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Sharon in AZ

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Everything posted by Sharon in AZ

  1. Ann, I am so sorry for your and your family’s loss. Condolences. A celebration of life will be a beautiful way to remember.
  2. Good morning from SE AZ. Chilly this morning but it always warms up nicely in the afternoon. So this totally sums up what fall is like in Tucson: I like candy corn but just a few, too much and it’s too sweet. DGD spent the night last night and it was so nice to have her around. Her high school homecoming and dance was on Friday and that’s all she could talk about. Oh, the life of a 15 year old. I am interested in today’s recipes. We don’t buy tilapia but do buy swai, which we like more and isn’t as fishy. I had to look up today’s port because I thought everyone was talking about Antigua the Caribbean island but now know that there is a town in Guatemala. Have a great day everyone!
  3. Joy, thank you for the mention, I really appreciate it and for remembering. You are a sweet friend.
  4. Good evening! I am just now reading today’s Daily and surprised that psoriasis has a day of it’s own. Having been recently diagnosed with it and psoriatic arthritis it hits close to home. I had a steroid shot prior to our cruise otherwise I would not have been able to go. I can’t keep having steroids and creams just help the surface. I’m still waiting for financial assistance for the medication I’ve been prescribed. It’s been over a month. Unless you are a millionaire no one could afford this medication on a regular basis. So I keep waiting and calling. The other issue is getting an appointment with a rheumatologist. You have to be referred and approved. Patience. Wax on, wax off. Sorry for the rant. Congratulations!! So good to hear everything is going good (above is from yesterday). And good to hear you arrived in Barcelona. Yeah! Have a good evening everyone!
  5. Jacqui , this cruise and itinerary is on my must do list. We were hoping to do it next year but we are postponing for another year or so. So I am so excited and interested in your travels. Wishing you safe travels and a wonderful cruise.
  6. Good morning from sunny SE Arizona. We have spent the morning at the vets office. Blue has had a few seizure type episodes, usually after a long car ride or after a vet visit. It could be several different things like a stress reaction, but it also could be Valley Fever. It’ll take a week to get blood test results back but he did have a spot on his lung on the chest X-ray. Hopefully it’s something as simple as that. In the meantime he’s on an anti seizure medication and an antibiotic for the possible lung infection. If it’s Valley Fever there is a medication, so that’s good. We leave in a week for Charleston for an annual get together with my women’s group. I hope everything goes okay while we are gone. Jacqui @kazu, I’m praying for your BIL and that he gets a go ahead to cruise. Debbie @dfish, sounds like things are moving smoothly for your big move. Graham @grapau27, Happy Birthday!! Enjoy your special day. 🎈🎈🎈
  7. Good evening from home! We arrived home late Sunday night, 1:00 am Fort Lauderdale time, and Craig left Monday morning to pick up Blue at his brother’s 4 hours away. They arrived home this morning safe and sound. I spent the day yesterday unpacking and putting stuff away and catching up with sleep, and today doing laundry. It was so chilly this morning I decided to clean the oven and that also entails cleaning the counters on each side because that’s where I keep all my Mariner tiles and my utensil crocks. They sure get grimy. Hope all is well with everyone. I’ll catch up with the Daily tomorrow. Have a good evening!
  8. Jacqui, same thing happened for both of us. Logging in and out, waiting, rechecking—we’ll, nothing helped. I called with no help, I emailed with no help and even emailed tech support and never got an answer. So I just printed out paper boarding passes and decided to forget about it!!! I had wasted too much time and had other things to do! Added: I also waited until the Health Assessment was done and still nothing. It seems to be a glitch.
  9. Good afternoon from Fort Lauderdale airport. We will be boarding our flight in about two hours for home. My MIL was very sweet to me but we lived far apart so didn’t have much time together. My DM, Craig’s MIL, has been close but the two of them aren’t close. He’s supported her but she’s kept him at a distance. I think she has always thought no one could be good for my daughter. I absolutely love quesadillas and think we’ll have some when we get home but we’ll have to go shopping for ingredients. I like them extra crispy! Jacqui @kazu , Condolences to you and your friend on their loss. Also, I never could get our boarding passes to load on the Navigator app and even called HAL and even emailed Navigator support. Nothing. So I went old school and just used our paper boarding passes. All was fine. Lenda @Quartzsite Cruiser, wishing good thoughts to you and your DH on his surgery tomorrow. Not sure what we’ll do for the next few hours but we are at the airport and that’s a good thing. Have a great day everyone!
  10. Happy to hear you are home. We are enjoying our day and evening in Fort Lauderdale. However, Craig is a bit under the weather so we are calling it a night. We fly home tomorrow, leaving mid afternoon. Our plan is to check out about 11:30 and head to the airport for lunch and a wait.
  11. Good afternoon from Fort Lauderdale. Disembarkation was faster than we could sneeze. Crazy because it was horrible when disembarked early January from our Rotterdam cruise. I made a huge mistake when booking our hotel and chose the wrong date and when I discovered it the hotel was booked so we ended up with a different hotel but the same brand. It’ll be okay for just one night but we loved the Las Oslas area so much we actually came back to our canceled hotel for drinks and we will be heading out for lunch to an Italian restaurant we liked. Safe travels to our Daily friends traveling today. Rich, Edi, Debbie, Robin, Nicholas, Julia and Reggie. And Carolyn and Henry enjoy the Nieuw Statendam!!! Have a great day everyone!
  12. Sad to say that we will be disembarking. I’ll wave from my port balcony.
  13. Good afternoon from the Nieuw Statendam in Cape Canaveral. It looks to be a lovely day. Craig is on the Kennedy Space Center excursion. I stayed onboard and enjoyed the quiet morning, packed, had a drink at the Ocean Bar, then lunch at the Dutch Cafe. Yum. Happy Birthday!!! Enjoy your special day! 🎈🎈🎈 Great crew pictures! Thank you.
  14. Most definitely those dates. The third will depend upon what time all aboard is and my best guess is New Year’s Eve. We did the special New Year’s Eve dinner at the Pinnacle Grill and I remember it being a dressy night.
  15. Annie, I think it’s too early to make reservations. I say check again every few weeks. You’ll know it’s loaded into the system when you have different time options and it accepts your reservation. Don’t worry too much about missing one. Reservations have been very open on all of our recent sailings.
  16. I’m on the Nieuw Statendam right now and ordered flowers for the cabin on day two. And they’ve lasted almost two weeks. I don’t think flowers onboard will go away. It’s possible there are country regulations that have to be considered. I usually wait to order once onboard and just get the cheapest arrangement. These were carnations beautifully arranged.
  17. Katie, so glad to hear you are covid negative. When my DH was in covid jail in June and I wasn’t it was a true homecoming. Enjoy your cruise!
  18. Last night I had a B52 drink for the first time. I’m not a big cocktail drinker but I saw someone else order it for dessert and it looked delicious. I loved it! It’s meant to be drunk as a shot but I did it in two shots. It might become my new dessert. It’s a layered drink. Bottom layer is Kahlua, middle is Bailey’s, top is Grand Mariner.
  19. Good morning from the Nieuw Statendam at sea. Tomorrow we will be at Cape Canaveral. Sunrise was gorgeous this morning. Photo curtesy of Craig. The internet is really slow this morning so I’ll stop with one picture. Bruce @aliaschief— your food tour looks amazing. Paul Bochuse is an icon. And those oysters! Enjoy your cruise. We have nothing planned for today. I just love these sea days. Have a great day everyone!
  20. Beautiful sunset tonight. Flowers as you enter Deck 3 MDR. Have a good evening!
  21. Good morning from the Nieuw Statendam at sea. It’s dark and stormy looking outside. Yesterday didn’t turn out the way we wanted and didn’t get the Freedom Trail completed. But we did enjoy lunch at the Union Oyster House. We started with oysters but I forgot to take a picture. Clam Chowder Mussels Lazy Man’s Lobster, it doesn’t look like much but there was a lot of huge chunks of lobster under the crumbs. And we went upstairs to see JFK’s booth. Even though I have been there before it was the first time to see it. Our plans for today are trivia, lunch, and the Captain’s talk. For Craig it’s reading. Have a great day everyone!
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