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Sharon in AZ

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Everything posted by Sharon in AZ

  1. Good Sunday morning everyone from SE AZ. I have been away from the Daily for a while because I’ve been really ill. Turns out my cold/flu symptoms were sinusitis and bronchitis. I started on an antibiotic on Tuesday and finally am starting to feel a bit better. Boy, it really hit me hard and knocked me down. I hope everyone is well. I’ll try to catch up with all the news I’ve missed. We finally have all the grocery shopping done for Thanksgiving. Craig did all running around and shopping. It seemed like a wild goose chase sometimes because stores would be out of different items, like thyme and Jimmy Dean sage sausage and pecans. Crazy. We are going super casual this year and using paper plates and eating outside. It’s supposed to be in the 70’s so that will be nice. I’m going to start cooking today, just a little bit each day to make it easy. I rarely eat fudge but I’ve had peanut butter fudge and it’s really good. Craig’s DM loved fudge and would always buy it if she saw a store selling it. IIRC, she also made her own. She had a huge sweet tooth. Have a great day everyone!
  2. Good morning everyone and Happy Saturday from SE AZ where it is chilly and warming up to about 72F. This morning was yard day and the worker came early which is really nice. He found a water drip leak, seems like we have one every few months. Craig has replaced a lot but not the side yard where it was discovered. I am feeling better today and think I’m on the mend. I took another covid test last night just to be sure and it was negative. I absolutely love French Dips and make my own using deli roast beef and use consume soup as the dipper. Yum. I’ll have to get the ingredients. BTW Graham @grapau27, the accompaniments in the article you posted might sometimes be served with the sandwich, but here it’s always French Fries and possibly a pickle. I do like cheese on mine and sometimes add sautéed mushrooms and onions. Debbie @dfish, thank you for the recipes today. Here’s another Ina Garten recipe in case anyone is interested. https://www.foodnetwork.com/recipes/ina-garten/roasted-beet-butternut-squash-and-apple-salad-5498505. It was on just this morning, the episode was Thanksgiving sides. Jake @Crazy For Cats — Happy Birthday! Enjoy your special day — extra special spent on a BHB! Sandi @StLouisCruisers, Happy Birthday to your DS! Also those ornaments from your DD are beautiful! Have a great day everyone!
  3. Edi! Yikes! I am so happy for you that this was discovered and that it is treatable. I hope the meds help. Take care. Thinking of you.
  4. Good morning from SE AZ and Happy Friday! Very chilly this morning, the low was 37F. I don’t remember a November being this chilly before. There is no change in my cold, in fact I felt worse last night. I’ve been coughing and I never have a cough. I was supposed to have a hair appointment today but rescheduled and also meet with DD to make our Thanksgiving grocery list. I told her that I’d see how I feel tomorrow. Lenda @Quartzsite Cruiser, what a stressful day you had yesterday. I hope things straighten out and you both get some answers. Terry @smitty34877, Happy Birthday to your twin grandchildren! 🎈🎈. They are adorable but at 12 they probably don’t want to be called adorable. Thank you to all who are serving and have served on this Veterans Day. My father was in the Marines during the Korean War. Craig’s father served during WWII but would never talk about it. I love trout but not sure I’d like the sauce. The last time I had trout was at Red Lobster and it wasn’t good, over cooked and salty. Have a great day everyone!
  5. Yes Maxine, exactly what we feel like. I hope you all feel better. So true! Thank you Ann.
  6. Bruce, I never could figure out what you meant about the acorns before since I’ve never lived anywhere that they were an issue. But, OMG! They were everywhere in Charleston, you couldn’t walk anywhere without stepping on them. I can’t imagine picking them all up from your yard. Thank you Joy! Thank you Sandi! It’ll pass, just crummy not feeling good. It’s crazy, but I actually felt like I was in closer contact with others during this land trip than on any of our cruises. Plus on our cruises everyone had to be vaccinated.
  7. Good early afternoon from SE AZ! I wanted to check in since I haven’t posted in a few days. I’ve been under the weather, not really felt good since I got home from Charleston. I took a covid test yesterday but it was negative and I’ll take one again tomorrow just in case. It really feels like the flu but I had a flu shot at the same time as my booster. Have a great day everyone!
  8. Good afternoon from Charleston! We have had a lovely time here, me with my Faith & Food Girlfriends and Craig spending time reading, eating and some sightseeing. We are now at the airport waiting to board our first flight to Atlanta then will fly Atlanta to Tucson, getting home really late. Tomorrow we pick up Blue. Yay! Friday the Girlfriends went on a 3 hour walking tour lead by a chef ending up at a restaurant where he spent 2 hours cooking for us. It was amazing! Saturday the Girlfriends went to the Slave Museum, quite humbling. Photos aren’t allowed inside. That evening, oh yes, that was last night, we had a cooking class with one of the Girlfriends. Beef Wellington, roasted fingerling potatoes and carrots with a wine pairing. OMG! Amazing and such fun. Have a great day everyone!
  9. Good morning from the airport, TIA to be exact. We’ve been up since 2:30 am. The weather here is going to be cold and possible rain. I’m glad we will not be here. Our flight leaves at 6:00 am so we don’t have long to wait. Craig wanted to bring four books and he finally decided on three. Those who know him know that he always has a book with him. We have been to St Thomas so many times I’ve lost count. I like chick peas but not so much with pasta and I’ll always pass on kale. 😉 Have a great day everyone!
  10. Good early afternoon from SE AZ! I am behind on reading the Daily. Between DM appointments and getting ready for our Charleston trip tomorrow we have been busy. We just took Blue to the Pet Resort, it’s always a heartbreaking part of the trip. We leave super early tomorrow morning and are flying Delta, which we haven’t flown in quite a while. It was easier to fly through Atlanta to get to Charleston so Delta it is. What is funny is that the weather there is slightly warmer than it is here. When I last read I saw Jacqui @kazuhad sprained her ankle and foot. I hope it’s feeling better today Jacqui. Prayers for all. Have a great day everyone!
  11. Gerry, I just can’t believe that they can’t help you at this last minute. It was their mistake for goodness sake. Really wishing good thoughts for a quick resolution tomorrow and I hope you have time to let us know what transpires.
  12. Also, if you are in a Neptune Suite your tags would have “Priority” written on them.
  13. Ann, I am so sorry for your and your family’s loss. Condolences. A celebration of life will be a beautiful way to remember.
  14. Good morning from SE AZ. Chilly this morning but it always warms up nicely in the afternoon. So this totally sums up what fall is like in Tucson: I like candy corn but just a few, too much and it’s too sweet. DGD spent the night last night and it was so nice to have her around. Her high school homecoming and dance was on Friday and that’s all she could talk about. Oh, the life of a 15 year old. I am interested in today’s recipes. We don’t buy tilapia but do buy swai, which we like more and isn’t as fishy. I had to look up today’s port because I thought everyone was talking about Antigua the Caribbean island but now know that there is a town in Guatemala. Have a great day everyone!
  15. Joy, thank you for the mention, I really appreciate it and for remembering. You are a sweet friend.
  16. Good evening! I am just now reading today’s Daily and surprised that psoriasis has a day of it’s own. Having been recently diagnosed with it and psoriatic arthritis it hits close to home. I had a steroid shot prior to our cruise otherwise I would not have been able to go. I can’t keep having steroids and creams just help the surface. I’m still waiting for financial assistance for the medication I’ve been prescribed. It’s been over a month. Unless you are a millionaire no one could afford this medication on a regular basis. So I keep waiting and calling. The other issue is getting an appointment with a rheumatologist. You have to be referred and approved. Patience. Wax on, wax off. Sorry for the rant. Congratulations!! So good to hear everything is going good (above is from yesterday). And good to hear you arrived in Barcelona. Yeah! Have a good evening everyone!
  17. Jacqui , this cruise and itinerary is on my must do list. We were hoping to do it next year but we are postponing for another year or so. So I am so excited and interested in your travels. Wishing you safe travels and a wonderful cruise.
  18. Good morning from sunny SE Arizona. We have spent the morning at the vets office. Blue has had a few seizure type episodes, usually after a long car ride or after a vet visit. It could be several different things like a stress reaction, but it also could be Valley Fever. It’ll take a week to get blood test results back but he did have a spot on his lung on the chest X-ray. Hopefully it’s something as simple as that. In the meantime he’s on an anti seizure medication and an antibiotic for the possible lung infection. If it’s Valley Fever there is a medication, so that’s good. We leave in a week for Charleston for an annual get together with my women’s group. I hope everything goes okay while we are gone. Jacqui @kazu, I’m praying for your BIL and that he gets a go ahead to cruise. Debbie @dfish, sounds like things are moving smoothly for your big move. Graham @grapau27, Happy Birthday!! Enjoy your special day. 🎈🎈🎈
  19. Good evening from home! We arrived home late Sunday night, 1:00 am Fort Lauderdale time, and Craig left Monday morning to pick up Blue at his brother’s 4 hours away. They arrived home this morning safe and sound. I spent the day yesterday unpacking and putting stuff away and catching up with sleep, and today doing laundry. It was so chilly this morning I decided to clean the oven and that also entails cleaning the counters on each side because that’s where I keep all my Mariner tiles and my utensil crocks. They sure get grimy. Hope all is well with everyone. I’ll catch up with the Daily tomorrow. Have a good evening!
  20. Jacqui, same thing happened for both of us. Logging in and out, waiting, rechecking—we’ll, nothing helped. I called with no help, I emailed with no help and even emailed tech support and never got an answer. So I just printed out paper boarding passes and decided to forget about it!!! I had wasted too much time and had other things to do! Added: I also waited until the Health Assessment was done and still nothing. It seems to be a glitch.
  21. Good afternoon from Fort Lauderdale airport. We will be boarding our flight in about two hours for home. My MIL was very sweet to me but we lived far apart so didn’t have much time together. My DM, Craig’s MIL, has been close but the two of them aren’t close. He’s supported her but she’s kept him at a distance. I think she has always thought no one could be good for my daughter. I absolutely love quesadillas and think we’ll have some when we get home but we’ll have to go shopping for ingredients. I like them extra crispy! Jacqui @kazu , Condolences to you and your friend on their loss. Also, I never could get our boarding passes to load on the Navigator app and even called HAL and even emailed Navigator support. Nothing. So I went old school and just used our paper boarding passes. All was fine. Lenda @Quartzsite Cruiser, wishing good thoughts to you and your DH on his surgery tomorrow. Not sure what we’ll do for the next few hours but we are at the airport and that’s a good thing. Have a great day everyone!
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