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Posts posted by hftmrock

  1. 30 minutes ago, ukbecky said:

    Not everyone is high risk. 


    I am 55 years old and willing to take the risk(or not-   up till now, it's been my choice). 


    I won't drag my high-risk parents along with me,  or anyone else who doesn't want to take the risk. 


    I am not "clueless". 

    I'm an adult and I want to make my own choices.  Nothing in life is 100% safe, and this year's Covid-19 vaccine won't necessarily protect from Covid-21 or -33 or Ebola-22 or Mers-24, or anything else that comes along. Viruses are always dangerous for high-risk people.  Always have been. New viruses even more so.


    Stay home if you wish, and I promise to stay away from you for a couple weeks when I return.


    That said, when cruising starts, I will be there with bells on.  This is a cruise board and I want to cruise.


    I won't make you join me.

    just out of curiosity, when you return, you will be quarantining yourself for 14 days or more from ANYONE that would be at risk? your parents, children, neighbors. You wont go to the store or anywhere for 14 days so you don't give it to others and cause a spike that will need contact tracing to determine? I hope this is the case because its not about you. its about everyone that you would encounter. Are you willing to risk others health?

    • Like 6
  2. 10 minutes ago, SAPMAN said:

    My question is:  After all the cancellations over the past 3 months, cruise lines should have computer programs where they can react to cancelled cruises rather quickly and issue the options (FCC, refunds, other) to those with reservations.  Instead they drag their feet.   Cruises into Canada were known to be a "no go" many weeks ago, but cruises were not shown as cancelled on the web sites.  I have a NYC to Quebec cruise that still shows in my reservations page on NCL.  


    The bad part is I cannot rebook a new cruise using the FCC (and whatever bonus is offered) until they process the cancellation and the FCC shows in my NCL account.  Yes, I have heard one can book and then apply the FCC later, but much prefer to know what the FCC will be and then do it all at one time.

    they have the right to change your itinerary if they choose to. so just because Canada is closing, they 'might' be trying to see if they will reroute you to another port. While unlikely, its a possibility

  3. 6 hours ago, Love my butler said:

    The sky is falling!  The sky is falling!  You sound like the Fake News Media.


    if you are not thinking this is a major issue when almost 120,000 people have died in the USA in 3 months and the States that opened early are getting hit badly again (so more deaths unnecessarily) I guess nothing will phase you


    117,000 deaths in 3 months in USA

    2.12 Million cases reported in USA

    20 states have had cases risen and some to new record highs since reopening before achieving  the government documented recommendations

    USA is 4% of the world population but have over 30% of the cases


    I would rather do research and look at facts then argue with you with what is fake and what is real




    • Like 8
    • Thanks 1
  4. 3 minutes ago, TeresaJ said:

    Well, that was a Debbie Downer post. 🙄

    my apologies but if you want to cruise again. we need to take covid 19 seriously and go by the science and the data and change our behaviors so it doesn't overwhelm the system


    States that opened too early are currently paying a heavy price.


    Lets hope we all do our part and get this under control so we can all cruise soon

    • Like 8
  5. 30 minutes ago, podgeandrodge said:


    I don't think there will be a Phase 1 return regardless of figures.  Most countries will probably figure that we have to live with it to a degree.  Populations won't suffer the restrictions all over again regardless of the virtues of  it.  Once yes, but after that it's a case of people making their own life choices.  Just my view.  Economies simply can't take another shut down.

    so when the hospitals fill up and there are no ventilators left and they start making choices of who is going to live and who is going to die.. this will be better than going back to phase 1. Lets hope no one I know or you know are on the losing end of that coin toss


    • Like 5
  6. 59 minutes ago, pmd98052 said:


    Its not odd when you consider they want people to book so they have cash flows. Dishonest, yes.

    so what is the alternative? cancelling the rest of the year and if other cruise lines open up they lose out on revenue and possibly go out of business because of the jump all other cruiselines will have


    everyone says how wrong it is to keep open cruises that (in our eyes) will most likely get cancelled but no one that I have seen has given an alternative to that option. not sailing when they are able to is not an option either.


    I dont like people paying money for cruises that might not sail but I dont see any way the cruise companies (not just NCL) can do anything else. Its up to the consumer to read and learn and make educated decisions. They dont have an option but to cancel one month at a time


    • Like 1
  7. 1 minute ago, oteixeira said:

    Again, first address the Med.  Explain how a ship sailing in the Med cares about the CDC, since it doesn't have any control there.  Med cruises don't leave or end in the USA for the most part.

    Second, can you please link me to the article showing that NCL has cancelled all cruises through the end of August?  I haven't seen it.



    Ill comment on the second one.. i said "MIGHT" if you read my response. All cruises in August have shown suddenly that they are sold out and no one can add anything to their cruises. this is EXACTLY what happened before they cancelled the July cruises... so its looking LIKELY that that will happen. I never said it was definite if you read my post.


    as for the first one.. I have no idea what they will do with the cruises that do not have CDC oversight . My guess is most will still look at the CDC as the leader and follow their direction even if they dont technically need to (Just my opinion)



  8. 35 minutes ago, oteixeira said:

    I don't get the confusion.  The CDC does not control Europe...or Asia for that matter.  Nothing this meeting does would change plans over there for MSC, and again, any other line that wanted to follow them.  

    I think I saw recently that all of the Bahamas would be opening up even before August as well....yup:


    https://www.cruisecritic.com/articles.cfm?ID=5384&et_cid=3337386&et_rid=209707305&et_referrer=Boards - CC-US


    One destination that would clearly benefit from a focus on private islands: The Bahamas. The island group, which had already faced tourism challenges because of damage from Hurricane Dorian in 2019, is reopening to travelers July 1. 

    All major cruiselines follow the CDC guidelines that have a port in the USA. The Bahamas would be leaving out of the USA and they MUST follow CDC guildelines or they can NOT sail. Looks like NCL might have cancelled all cruises through August after the CDC meeting yesterday

  9. 8 minutes ago, seaman11 said:

    Well that is a cruise out of ny.  The best bets are out of florida /texas and small short hops to the carabbean.  Mine is still intact atm. But lets see what news we hear from the cdc.  Im surprised nothing has leaked yet.  


    if you read the thread, they are implying ALL august cruises are cancelled EXCEPT that one... no official word but suddenly they are all sold out and seem to have irregularities that happened last time they cancelled...


    we will probably find out shortly


  10. 1 hour ago, SeaShark said:


    You mean like clicking "I ACCEPT" online to prove that you actually read the Terms and Conditions instead of just scrolling to the bottom and clicking the button?



    Sure...small quiz. Then we could sit here looking at thread after thread of people sharing the answers so they don't have to watch it....much like they share their bid information with the very people they are bidding against hoping that they can determine the "magic number" to bid to win the room?



    that is easily fixed by putting a random code number specific to the passenger that they must put on the quiz next to their name

  11. 1 hour ago, graphicguy said:

    He met with the corporate NCL maintenance personnel yesterday about the engine inspections and procedures to get ships ready to sail.  He knows I'm an avid cruiser.  So, he was informing me they will cruise in the next several weeks. 

    could you explain this? I didn't think they were starting until later 3rd quarter or early 4th quarter which I would not define as the next several weeks. are you talking about running some tests with crew only?

  12. 24 minutes ago, seaman11 said:

    you and some others didn't say 2021 i agree, some said not this summer , some said fall and some said not till 2021 and some said not for a year, or more. so i wasn't talking about you specifically that said 2021.  and it appears that you were correct on the cdc not rescinding it, not that i said they 100 percent would but that they could. it appears that they will not so kudos you seem correct on that 

    however you did say 

    Del Rio already said in a recent meeting that he doesnt see them opening until late 3rd quarter (September) or early 4th quarter. And dont believe that Carnival will open before that either even if they announced it


    I said that and at the moment... and its still valid. until one cruise goes out.. its not an inaccurate statement. I still believe it will be late 3rd quarter (September) or early 4th quarter


    and I still believe Carnival might not start when they claim to (August 1) but if they do , I will be happily wrong if they satisfy all the CDC guidelines



    • Like 1
  13. For quotes in case you were interested Seaman11


    these are from me:


    to be fair, you were arguing with me and all I was saying was 100 days due to the CDC. I never said 2021. I still love your optimism but I knew it wasnt going to happen until the 100 days were over and I knew they were not going to pull it back


    its after the 100 days as was the minimum 'most' of us thought would happen. I am still doubtful but hopeful especially for you since you are as optimistic as they come. your prior predictions didnt come true... hopefully this one does


    This was not unexpected by me. the CDC put it at 100 days and I did not think they would change that. 100 days is mid July. I still think they will extend it further but I did not think there was a chance at sailing before July. I wouldn't be surprised if there was no cruising through August or later


    (This last one above shows I think it could be past August but NOT 2021)

    • Like 2
  14. Just now, seaman11 said:

    I didnt post this btw.  However if carnival goes in august. There will be some excuse to dissmiss it. Ship too small or not ncl.  Ect. 



    Point is you and others i can pull the qoutes said it won't happen because large groups of ppl gathering.   It wasnt just us cruises many said all cruises period. 

    pull one post I made that said it wont happen before 2021... I will counter with quotes that I said I was a bit optimistic for August...


    I am giving you food for thought but if you say I said ANYTHING.... back it up... show me a quote.

  15. 1 minute ago, seaman11 said:

    1000 cabins , casino ,dining hall ,theater in my book is a cruise, you can argue symatics, but its the same type of venue, and the point was many including you didnt think this type of venue would happen anytime soon , with ppl gathering around at ports and on the ships. 

    this is Germany, this is not part of the CDC order, this is not a main chain like EVERYONE keeps saying to you and its less than a 1 day trip


    apples to oranges and if this is the best you have to torment the people that believe it wont open until 2021 (again I am not one of them), then you dont have much


    Everyone has told you MULTIPLE times, they are talking about the MAIN cruise lines that the CDC is affecting. not a ferry for less than one day in Germany OR US riverboats. NO ONE ... again... NO ONE mentioned these outlyers


    But if you want to use this as your best ammunition... go for it

    • Like 2
    • Haha 1
  16. 45 minutes ago, seaman11 said:

    impossible i was told no cruising till 2021 or the least till the fall  . 🤣

    if this is where you think you will get the people that said that there would be no cruising this year (I was not one of them)... you are comparing a ferry in Germany? that wont help your position much


    these are the comments that lead to the attacks. you're not expressing your opinion.. you are trying to beat down others (and in this case you are not comparing things properly and will end up looking bad)

    • Like 2
    • Haha 1
  17. 9 minutes ago, boatseller said:

    Huh?  Instead of making up numbers, can you refer to a reliable source for your information?


    I'll help you out, you can just repost this link: https://covid-19.tacc.utexas.edu/projections/


    Using Johns Hopkins data, they visualize a the flattening at just over 100,000.  At least you got that right.


    The Flu season, according to the CDC, is typically December through March.  4 Months.  sc2 has been in the country since, we'll say January but some say earlier.  The 18-19 Flu season estimated 61,000 deaths.  So, 15,000 per month during last years flu season vs 21,000/m for the 5 month of sc2.  If the trend holds past July, right when cruising will resume, the numbers will converge.  Maths!  Science!


    Is that the extrapolation you were looking for?

    2 months = 100K Covid

    18-19 season (1 year) = 61K


    and you can compare anything?


    plus without social distancing since you want apples to apples, it would be more like 1,000,000 dead. (estimated without social distancing)

    • Like 1
  18. 8 minutes ago, boatseller said:

    It has not...and neither has sc2.  But should we deduce that it's OK, to spread a disease that just harms fewer people?  What would the cutoff be?  What will you do if it flips?

    since you dont want to extrapolate a 1 year Covid-19, when has influenza killed 100,000 in 2 months?

    • Like 2
  19. 1 minute ago, boatseller said:

    Absolutely!  And being prepared to isolate for potentially years is 100% your choice.  As noted above using CDC data, the burden of sc2 is converging on that of influenza, a disease with similar morbidities and limited preventative measures.  So I thank you for being equally as considerate of us fellow human beings when it comes to both diseases.


    With the known prevalence, cruise ships account for a tiny, tiny number of cases.  And following the guidance will keep that number very low.

    I was not aware that influenza killed 600,000 people a year in the USA alone

    • Like 1
  20. 22 hours ago, boatseller said:


    .  If you have reason to take precautions, cruising's might not be for you right now.


    See you all on the waves, Happy Cruising!

    I will start with MY list for reasons to take precautions


    • I am healthy but getting close to the age where it starts to get concerning
    • I have a father and mother in law who are older than me that I would want to quarantine myself to protect them if I go
    • There are older people I meet in grocery stores, take out restaurants clerks, hardware stores, garages, etc that I would not want to infect and possibly kill since I don't know if they have any underlying conditions
    • I have children that even though they are healthy, I would not want to infect them

    So, my precautions are basically wanting to protect my fellow human being. If I can catch it, I might be asymptomatic but I could give it to someone I love or an essential worker and hurt them and I don't like that at all



    • Like 5
  21. 18 hours ago, jezabel80 said:

    It boggles my mind, that in March, when  this virus was all about us,  that some people still went on cruises.


    if you look at the timeline, There was less than 100 cases (and I don't know if any deaths) in the USA in early March and by March 13, All cruises stopped. So why would it boggle your mind if there was less than 100 cases in the USA , people went on cruises.


    I went on a cruise on March 9 - 13. on March 9th, there was barely any cases in the USA.



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