Like 2
  4. 17 minutes ago, seaman11 said:

    im saying they should be able  to not that they will. it seems that not happening now due to the cdc sticking with the no sail order.  August is the date that looks good as of now. (carnival at least)


    why is so hard for ppl?  constantly misinterpreting what someone is saying. 

    Define 'should'


    We do not know their plan

    We do not know what it will take to get their plan implemented

    We do not know their crew situation

    We do not know what ports will allow ships

    We do not know a lot of things



    How can anyone say that they 'should' be able to open in any month? Its totally a guess and we are not privy to the details to know if they should be able to open

    • Like 3
  5. Just now, seaman11 said:

    this is a good post.  I do think though they have a good plan, they also plan to set aside some cabins as quarantine qtrs in case some one is infected i also believe they will have some mini ventilators also (but i cant confirm that), also they will be vetting with temp checks and such before ppl board. of course there will be some risk, just as there is in the land based businesses opening. 

    its much  more of a risk because they are so far from land.

    • Like 2
  6. 12 minutes ago, seaman11 said:

    How  can so called Cruisers , not realize big ships are not a confined space?  I get it muster drills and shows . i know sometimes it is . I trust they will make changes. cruise lines are well aware of whats going on  they will be spreading ppl out .limiting pax onboard  chairs laid out further apart and casinos 4 to a table and so on.  ncl had only 3 cases total on board ships before the shut down , lets not forget that. so yes imo vilified .  you think walmart is 100 percent safe? or a casino ?  but they are open .  

    Here is the challenge...

    you have all the same challenges as casinos, in restaurant dining, malls, elevators, shows, pools, and stores on land




    There is a limited way to assist if one person is infected. they dont have ventilators and they cant get people off the ship fast enough. If one person gets it, and he was at the casino, the shows, the MDR , the Pool.... then EVERYONE will need to quarantine


    The problem is that a ship has EVERY SINGLE issue that can be had PLUS no way to really treat them and no way to isolate everyone that was around them


    its complicated and it wont be resolved easily and it will ONLY be resolved when the CDC and the ships owners agree. Not 1 second before and so far that is September at the earliest


    They are not vilifying them, they realize that cruise ships are the perfect storm

    • Like 2
  7. 2 minutes ago, seaman11 said:

    and that  is proving what i said, thx,  may 20 percent chance with june or july a real possibility, that is what i said,  i never said a certain date would 100 percent go because no one can. 

    if you keep pushing a narrative of July being a real possibility and arguing with others that disagree (this is important)... then its definitely going to appear that while you didn't give a 'date' .. you gave a 'real' possibility of July 1 - 31 and all of those dates are wrong.


    no one knows for sure but when you push and push and push and push and argue with anyone who disagrees... then people are going to come back when its not accurate


    you dont see you pushing this narrative VERY hard that there would be cruising in June or July? you really dont see that?

  8. 12 minutes ago, seaman11 said:

    and no where there did i say on such and such date they will go 100 percent , in fact i gave may a 20 percent chance.  all i said was things can change in a few months.  i did think end of june or july was a real possibility so i was wrong there. so what i cant be optimistic?  

    but you certainly gave the impression it would be June or July


    Here are some more quotes - more importantly you argued with people that disagreed


    Soon will have to rebook , and thinking end of june but to be safe maybe middle of july.  what do you guys think?

    that still doesnt equal , no chance for june, if it can be modified or rescinded.  


    well i banked on towards the end of may . ,  with my may cruise only 20 percent chance of happening . still ncl has not canceled it yet . end of june looking like a real possibility to me.


    hobby , they could be sailing out of galveston in late june.   maybe i have let the ppl here get me down about cruising by july.  i booked 2 more further out.  


     oh its going to happen in some capacity this summer.  true many wont happen like to canada, and some ports like west coast and nj/ny


    i expect a few limited cruises out of miami or galveston ect in a few months.  there may be some temp checking, and limiting pax on board and some rules ,but they will sail again slowly.  

    So it seems you are coming around to the idea that cruises will happen again this summer  (albeit slowly)


    boy are you going to be shocked this summer.  already GA has reopened resturants and florida the parks and beaches.

    places like texas ga and florida are already opening things up and you think 3 month from now the ports will be closed down there?


     but in 3 months time from now the 100 days would be up anyway.,  but i think depending on how the covid is going, then i think there is a good chance they recend it by the end of june.



  9. 8 minutes ago, seaman11 said:

    Not sure why it so hard for some of you to understand , i never gave a date they will sail definitely, because no one can. iv ask you all to find the quote ,. yet none of you can. 



    Never gave a date but you dont think you gave the impression that you were sure NCL and Carnival would sail in May or June?


    Your quotes:


    nope, the cost would be too great, and like others have said may not show up .  july looking good, despite the many pessimistic travelers. here.  carnival announced it would go ahead with limited cruises in may and june.  (sold out in 1 day) no reason to assume ncl wont follow suit.  


    they are sold out  for may and june. , jokes on the pessimists  


    ny will take some time, but there are ports in warmer weather , carnival already announced how they will do it.  now if your wrong, i expect you will apologize?  


    on carnival? it was sold out in less than a day.   i do think at least by june they will have 1 -2 short cruises that they limit the number of pax .  


    thats your opinion, things can change in 40 days.

    the peak will pass at some point. and warm weather coming is in the cruises favor.  its already flattening out in some states.  im sure in 40-60 days there will be a deal made with the cdc, carnival already laid out there plan for social distancing and screening and limited cruises.  

    i understand you all are doom and gloom. stop reading the headlines.  take it from an old sailor, this wave will pass.  i am not saying go about as normal. now, i'm simply saying stay doing what your doing and in 40-60 days things could be different.


  10. 8 minutes ago, seaman11 said:

    Unfortunately many businesses dont have the luxury of putting off opening for another 6 months or year even with the capital to do so.   They are wanting to gwt things going and imo 3 months from niw is plenty of time barring a covid set back. 

    and because people are opening too soon according to the CDC, we will probably have a setback so strap in... its going to be a bumpy ride

    • Like 4
  11. 5 minutes ago, seaman11 said:

    they can enforce it yes, like planes are doing, but im just saying the cdc recommendation , is a recommendation. i currently go around with no mask to stores and such.  if it was mandatory around everywhere because of the cdc then i would not be able to. (i have asthma ) so its hard for me. 


    1. a suggestion or proposal as to the best course of action, especially one put forward by an authoritative body.


    none of my business but you have asthma and still dont feel the need for a mask? thats interesting

  12. Just now, seaman11 said:

    Wouldnt it go by the state enforcement is effect  the ship is docked in?    you even say "recommendations"     i dont think it will be mandatory is what i am saying , from the only ports going this summer.  Texas/florida.    but many of you are assuming it will be mandatory.  lets see 

    listen to his words...


    we are still working with the same general guidelines that society is working with today


    This would be the CDC recommendations

  13. 7 minutes ago, seaman11 said:

     "whatever that is at the time they cruise."  in my state im not required to wear a mask , but i doubt they would start implementing it 3 months from now. 


    4 minutes ago, seaman11 said:

    im not required to wear it now in my state,  i doubt florida and texas would have that in effect 3 months from now. 


    This is the current 'General Guidelines' that I think he is referring to


    CDC recommends that everyone wear a cloth face covering in public settings where other social distancing measures are difficult to maintain, especially in areas of significant community-based transmission.



  14. 15 minutes ago, seaman11 said:

    however you will fly to florida? 😷  i do get it that some will not want to cruise for a while though.  i doubt they will make it mandatory to wear masks onboard. 

    from Frank Del Rio


    There’s been a lot of speculation in recent weeks over what it’ll look like on ships when cruising resumes. Will passengers be required to follow social distancing rules? Will they be required to wear masks?

    Del Rio said passengers should expect the same sort of procedures that they find on land — whatever that is at the time they cruise.

    “Early on as we open our doors again, assuming that we are still working with the same general guidelines that society is working with today — social distancing, wearing masks and so forth — that will translate into shipboard life itself.”

  15. "The working plan that we have today is in month One ... it would be three Norwegian vessels, one Oceania vessel and one Regent vessel," with the number of ships sailing increasing gradually as momentum builds, he said.

    As for when that might be, Del Rio said that "reasonable expectations" pointed to late in quarter three (September) or early quarter four (October through December). He said that it would take six months or so to get the entire company fleet back into service.

    • Like 1
  16. 1 minute ago, seaman11 said:

    then i apologize, you were correct.  i was dealing with many at the same time telling me cruises wont start till 2021 , or they will all go out of business and other negative stuff. 


    not looking for an apology.. just lets realize it went too far (on both sides in my opinion) and lets move forward with a healthy debate


    its all good my friend.

    • Like 1
  17. 4 minutes ago, seaman11 said:

    when i say doom and gloom i am not calling someone a name, lol  i am saying that person is being negative. they are being or acting all doom and gloom.  i didnt mean it as an adjective. 

    I said that the CDC will stick with their 100 day enforcement because I didnt see a way they would change it and you called me doom and gloom . I was NOT being negative. I was being realistic and voicing a realistic opinion


    that doesnt make me doom and gloom no matter how you show it.


    if people disagreed with you, they were doom and gloom... that is no the case. I am optimistic NCL will sail this year. I am not optimistic it will happen until later august at the earliest. I was not doom and gloom that I thought the CDC would keep the 100 day order. That doesnt make me doom and gloom.


    someone said that it wont open until labor day... you asked him if he would apologize if hes wrong..


    Cant we just voice our opinion and debate or agree on the situation without framing the people as anything

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  18. 1 minute ago, seaman11 said:



    also some cant see themselves cruising for a year, so any one that wants to cruise sooner rather than later is a "fool" "troll" "dreamer"ect. i have been called by some those things. 

    I did say it was both ways (I agree you have been attacked). We should all post our opinions without 'Calling' anyone anything (Doom and gloom, fool, troll, etc... ) .. we can all have differences of opinion and share them and even debate them without calling anyone anything

  19. 1 hour ago, tonit964 said:

    He believes that cruises are going to start up sooner rather than later. I don't get why some are continuing to argue with him. He's made up his mind and that's fine. It doesn't effect anyone else, that's all I'm saying.


    I actually feel bad for Seaman11 and I have been involved in this debate but the issue is not only one way.


    Seaman said:

    • anyone who disagreed with him became 'doom and gloom' people
    • He told all of us to 'take if from this old sailor' that he is right
    • expecting an apology if someone was wrong about the date

    I respect his opinion and I TRULY hope he is right like I hoped he was right before.


    But when he attacks others opinion, he leaves himself open to attacks as well


    I apologize to Seaman11 if I have attacked him but for the most part I tried to show him my point of view which in some cases , he attacked and called me doom and gloom (which I am not)

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